

Privacy Statement

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Accessibility Statement

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UK Modern Slavery Statement

This statement is published by Statista Ltd. in compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015. As a global operating company, Statista recognises its responsibility to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking, or any other violation of human rights, which is why this statement outlines the measures Statista has taken to address these risks within our operations and supply chain.

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Company Registration Information

Statista, Inc.
3 World Trade Center –
175 Greenwich Street; 36th Floor
New York, NY 10007
United States

[email protected]

Federal Tax Identification Number: 99-0367549

Statista Inc. is a subsidiary company of the Statista GmbH, Johannes-Brahms-Platz 1, Hamburg, Germany.


Statista Ltd.
209-215 Blackfriars Road, 5th Floor
London SE1 8NL
United Kingdom
Phone +44 (0)20 8189 7000
[email protected]

Federal Tax Identification Number: GB 227829971
Statista Ltd. is a subsidiary company of the Statista GmbH, Johannes-Brahms-Platz 1, Hamburg, Germany.


Statista, India Pvt. Ltd.
5th Floor, DLF Two Horizon Centre, DLF Phase 5
Gurugram, HR, 122002, India
Phone: +65 6995 6959
[email protected]

Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number (TAN): RTKS39809A
Statista India Pvt. Ltd. is a subsidiary company of the Statista GmbH, Johannes-Brahms-Platz 1, Hamburg, Germany.


Statista, Japan KK
H1O Shibuya Jinnan
1-5-6 Jinnan, Shibuya
Tokio, 1540041 
Phone +81 3 6427 6800
[email protected]

Federal Tax Identification Number: T8011001135512
Statista Japan KK. is a subsidiary company of the Statista GmbH, Johannes-Brahms-Platz 1, Hamburg, Germany.


Statista, Pte. Ltd.
138 Market Street
CapitaGreen 24-04A
Singapore, 048946
Republic of Singapore
Phone: +65 6995 6959
[email protected]

Federal Tax Identification Number: 2018034865Z

Statista Pte. Ltd. is a subsidiary company of the Statista GmbH, Johannes-Brahms-Platz 1, Hamburg, Germany.


Statista, Pty. Ltd.
120 Spencer Street
Melbourne, VIC, 3000
[email protected]

ABN Number: 66 657 618 909

Statista Pty. Ltd. is a subsidiary company of the Statista GmbH, Johannes-Brahms-Platz 1, Hamburg, Germany.


The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution, which can be accessed via

Our whistleblowing system makes it possible to point out compliance infringements in an uncomplicated and, at request, anonymous manner:


This website contains images provided by photographers under creative common licenses. We would like to thank the following websites:

Refund Policy

Due to the digital nature and immediate access to our products, we generally cannot offer you a refund. Our support team are here to help find a solution which best fits you and your enterprise. For consultations, please contact us via [email protected] before making a purchase.
