Picture to text converter allows you to extract text from image or convert PDF to Word, Excel or Text formats using Optical Character Recognition software online


1 STEP - Upload image


2 STEP - Select language and output format

3 STEP - Convert image

Max file size 15 mb.


How to convert Image to text?

1. Upload Image

Upload Image or PDF document for conversion. You can upload any type of input images or documents, such as PDF, Tiff, PNG, BMP and other. One limitation for the input document is that the file size is no more than 15 MB

2. Language and output

You should select appropriated recognition language for most accuracy conversion image to text. And also, you may choose output format (MS Doc, Excel or plain text file)

3. Download

After conversion you can download converted editable file by clicking on the link or copy extracted text into clipboard

OCR Technology

Image to text converter – what is this?

Online OCR tool is the Image to text converter based on Optical character recognition technology. Use our service to extract text and characters from scanned PDF documents (including multipage files), photos and digital camera captured images.

If you need to extract text from a photo, use our image to text converter. If you have a scanned book in PDF format and want to create a searchable PDF, our service is the best solution to convert PDF to Word or Excel!

You don't need to waste time rewriting a scanned lecture - just upload the file and convert image to text.

Using advanced image pre-processing algorithms and OCR technology, our service scans text from your images and extracts it to any editable format.

OCR tool – use cases

The image to text extractor has many uses

  • This allows us to extract text from scanned images and PDF documents

  • It creates searchable, editable and accessible content

  • Additionally, some options for using image to text are described below:

OCR tools use cases

Searchable PDF

The most useful feature is converting a scanned PDF into a searchable PDF. This option allows you to quickly find the necessary information in the extracted text. This function is often used by libraries and government agencies to digitize their archives.


Teachers and students can convert scanned study notes, textbooks and lecture notes into text for better exam preparation. Scanned lectures takes a lot of space on your hard drive or phone. The text-based version, created via image to text converter takes up much less space.

Book Digitization

Book digitization is the process of converting physical books, magazines and other records into digital media using an image to text converter. As content digitizes, more and more publishers and organizations are digitizing their physical books into text formats such as PDF/A for easy distribution and reproduction in the online space. These digitized books can then be read on a digital screen. The editable format helps reduce file size and allows third-party applications to search, reformat, or manipulate text.

Data mining

Data mining is the process of extracting and discovering patterns in large data sets using methods that intersect machine learning, statistics, and database systems. Image to text conversion is the first step in preparing structured information to data mining set.

Data extraction

It is used to extract text from invoices, receipts, tables, forms and other documents to create databases and spreadsheets.

Quick translation

When you see something in an unknown language, you can simply take a photo, send it to our image to text conversion service, and once processed, send the extracted data to the translator.

Legislation and Compliance

Typically, legal documents are got in scanned form. Using picture to text converter you can extract important information from legal documents, contracts, invoices or government docs. Image to text converter gives you the ability to convert scanned documents into digital versions.

Picture to Text Converter - Key Features

Image to text converter

Multiple recognition languages

Our image converter supports 46 recognition languages. Including general European and Asian languages. This is very useful feature.

Supported input formats

Service can convert the following image formats: PDF (All types of PDF files including multi-page PDFs), TIF/TIFF (Multipage TIFFs supported), JPEG/JPG, BMP, PCX, PNG, GIF, ZIP files containing the above types of files can also be uploaded.

Supported output formats

Service gives you the possibility to convert image to text into 5 output formats: Adobe PDF document, Microsoft Word document, Microsoft Excel document, RTF document, Text Plain

Copy to clipboard

Ability to copy extracted text directly to clipboard for further using in free and registered mode

No need installation any software

Our picture to text converter is a completely web-based service. If you want to convert image to text you do not need to download and install any software. You can use Online OCR service at any places and time using a web browser

Secure conversion

All documents uploaded under the free "Guest" account will be deleted automatically after conversion. Output files for registered users are stored one month

Extract text from Image using Email

Email OCR allows you to convert images to text and PDF to editable formats via email. Send PDF files or image files and receive converted documents as easily as email from your desktop, laptop or phone.

Free Service

Capturing text from images is totally free for "Guest" users (without registration) and allows you to convert 5 files per hour. If you need more pages to convert, please sign Up and you will get 50 free pages.

Image to Text - API

Image to text API

SOAP and REST API interfaces

OCR API is a cloud-based service that provides SOAP and REST web interfaces to integrate Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology into your software application or web site. OCR Web Service is efficient, powerful and scalable platform capable of processing huge volumes of images and documents.

OCR Web Service allows you to:

Convert image to text or extract text and characters from scanned PDFs or images. Service includes Zonal OCR to extract specifically zoned text from image.

Convert OCRed results directly to editable formats including Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word/Excel, Rtf and Txt.

Get extracted text or converted file and send to Database directly or your executable program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Image to text FAQ

What files can I convert?

You can extract text from any graphic formats: TIF/TIFF (multipage TIFF), JPEG/JPG, BMP, PCX, PNG, GIF, PDF (multipage PDF) The only restriction: file size should not exceed 15 Mb in free guest mode and 200 mb for registered users. Image resolution should be 200 DPI or higher to ensure good conversion results.

How can I extract text from image file that have size 25MB ?

Please you have to Sign Up with our service. Registered user able to convert files up to 200 mb

How do I convert more than one image at once?

You can upload more than one file at once by placing the files in a ZIP archive (available only for registered user)

I want to convert all pages in multipage PDF to Excel file. Is it possible?

Yes, of course. Registered user can convert all pages in the multipage PDF to Word or Excel. Output file will have the same layout as original document.

I want to convert only 2 pages from 50-pages PDF file, is it possible?

Yes, it is possible for registered users. In conversion options set "Multipage document" flag, and in the field for a range of pages specify necessary pages separated by comma (or range of pages with a hyphen).

Can I extract text from image rotated clockwise?

Yes, sure. Before converting text to image, our service automatically rotates the image and performs full-page deskew on image

How long will it take to convert my image to text?

The text recognition time depends on a lot of factors. First of all, it is the image quality. The average conversion time for one file is several seconds. We recommend to convert image with DPI 200 or 300


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