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Below- March 16 - Drumpf Stokes Occult Holocaust

Tim Fitzpatrick - Trump Controlled by KGB-Mossad Part VII

March 16, 2025


"Hopefully by now, one can see that Trump is a sexually compromised pervert 
controlled by a joint KGB-Mossad compromise (kompromat) operation
 to direct the U.S. presidency towards world Communist aims, 
which is less overt than control through the Democrat side of things, 
since Trump poses as a conservative and, laughably, a Christian."

Trump Controlled by KGB-Mossad Part VII

By Timothy Fitzpatrick

It's been nearly five years since this author wrote the last piece in this series and a lot has happened, but nothing that wasn't difficult to predict. Only the level of depravity and treason is shocking. This and the following installment will provide more evidence of Trump's treason and perhaps tie up any loose ends in this traitorous affair.

Star witness Giuffre seems to confirm Farmer's claim of Trump's sexual abuse of teens

The star witness in the whole Epstein affair arguably is Virginia Giuffre (formerly Roberts). Although she has denied personally seeing Trump abuse underaged girls, she admitted that he knew about the abuse at the hands of Epstein and Maxwell but did nothing. Interestingly, she seems to support the testimony of Maria Farmer, a lesser known Epstein witness, about whom this author wrote in Part VI, where Trump and his then wife Ivana were facilitating and participating in the child sex abuse. On January 14, 2021, this author tagged Giuffre with a specific quote from Farmer and a link to Part VI of this series.[1] She liked the Tweet.

 This author made a screen recording of it to prove the like, in case someone suspected photoshopping of the screen capture.[2] Farmer's testimony seems very credible. There doesn't seem to be a financial motive to name Trump, which wasn't part of her general claim against Epstein. Furthermore, naming someone as high profile as the U.S. President could possibly get one killed, and Farmer likely knew this but did so anyway. Credit to her bravery. With Ghislaine Maxwell now in jail (currently she is seeking a presidential pardon from her old friend Donald Trump)[3]., Epstein dead, and Ivana also dead, we may never know the truth about Ivana's involvement, but we see the patterns, which I think is enough.

Trump is a Chabad Gangster. This is his mob.

Ivana's Polish-Bronfman connection to Epstein

This author wrote about Ivana, Trump's KGB-tied Soviet ex wife, in parts I, IV, and especially in VI, before she died in 2022 (under mysterious circumstances, in this author's opinion)[4]. It's no surprise that Jeffrey Epstein had 14 phone numbers to the Trumps in his contact book, some of which included numbers to Ivana and even to Trump's current wife Melania, whom Epstein claims was introduced to Trump by him.[5] 

From Ivana's Palm Beach home, where she allegedly went down the street to help Ghislaine Maxwell recruit high school girls for Epstein's revolving-door teenage harem, she employed the wife and daughter of Epstein's Polish national butler Janusz Banasiak.[6] The butler previously worked for a Manhattan family and ran a conference centre for the Bronfman family's Seagrams distilleries. 

The Russian-Jewish Bronfman family are considered the Rothschilds of North America and became rich bootlegging during prohibition. However, the Bronfman's power was not enough to keep American heiress and daughter of Edgar Bronfman Sr. Claire Web Bronfman from prison time for her involvement in the NXIVM sex cult, which carried out sex trafficking. 

Readers of this series will remember that Trump is connected to the Bronfman's through the gay, Jewish, mobbed up lawyer Roy Cohn and Russian-Jewish mob boss Meyer Lansky and his organized crime syndicate. So important was Cohn to Trump that he regularly called Cohn over a dozen times a day. Epstein, who himself was born through two sets of Russian--Jewish grandparents, is also tied to the Bronfmans through financier Les Wexner (also Trump connected), who helped Charles Bronfman set up the Study Group, also known as the Mega Group, the same year as the fake collapse of Communism in 1991.[7] Interestingly, Epstein's little black book had not only contacts for Ivana but also for one Edgar Bronfman.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Below- Mike Stone - MN GOP Classify Trumphobia as Mental Illness (scroll down)

March 16 - Drumpf Stokes Occult Holocaust

Please send links and comments to [email protected] 

Trumpf's mandate from Chabad Rebbe Menachem Scheerson, left, 
is to destroy the old order and kill goyim by initiating a nuclear catastrophe. 
He is inflaming tensions in the Middle East while JD Vance pretends Trumpf
represents Christian civilization. Trumpf is setting the goyim up for Albert Pike's 

'Message to Iran': US launches large-scale strikes on Houthis in Yemen, officials confirm
US official to 'Post': Strike on Houthis a message to Iran • US President Donald Trump: Houthis, your time is up, hell will rain down upon you

Iran's IRGC vows devastating response to potential US attack

"We stand firmly against any threat, and if a threat is carried out, we will respond in the most severe manner--decisive, crushing, and devastating," IRGC Chief-Commander Hossein Salami said.

Trump has in a letter to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei offered talks toward a deal on its nuclear program and warned that the alternative was a military intervention.

Salami downplayed Trump's offer of talks as superficial, saying, "The enemy deceitfully talks about direct negotiations under the shadow of threats. Enemies are untrustworthy and do not honor any commitments or agreements."

Israel kills multiple humanitarian workers, journalists in Gaza airstrike

Israel has killed 150 Palestinians in Gaza since the start of a US-sponsored ceasefire in January


When are Israelis going to wake up and realize they have been suckered?

Netanyahu rejects offer for Oct. 7 commission formed in consultation with top conservative judge


 Oct. 7th was, in a word, BRILLIANT, ladies and Gentile-men. Like Netanyahu's other masterpiece in state-sponsored terrorism, i.e. 9/11, it resulted in EXACTLY what it was that the Jypsy State needed in making good on her 3,000 years old plans, meaning a globally-recognized narrative rooted in 'self-defense' that would facilitate the very same WWIII/Armageddon which the Pirates of Judea need in order to achieve that thing which Torah Judah-ism and its primary deity 'yahweh' command be done, the creation of 'Greater Israel'.

 The hypocrisy is jaw dropping. This so-called Christian, complicit in the murder and maiming of 100,000 Palestinian civilians, is defending civilization? 
Vance warns EU of 'civilizational suicide'
The US vice president has said he wants the "cradle of Christian civilization" to thrive

"If you have a country like Germany, where you have another few million immigrants come in from countries that are totally culturally incompatible with Germany, then it doesn't matter what I think about Europe," he stated.

Vance blasts 'Orwellian' German lawsREAD MORE: Vance blasts 'Orwellian' German laws
Vance added that unchecked immigration in the EU could have repercussions for the US, as some individuals might eventually seek entry into America. "I want Europe to thrive. I want them to be an important ally. Part of that is going to be Europe respecting its own people, respecting its own sovereignty, and America can't do that job for them," he said.

In February, Vance delivered a fiery speech at the Munich Security Conference, criticizing European leaders for fearing their own voters and failing to uphold democratic values while censoring opposing voices under the pretext of combating "disinformation."

"The threat that I worry the most about vis-à-vis Europe is not Russia, it's not China, it's not any other external actor... what I worry about is the threat from within," Vance said in a speech that Trump later described as "very brilliant."

 One hard look (clinical study) at Pfizer's Covid stabs and the FDA had to admit to the world that they contain dangerous levels of excess DNA contamination, and that these fragments are driving cancer cases through the roof. It's called Turbo Cancer and people are experiencing stage 4 and stage 5 cancer out of the blue, shortly after they receive the deadly mRNA Pfizer China Flu jab.
 Reader- Another battering ram against the "covid" Jabs Hoax. How many studies condemning the Jabs do we need to outlaw them & prosecute the Perpetrators, including those from the Lying Jew media?? I've lost count of all the scientific papers on the Jabs and the "covid" Hoax. Yet all we get is silence from the Jew media and Government.

We now know that the Jabs have many ways to kill & maim, with ZERO ability to prevent transmission of the flu. The Jabs are much worse than useless. You are an idiot if you take any flu shots! News Flash: There is NO "vaccine" for the coronavirus, or common colds & flu!!!!!!!!

Funny how it's always the Christians that are getting genocided

'This isn't war. It's genocide': Why the world is silent about massacres in Syria
Survivors of the violence against the Alawite, Christian, and Druze communities shares their stories with RT

In one of the darkest nights in Syria's recent history, coordinated attacks on rural Latakia resulted in mass executions. Survivors tell of masked men storming their villages, dragging families from their homes, and carrying out public executions. Those who resisted were burned inside their homes, leaving behind entire neighborhoods reduced to smoldering ruins.

Testimonies from survivors suggest that many of the perpetrators were foreign fighters, brought in from regions far from the Middle East. "They didn't even speak our language," an elderly survivor told RT. "They had no idea who we were, no reason to hate us - except that they were told to."

Entire villages have been abandoned, their populations either massacred or displaced. Satellite imagery confirms what survivors describe - rows of torched homes, mass graves hastily covered, and ghost towns where life once thrived.

The bloodbath in Tartus: A slaughter without mercy
Tartus, once a thriving coastal city, has become another graveyard. HTS fighters stormed residential areas, conducting door-to-door massacres. Families were accused of supporting the government or practicing the 'wrong' faith before being lined up and shot. Those who were not executed on the spot were locked inside buildings which were then torched.

A local journalist, speaking anonymously for fear of reprisal, described the scale of the killings.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Below- March 15 - Satanyahu Pounding the Drum for WW3 (scroll down)

Mike Stone - MN GOP Classify Trumphobia as Mental Illness

March 15, 2025


It's time we recognized 
that Demonrats are mentally ill.

Makow Disclaimer- As you know,
I do not share Mike's infatuation with the Trumperor. He is pitting the whole world against the US, Israel & Argentina. He has ignited a patriotic fervor in Canada, a feat I thought impossible.

by Mike Stone

Have you heard? Republican lawmakers in the state of Minnesota have introduced legislation to officially classify Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) as mental illness under state law. (S.F. No. 2589)

This is one of the greatest acts of proposed legislation I've ever seen. And it's been introduced by Senate Republicans in Minnesota of all places. Minnesota is the state that first legalized black crime. 

As you recall, when George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose while resisting arrest for committing a felony, lawmakers in Minnesota called for defunding the police and declared that no black person should ever be arrested for any crime ever again. Floyd's bloated corpse was given god-like status and his followers, almost all of them liberal White women, declared war on White men. That was Minnesota then. Minnesota today is introducing a bill to officially label such behavior as mental illness.

Now, just to be clear, disagreeing with Trump's policies or with the man himself is not TDS. I disagree with some of Trump's policies and tactics myself. (The military strike on Yemen is a good example.) What constitutes true Trump Derangement Syndrome is the unmitigated hate that so many millions of people have toward the man himself, irregardless of his policies. Just the mention of Trump's name will send such people into spastic, spittle-flying rage.

You've probably seen people like that yourself, or at least heard about them. They are impossible to reason with or engage in any type of conversation. It's as if they are possessed by demons, which they probably are.


There's no known cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome. Now I've written before about how there's no such thing as an "incurable" disease. All disease can be cured and usually quite easily. But those are physical illnesses - cancer, arthritis, etc. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a form of mental illness for which no one has ever been cured. 

Actually, I take that back. There is a cure for TDS, a very simple cure, but no one suffering from TDS is ever going to apply it, so it might as well be called incurable. That cure consists of praying the Rosary. Unfortunately, TDS sufferers will recoil in horror if you so much as mention that to them.

I actually wrote about TDS in a novel that I penned way back in 2016 called "A New America." At that time, no one had even heard of TDS and the term had not yet been invented. But I saw it coming like a freight train. By the way, everything pertaining to the future that I wrote about in that book - a work of fiction almost ten years old - has since come true.

The bill that Senate Republicans in Minnesota have introduced calls TDS "psychic pathology." Pretty strong stuff. I'm wondering if the bill passes whether Minnesotans will call the police on their neighbors and report them for signs of psychic pathology and mental illness. If so, will it then lead to an increase in the population of the state's mental institutions? I'm not sure whether most rational people would disagree with such an increase if it helps takes mentally deranged individuals off the streets. 

ust look at what Trump has accomplished over the last eight weeks. He's uncovered massive fraud and corruption across every level of government, he's taken great strides to end the Russia/Ukrainian war, and he's appointed Robert F. Kennedy to go after poisonous food manufacturers and drug companies. And yet millions of people are against those things. The rank and file of the Democrat Party cannot differentiate themselves from Trump the man and his policies. Neither can the upper echelon of the party, as we've seen with so many corrupt judges and other officials now exposing themselves as traitors and TDS sufferers.

Remember, too, that these are the same people who wanted to forcibly inject you during the phony pandemic. They wanted dissenters and Covid truth tellers locked away in internment camps. For years now, they've wanted to molest your children; to castrate your son and cut the breasts off your daughter and turn them into trannies. They've worked for decades to legalize everything that's sick and twisted in society today. If such people end up in straight jackets and psych wards, would you be upset?

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Mike Stone - MN GOP Classify Trumphobia as Mental Illness "

BR said (March 16, 2025):

TDS is about "You cannot fix stupid". Somebody it taking their free meals away, right before their glassy eyes, and they cannot handle this new situation requiring maturity, talent and skill - which they never had.

Present day USA isn't the smart and strict population of 1776, rather DFD: Debt-Fueled Degradation, having been deliberate dumbed down for generations, to cover up 'integration' of nincompoops into DF jobs.

Below- Alfred Lilienthal - Patriotic American Jew Fought Against Zionism (scroll down)

March 15 - Satanyahu Pounding the Drum for WW3

Please send urls and comments to [email protected]

Satanyahu has been trying to drag the US into a war with Iran for decades. 

Iran is just an excuse for Netanyahu to fulfill his 1991 promise to Chabad Rebbe Schneerson to start a nuclear catastrophe to summon the Jewish Messiah according to Biblical prophecy.
(See meme below.) 

Now that fellow Chabad gangster Donald Drumpf is in charge, they should be able to keep this promise. 

If Iran's rulers were on the level, they would have nuclear weapons. That is the best way to secure lasting peace.  Iran's rulers are Freemasons like Netanyahu, Trump and Putin. It's all a charade to bring on WW3 and kill the goyim and assimilated Jews.  Depopulation is the goal.

Latest-  US bombs Yemen. How long will Americans tolerate being proxies for a genocidal state? Israel.

How long will Jews continue to be trapped in the Soros-Musk  Left-Right  Communist-Zionist matrix? 

When will they denounce both Zionist genocide and Soros Communist globalism.  

After all these years, why do the Houthis, Hezbollah, Syria and even Iran have such limited air defence capacity? Smacks of a charade.

Lena Petrova- 

US vs IRAN: Russia & China Support Iran's Nuclear Program, Defy Trump's Threats & Call for Diplomacy

BREAKING: U.S. Boots South African Ambassador, 'Persona Non Grata.'

President Donald J. Trump's Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, announced late Friday that the United States had dismissed South Africa's ambassador, Ebrahim Rasool. The South African government diplomat, while participating in a foreign policy seminar at the Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA) in Johannesburg, referred to President Trump as a white supremacist and declared that the ideology was a motivating factor for the MAGA movement."South Africa's Ambassador to the United States is no longer welcome in our great country. Ebrahim Rasool is a race-baiting politician who hates America and hates @POTUS," Secretary Rubio announced in a post on X (formerly Twitter). He added: "We have nothing to discuss with him and so he is considered PERSONA NON GRATA."


Here is the video of this encounter where Netanyahu promises to start a nuclear war

The Death of Free Speech in America?, by Philip Giraldi - The Unz Review

Donald Trump and his band of Zionist stooges have finally hit rock bottom with their arrest and threatened deportation of a student who had admittedly helped organize nonviolent campus demonstrations against the Israeli slaughter of the Gazans. This was followed by threats directed by Trump against a highly respected congressman who has been critical of a number of issues involving both the administration's foreign policy and congress. At heart, both were and are First Amendment free speech issues and both rely on a White House presumption that because it names someone as a "threat" it has to provide no evidence that that is actually the case. And there in the Israel exception rule in place that allows the Jewish state to avoid any consequences for its actions. Any and all "free speech" which is critical of or offensive to the foreign nation to which most American politicians and much of the fawning mainstream American media owe their primary allegiance clearly is considered outside the pale of acceptable behavior, even when supportive of every value and principle to which US governments have hypocritically claimed to adhere.

Sabbatean-Frankism as the Paradigm of the Modern Left

The failures of the contemporary Left do not represent "good faith" secular humanist efforts gone wrong. It is very possible that Freud, Marx, and other Sabbatean-Frankist intellectuals purpose-built their ideas to destroy the West


Looks Like Donald Trump May Well Be Crypto-Jewish. That Would Explain A Great Deal ...

Jon Rappoport Gateway Pundit and Revolver don't have the balls or brains to blow the CDC out of the water

In 2 breaking articles, I laid out the whole sordid CDC vaccine-autism scandal centering on William Thompson. Read those pieces.

It's all there. Corruption, federal crimes, betrayal. And that scandal directly impacted the Senate's decision to dump Dave Weldon as new CDC director.

Dave knows the scandal, chapter and verse. He knows a few of the players. And behind his bland exterior, he has the courage to expose it. Now. Which would take MAHA and Kennedy and Health Freedom and America to a whole new level.

Two big-time conservative sites, The Gateway Pundit and Revolver, barely mentioned the fact that Weldon didn't make it as new CDC chief.

Attorney Tom Renz on Twitter--"Absolutely no reason for the Epstein fillers not to be out. I'm sick of people making excuses - yes we all love Trump but Bondi isn't Trump anymore than Bill Barr was. 

Unless the biggest RICO case in history is announced tomorrow Bondi is either completely incompetent or covering for pedophiles. Pulling Kash in for cover yesterday was just the final straw in my mind and I think we need to start asking real questions. ZERO high profile prosecutions. No investigation announced into Soros and Open Society

No JFK/MLK files. No COVID investigations of substance. No high profile arrests of deep state operatives that participated in the fraud DOGE is uncovering

And the list goes on... but plenty of time for Fox News interviews. PLEASE prove me wrong by doing something real! 

Btw - I'm a lawyer so don't bother commenting why she can't release them... she absolutely can.


The mask is off. Investigative journalist Natalie Winters has exposed a network of Soros-funded NGOs actively fueling chaos and division in the United States. These groups aren't just protesting--they are paid agitators, strategically deployed to disrupt, intimidate, and destabilize.


 Conservative town halls--shut down by organized mobs.
Tesla dealerships--firebombed and vandalized as Musk stands against globalists.
 Pro-Trump rallies--hijacked by professional disruptors to create optics of "unrest."


 George Soros and his network of radical NGOs, pulling the strings behind the scenes.
 The Democratic elite, desperate to regain control as Trump's influence grows.
 The corporate media, running cover for the paid mobs while ignoring real issues.

 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Trump must act--it's time to go after Soros and cut the head off the snake. The days of allowing unelected billionaires to fund domestic subversion must end.

Recent Makow interview with Jerry Barrett on Power of Prophecy about Illuminati 4 - Genocide & War


WW III erupting first as a regional war committed by Israel as the aggressor in the Middle East is an essential part of the JEW scheme to totally genocide Christianity and implement the reign of their JEW antichrist as a false peacemaker to enslave for the JEWS  the surving remnants of humanity commencing in Autumn 2029.

Colonel Macgregor speaks to Judge Napolitano of its rapid inevitability. 

Note also that the JEW owned puppet EU/NATO officials last week voiced their intentions to keep the Ukraine war against Russia going through at least 2029/2030.


PA Begins Mass Chicken Elimination - Not Joking!


Five Years Later, We Remember How Politicians Unleashed COVID Tyranny

Five years ago, politicians and bureaucrats went berserk and pointlessly ravaged Americans' freedom. The Covid-19 pandemic provided the pretext to destroy hundreds of thousands of businesses, padlock churches, close down schools, and effectively place hundreds of millions of Americans under house arrest. 


just following the book.png
JPMorgan Chase reverses course on political and religious "debanking" after shareholder pressure forces a policy shift.

Right now, in any case, JPMorgan Chase has agreed to a policy change that protects customers from denial of banking services because of their political or religious views.


NEWS: Top Oncologist Testifies on Explosion of 'Turbo Cancer' Among Covid-Vaxxed: 'Mass Murder'

Standing Up for Truth in Challenging Times
A compelling call to reveal hidden truths, confront global deception, and stand firm against tyranny.

Here, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. Roger Hodkinson and I discussed how to stand up for truth in the face of powerful resistance. The discussion is a powerful reminder of the essential duty to speak the truth. As emphasized by Dr. Rose, there is nothing wrong with revealing the truth, even if it goes against the prevailing narratives. This dedication to reality forms the bedrock of a free and healthy society.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Below - March 14 - Commie Vs Zionist Wings of Jewish Freemasonry Tearing World Apart (scroll down)

Alfred Lilienthal - Patriotic American Jew Fought Against Zionism

March 14, 2025

(Alfred Lilienthal, 1915-2008) 

Alfred Lilienthal belongs to the ranks of courageous 
Jews who opposed the satanic Jewish supremacist agenda. 

This was before Jews were forced to be either
Commies or Zionists and could express their actual beliefs and aspirations
without being brainwashed and coerced into advancing a suicidal agenda.

Today, their fight is everyone's fight.


from Dec 2023
by Michael Cangemi

  Alfred M. Lilienthal was a graduate of Columbia Law School who stirred up no small displeasure with a Reader's Digest article, "Israel's Flag is Not Mine." After a negative sermon in a New York synagogue, he was awakened by a rank, threatening phone call. 

"If you don't stop, we will have you killed. You are undoing everything we are struggling for...lay off what you are doing." 

Heroically, he did not stop. Some friends and family shunned him while others quietly told him they agreed. In 2008, I chanced upon copies of two of his books: What Price Israel? (1953) and The Zionist Connection (1978).

 The Zionist Connection's stark, white cover featured Israel's Star of David symbol superimposed (appropriately) over a section of Stars and Stripes. ( The Star of David is in fact an old occult symbol adopted by Zionist leaders for the new state and has no connection to biblical King David. )

 The book's inside cover notes that the author "finds the meticulous organization of Zionism reaching into the White House, mobilizing public opinion, exercising control over Congress, repressing opposition through anti-Semitic labeling and exercising inordinate control over the media of information...endangering American national interests." 

Before 1948, Lilienthal notes there was essentially no Jew-Arab conflict. Once the new state was established, Zionist leaders "set in motion a simultaneous flow of Jews into the country and Arabs from the country." 

Quoting David Ben-Gurion, "Israel is the country of the Jews and only the Jews." 

Lilienthal called the displacement of the 1.3 million, Christian and Muslim  Arab population, a devastating abrogation of the western professed ideal of self-determination...this is the 'original sin' that underlies the entire Palestine conflict." 

The Zionists employed psychological warfare and outright terrorism to drive out Palestinians and "expropriate their homes, lands and property." One of the most heinous examples was the massacre of the small Arab village of Deir Yassin, wherein a surprise attack, 250 old men, women and children "...were cold-bloodedly murdered in their homes with no signs of fighting...I can't forget what happened there...I saw the atrocities committed..." witnessed an Israeli Haganah officer. 

Lilienthal wrote that the massacre of Palestinians was "carefully concealed from the west--Americans in particular...who out of abysmal ignorance and a gnawing sense of guilt over the Holocaust accepted in toto the ideological Zionist fairy tale including the myth that the Arabs were being well treated" but in practical, economic, human and social terms they were being decimated. 

The resulting enormous humanitarian and refugee crisis that Israel created, "was virtually unreported to the American public" and constituted "a cover-up and cover-over with few parallels in the annals of man." Alfred suggested part of the reason was a " a letter by the press advisor to Israel's Washington Embassy: It advised that anyone interested in the Arab refugee problem was to be considered 'pro-Arab oriented' and hence 'anti-Semitic." 

 Other topics covered in The Zionist Connection :

 * Dual loyalty encouraged among American Jews. 
* The 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty which killed 34 American sailors, injured scores more. The US inquiry a "white -wash." Israeli intent was to sink the vessel and blame the Egyptians.
 * The Khazar's adoption of Judaism in 740 AD was "historical fact." Zionism's founders, Herzl, Weizmann, etc. were Khazar descendants and NOT Hebrews thus nullifying their claim to Palestine. 
* Christians deceived and in bondage regarding modern Israel. 
* Accused Jews and Christians of essentially worshipping the state of Israel while ignoring the moral implications. 
* Exploitation of the Holocaust even though Zionists cooperated in sending thousands of their fellow Jews to their deaths for political purposes. 

Posts on his website included two important pieces: Liberating America from Israel written by former Republican Congressman, Paul Findley. In the first paragraph, the 22 year veteran of the U.S. Congress states: "Nine-Eleven would not have occurred if the U.S. Government had refused to help Israel humiliate and destroy Palestinian society. Few express this conclusion publicly, but many believe it is the truth." 

Another was a write up about Edwin Wright, a son of missionary parents, who did an extensive study of Zionism and learned Zionist ideology says they must have a large enough area to accommodate the whole of the world's Jewish population. 

Also from Wright's writings: "It is not brought out in Zionist propaganda in America but what they claim is all the territory from the Suez southern Turkey ...Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Sinai from...the Nile to the Euphrates." "This is the territory they call, "Eretz Israel" ( Greater Israel ). 
They also believe their messiah will not return until they control all of Eretz Israel. 

Reading about the horrible mistreatment the Israelis dealt the Palestinians, I couldn't help thinking of a scripture, that Lilienthal also quoted: "But the stranger that dwells among you shall be unto you as one born among you and thou shalt love him as yourself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God." Leviticus 19:34 

Unable to personally respond to emails in 2008, I was told by his webmaster he had indeed embraced Jesus Christ as his Messiah. A photo on his website showed Alfred squatting down holding a young Palestinian child while several others gathered around him. 

He exhibited more of the love of Christ to those unfortunates than the American Christian Zionists who blindly aided and still aid their persecutors. "By their fruits you will know them."

Michael Cangemi, is a Texas artist, 9/11truth activist, and Bible college graduate. His website:  "I was raised Catholic, saved in Evangelical and Full Gospel circles. I believe there is a lot of good Biblical teaching within Churches. I have a  problem with silence and willful ignorance in the face of deception and mass murder and the reasons it was done. I believe the Church is deceived about Zionism, which they support publicly.

Also by Michael Cangemi  - God is a 9-11 Truther 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at,patriotic-american-jew-fought-zionist.html

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "Alfred Lilienthal - Patriotic American Jew Fought Against Zionism"

MS said (March 15, 2025):

They're not all bad. There's some good ones, but unfortunately, too few & far between.

Most people think I'm a raving "anti-Semite", which basically I am (even though 95% of all Jews are NOT Semites, Arabs are). Generally speaking, I do hate Jewry. The good Jews don't follow their religion or their "Leaders". They're called "Assimilated Jews" who are as hated as Gentiles by the insane Ortho, Zionist Jews, and should be killed along with the Gentiles, in their opinion.
I have Jewish friends (believe it or not) who are about as Jewish as I am Catholic! They're independent Humans who loath Jew actions & talk. They don't identify as Jewish.

Supposedly, Judaism is a religion, not a nationality. So, any "Jew" can simply choose NOT to be a Jew! Simple. Especially if their mother isn't a Jew! In that case, they are NOT Jewish; ask any Rabbi in Israel! Jewish people have nationalities, just like everyone else. They're German, Russian, Austrian, or whatever, even Mexican or Somalian, or Iranian! "Jewish" is not a nationality! If some guy named Myron Frankel is asked if he's Jewish, he can honestly say "No, I'm German". He may also be able to say he's a Christian, if he is. But, he's under a death sentence by the Big Jews for that. Assimilated Jews must be liquidated, just as the Gentiles should be. Judaism is the only "religion" that is treated as a nationality.

Also, too few of the good Jews protest Judaism, their insane cult of Death masquerading as a religion, and their Genocidal actions prompted by racism, supremacism and insanity. Jews even kill their own. So silence on the part of assimilated Jews attracts the Hate to them, as well as the consequences. The Big Jews sacrifice the little Jews without hesitation, for the supposed benefit of the advance of Judaic agendas. Enough of their Crimes against Humanity, their Supremacism, Lying & Hypocrisy!

It's time for the world to stand up & tell Jewry F-U!!!!!! Especially the USA! Outlaw dual citizen Israelis serving in the Government!! No other people are allowed to be in the Govt. as a dual citizen from ANYWHERE! Only ISRAEL!!
Outlaw AIPAC!!

Britain has been under Rothschild Rule for over 300 years, so they're a lost cause; Britain is a Jew-run nation, more so than any other western country, even the USA. Jew blood runs through the veins of the Royals. Russia has some Nukes reserved for London, that's for sure.

Jewry would be nothing without the power of the Rothschilds, et al.

V said (December 3, 2023):

It was in 1954 that my Father visited Palestine & saw the Gaza camps. He was astounded by what Americans didn't know on the matter. His tour guide recommended Alfred's first book, "What Price israel?"

Dad kept pictures of the conditions of the Palestinians in that book & spoke of it often, along with continuing readings on the subject of Israel & Middle East unrest. Later he came into correspondence with Alfred, bought bulk orders of many of his books & donated these to libraries.

In 1976, Alfred was a house guest in my Father's home in AZ & he wrote of that in his Middle East Perspective. After Father died in 1989, I read more of Alfred's books & decided to contact him to see if we could meet. He was happy to do so, so I visited him in his apt. in Foggy Bottom & we had some enlightening discussions.

We came to be light social friends too, going to performances at the Kennedy Center, movies & a number of meals together. I invited him over for dinner on a number of occasions.

On initially meeting with him, I found him often agitated & obsessed with harassment from the Zios - saying they took things from his apt. when he was gone & replaced them with things not his. He showed me kitchen utensils & such as examples. At first I thought he was a bit mad & OCD. However, soon I was to experience phone harassment after my first contacts with him. He wrote to me of his troubles & I still have some of his letters. I'd have to admit that overall, he was very much harassed & reviled in DC & had his speeches & travels interfered with too, which naturally made him rather cranky & paranoid.

On the positive side, he could be a very witty & interesting companion & a great raconteur. He loved Broadway style performances & we went to "The Phantom of the Opera" and a redo of "Cats" together. He also was a great lover of the NY Yankees. He invited me to join him for events at the Saudi embassy & Yemen's too. He also invited me to join him at the Oslo accords - I passed.

He was a very brave, brilliant & committed man - a great American of unusual stature. He indeed needs to be remembered. Thank you for doing so. His warnings are still profoundly true - the Israeli cause will involve the US in many wars & overall be harmful for world Jewry.

JM said (October 8, 2019):

What a nice looking man, no resemblance to Jacob R at all. Always glad to learn of another Excellent Jew. I came across Benjamin Freedman and Myron Fagan early on in my journey of discovery. Later, Gilad Atzmon, Miko Peled, Henry Makow, etc., more recently Steve and Jana Ben-Nun. Of course two of my granddaughters are Excellent, although it’s painful to see the liberal brainwashing they’re undergoing here in Kalifornia.

Mike M said (October 7, 2019):

Great piece, Henry, I'd add Jack Bernstein, one of the early ones, along with Benjamin Freedman, "Jewish Patrick Henrys" opened my eyes, id call Henry, our greatest Ameican Patriot for Liberty for all God's creatures!

Mike K said (October 7, 2019):

One of the best Americans who happened to be a joo. He Did what we should all be doing and that is fighting against our countries true enemies, the tamudic kabbalistic satanic joos

George said (October 7, 2019):

Michael Cangemi seems to be on solid ground on the ethical dimensions of the Israeli story. However, ethical considerations have little or no effect on the course of history. What will hasten the elimination of the State of Israel is the fact that most of their neighbors perceive that State as a curse rather than a blessing. Those who are allied with them, such as the Saudis, share a similar image.

JG said (October 6, 2019):

There have been many American Jews who put their loyalty to America first.

Caspar Weinberger was much against Israeli spying. He strongly considered the death penalty in the Johnathan Pollard case. Israeli spying on America still goes on and has been for many years. Weinberger was a patriot. He also was a Captain of an Infantry Unit during WW2.
The allowed Israeli assault on the USS Liberty was a shameful disgrace to America. It should have been a wake-up call to Washington on the true nature of their relationship with Israel. Instead, Washington is still in denial of Israel's intent as an "ally".

Just supporting and defending Israel is not enough, they want it all



DC is as occupied as the West Bank.


Below- March 13 - Trump Belongs to Jewish Supremacist Cult (scroll down)

March 14 - Commie Vs Zionist Wings of Jewish Freemasonry Tearing World Apart

Please send links and comments to [email protected]

Battle of Jewish Billionaires: Soros vs Musk! 

Two Wings of Jewish Freemasonry Fan Civil War in America

Members of Jewish Voices for Peace occupy the lobby of Trump Tower Thursday to protest detention of Palestinian activist Mahmoud Khalil. 100 arrests. 

JVP is a Soros Front. It is astroturf. Although I agree with their pro-Palestinian sentiments,  Jewish Freemasonry is deliberately subverting the US by fanning division. 

The Demonrats are a pimple on George Soros' ass. The GOP is bought-and-paid-for by Miriam Adelson. The difference? Communism destroys the US from within. (Migration, Gender dysphoria. CRT.)  Zionism from without. (War)

The Jewish legacy media puts lipstick on this pig. 

Commies (Russia, China, Iran, Radical Islam, BRICS) vs Fascists (Zionist US, Israel, NATO, Ukraine, Argentina.)   It's WW2 all over again. WW2  pitted Fascists (Nazis, Zionist) vs Communists (Allies.)  Commie vs Fascist is a Jewish charade to kill goyim and assimilated Jews.

Jewish protesters flood Trump Tower's lobby to demand Mahmoud Khalil's release

"Demonstrators from a Jewish group filled the lobby of Trump Tower on Thursday to denounce the immigration arrest of Mahmoud Khalil, a pro-Palestinian activist who helped lead protests against Israel at Columbia University.

The demonstrators from Jewish Voice for Peace wore red shirts reading "Jews say stop arming Israel" and held up banners as they chanted "Bring Mahmoud home now!" on the lower level of the Fifth Avenue building's public atrium.

After warning the protesters to leave, police said they arrested 98 people who stayed on various charges, including trespassing, obstruction and resisting arrest.
Khalil, a 30-year-old permanent U.S. resident who is married to an American citizen and who has not been charged with breaking any laws, was arrested outside his New York City apartment Saturday and faces deportation. He is being held at an immigration detention center in Louisiana."

Is Soros Pumping Money into 'A Jewish Voice for Peace'?
A tangled web of non-profit political organizations reveals that George Soros is behind yet another Jewish anti-Zionist front.


 Quote: "Jonathan Pollard & Machon Shilo's Rabbi David Bar-Hayim discuss the countdown to armageddon with Iran."


Gabbard Nixes Choice Of Israel Critic For Key Post After Pro-Israel Voices Object

"For anyone desperate to see the Trump administration's hawkish and intensely pro-Israel element offset by bona fide America First voices in key intelligence positions, the selection of retired US Army Lt. Col. Daniel Davis to oversee the production of the President's Daily Brief seemed almost too good to be true. Alas, that has proven to be the case, as an eruption of objections and smears from Israel-supporters killed his job offer in a matter of hours." 

Meta wins emergency ruling in scramble to block sordid tell-all memoir on Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg

The book claims that Sandberg once spent $13,000 on lingerie for herself and a young female assistant and later invited Wynn-Williams to "come to bed" on a private flight home from Europe. Wynn-Williams also accused top executive Joel Kaplan of sexual harassment and Zuckerberg of helping China to develop censorship tools in a failed bid to get his social media apps unblocked in the country.

As of Thursday morning, major retailers like Amazon and Barnes and Noble were still selling the book online.

The company has said Wynn-Williams was fired due to "poor performance and toxic behavior."

"Welcome to Canada, where everyone is assumed to be a criminal- except actual criminals of course..."

Canada To Spend 4.8 Million On Getting People To SWAT You


More Christian genocide

Thousands reported killed in Syria as HTS-allied forces attack, execute Alawites

Dr. David Weldon's CDC Nomination Was Killed at the Eleventh Hour
Big Pharma didn't want Weldon to lead the CDC. His letter explains why they made sure he didn't get the job.

If confirmed, Weldon planned to take a closer look at the CDC's vaccine research, including allegations that the agency manipulated data to protect pharmaceutical interests. That alone was enough to make him a target. But when the pharmaceutical lobby caught wind that Weldon might actually have the power to investigate, the knives came out.

"More than a human can bear": Israel's systematic use of sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence since October 2023

I remember making post after post of the genocide in Gaza and being attacked left and right for being "anti semitic" for pointing out basic facts of what was happening, well now the world sees the truth for what it is. Anyone who supported Israel is going to have a very hard time in the near future, history is NOT going to be kind.

Zionist clown world

Yossi Dagan presents (Zion Don's spiritual advisor) Paula White with Mezuzah - Israel365 News

Charlie Kirk says Christians have a special obligation to "honor the Jews" due to a Biblical covenant with the State of Israel - David Icke

Mike Evans urges Senate confirm Mike Huckabee as US ambassador to Israel - The Jerusalem Post

Mike Evans, the founder of the Friends of Zion Museum in Jerusalem, sent a letter to US senators on Tuesday urging them to confirm former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee as the next ambassador to Israel, describing him as potentially "the greatest US ambassador to Israel in history."

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

You can find this article permanently at

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Comments for "March 14 - Commie Vs Zionist Wings of Jewish Freemasonry Tearing World Apart"

RH said (March 14, 2025):

I had never heard of Charlie Kirk until I read about him today and I looked him up on Wikipedia. Wow! Talk about a turtle on a fence post...even marries a Miss Arizona, does not finish community college but receives an honorary degree of Doctor of Humanities (D.Hum.) from Liberty University Thanks for alerting me to this turtle on a fence post character.

Jews and Gays Control Your Mind (from 2013)

December 7, 2024

Jews and Gays Control Your Mind (from 2013) Red=Jewish  Green= Gay  Blue = Non-white


Cheating in Early Votes is Off the Charts

October 31, 2024


Here we are, only two weeks into early voting
 to select the next president, and already 
the cheating is off the charts.

By Mike Stone

Ballots in Wisconsin, Virginia, and other states have either obscured or purposely misspelled Donald Trump's name. Is that to make those ballots unreadable by the rigged voting machines? Are they fake ballots? 

Three counties in Pennsylvania have been busted for fraudulent mail ballot request forms. And those are just the ones who have been caught.

In other parts of Pennsylvania, American citizens, waiting in line for hours to vote, have been forced to watch as van loads of non-English speaking illegal aliens are escorted inside of the polling precinct ahead of them to cast their own votes.

Voting lines in Republican counties have been shut down early:

A Pennsylvania GOP committeewoman was handcuffed and arrested for telling frustrated citizens to stay in line and vote:

And an ABC news station aired a "test result" showing Harris winning Pennsylvania by a margin of 52%-47%:

Jerome Corsi writes that the Georgia State Board of Elections creates illegal voter IDs by the thousands:

In Texas, half-a-dozen arrests have already taken place for people charged with "vote flipping," while "ballot mules" in Pennsylvania have also been arrested.

And bear in mind, this is just the opening salvo. 

Cheating is the only way the Democrats can win. They know it. We know it. They know that we know it. Yet they continue to do it, in part, because they know the American people will take it. And because they just can't help themselves. Cheating, lying, and stealing elections is in their nature. Remember the story of the scorpion and the frog?

Democrats are especially prone to cheat in this election, because Donald Trump is leading in every poll, and not by a little, but by a lot. Add "Garbagegate" and Trump working the fry cooker at McDonald's to the mix and the Dems are in full-out panic mode.

Who's ultimately behind all the cheating? In this five minute video, an Israeli company brags about rigging presidential elections for money. They are only one team out of many doing this.

How many of these companies have been hired to help steal the 2024 presidential election?

Get your popcorn ready. You ain't seen nothing yet.

Mike Stone is the author of the new book REAL or FAKE: The Donald Trump Assassination Attempt and Teen Boy's Success Book: the Ultimate Self-Help Book for Boys; Everything You Need to Know to Become a Man

Reply from Savvy Granny

August 18, 2024

Martin Armstrong - the UN's Goal is Communist Tyranny 17.8. 2024

Reply from Savvy Granny

Well it certainly is. 

However, the UN is just the transitional decoy, the bogey 'supranational order' (Protocols of Zion 5.11). Its task is masonry, that is building the international entity which will complete the projected world order. And its task is destruction  - the global depop, the destruction of nations through its climate dicta, immigration dicta, PHEICdemics, bioweapons, overseeing the communist tyranny of its regime-changed member nations. 

The completed world order will be the Judaic Anti-Christ World Soviet (JAWS) under Noachide Law with all the 'smart goy masons' executed - the ones who were instrumental in the bogey 5.11. They got the Jubela, Jubelo, Jubelum script  in the destruction.

Remember the French Revolution, [which alone we call 'Great' in some translations]for the secrets of its preparation are well known to us. It was entirely the work of our hands. (Protocols of Sion III.14)

The Supreme Soviet may have been dissolved Dec 1991, so it is no longer the base of the Great Revolution - the permanent world-wide revolution [now in its global, communist totalitarian phase].

Before it was dissolved the Supreme Soviet elected Gorbachev to its praesidium and he promptly took up residence at the Praesidio in San Francisco as the supremo of the UN - the one who dictates to the Secretary General. Under the Gorbachev  Praesidium, UN Agenda 21 was adopted 1992 and he also founded the Earth Charter Commission with Maurice Strong 1997. The EC was founded 2000 for the destruction of the Western societies and economies .

The Khazarian dynastic families of the Central Banking Cartel [the owners of this Money Trust] own the Revolution, own the UN and all its multi-lateral partners as well as the manufactured billionaires which are both Zionist (Western) and Communist (Eastern Bloc) assets of the Revolution.

The WEF founded by Schwab 1971 officially with Henry Kissinger (unofficially).  Its counterpart for the JAWS Eurasian Agenda is the SPIEF founded by Henry Kissinger (unofficially) 1997. The SPIEF was instrumental in establishing the Eurasian Economic Union for the Communist / Islamic Bloc 2014. Along with the EU(ssr) and the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board - these are the chief 'multi-lateral' partners of the UN which handle its international operations over the captured / subverted member nations to serve UN Agenda and Earth Charter Dicta.