OpenPKG Project
OpenPKG Project

Welcome to OpenPKG…

OpenPKG since 10 years is the world leading instrument for the cost-effective deployment and maintenance of Open Source Unix server software solutions when administration crosses Unix platform boundaries.

OpenPKG provides a flexible and extensive toolkit of about 1500 portable and high-quality Unix server software packages within a fully self-contained packaging framework.
OpenPKG 4 supports all major Unix server platforms, including BSD, GNU/Linux, Solaris and MacOS X flavors, and can be deployed multiple times on a single system without virtualization technologies and with minimum intrusion.

The OpenPKG software distribution is updated daily (see download repository activities below) and hence always provides you with the latest Open Source server software.

OpenPKG 4

The OpenPKG GmbH and the OpenPKG Foundation e.V. are proud of the final availability of OpenPKG 4, the first RPM 5 based OpenPKG version.

OpenPKG 4 is also finally split into two distinct parts: the commercially licensed OpenPKG Framework from the OpenPKG GmbH and the Open Source licensed OpenPKG Packages from the OpenPKG Foundation e.V.

OpenPKG Enterprise 1 Pro

The OpenPKG pushed RPM 5 development and as a result RPM 5.0 finally is available. The next major OpenPKG version will be based on RPM 5.

OpenPKG backs RPM project

The OpenPKG GmbH backs Jeff B. Johnson's RPM 5 project with a completely new infrastructure to allow RPM development to continue.

OpenPKG Enterprise 1 Pro

The OpenPKG GmbH ships OpenPKG Enterprise 1 Pro now, the new online variant of OpenPKG Enterprise 1.


OpenPKG 2-STABLE-20070201

The OpenPKG Foundation e.V. released OpenPKG 2-STABLE-20070221, the latest snapshot distribution of the OpenPKG Community 2-STABLE branch.

OpenPKG Enterprise 1

The OpenPKG GmbH ships OpenPKG Enterprise 1 now, the new premium product for business customers and their professional Unix server setups.

OpenPKG Enterprise 1 is the successor to OpenPKG Community 2.5 as it provides essential security updates based on back-ported and compatible security fixes over the life-time of more than 1 year.

Advent Calendar 2006

The OpenPKG Advent Calendar 2006 until Christmas delivers you daily pondering, backstage information and tips & tricks.


OpenPKG GSBA Thesis

The GSBA thesis "How can OpenPKG support IT business" from Richard Maier is now available online.

The thesis analyzes OpenPKG's value proposition from a business perspective and can be used by IT decision makers as a comprehensive foundation for their business judgement on OpenPKG.

OpenPKG Crossed 1000 Package Cornerstone

After 6 years of steady development, OpenPKG-CURRENT today crossed the cornerstone of 1000 high-quality, concise and clean OpenPKG RPM packages.

OpenPKG 2-STABLE-20061018

The OpenPKG Foundation e.V. released OpenPKG 2- STABLE- 20061018, the latest community snapshot distribution of the OpenPKG 2-STABLE branch. Together with the forthcoming OpenPKG Enterprise 1 this distribution finally supercedes OpenPKG 2.5.

Package Browser Available

A new OpenPKG web service is available: the OpenPKG Package Browser.

It allows you to browse the OpenPKG packages by their group, search them via one or more keywords or even directly select them in case their name is already known to you. For each package package header, security advisory, source file and download information is provided.

New Tracker & Statistics

Two long-standing services of the OpenPKG-CURRENT development efforts were now re-implemented from scratch:

1. the OpenPKG Vendor Version Tracker is now database driven and reports on demand with a Web user interface instead of bi-daily Mails.

2. the CVS Repository Activity Statistics are now reported again on the Web with nice bar charts.

OpenPKG 2-STABLE Snapshot

The OpenPKG project diverged the 2-STABLE branch and created a snapshot. The OpenPKG Foundation e.V. merged CORE+BASE+PLUS packages into the new OpenPKG 2-STABLE branch.

Demonstration Video Available

The OpenPKG Demonstration Video is now available, featuring OpenPKG on FreeBSD, Linux and Solaris in parallel.

The video was produced end of April 2006 by the OpenPKG GmbH and first spread to the public on DVD in May 2006 by the OpenPKG Foundation e.V. on the LinuxTag 2006 exhibition in Wiesbaden, DE.

Business Services Available

After resource consolidations and organizational restructuring during 2005, the OpenPKG Project is proud to announce the establishment of the OpenPKG GmbH, a sibling organization with the dedicated goal of providing commercial services to OpenPKG business customers.

Read more about this in the official Press Release

New Websites Launched

The three OpenPKG websites…

…were now finally consolidated and visually merged together via the global uniform website design provided by OpenPKG Meta. The websites are kept located under completely separated administration domains but now share the same design and global navigation.

OpenPKG at LinuxTag

OpenPKG was represented by the OpenPKG Foundation e.V. and OpenPKG GmbH at LinuxTag 2006, one of the largest and most popular European open-source Expo and Conference. Get an impression…



As of March 2006, OpenPKG-CURRENT consists of over 91,000 lines of polished OpenPKG RPM package specification code, resulting in over 950 freely available individual packages.

OpenPKG-CURRENT is updated twice(!) per day. So, if you need the latest bleeding edge Unix software, drive OpenPKG-CURRENT!


Download the current RELEASE:

OpenPKG 2.5

It contains 579 packages, carefully selected from the pool of over 950 OpenPKG-CURRENT packages and available for 19 different Unix platforms.

Read more in the OpenPKG 2.5 Press Release

Download Policy Changed

Since 2005-11-28 the download policy on is changed to allow the OpenPKG project to better identify its effective user community.

This is vital for the future of the OpenPKG project and every user is called to support the OpenPKG project with both a simple, free of charge and one-time registration and an identification during downloads. Read more…