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The world unspun podcast
Why the West picks guns over diplomacy, with Vijay Prashad
As the West’s power wanes in other areas, Vijay Prashad explains how it's using the arms industry to assert itself.
TranscriptCurrent Issue
Issue 553
The Arms Trade
While war means devastation for most, for the arms industry it means big profits. The trade in weaponry, military equipment and private security can seem like a vast, faceless, secretive foe. And in many ways it is.
But a powerful resistance is growing.
From India to Sudan to Ireland, this magazine reports on the shadowy networks fuelling conflict and how people are taking on some of the world’s most powerful companies and governments – and winning.
The long read
Guyana's Forever Oil
An oil boom is reshaping Guyana’s future. Ben Jacob traces the country’s long history of colonial exploitation from Britain’s sugar factory to Exxon’s oil fields.
Country Profile: Mauritius
Where the Mauritian economy was once precariously reliant on the 90 per cent of its sugar cane exported to Europe and the United States, the relatively new t
Sierra Leone's vanishing history
Built by formerly enslaved people, Freetown’s historic ‘bod oses’ now face an existential threat as foreign embassies move in. Jody Ray reports.
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From the archive
Greenland is being held to ransom
A mining company wants to extract billions of dollars from Greenland’s government as compensation for a defeated rare earth mining project.
Past issues