// change the dimension variable below to be the pixel size you want
var dimension = 800;
$('div[class="post-body entry-content"]').find('img').each(function(n,image){
var image = $(image);
// rewrite the url to set the new size
image.attr({src : image.attr('src').replace(/s400/,'s' + dimension)});
// remove any hard set width or height setting
$('.separator a').hover(function() {
var image = $(this).children();
var displaywindow = $(this).parent('.separator').siblings('.displaywindow');
var imageSRC = $(image).attr('src');
var sibling = $(this).siblings('.active');
var parent = $(this).parent('.entry-content');
var activeImage = "url(" + imageSRC + ") center center / 724px 482px no-repeat"
$(displaywindow).css("background", activeImage );
$( parent ).append( "
Handler for .mouseover() called.
" );
$('div .active').each(function() {
var displaywindow = $(this).siblings('.displaywindow');
var a = $(this).children();
var image = $(a).children();
var imageSRC = $(image).attr('src');
var activeImage = "url(" + imageSRC + ") center center / 724px 482px no-repeat"
$(displaywindow).css("background", activeImage );