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Editors’ Prize

The aim of the Stata Journal Editors’ Prize is to reward contributions to the Stata community in respect of one or more outstanding papers published in the Stata Journal in the previous three calendar years. The prize consists of a framed certificate and an honorarium of U.S. $1,000, courtesy of the publisher of the Stata Journal.

Nominate your favorite Stata Journal authors for the Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 2024.

Nominations should name the authors and one or more papers published in the Stata Journal in the previous three years and explain why the work is worthy of the prize. The rationale might include originality, depth, elegance, or unifying power of work; usefulness in cracking key problems or allowing important new methodologies to be widely implemented; and clarity or expository excellence of the work.

Nominations should be sent as a private email to [email protected] by July 31, 2024. Nominations will be considered confidential both before and after the awarding of the prize. Neither anonymous nor public nominations will be accepted. Read the full announcement here.

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Nominations closed

The deadline to submit nominations for the Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 2024 was July 31, 2024. The recipient(s) will be announced in the Stata Journal in the last issue of each year and simultaneously through announcements on the Stata Journal website and on Statalist. Read the full announcement here.

Previous winners