Antibody availability

The Human Protein Atlas project use both commercial and non-commercial antibodies. In case commercial antibodies have been used to generate data, a link to the antibody provider website and product name is provided at the "Antibody validation" page for each gene/protein, click the provider name under Antibody information to be directed to the company's website. There may be cases where the antibody has been discontinued by the provider. In case the antibody is provided by an academic source, please contact us for further information on [email protected].

Abbot Laboratories
Abcam (Formerly Epitomics)
Abcam plc
Abceota (Formerly Abgent)
Agilent (Formerly DakoCytomation)
Alomone Labs
Alpha Diagnostic
Anemocyte S.r.l. (formerly ARETA international)
Atlas Antibodies
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Axxora (Formerly Apotech Corp.)
Becton Dickinson and Company
Becton Dickinson and Company (Formerly PharMingen)
Becton Dickinson and Company (Formerly Transduction Laboratories)
Bio SB
Bio-Rad Antibodies (Formerly AbD Serotec)
Biocare Medical
BioPorto Diagnostics A/S
Biothelis (Formerly Lunginnov)
CapitalBio Technology Co.
Cell Marque
Cell Signaling Technology, Inc
ECM Biosciences
Enzo Life Sciences
GenWay Biotech
Harvard Medical School
Insitute Curie, France
Karolinska Institute
Karolinska Institute MBB
Kazusa DNA Research Institute
Labcorp Drug Development (Formerly Covance)
Leica Biosystems (Formerly Novocastra)
LifeSpan Biosciences
Medical University of Vienna
Merck (Formerly Chemicon)
Merck (Formerly Merck Millipore)
Merck (Formerly Oncogene Research Products)
Merck (Formerly Upstate)
Monash University MATF
National Institutes of Health - Bustin Laboratory
Novus Biologicals
Oviedo University, Spain
Phoenix Pharmaceuticals
PROGEN Biotechnik
Proteintech Group Inc
QED Bioscience
R-Biopharm AG
R&D Systems
Roche (LifeScience)
Rush University
Santa Cruz Biotechnology
Södertörns University College
Synaptic Systems GmbH
The Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark
The Frappier Lab, University of Toronto
The Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Ltd, Uppsala University
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Formerly Affinity BioReagents)
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Formerly BioSource)
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Formerly Caltag)
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Formerly Lab Vision/NeoMarkers)
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Formerly Molecular Probes)
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Formerly Zymed)
University College London (UCL) Medical School
University of Glasgow
University of Gothenburg
University of Hawaii at Manoa
University of New Mexico
University of Tampere
University of Tromsö
University Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla
UP Transfer GmbH, Hybrotec
Uppsala University ICM
Uppsala University IMBIM
US Biological
Vicgene Biotechnology