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The Nanking Massacre: Fact Versus Fiction
      - A Historian�fs Quest for the Truth
      By Higashinakano Shudo, Professor at Asia University
      Translated by Sekai Shuppan (Softcover: \ 3000, Hardcover: \3500)

What Really Happened in Nanking: The Refutation of a Common Myth
      By Tanaka Masaaki
      Translated by Sekai Shuppan (\1400)

The Story of Japan- Vol. 1 2 3
      By Hiraizumi Kiyoshi
      Translated by Sekai Shuppan (�e\2857)

The Essence of Modern Haiku - 300 Poems by Seishi Yamaguchi
      By Yamaguchi Seishi
      Translated by Kodaira Takashi and A. H. Marks
         �i�n�[�h�J�o�[�F\3000, �\�t�g�J�o�[�F\2500�j

Bringing Home the Sushi
      - An Inside Look at Japanese Business through Japanese Comics -
      Edited by Mangajin, Inc. (\2500)

Senryu: Haiku Reflection of Time
      From Yomiurishinbun
      Translated by Mangajin, Inc. (\1300)

Dreamland Japan: Writings on Modern Manga
      - Japanese Comics for Otaku -
      By Frederik Shodt (\2200)

Mangajin�fs Basic Japanese thorough Comics - Part 1 & 2
      Edited by Mangajin, Inc. (�e\2500)