Deus Ex: Human Revolution PC adds FOV option

By popular demand, a field of view option has been added to the PC edition of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It sounds almost like an actual, genuine, proper PC game, if you can remember those.


At a certain point, it became acceptable, perhaps even sensible, to be excited about Deus Ex: Human Revolution. A prequel to one of the greatest games ever made made by entirely different people sounds scary, certainly, but the more we see and play, the better it seems. The latest good news nugget is that, by popular demand, an adjustable field of view option has been added to its PC edition.

"I just wanted to let you know: we've recently added an in-game FOV setting to the DXHR PC!" a forum post from PC lead programmer Jim Offerman of Nixxes Software confirmed yesterday.

Field of view determines how much of the game world can be seen at once. Many PC gamers, who sit close to widescreen monitors, prefer an FOV of 90 degrees or more, while console games are often closer to 65 degrees, as players sit further back. However, it's becoming increasingly and unpleasantly common for the PC editions of multiplatform games to suffer the same low FOV, which makes the view feel cramped and can induce nausea in some players.

The game's main developer, Eidos Montreal, had previously stated that FOV wouldn't be adjustable on PC. Responding to a fan's mention of FOV nausea, the developer joked, "If you're about to vomit, pull back your chair, ok? It's a mess to clean the floor afterward."

PC gamers' displeasure was noted, and now we'll be able to adjust the FOV. Huzzah! Fan feedback also led to an option to toggle the 'Augmented Reality' view, which adds thin yellow outlines to NPCs and interactive objects.

The PC edition also boasts support for DirectX 11 and 3D displays, and heaps of multicore optimisations. Gosh, it sounds like an actual, genuine, proper, bona fide PC game.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution has gone gold, and is headed to PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on August 23.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    July 29, 2011 6:30 AM

    Alice O'Connor posted a new article, Deus Ex: Human Revolution PC adds FOV option.

    By popular demand, a field of view option has been added to the PC edition of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It sounds almost like an actual, genuine, proper PC game, if you can remember those.

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 6:39 AM

      Maybe they'll start a trend?

      • reply
        July 29, 2011 6:41 AM


      • reply
        July 29, 2011 6:45 AM

        doubt it, its awesome the did it and i applaud them because a low fov makes me rage like nothing else (well latency/mousi input just as much i'd say) but in this particular case it seems like its the studio (nixxes software) that does the port, having a good trackrecord of making ports.

        i was skipping the purchase until folks figured out of to fix the fov issue but now that they did i'm looking for a good place to order. unfortunately the greenmangaming deal/voucher has expired despite supposedly being available until august.

        if anyone has a good deal at hand post it here please.

      • reply
        July 29, 2011 6:46 AM

        Maybe executives will become less retarded and realize these things literally take less than 10 lines of code to implement too.

      • reply
        July 29, 2011 6:47 AM

        we can only hope

      • reply
        July 29, 2011 9:08 AM

        It's kind of sad we applaud a studio for adding FOV - something so simple, and important, that it never should have become something to applaud for its inclusion. This is like a PC game finally getting space-bar support, or mouse right-click functionality.

        • reply
          July 29, 2011 9:28 AM

          I'm one of those people who claim that there was indeed a PC gaming golden age, one very much did end. But on this site, that's almost like being a creationist.

        • reply
          July 29, 2011 9:34 AM

          No shit, how many games come out for PC where you cant remap the right mouse button? Pathetic

          • reply
            July 31, 2011 8:08 AM

            Many, it's just a few that you can't and it sticks out (GTA 4, Dead Space, Dead Space II [added after in a patch]).

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 7:07 AM

      I might get this now. Looks like they are trying hard. I hope it doesn't turn out to be like IW.

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 7:11 AM

      August 23 is so god damn far away.

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 7:14 AM

      ok, I've got a question to ask and google fu is failing me:

      If I am finding my eyes straining while playing FPS games (Borderlands did this to me a lot, on default settings), should I be toying with the FOV, and if so, which way?

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 7:15 AM

      This is how you do it \m/, awesome.

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 7:17 AM


    • reply
      July 29, 2011 7:27 AM

      I hope they also add a windowed fullscreen option like source games.

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 7:39 AM

      This team really seems to be in touch with the PC crowd, I really hope it shows in the game play and its not just all talk. Game looks awesome.

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 7:57 AM


    • reply
      July 29, 2011 8:06 AM


    • reply
      July 29, 2011 8:06 AM

      Thank god. Letting players have more options and control of the game is always a very good thing.

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 8:08 AM


      • reply
        July 29, 2011 9:10 AM

        It took me a couple hours to fix Borderlands and make it playable. After some heavy modifications the game was actually really cool.

        • reply
          July 29, 2011 11:59 AM

          I guess I don't play enough FPSes. I have never toyed with / had issues with any FOV. I guess maybe I don't know what I should be expecting / seeing? I couldn't tell you the FOV of any game I've ever played... it's something I simply have never paid attention to.

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 8:48 AM

      I hope these guys get good news coverage for the kind of work they've done to keep us happy. I personally have issues with FOV, so it's nice to see these guys giving us the option!

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 9:04 AM

      Wow, it's kinda stupid how they mocked someone for asking about shallow FOV. I wish I had heard that, I would have tore them a new one.

      I'm glad to see they came to their senses.

      However, it's one thing to claim adjustable FOV, it's quite another thing to actually include in the game at release (Bioshock 2 taught us this).

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 9:11 AM

      brava, brava. ini file tweaking can be fun, but really, we shouldnt have to spend 10 minutes before playing that brand new game we have been gagging to play, changing text lines when it should really just be in the front end. :D huzzzah.

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 9:17 AM

      That's quite a surprise.

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 9:21 AM

      FOV Watch is over. Next stop: DRM Watch.

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 9:50 AM

      it's so awesome to see a PC port get a little dev time instead of just a straight up code dump! :D

      • reply
        July 29, 2011 9:58 AM

        Yeah, I remember when I was reading about how Digital Extreme was really putting in time for Homefront to get the PC configuration options right... Well they did but it's too bad the game was fucking horrible. Hopefully Deus Ex doesn't suffer the same fate

      • reply
        July 31, 2011 4:53 AM

        It isn't a port. It was DEVELOPED multi-platform. The only time you cna actually call anything a port is when it's out for a crappy console then ported to PC.

        This makes it worse, however, if the game comes out shitty on the PC as it was actually supposed to have dev time on it specifically for PC. I wish everyone would just smarten the fuck up, throw their console away and buy a gaming PC. Do it, you'll thank me later.

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 10:32 AM

      Never saw the need for this (still gaming on a 4.3 CRT) but options are always a good thing.

      • reply
        July 29, 2011 12:03 PM

        I made the switch a couple of months ago, and fuck me...having a widescreen monitor is a HUGE difference. It made me feel like I had bought a new computer.

        I had to try every game.

        • reply
          July 29, 2011 12:24 PM

          I did the same thing about a year ago, went from dual 19" lcds to one 25" wide and one 19", I love it.

          • reply
            July 29, 2011 12:35 PM

            Yeah well, I said "still," but the truth is... I went back to CRT after seeing one again for the first time in a number of years. The colour quality was night and day, neither monitor (LCD/CRT) was crap mind you, but the colour alone was almost like an upgrade after dealing with LCD for so long. Hopefully OLED, or whatever latest thing, will be available by the time my CRTs kick it. Yeah CRTs, plural, I'm all CRT now.

            • reply
              July 29, 2011 12:41 PM

              Yeah I can see that because when I first went to my 19" LCD it didn't seem that much of an improvement but the 25" wide I picked up is definitely noticeable and I wouldn't go back

            • reply
              August 4, 2011 8:27 PM

              CRT's should generally have richer colors, but accuracy is another thing. The color accuracy of a CRT is just as bad as most LCD's. It all comes down to preference - Personally I don't mind the washed-out look of LCD's (and low refresh rates) because the widescreen resolutions are so much better. The cheapness and resolution of LCD's make this a no-brainer for me.

              • reply
                August 10, 2011 11:37 AM

                If colour accuracy is a genuine concern then you should have a meter for that, and even then you would absolutely have an easier time calibrating properly with a CRT. You value your LCD for reasons other than colour--richness or accuracy. Small deskspace + larger screen size are good reasons to want one, and I dove in to LCD for those reasons myself, making the same trades you did. I'm just saying that having forgotten how good the colour was on my CRT, I went back to it after seeing it for the first time in years. It's that much nicer that I've willingly traded the smaller footprint and larger screen size back.

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 11:35 AM

      Wow. I'm seriously stunned. I don't think I've ever seen a company respond so quickly like this to an issue of angst among their customers. Impressive. Back to probably purchasing this. Sweet!

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 1:18 PM

      Very cool news, I'm looking forward to playing this on PC. Seems like a lot of the upcoming multiplatform games are going to be far and away best on PC. Makes sense with the massive hardware difference, as time goes along the gap between console versions and PC versions gets larger and larger.

    • reply
      July 29, 2011 2:00 PM

      Nice writing there, Milady, made me chuckle.

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