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Related to spot: G spot
a. A mark on a surface differing sharply in color from its surroundings.
b. A blemish, mark, or pimple on the skin.
c. A stain or blot.
2. Games
a. A mark or pip on a playing card; a spade, club, diamond, or heart.
b. A playing card with a specified number of such marks on it indicating its value.
3. Informal A piece of paper money worth a specified number of dollars: a five spot.
a. A small area: a bald spot; an itchy spot.
b. A location or position: a good spot for catching fish.
c. A point of interest: There are a lot of spots to visit in the old city.
d. A position or an item in an ordered arrangement: the first spot in line.
e. Football The position of the ball for the line of scrimmage as determined by a referee after a play.
5. Informal A situation, especially a troublesome one.
6. A flaw in one's reputation or character: a dark spot in his past.
7. A short presentation or commercial on television or radio between major programs: a news spot.
8. Informal A spotlight.
9. pl. spot or spots A small croaker (Leiostomus xanthurus) of North American Atlantic waters, having a dark mark above each pectoral fin and valued as a food and game fish.
10. Chiefly British A small amount; a bit: a spot of tea.
v. spot·ted, spot·ting, spots
1. To cause a spot or spots to appear on, especially:
a. To soil with spots: Soot spotted the curtains.
b. To decorate with spots; dot.
2. To bring disgrace to; besmirch: rumors that spotted his reputation.
a. To place in a particular location; situate precisely: spotted their stores in smaller towns.
b. Football To position (the ball) determining the line of scrimmage after a play has been completed.
4. To detect or discern, especially visually; spy: spotted him on the subway.
5. To remove spots from, as in a laundry.
6. Sports To yield a favorable scoring margin to: spotted their opponents 11 points.
7. Sports To act as a spotter for (a gymnast, for example).
8. Informal To lend: Can you spot me $25 until payday?
1. To become marked with spots: These dishes spot easily.
2. To cause a discoloration or make a stain.
3. To locate targets from the air during combat or training missions.
Idioms: 1. Made, paid, or delivered immediately: a spot sale.
2. Of, relating to, or being a market in which payment or delivery is immediate: the spot market in oil.
3. Involving random or selective instances or actions: a spot investigation.
4. Presented between major radio or television programs: a spot announcement.
in spots
Now and then; here and there; occasionally.
on the spot
1. Without delay; at once.
2. At the scene of action.
3. Under pressure or attention; in a pressed position.
[Middle English, from Old English.]
spot′ta·ble adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. a small mark on a surface, such as a circular patch or stain, differing in colour or texture from its surroundings
2. (Physical Geography) a geographical area that is restricted in extent: a beauty spot.
3. a location: this is the exact spot on which he died.
4. (Medicine) a blemish of the skin, esp a pimple or one occurring through some disease
5. a blemish on the character of a person; moral flaw
6. informal a place of entertainment: we hit all the night spots.
7. informal chiefly Brit a small quantity or amount: a spot of lunch.
8. informal an awkward situation: that puts me in a bit of a spot.
9. (Broadcasting) a short period between regular television or radio programmes that is used for advertising
10. (Theatre) a position or length of time in a show assigned to a specific performer
11. (Theatre) short for spotlight
12. (Billiards & Snooker) (in billiards)
a. Also called: spot ball the white ball that is distinguished from the plain by a mark or spot
b. the player using this ball
13. (Billiards & Snooker) billiards snooker one of several small black dots on a table that mark where a ball is to be placed
14. (Commerce) (modifier)
a. denoting or relating to goods, currencies, or securities available for immediate delivery and payment: spot goods. See also spot market, spot price
b. involving immediate cash payment: spot sales.
15. change one's spots (used mainly in negative constructions) to reform one's character
16. high spot an outstanding event: the high spot of the holiday was the visit to the winery.
17. knock spots off to outstrip or outdo with ease
18. on the spot
a. immediately
b. at the place in question
c. in the best possible position to deal with a situation
d. in an awkward predicament
e. without moving from the place of one's location, etc
f. (as modifier): our on-the-spot reporter.
19. soft spot a special sympathetic affection or weakness for a person or thing
20. tight spot a serious, difficult, or dangerous situation
21. weak spot
a. some aspect of a character or situation that is susceptible to criticism
b. a flaw in a person's knowledge: classics is my weak spot.
vb, spots, spotting or spotted
22. (tr) to observe or perceive suddenly, esp under difficult circumstances; discern
23. to put stains or spots upon (something)
24. (Textiles) (intr) (of some fabrics) to be susceptible to spotting by or as if by water: silk spots easily.
25. (tr) to place here and there: they spotted observers along the border.
26. to look out for and note (trains, talent, etc)
27. (Physical Geography) (intr) to rain slightly; spit
28. (Billiards & Snooker) (tr) billiards to place (a ball) on one of the spots
29. (Military) military to adjust fire in order to correct deviations from (the target) by observation
30. (Games, other than specified) (tr) informal US to yield (an advantage or concession) to (one's opponent): to spot someone a piece in chess.
[C12 (in the sense: moral blemish): of German origin; compare Middle Dutch spotte, Old Norse spotti]
Ëspottable adj
Collins English Dictionary â Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(spɒt)n., v. spot•ted, spot•ting,
adj. n.
1. a rounded mark or stain made by foreign matter, as dirt.
2. something that mars one's character or reputation; flaw.
3. a small blemish, mole, or other circumscribed mark on the skin.
4. a small part of a surface differing from the rest in color, texture, or character: a bald spot.
5. a place; locality: the spot where the explorers landed.
6. Also called spot′ announce`ment. a brief radio or television message inserted between programs or segments of a program.
7. a position in a sequence or hierarchy: an important spot in government.
a. one of various traditional, geometric drawings of a club, diamond, heart, or spade on a playing card for indicating suit and value.
b. any playing card from a two through a ten.
9. a pip, as on dice or dominoes.
10. Chiefly Brit. Informal. a small quantity: a spot of tea.
11. a small croaker, Leiostomus xanthurus, of eastern U.S. shores.
12. an awkward or difficult position: in a bit of a spot.
v.t. 14. to stain or mark with spots.
15. to sully; blemish.
16. to mark with spots.
17. to remove a spot from.
18. to locate or identify by seeing; notice or detect: to spot an error; to spot a ship from afar.
19. to place or position on a particular place: to spot a billiard ball.
20. to scatter; disperse: to spot chairs here and there.
a. to determine precisely: to spot enemy movements.
b. to correct (gunfire) for accuracy.
23. to grant an advantage to (an opponent).
24. Slang. to lend: Can you spot me twenty for tonight's game?
v.i. 25. to make a spot; stain: Ink spots badly.
26. to become spotted.
27. to act as a military spotter.
adj. 28.
a. pertaining to the point of origin of a local broadcast.
b. broadcast between announced programs.
29. made, paid, or delivered at once: a spot sale; spot goods.
Idioms: 1. in a tight or bad spot, in an uncomfortable or difficult predicament.
2. on the spot,
a. without delay; at once; instantly.
b. at the very place in question.
c. in a difficult or embarrassing position.
d. in a position of being held responsible.
[1150–1200; (n.) Middle English spotte, akin to Middle Dutch, Low German spot speck, Old Norse spotti bit]
spot′ta•ble, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
1. To determine by observation, deviations of ordnance from the target for the purpose of supplying necessary information for the adjustment of fire.
2. To place in a proper location.
3. (DOD only) An approved shipboard helicopter landing site. See also ordnance.
2. To place in a proper location.
3. (DOD only) An approved shipboard helicopter landing site. See also ordnance.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
Past participle: spotted
Gerund: spotting
Imperative |
spot |
spot |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
A directional lamp.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
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Noun | 1. | spot - a point located with respect to surface features of some region; "this is a nice place for a picnic"; "a bright spot on a planet" tomb, grave - a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone); "he put flowers on his mother's grave" junction - the place where two or more things come together birthplace, place of birth - the place where someone was born polling place, polling station - a place where voters go to cast their votes in an election end - one of two places from which people are communicating to each other; "the phone rang at the other end"; "both ends wrote at the same time" hiding place - a place suitable for hiding something (such as yourself) heights, high - a high place; "they stood on high and observed the countryside"; "he doesn't like heights" hole-in-the-wall - a small unpretentious out-of-the-way place; "his office was a hole-in-the-wall" mecca - a place that attracts many visitors; "New York is a mecca for young artists" nesting place - a place suitable for nesting overlook - a high place affording a good view crest, summit, top, peak, tip, crown - the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill); "the view from the peak was magnificent"; "they clambered to the tip of Monadnock"; "the region is a few molecules wide at the summit" point - the precise location of something; a spatially limited location; "she walked to a point where she could survey the whole street" rendezvous - a place where people meet; "he was waiting for them at the rendezvous" scour - a place that is scoured (especially by running water) service area - place on a highway providing garage services and eating and toilet facilities showplace - a place that is frequently exhibited and visited for its historical interest or natural beauty solitude - a solitary place stop - a spot where something halts or pauses; "his next stop is Atlanta" target area, target - the location of the target that is to be hit puddle, pool - something resembling a pool of liquid; "he stood in a pool of light"; "his chair sat in a puddle of books and magazines" zone - a locally circumscribed place characterized by some distinctive features |
2. | spot - a short section or illustration (as between radio or tv programs or in a magazine) that is often used for advertising section, subdivision - a self-contained part of a larger composition (written or musical); "he always turns first to the business section"; "the history of this work is discussed in the next section" | |
3. | spot - an outstanding characteristic; "his acting was one of the high points of the movie" characteristic - a distinguishing quality | |
4. | spot - a blemish made by dirt; "he had a smudge on his cheek" blemish, mar, defect - a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person's body); "a facial blemish" fingermark, fingerprint - a smudge made by a (dirty) finger inkblot - a blot made with ink | |
5. | spot - a small contrasting part of something; "a bald spot"; "a leopard's spots"; "a patch of clouds"; "patches of thin ice"; "a fleck of red" marking - a pattern of marks nebula - (pathology) a faint cloudy spot on the cornea splash - a patch of bright color; "her red hat gave her outfit a splash of color" plaque - (pathology) a small abnormal patch on or inside the body macule, macula - a patch of skin that is discolored but not usually elevated; caused by various diseases mock sun, parhelion, sundog - a bright spot on the parhelic circle; caused by diffraction by ice crystals; "two or more parhelia are usually seen at once" macula, sunspot - a cooler darker spot appearing periodically on the sun's photosphere; associated with a strong magnetic field facula - a large bright spot on the sun's photosphere occurring most frequently in the vicinity of sunspots facula - a bright spot on a planet | |
6. | spot - a section of an entertainment that is assigned to a specific performer or performance; "they changed his spot on the program" section, subdivision - a self-contained part of a larger composition (written or musical); "he always turns first to the business section"; "the history of this work is discussed in the next section" | |
7. | spot - a business establishment for entertainment; "night spot" cabaret, night club, nightclub, nightspot, club - a spot that is open late at night and that provides entertainment (as singers or dancers) as well as dancing and food and drink; "don't expect a good meal at a cabaret"; "the gossip columnist got his information by visiting nightclubs every night"; "he played the drums at a jazz club" clip joint - a place of entertainment where high prices are charged for poor entertainment joint - a disreputable place of entertainment business establishment, place of business - an establishment (a factory or an assembly plant or retail store or warehouse etc.) where business is conducted, goods are made or stored or processed or where services are rendered | |
8. | spot - a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury" job, line of work, occupation, business, line - the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money; "he's not in my line of business" academicianship - the position of member of an honorary academy accountantship - the position of accountant admiralty - the office of admiral ambassadorship - the post of ambassador apostleship - the position of apostle apprenticeship - the position of apprentice associateship - the position of associate (as in an office or academy) attorneyship - the position of attorney bailiffship - the office of bailiff baronetage - the state of a baronet bishopry, episcopate - the office and dignity of a bishop cadetship - the position of cadet caliphate - the office of a caliph captaincy, captainship - the post of captain cardinalship - the office of cardinal chairmanship - the position of chairman chancellorship - the office of chancellor chaplaincy, chaplainship - the position of chaplain chieftaincy, chieftainship - the position of chieftain clerkship - the job of clerk commandership, commandery - the position or office of commander comptrollership - the position of comptroller consulship - the post of consul controllership - the position of controller councillorship, councilorship - the position of council member counsellorship, counselorship - the position of counselor curacy - the position of a curate curatorship - the position of curator custodianship - the position of custodian directorship - the position of a director of a business concern discipleship - the position of disciple editorship - the position of editor eldership - the office of elder emirate - the office of an emir fatherhood - the status of a father fatherhood - the status of a religious leader foremanship - the position of foreman generalcy, generalship - the office and authority of a general governorship - the office of governor headship - the position of head headship - the position of headmaster or headmistress hot seat - a difficult position where you are subjected to stress and criticism incumbency - the office of an incumbent inspectorship - the office of inspector instructorship - the position of instructor internship - the position of a medical intern judgeship, judicature - the position of judge khanate - the position of a khan lectureship - the post of lecturer legateship, legation - the post or office of legate legislatorship - the office of legislator librarianship - the position of librarian lieutenancy - the position of a lieutenant magistracy, magistrature - the position of magistrate managership - the position of manager manhood - the status of being a man marshalship - the post of marshall mastership - the position of master mayoralty - the position of mayor messiahship - the position of messiah moderatorship - the position of moderator overlordship - the position of overlord pastorship, pastorate - the position of pastor peasanthood - the state of being a peasant; "the same homely dress she wore in the days of her peasanthood" plum - a highly desirable position or assignment; "a political plum" praetorship - the office of praetor precentorship - the position of precentor preceptorship - the position of preceptor prefecture - the office of prefect | |
9. | spot - a slight attack of illness; "he has a touch of rheumatism" attack - a sudden occurrence of an uncontrollable condition; "an attack of diarrhea" | |
10. | spot - a small piece or quantity of something; "a spot of tea"; "a bit of paper"; "a bit of lint"; "I gave him a bit of my mind" small indefinite amount, small indefinite quantity - an indefinite quantity that is below average size or magnitude | |
11. | spot - a mark on a die or on a playing card (shape depending on the suit) playing card - one of a pack of cards that are used to play card games | |
12. | spot - a lamp that produces a strong beam of light to illuminate a restricted area; used to focus attention of a stage performer lamp - an artificial source of visible illumination theater light - any of various lights used in a theater | |
13. | spot - a playing card with a specified number of pips on it to indicate its value; "an eight-spot" eight-spot, eight - one of four playing cards in a deck with eight pips on the face playing card - one of a pack of cards that are used to play card games seven-spot, seven - one of four playing cards in a deck with seven pips on the face | |
14. | spot - an act that brings discredit to the person who does it; "he made a huge blot on his copybook" | |
Verb | 1. | spot - catch sight of |
2. | spot - detect with the senses; "The fleeing convicts were picked out of the darkness by the watchful prison guards"; "I can't make out the faces in this photograph" resolve - make clearly visible; "can this image be resolved?" discriminate - distinguish; "I could not discriminate the different tastes in this complicated dish" | |
3. | spot - mar or impair with a flaw; "her face was blemished" | |
4. | spot - make a spot or mark onto; "The wine spotted the tablecloth" stain - produce or leave stains; "Red wine stains the table cloth" change surface - undergo or cause to undergo a change in the surface splotch - blotch or spot | |
5. | spot - become spotted; "This dress spots quickly" change - undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night" freckle - become freckled; "I freckle easily" fox - become discolored with, or as if with, mildew spots | |
6. | spot - mark with a spot or spots so as to allow easy recognition; "spot the areas that one should clearly identify" mark - make or leave a mark on; "the scouts marked the trail"; "ash marked the believers' foreheads" freckle - mark with freckles |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. mark, stain, speck, scar, flaw, taint, blot, smudge, blemish, daub, speckle, blotch, discoloration The floorboards were covered with white spots.
2. pimple, blackhead, pustule, zit (slang), plook (Scot.), swelling, acne Never squeeze blackheads, spots or pimples.
3. (Informal, chiefly Brit.) bit, little, drop, bite, splash, small amount, tad, morsel, modicum We've given all the club members tea, coffee and a spot of lunch.
4. place, situation, site, point, position, scene, location, locality They returned to the remote spot where they had left him.
5. (Informal) predicament, trouble, difficulty, mess, plight, hot water (informal), quandary, tight spot In a tight spot there is no one I would sooner see than Frank.
1. see, observe, catch sight of, identify, sight, recognize, detect, make out, pick out, discern, behold (archaic or literary), espy, descry He left the party seconds before smoke was spotted coming up the stairs.
a soft spot for fondness for, liking for, attachment to, love of, taste for, preference for, penchant for, weakness for, predilection for, fancy for, partiality for You've still got a soft spot for red-haired colleens.
on the spot immediately, instantly, at once, straight away, directly, without delay, without hesitation, forthwith, unhesitatingly, before you could say Jack Robinson (informal) He went to see the producer and they offered him the job on the spot.
"Out, damned spot!" [William Shakespeare Macbeth]
"Out, damned spot!" [William Shakespeare Macbeth]
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language â Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
noun2. A mark of discredit or disgrace:
Archaic: attaint.
Idiom: a blot on one's escutcheon.
4. A post of employment:
Slang: gig.
2. To put in or assign to a certain position or location:
4. To perceive and fix the identity of, especially with difficulty:
Having no particular pattern, purpose, organization, or structure:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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[spɒt]A. N
1. (= dot) → lunar m
a red dress with white spots → un vestido rojo con lunares blancos
to have spots before one's eyes → tener la vista nublada
to knock spots off sb → dar ciento y raya a algn, vencer fácilmente a algn
this can knock spots off yours any time → éste le da ciento y raya al tuyo en cualquier momento
a red dress with white spots → un vestido rojo con lunares blancos
to have spots before one's eyes → tener la vista nublada
to knock spots off sb → dar ciento y raya a algn, vencer fácilmente a algn
this can knock spots off yours any time → éste le da ciento y raya al tuyo en cualquier momento
2. (= stain, mark) → mancha f
spots of blood/grease → manchas de sangre/grasa
it made a spot on the table → hizo una mancha en la mesa
there's a spot on your shirt → tienes una mancha en la camisa
spots of blood/grease → manchas de sangre/grasa
it made a spot on the table → hizo una mancha en la mesa
there's a spot on your shirt → tienes una mancha en la camisa
3. (Med) (= pimple) → grano m, granito m
she broke out or came out in spots (= pimples) → le salieron granos en la piel; (= rash) → le salió un sarpullido, le salieron granos en la piel
he's covered in spots (= pimples) → está lleno de granos; (= rash) → le ha salido un sarpullido por todo el cuerpo, está lleno de granos
measles spots → manchas fpl de sarampión
see also beauty B
she broke out or came out in spots (= pimples) → le salieron granos en la piel; (= rash) → le salió un sarpullido, le salieron granos en la piel
he's covered in spots (= pimples) → está lleno de granos; (= rash) → le ha salido un sarpullido por todo el cuerpo, está lleno de granos
measles spots → manchas fpl de sarampión
see also beauty B
4. (= place) → sitio m, lugar m; (= scene) → escena f, escenario m
it's a lovely spot for a picnic → es un sitio or lugar precioso para un picnic
a tender spot on the arm → un punto or lugar sensible en el brazo
an accident black spot → un punto negro para los accidentes
night spot → centro m nocturno
on the spot (= immediately) → en el acto; (= there) → en el mismo sitio
they gave her the job on the spot → le dieron el trabajo en el acto
luckily they were able to mend the car on the spot → afortunadamente consiguieron arreglar el coche allà mismo
the reporter was on the spot → el reportero estaba presente
the firemen were on the spot in three minutes → los bomberos acudieron or llegaron en tres minutos
I always have to be on the spot → estoy de servicio siempre
our man on the spot → nuestro hombre sobre el terreno
to run on the spot → correr en parada
to pay cash on the spot (US) → pagar al contado
his soft spot → su debilidad, su punto flaco, su lado flaco (LAm)
to have a soft spot for sb → tener debilidad por algn
his weak spot → su debilidad, su punto flaco, su lado flaco (LAm)
to know sb's weak spots → conocer las debilidades de algn, saber de qué pie cojea algn
to touch a sore spot → tocar la fibra sensible, poner el dedo en la llaga
it's a lovely spot for a picnic → es un sitio or lugar precioso para un picnic
a tender spot on the arm → un punto or lugar sensible en el brazo
an accident black spot → un punto negro para los accidentes
night spot → centro m nocturno
on the spot (= immediately) → en el acto; (= there) → en el mismo sitio
they gave her the job on the spot → le dieron el trabajo en el acto
luckily they were able to mend the car on the spot → afortunadamente consiguieron arreglar el coche allà mismo
the reporter was on the spot → el reportero estaba presente
the firemen were on the spot in three minutes → los bomberos acudieron or llegaron en tres minutos
I always have to be on the spot → estoy de servicio siempre
our man on the spot → nuestro hombre sobre el terreno
to run on the spot → correr en parada
to pay cash on the spot (US) → pagar al contado
his soft spot → su debilidad, su punto flaco, su lado flaco (LAm)
to have a soft spot for sb → tener debilidad por algn
his weak spot → su debilidad, su punto flaco, su lado flaco (LAm)
to know sb's weak spots → conocer las debilidades de algn, saber de qué pie cojea algn
to touch a sore spot → tocar la fibra sensible, poner el dedo en la llaga
5. (Brit) (= small quantity) → poquito m, pizca f
just a spot, thanks → un poquitÃn, gracias
a spot of bother → un pequeño disgusto
he had a spot of bother with the police → se metió en un lÃo con la policÃa
we had a spot of rain yesterday → ayer se sintieron gotas de lluvia
we're in a spot of trouble → estamos en un pequeño apuro
just a spot, thanks → un poquitÃn, gracias
a spot of bother → un pequeño disgusto
he had a spot of bother with the police → se metió en un lÃo con la policÃa
we had a spot of rain yesterday → ayer se sintieron gotas de lluvia
we're in a spot of trouble → estamos en un pequeño apuro
6. (= difficulty) → apuro m, aprieto m
to be in a (tight) spot → estar en un apuro or aprieto
now I'm really on the spot → ahora me veo de verdad entre la espada y la pared
to put sb on the spot (= put in difficulty) → poner a algn en un apuro or aprieto; (= compromise) → comprometer a algn
to be in a (tight) spot → estar en un apuro or aprieto
now I'm really on the spot → ahora me veo de verdad entre la espada y la pared
to put sb on the spot (= put in difficulty) → poner a algn en un apuro or aprieto; (= compromise) → comprometer a algn
7. (Rad, Theat, TV) (in show) → espacio m (Rad, TV) (= advertisement) → espacio m publicitario
8. (= spotlight) → foco m
2. (= notice) → darse cuenta de, notar; (= see) → observar, darse cuenta de; (= recognize) → reconocer; (= catch out) → coger, pillar
I spotted a mistake → descubrà un error
I spotted him at once → lo reconocà en seguida
to spot the winner → elegir al ganador
I spotted a mistake → descubrà un error
I spotted him at once → lo reconocà en seguida
to spot the winner → elegir al ganador
C. VI to spot with rain → chispear
D. CPD spot cash N → dinero m contante
spot check N → comprobación f en el acto, reconocimiento m rápido
see also spot-check spot market N → mercado m al contado
spot price N → precio m de entrega inmediata
spot remover N → quitamanchas m inv
spot survey N → inspección f sorpresa
spot check N → comprobación f en el acto, reconocimiento m rápido
see also spot-check spot market N → mercado m al contado
spot price N → precio m de entrega inmediata
spot remover N → quitamanchas m inv
spot survey N → inspección f sorpresa
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈspɒt] n
(= mark) → tache f; (in pattern, on fabric, garment) → pois m; (on domino, dice) → point m
The leaves have orange spots underneath → Les feuilles ont des taches oranges sur le dessous.
She was wearing a red dress with white spots → Elle portait une robe rouge à pois blancs.
The leaves have orange spots underneath → Les feuilles ont des taches oranges sur le dessous.
She was wearing a red dress with white spots → Elle portait une robe rouge à pois blancs.
(= pimple) → bouton m
He's covered in spots → Il est couvert de boutons.
to come out in spots → se couvrir de boutons, avoir une éruption de boutons
He's covered in spots → Il est couvert de boutons.
to come out in spots → se couvrir de boutons, avoir une éruption de boutons
(= place) → endroit m
It's a lovely spot for a picnic → C'est un endroit agréable pour un pique-nique., C'est un coin agréable pour un pique-nique.
on the spot (= at actual place) → sur place, sur les lieux
Luckily they were able to mend the car on the spot → Heureusement ils ont pu réparer la voiture sur place. (= immediately) → sur-le-champ
They gave her the job on the spot → Ils lui ont offert le poste sur-le-champ.
to run on the spot → courir sur place
to put sb on the spot → mettre qn dans l'embarras
in a tight spot (= in difficulty) → dans le pétrin
It's a lovely spot for a picnic → C'est un endroit agréable pour un pique-nique., C'est un coin agréable pour un pique-nique.
on the spot (= at actual place) → sur place, sur les lieux
Luckily they were able to mend the car on the spot → Heureusement ils ont pu réparer la voiture sur place. (= immediately) → sur-le-champ
They gave her the job on the spot → Ils lui ont offert le poste sur-le-champ.
to run on the spot → courir sur place
to put sb on the spot → mettre qn dans l'embarras
in a tight spot (= in difficulty) → dans le pétrin
(mainly British) [rain, water] → goutte f; [glue] → touche f
a spot of (= bit) → un peu de
What about a spot of lunch?
BUT Et si on mangeait un bout?; Et si on mangeait un morceau?.
a spot of (= bit) → un peu de
What about a spot of lunch?
BUT Et si on mangeait un bout?; Et si on mangeait un morceau?.
(in TV or radio show) (= slot) → numéro f
(also spot advertisement) → message m publicitaire, spot m publicitaire
vt (= notice) [+ person, object] → apercevoir; [+ mistake] → repérer
I spotted a mistake → J'ai repéré une check n → contrôle m aléatoirespot-check [ˌspɒtˈtʃɛk] vt → contrôler de manière aléatoirespot fine n → amende f payable sur-le-champ
I spotted a mistake → J'ai repéré une check n → contrôle m aléatoirespot-check [ˌspɒtˈtʃɛk] vt → contrôler de manière aléatoirespot fine n → amende f payable sur-le-champ
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
(= dot) → Tupfen m, → Punkt m; (on dice) → Punkt m; (Zool, Bot) → Fleck m, → Punkt m; (= stain) (on fruit) → Fleck m; (fig, on reputation, good name) → Makel m (→ on an +dat); a dress with spots → ein getupftes or gepunktetes Kleid; spots of blood/grease → Blut-/Fettflecken pl; spots of ink → Tintenkleckse or -flecke pl; to knock spots off somebody/something (fig inf) → jdn/etw in den Schatten stellen, jdn in die Tasche stecken (inf); to see spots before oneâs eyes → Sternchen sehen; without a spot (or stain) (fig liter) → makellos
(Med etc) → Fleck m; (= pimple) → Pickel m; (= place) → Stelle f; to break out or come out in spots → Flecken/Pickel bekommen
(= place) → Stelle f; (= point) → Punkt m; this is the spot where Rizzio was murdered → an dieser Stelle or hier ist Rizzio ermordet worden; a pleasant spot → ein schönes Fleckchen (inf); on the spot (= at the scene) → an Ort und Stelle; (= at once) → auf der Stelle, sofort; our man on the spot → unser Mann am Ort (des Geschehens) or vor Ort; on-the-spot investigation (= at the scene) → Untersuchung f → an Ort und Stelle; (= immediate) → sofortige Untersuchung; an on-the-spot report → ein Bericht vom Ort des Geschehens; an on-the-spot fine → eine sofort or auf der Stelle zu bezahlende Geldstrafe
(Brit inf: = small quantity) a/the spot of → ein/das bisschen; we had a spot of rain/a few spots of rain → wir hatten ein paar Tropfen Regen; there was a spot of trouble/bother → es gab etwas Ãrger; weâre in a spot of bother → wir haben Schwierigkeiten; why donât you do a spot of work? → warum arbeiten Sie nicht mal ein bisschen?; after a spot of bother → nach einigen Schwierigkeiten; would you like a spot of lunch? → möchten Sie eine Kleinigkeit zu Mittag essen?
(= difficulty) → Klemme f; to be in a (tight) spot → in der Klemme sitzen (inf), → in Schwulitäten sein (inf); to put somebody in a or on the spot → jdn in Verlegenheit or Schwulitäten (inf) → bringen
(in show) → Nummer f; (Rad, TV) → (ein paar Minuten) Sendezeit f; (for advertisement) → Werbespot m; (= announcement) → Kurzmeldung f; heâs got a spot on that show → er tritt in dieser Show auf; a three-minute TV spot → drei Minuten Sendezeit im Fernsehen, ein dreiminütiger Werbespot im Fernsehen
spots pl (Comm) → Lokowaren pl (spec), → sofort lieferbare Waren pl
(esp Theat, inf: = spotlight) → Scheinwerfer m
(= notice, see) → entdecken, sehen; (= pick out) signs, difference, opportunity → erkennen; trends, talent, gap → entdecken; mistake, bargain → finden; (Mil: = pinpoint) → ausmachen; to spot a winner (lit, fig) → richtig tippen (inf)
(= stain) → bespritzen
(Brit) itâs spotting (with rain) → es tröpfelt
:spot business
n (Comm) → Lokogeschäft nt
spot check
n → Stichprobe f
vt → stichprobenweise untersuchen (→ for auf +acc); motorists → Stichproben machen bei (→ for in Bezug auf +acc)
spot fine
n → BuÃgeld nt (das sofort an Ort und Stelle bezahlt werden muss)
spot goods
pl → sofort lieferbare Waren pl, → Lokowaren pl (spec)
spot height
n → Höhenangabe f
:spotlight vb: pret, ptp <spotlighted>
n (= lamp, in TV studio etc) → Scheinwerfer m; (small, in room etc) → Spot m, → Strahler m; (= light) → Scheinwerferlicht nt, → Rampenlicht nt (also fig); (on car etc) → Suchscheinwerfer m; to be in the spot (lit) → im Scheinwerferlicht or Rampenlicht stehen; (fig) → im Rampenlicht der Ãffentlichkeit stehen; to turn the spot on somebody/something (lit) → die Scheinwerfer auf jdn/etw richten; (fig) → die Aufmerksamkeit auf jdn/etw lenken; to come under the spot (fig) → ins Rampenlicht der Ãffentlichkeit geraten
vt → anstrahlen; (fig) → aufmerksam machen auf (+acc)
spot market
n → Spotmarkt m, → Kassamarkt m
spot news
n → Kurznachrichten pl
adj (Brit inf) answer, analysis → exakt, haarscharf richtig (inf); spot! → richtig!, genau!; his guess was spot → er hat es haarscharf getroffen
spot price
n (St Ex) → Kassapreis m
spot remover
n → Fleck(en)entferner m
spot survey
n → Stichprobenuntersuchung f
Collins German Dictionary â Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[spɒt]1. n
a. (dot) → puntino; (on dress) → pois m inv, pallino; (stain, also) (fig) → macchia
a material with blue spots → una stoffa a pallini or pois blu
to knock spots off sb (fig) (fam) → dare dei punti a qn
to have spots before one's eyes → vedere dei puntini
a material with blue spots → una stoffa a pallini or pois blu
to knock spots off sb (fig) (fam) → dare dei punti a qn
to have spots before one's eyes → vedere dei puntini
c. (place) → posto
a pleasant spot → un bel posto
to have a tender spot on the arm → avere un punto dolorante nel braccio
the reporter was on the spot → il reporter era sul posto
the firemen were on the spot in 3 minutes → i pompieri sono arrivati sul posto in 3 minuti
an on-the-spot broadcast → una trasmissione in diretta
to do sth on the spot → fare qc immediatamente or lì per lì
to be in a (tight) spot (fig) → essere nei guai or nei pasticci
to put sb in a spot or on the spot (fig) → mettere in difficoltà qn
that's my weak spot (fig) → è il mio punto debole
a pleasant spot → un bel posto
to have a tender spot on the arm → avere un punto dolorante nel braccio
the reporter was on the spot → il reporter era sul posto
the firemen were on the spot in 3 minutes → i pompieri sono arrivati sul posto in 3 minuti
an on-the-spot broadcast → una trasmissione in diretta
to do sth on the spot → fare qc immediatamente or lì per lì
to be in a (tight) spot (fig) → essere nei guai or nei pasticci
to put sb in a spot or on the spot (fig) → mettere in difficoltà qn
that's my weak spot (fig) → è il mio punto debole
d. (Brit) (fam) (small amount) a spot of → un po'di; (of milk, wine) → un goccio di
just a spot, thanks → solo un goccio, grazie
we had a spot of rain yesterday → c'è stata qualche goccia di pioggia ieri
would you like a spot of lunch? → vuoi mangiare un boccone?
to have a spot of bother → avere noie
just a spot, thanks → solo un goccio, grazie
we had a spot of rain yesterday → c'è stata qualche goccia di pioggia ieri
would you like a spot of lunch? → vuoi mangiare un boccone?
to have a spot of bother → avere noie
f. (fam) (also spotlight) → faretto
2. vt
a. (speckle) to spot (with) → macchiare (di)
b. (notice, see, mistake, person in a crowd) → notare; (car, person in the distance) → scorgere; (recognize, winner) → indovinare; (talent, sb's ability) → scoprire; (bargain) → riconoscere
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(spot) noun1. a small mark or stain (made by mud, paint etc). She was trying to remove a spot of grease from her skirt.
2. a small, round mark of a different colour from its background. His tie was blue with white spots.
3. a pimple or red mark on the skin caused by an illness etc. She had measles and was covered in spots.
4. a place or small area, especially the exact place (where something happened etc). There was a large number of detectives gathered at the spot where the body had been found.
5. a small amount. Can I borrow a spot of sugar?
verb â past tense, past participle Ëspotted â 1. to catch sight of. She spotted him eventually at the very back of the crowd.
2. to recognize or pick out. No-one watching the play was able to spot the murderer.
Ëspotless adjective very clean. a spotless kitchen.
Ëspotlessly adverbËspotlessness noun
Ëspotted adjective
marked or covered with spots. Her dress was spotted with grease; a spotted tie.
Ëspotty adjective (of people) covered with spots. a spotty face / young man.
Ëspottiness nounspot check
an inspection made without warning, especially on items chosen at random from a group. We only found out about the flaw during a spot check on goods leaving the factory.
Ëspotlight noun (a lamp for projecting) a circle of light that is thrown on to a small area.
verb â past tense, past participle Ëspotlit, ~Ëspotlighted â 1. to light with a spotlight. The stage was spotlit.
2. to show up clearly or draw attention to. The incident spotlighted the difficulties with which we were faced.
in a spot in trouble. His failure to return the papers on time put her in a spot.
on the spot1. at once. She liked it so much that she bought it on the spot; (also adjective) an on-the-spot decision.
2. in the exact place referred to; in the place where one is needed. It was a good thing you were on the spot when he had his heart attack; (also adjective) tour on-the-spot reporter.
3. (especially with put) in a dangerous, difficult or embarrassing position. The interviewer's questions really put the Prime Minister on the spot.
spot on very accurate or exactly on the target. His description of Mary was spot on!
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ بÙÙÙعÙØ©, Ù ÙÙÙاÙ, ÙÙتÙعÙرÙÙÙÙ mÃsto, puntÃk, vÅ¡imnout si fÃ¥ øje pÃ¥, plet, sted entdecken, Pickel, Stelle βοÏλα, ενÏοÏίζÏ, Ïημείο divisar, grano, sitio huomata, näppylä, paikka bouton, lieu, remarquer mjesto, priÅ¡tiÄ, spaziti foruncolo, individuare, luogo ãã¿, å°ç¹, è¦ã¤ãã ...ì ì°¾ìë´ë¤, ì리, ì herkennen, plek, vlek fÃ¥ øye pÃ¥, flekk, sted dostrzec, krosta, miejsce localizar, lugar, mancha замеÑиÑÑ, меÑÑо, пÑÑно fläck, plats, upptäcka à¸à¸¸à¸, à¸à¸à¹à¸«à¹à¸, สà¸à¸²à¸à¸à¸µà¹ akne, fark etmek, yer Äá»m, nÆ¡i, phát hiá»n ra å°ç¹, æç¹, 认åºMultilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n. mancha, marca, pápula;
blind ___ â punto ciego;
liver ___ â ___ hepática;
v. [stain] manchar; [notice] notar.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
n manchaEnglish-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.