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personal identification number
a. A short, straight, stiff piece of wire with a blunt head and a sharp point, used especially for fastening.
b. Something, such as a safety pin, that resembles such a piece of wire in shape or use.
c. A whit; a jot: didn't care a pin about the matter.
2. A slender, usually cylindrical piece of wood or metal for holding or fastening parts together, or serving as a support for suspending one thing from another, as:
a. A thin rod for securing the ends of fractured bones.
b. A peg for fixing the crown to the root of a tooth.
c. A cotter pin.
d. The part of a key stem entering a lock.
e. Music One of the pegs securing the strings and regulating their tension on a stringed instrument.
f. Nautical A belaying pin.
g. Nautical A thole pin.
3. An ornament fastened to clothing by means of a clasp.
4. A rolling pin.
5. Sports
a. One of the wooden clubs at which the ball is aimed in bowling.
b. A flagstick.
c. See fall.
6. pins Informal The legs: is steady on his pins.
7. Electronics A lead on a device that plugs into a socket to connect the device to a system.
8. Computers
a. Any of the pegs on the platen of a printer, which engage holes at the edges of paper.
b. Any of the styluses that form a dot matrix on a printer.
c. Any of the small metal prongs at the end of a connector that fit into the holes in a port.
tr.v. pinned, pin·ning, pins
1. To fasten or secure with or as if with a pin or pins.
2. To transfix.
3. To place in a position of trusting dependence: He pinned his faith on an absurdity.
a. To hold fast; immobilize: He was pinned under the wreckage of the truck.
b. Sports To win a fall from in wrestling.
5. To give (a woman) a fraternity pin in token of attachment.
Phrasal Verbs: Having a grain suggestive of the heads of pins. Used of leather.
pin down
1. To fix or establish clearly: She pinned down the cause of the accident.
2. To force (someone) to give firm opinions or precise information: The reporter pinned the governor down on the issue of taxes.
pin on
To attribute (a crime) to (someone): The murder was pinned on the wrong suspect.
[Middle English, from Old English pinn, perhaps from Latin pinna, feather; see pet- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
a. a short stiff straight piece of wire pointed at one end and either rounded or having a flattened head at the other: used mainly for fastening pieces of cloth, paper, etc, esp temporarily
b. (in combination): pinhole.
3. (Jewellery) an ornamental brooch, esp a narrow one
4. a badge worn fastened to the clothing by a pin
5. something of little or no importance (esp in the phrases not care or give a pin (for))
6. (Building) a peg or dowel
7. anything resembling a pin in shape, function, etc
8. (Bowls & Bowling) (in various bowling games) a usually club-shaped wooden object set up in groups as a target
9. (Military) Also called: cotter pin or safety pin a clip on a hand grenade that prevents its detonation until removed or released
10. (Nautical Terms) nautical
a. See belaying pin
b. the axle of a sheave
c. the sliding closure for a shackle
11. (Music, other) music a metal tuning peg on a piano, the end of which is inserted into a detachable key by means of which it is turned
12. (Surgery) surgery a metal rod, esp of stainless steel, for holding together adjacent ends of fractured bones during healing
13. (Chess & Draughts) chess a position in which a piece is pinned against a more valuable piece or the king
14. (Golf) golf the flagpole marking the hole on a green
15. (Mechanical Engineering)
a. the cylindrical part of a key that enters a lock
b. the cylindrical part of a lock where this part of the key fits
16. (Wrestling) wrestling a position in which a person is held tight or immobile, esp with both shoulders touching the ground
17. (Building) a dovetail tenon used to make a dovetail joint
18. (Units) (in Britain) a miniature beer cask containing 4 gallons
19. (Anatomy) (usually plural) informal a leg
20. be put to the pin on one's collar Irish to be forced to make an extreme effort
vb (tr) , pins, pinning or pinned
21. to attach, hold, or fasten with or as if with a pin or pins
22. to transfix with a pin, spear, etc
23. (foll by on) informal to place (the blame for something): he pinned the charge on his accomplice.
24. (Chess & Draughts) chess to cause (an enemy piece) to be effectively immobilized by attacking it with a queen, rook, or bishop so that moving it would reveal a check or expose a more valuable piece to capture
25. (Building) Also: underpin to support (masonry), as by driving in wedges over a beam
[Old English pinn; related to Old High German pfinn, Old Norse pinni nail]
(pɪn)n acronym for
(Banking & Finance) personal identification number: a number used by a holder of a cash card or credit card used in EFTPOS
Collins English Dictionary â Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(pɪn)n., v. pinned, pin•ning. n.
1. a small, slender, often pointed piece of metal, wood, etc., used as a fastener or support.
2. a short, slender piece of wire with a point at one end and a head at the other, for fastening things together.
3. any of various forms of fasteners, badges, or ornaments consisting essentially or partly of a penetrating wire or shaft (often used in combination): a fraternity pin; a tiepin.
a. a short metal rod, as a linchpin, driven through holes in adjacent parts, as a hub and an axle, to keep the parts together.
b. a short cylindrical rod or tube, as a wrist pin or crankpin, joining two parts so as to permit them to move in one plane relative to each other.
5. the part of a cylindrical key stem entering a lock.
6. clothespin.
7. hairpin.
8. a peg, nail, or stud marking the center of a target.
9. any one of the rounded wooden clubs set up as the target in tenpins, ninepins, duckpins, etc.
10. Golf. the pole, with flag, which identifies a hole; flagstick.
11. Informal. a human leg.
12. peg (def. 4).
13. Wrestling. a fall.
14. Naut. belaying pin.
15. a very small amount; a trifle.
16. a pin-shaped connection, as the terminals on the base of an electron tube or the connections on an integrated circuit.
v.t. 17. to fasten or attach with or as with a pin or pins.
18. to hold fast in a spot or position (sometimes fol. by down).
19. to give one's fraternity pin to (a young woman) as a pledge of one's attachment.
20. Wrestling. to secure a fall over one's opponent.
21. pin down, to force (someone) to deal with a situation or to come to a decision.
Idioms: pin something on someone, Informal. to ascribe the blame or guilt for something to a person.
[before 1100; Middle English pinne, Old English pinn peg; c. Dutch pin, German Pinne, Old Norse pinni; perhaps < Latin pinna feather, quill]
an identification number assigned to an individual to gain access to a computer system via an automated-teller machine, a point-of-sale terminal, or other device.
[1980–85; p(ersonal)i(dentification)n(umber)]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Past participle: pinned
Gerund: pinning
Imperative |
pin |
pin |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Flagpole marking the hole on a green.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
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Noun | 1. | pin - a piece of jewelry that is pinned onto the wearer's garment jewellery, jewelry - an adornment (as a bracelet or ring or necklace) made of precious metals and set with gems (or imitation gems) scatter pin - small pin usually worn in groups of two or more stickpin - a decorative pin that is worn in a necktie |
2. | pin - when a wrestler's shoulders are forced to the mat wrestling match - a match between wrestlers takedown - (amateur wrestling) being brought to the mat from a standing position; "a takedown counts two points" | |
3. | pin - small markers inserted into a surface to mark scores or define locations etc. | |
4. | PIN - a number you choose and use to gain access to various accounts identification number, number - a numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification; "she refused to give them her Social Security number" | |
5. | pin - informal terms for the leg; "fever left him weak on his sticks" leg - a human limb; commonly used to refer to a whole limb but technically only the part of the limb between the knee and ankle | |
6. | pin - axis consisting of a short shaft that supports something that turns axis of rotation, axis - the center around which something rotates fulcrum - the pivot about which a lever turns pintle - a pin or bolt forming the pivot of a hinge | |
7. | pin - cylindrical tumblers consisting of two parts that are held in place by springs; when they are aligned with a key the bolt can be thrown cylinder lock - a lock in which a cylinder rotates to move a bolt; tumblers are pins; inserting the key lifts and aligns the pins to free the cylinder to rotate tumbler - a movable obstruction in a lock that must be adjusted to a given position (as by a key) before the bolt can be thrown | |
8. | pin - flagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf green golf equipment - sports equipment used in playing golf | |
9. | pin - a small slender (often pointed) piece of wood or metal used to support or fasten or attach things barrette - a pin for holding women's hair in place bitt pin - a pin through the bitthead to keep the mooring lines from slipping off fastening, holdfast, fastener, fixing - restraint that attaches to something or holds something in place hairpin - a double pronged pin used to hold women's hair in place hatpin - a long sturdy pin used by women to secure a hat to their hair head - a projection out from one end; "the head of the nail", "a pinhead is the head of a pin" pinhead - the head of a pin point - sharp end; "he stuck the point of the knife into a tree"; "he broke the point of his pencil" rivet - heavy pin having a head at one end and the other end being hammered flat after being passed through holes in the pieces that are fastened together safety pin - a pin in the form of a clasp; has a guard so the point of the pin will not stick the user skewer - a long pin for holding meat in position while it is being roasted straight pin - pin consisting of a short straight stiff piece of wire with a pointed end; used to fasten pieces of cloth or paper together gudgeon pin, wrist pin - pin joining a piston to a connecting rod | |
10. | pin - a holder attached to the gunwale of a boat that holds the oar in place and acts as a fulcrum for rowing dinghy, dory, rowboat - a small boat of shallow draft with cross thwarts for seats and rowlocks for oars with which it is propelled holder - a holding device; "a towel holder"; "a cigarette holder"; "an umbrella holder" | |
11. | pin - a club-shaped wooden object used in bowling; set up in triangular groups of ten as the target bowling equipment - equipment used in bowling candlepin - a bowling pin that is thin by comparison with a tenpin duckpin - a bowling pin that is short and squat by comparison with a tenpin ninepin, skittle, skittle pin - a bowling pin of the type used in playing ninepins or (in England) skittles tenpin - one of the bottle-shaped pins used in bowling | |
Verb | 1. | pin - to hold fast or prevent from moving; "The child was pinned under the fallen tree" |
2. | pin - attach or fasten with pins or as if with pins; "pin the needle to the shirt". "pin the blame on the innocent man" fasten, fix, secure - cause to be firmly attached; "fasten the lock onto the door"; "she fixed her gaze on the man" unpin - remove the pins from; unfasten the pins of | |
3. | pin - pierce with a pin; "pin down the butterfly" | |
4. | pin - immobilize a piece chess game, chess - a board game for two players who move their 16 pieces according to specific rules; the object is to checkmate the opponent's king |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. tack, nail, needle, safety pin Use pins to keep the material in place as you work.
pin someone down
1. force, pressure, compel, put pressure on, pressurize, nail someone down, make someone commit themselves She couldn't pin him down to a decision.
2. trap, corner, confine, close in on, pen in, hem in, shut in The rebels have pinned down government forces.
pin something down
1. determine, identify, locate, name, specify, designate, pinpoint, home in on It has taken until now to pin down its exact location.
2. trap, confine, constrain, bind, squash, tie down, nail down, immobilize The wreckage of the cockpit had pinned down my legs.
Related words
fear enetephobia
fear enetephobia
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language â Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
gombostûmegtűztűtűz2: tűz
halda föstumhattprjónnnæla, festatÃtuprjónn
dilgsÄjimaspagalvÄlÄ segtukamspatraukli mergaitÄprismeigtiprispausti
ghimmáºt khẩu
[pɪn] N ABBR =personal identification number PIN number → NPI mpin
[pɪn]A. N
1. (Sew) → alfiler m (also safety pin) → imperdible m, seguro m (CAm, Mex) (also hairpin) → horquilla f (also hatpin) → alfiler m (de sombrero); (= brooch) → alfiler m (also drawing pin) → chincheta f, chinche m or f (LAm) (also clothes pin) (US) → pinza f (de la ropa)
pins and needles → hormigueo msing
to be on pins and needles (US) → estar hecho un manojo de nervios, estar en or sobre ascuas
you could have heard a pin drop → se oÃa el vuelo de una mosca
like a new pin; as neat as a (new) pin (= clean) → como una patena, limpio como un espejo; (= tidy) → pulcro y muy ordenado
for two pins I'd knock his head off → por menos de nada le romperÃa la crisma
it doesn't matter two pins to me; I don't care two pins → me importa un rábano or comino
see also bobby pin, lapel, panel C
pins and needles → hormigueo msing
to be on pins and needles (US) → estar hecho un manojo de nervios, estar en or sobre ascuas
you could have heard a pin drop → se oÃa el vuelo de una mosca
like a new pin; as neat as a (new) pin (= clean) → como una patena, limpio como un espejo; (= tidy) → pulcro y muy ordenado
for two pins I'd knock his head off → por menos de nada le romperÃa la crisma
it doesn't matter two pins to me; I don't care two pins → me importa un rábano or comino
see also bobby pin, lapel, panel C
2. (Tech) [of metal] → clavija f; [of wood] → espiga f, clavija f; (= bolt) → perno m; (= cotter) → chaveta f
4. (Med) (in limb) → clavo m
5. (on grenade) → anilla f
1. [+ fabric, seam, hem] → prender or sujetar con alfileres
there was a note pinned on or to the door → habÃa una nota clavada en la puerta
to pin a medal to sb's uniform → prender una medalla al uniforme de algn
she had pinned her hair into a bun → se habÃa hecho un moño con horquillas
there was a note pinned on or to the door → habÃa una nota clavada en la puerta
to pin a medal to sb's uniform → prender una medalla al uniforme de algn
she had pinned her hair into a bun → se habÃa hecho un moño con horquillas
2. (Tech) (with bolt) → sujetar (con perno)
3. (fig) to pin one's hopes on sth/sb → cifrar or depositar sus esperanzas en algo/algn
the Democrats are pinning their hopes on the next election → los demócratas tienen cifradas sus esperanzas en las próximas elecciones
you can't pin the blame on me → no podéis cargarme con la culpa
they're trying to pin the murder on us → tratan de culparnos del asesinato
there was nothing they could pin on him → no podÃan acusarlo or culparlo de nada
the Democrats are pinning their hopes on the next election → los demócratas tienen cifradas sus esperanzas en las próximas elecciones
you can't pin the blame on me → no podéis cargarme con la culpa
they're trying to pin the murder on us → tratan de culparnos del asesinato
there was nothing they could pin on him → no podÃan acusarlo or culparlo de nada
pin back VT + ADV [+ fabric] → doblar hacia atrás y sujetar con alfileres; [+ hair] → recogerse; [+ window, door] → sujetar (Med) [+ ears, skin] → operarse de
to pin one's ears back → escuchar muy atento
to pin one's ears back → escuchar muy atento
pin down VT + ADV
1. (= fasten or hold down) → sujetar
he pinned me down by my wrists → me sujetó por las muñecas
I was pinned down by a fallen tree → quedé atrapado bajo un árbol caÃdo
he pinned me down by my wrists → me sujetó por las muñecas
I was pinned down by a fallen tree → quedé atrapado bajo un árbol caÃdo
2. (fig)
2.1. (= oblige to be specific) to pin sb down → hacer que algn concrete
she is really hard to pin down → es difÃcil hacerla concretar
the minister refused to be pinned down on the timing of the reforms → el ministro no quiso comprometerse a dar fechas especÃficas para las reformas
you can't pin him down to a date → es imposible lograr que nos dé una fecha concreta
she is really hard to pin down → es difÃcil hacerla concretar
the minister refused to be pinned down on the timing of the reforms → el ministro no quiso comprometerse a dar fechas especÃficas para las reformas
you can't pin him down to a date → es imposible lograr que nos dé una fecha concreta
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈpɪn] n abbr (=personal identification number) (also PIN number) → code m personnelpin
[ˈpɪn] n
(for fastening material or paper together) → épingle f
you could have heard a pin drop → on aurait pu entendre une mouche voler
you could have heard a pin drop → on aurait pu entendre une mouche voler
(British) (also drawing pin) → punaise f
(TECHNICAL) (to attach wood or metal) → cheville f
[grenade] → goupille f
(MEDICINE) → broche f
(US) (= brooch) → broche f
(= attach with pins) [+ dress, hem] → épingler
to pin sth on sth → épingler qch sur qch
pinned to sth → épinglé(e) à qch
a white rose pinned to her blouse → une rose blanche épinglée à son chemisier
to pin sth on sth → épingler qch sur qch
pinned to sth → épinglé(e) à qch
a white rose pinned to her blouse → une rose blanche épinglée à son chemisier
(with drawing pin) → punaiser
Pin it on the back of the kitchen door → Punaise-le au dos de la porte de la cuisine.
Pin it on the back of the kitchen door → Punaise-le au dos de la porte de la cuisine.
[+ person] → clouer au sol
to pin sb against the wall (= hold) → plaquer qn contre le mur
to pin sb to the floor → clouer qn au sol
to pin sb to the ground → clouer qn au sol
to pin sb's arms to their side
He pinned the woman's arms to her side → Il plaqua les bras de la femme le long du corps.
to pin sb against the wall (= hold) → plaquer qn contre le mur
to pin sb to the floor → clouer qn au sol
to pin sb to the ground → clouer qn au sol
to pin sb's arms to their side
He pinned the woman's arms to her side → Il plaqua les bras de la femme le long du corps.
pin back
vt sep [+ hair] → ramener en arrièrepin down
vt sep (= trap) [person] → clouer au sol; [tree, boulder, car] → clouer au sol
I tried to get away but he pinned me down → J'essayais de me dégager mais il me clouait au sol.
the fallen tree held him pinned down → l'arbre abattu le maintenait cloué au sol
to be pinned down by enemy fire → être pris sous le feu de l'ennemi
I tried to get away but he pinned me down → J'essayais de me dégager mais il me clouait au sol.
the fallen tree held him pinned down → l'arbre abattu le maintenait cloué au sol
to be pinned down by enemy fire → être pris sous le feu de l'ennemi
(= force to be specific) → mettre au pied du mur
to pin sb down to sth (= force to agree to) → acculer qn à qch
She couldn't pin him down to a date → Elle n'a pas pu lui faire spécifier une date.
to pin sb down to sth (= force to agree to) → acculer qn à qch
She couldn't pin him down to a date → Elle n'a pas pu lui faire spécifier une date.
(= define clearly) → déterminer
I can only pin it down to between 1936 and 1942
BUT Je ne peux le situer qu'entre 1936 et 1942.
There's something strange here but I can't quite pin it down
BUT Il y a quelque chose d'étrange ici, mais je n'arrive pas exactement à savoir quoi.
to pin down the exact location of sth → déterminer l'emplacement exact de qch
I can only pin it down to between 1936 and 1942
BUT Je ne peux le situer qu'entre 1936 et 1942.
There's something strange here but I can't quite pin it down
BUT Il y a quelque chose d'étrange ici, mais je n'arrive pas exactement à savoir quoi.
to pin down the exact location of sth → déterminer l'emplacement exact de qch
pin on
vt sep (= attach with a pin) [+ flower, medal] → épingler
The General pinned on the medals → Le général épinglait les médailles.
The General pinned on the medals → Le général épinglait les médailles.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
n abbr of personal identification number → PIN f; (also PIN number) → PIN-Nummer f, → Geheimnummer f
(Sew) → Stecknadel f; (= tie pin, hatpin, on brooch, hair pin) → Nadel f; (Mech) → Bolzen m, → Stift m; (= small nail) → Stift m; (in grenade) → Sicherungsstift m; (Med) → Stift m, → Nagel m; (Elec, of plug) → Pol m; (Comput) (on connector) → Pin m, → Kontaktstift m; (on printhead) → Nadel f; a two-pin plug → ein zweipoliger Stecker; pins and needles sing or pl → ein Kribbeln nt; Iâve got pins and needles in my foot → mir ist der Fuà eingeschlafen; to be on pins and needles → wie auf (glühenden) Kohlen sitzen; like a new pin → blitzsauber, funkelnagelneu; neat as a (new) pin → wie aus dem Ei gepellt; for two pins Iâd pack up and go (inf) → es fehlt nicht mehr viel, dann gehe ich; I donât care a pin (dated inf) → es ist mir völlig egal or schnuppe (inf); you could have heard a pin drop → man hätte eine Stecknadel fallen hören können
(esp US) (= brooch) → Brosche f, → Schmucknadel f; (= badge: also lapel pin, fraternity pin) → Anstecknadel f, → Abzeichen nt
(Golf) → Flaggenstock m; (Bowling) → Kegel m
dress → stecken; to pin something to something → etw an etw (acc) → heften; to pin papers together → Blätter zusammenheften; the bone had to be pinned in place → der Knochen musste genagelt werden; she pinned her hair back → sie hatte ihr Haar hinten zusammengesteckt
(fig) to pin somebody to the ground/against a wall → jdn an den Boden/an eine Wand pressen; to pin somebodyâs arms to his side → jdm die Arme an den Körper pressen; to pin somebodyâs arm behind his back → jdm den Arm auf den Rücken drehen; to pin oneâs hopes/faith on somebody/something → seine Hoffnungen/sein Vertrauen auf jdn/etw setzen; you shouldnât pin everything on one chance → Sie sollten nicht alles auf eine Karte setzen; to pin back oneâs ears → die Ohren spitzen (inf)
:pin curl
n → Löckchen nt
n → Nadelkissen nt
adj (inf) → schwachköpfig (inf), → blöd(e) (inf)
pin holder
n → Blumenigel m
n → Loch nt
pinhole camera
n → Lochkamera f, → Camera obscura f
n → Punkt m; the buildings were mere pins on the horizon → die Gebäude zeichneten sich wie Stecknadelköpfe am Horizont ab; a pin of light → ein Lichtpunkt m; pin bombing → Punktzielbombardement nt
n → Nadelstich m; (fig) → Kleinigkeit f
n (= stripe) → Nadelstreifen m; (= cloth) → Tuch nt → mit Nadelstreifen; (= pinstripe suit) → Nadelstreifenanzug m
:pin tuck
n → Biese f
pin-up girl
n → Pin-up-Girl nt
n (= firework) → Feuerrad nt; (US: = toy) → Windrädchen nt
Collins German Dictionary â Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[pɪn]1. n (gen, as ornament) → spillo; (safety pin) → spillo di sicurezza (Tech) → perno; (in grenade) → spoletta (Med) → chiodo (Elec) (of plug) → spinotto (Bowling) → birillo
as neat as a (new) pin (room) → lucido/a come uno specchio (person) → impeccabile
you could have heard a pin drop → non si sentiva volare una mosca
for two pins I'd have hit him! (fam) → per poco non l'avrei picchiato!
as neat as a (new) pin (room) → lucido/a come uno specchio (person) → impeccabile
you could have heard a pin drop → non si sentiva volare una mosca
for two pins I'd have hit him! (fam) → per poco non l'avrei picchiato!
2. vt
b. (fig) to pin sb against a wall → mettere qn con le spalle al muro
to pin sb's arms to his sides → immobilizzare le braccia di qn contro i fianchi
to pin sb's arms to his sides → immobilizzare le braccia di qn contro i fianchi
pin down vt + adv
a. (fasten or hold down) → immobilizzare
b. (fig) to pin sb down to a date → far fissare una data a qn
to pin sb down to their promise → costringere qn a mantenere una promessa
to pin sb down about his beliefs → far dire a qn quello che pensa
there's something strange here but I can't quite pin it down → c'è qualcosa di strano qua ma non riesco a capire cos'è
to pin sb down to their promise → costringere qn a mantenere una promessa
to pin sb down about his beliefs → far dire a qn quello che pensa
there's something strange here but I can't quite pin it down → c'è qualcosa di strano qua ma non riesco a capire cos'è
pin on
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(pin) noun1. a short, thin, pointed piece of metal used eg to hold pieces of fabric, paper etc together, especially when making clothes. The papers are fastened together by a pin.
2. a similar but more ornamental object. a hat-pin.
verb â past tense, past participle pinned â 1. to fasten with a pin. She pinned the material together.
2. to hold by pressing against something. The fallen tree pinned him to the ground.
Ëpincushion noun a small cushion or similar object into which pins are pushed for keeping.
Ëpinhole noun a hole made by a pin. A pinhole camera does not need a lens.
Ëpinpoint verb to place or show very exactly. He pinpointed the position on the map.
Ëpin-up noun1. a picture of an attractive girl (or man), often pinned on a wall. He has dozens of pin-ups in his room; (also adjective) a pin-up girl.
2. the girl (or man). She's the favourite pin-up of the soldiers.
pin down to make (someone) give a definite answer, statement, opinion or promise. I can't pin him down to a definite date for his arrival.
pins and needles a tingling feeling in one's hands, arms, feet or legs. I've got pins and needles in my arm.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ دÙبÙÙÙس, رÙÙÙ٠٠اÙتÙÙعÙرÙÙ٠اÙØ´ÙÙØ®ÙصÙÙÙ PIN, Å¡pendlÃk nÃ¥l, pinkode Geheimnummer, Stecknadel αÏιθμÏÏ Î¡ÎÎ, καÏÏίÏÏα alfiler, número de identificación personal nuppineula, tunnusluku code secret, épingle igla, PIN PIN, spillo ãã³, æ証çªå· PIN, í PIN, speld pinkode, PIN-kode osobisty numer identyfikacyjny, szpilka alfinete, número de identificação pessoal, pino бÑлавка, ÐÐÐ-код kod, nÃ¥l à¹à¸à¹à¸¡à¸«à¸¡à¸¸à¸, à¹à¸¥à¸à¸£à¸«à¸±à¸ªà¸¥à¸±à¸à¸ªà¹à¸§à¸à¸à¸±à¸§ kredi kartı Åifresi, toplu iÄne ghim, máºt khẩu 大头é, å¯ç Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n. clavo ortopédico, pieza de metal o hueso que se usa para unir partes de un hueso fracturado.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n alfiler m; (ortho) clavoEnglish-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.