日本語 (Japanese)
About Keidanren
Policy Proposals
Executives' Comments
About Keidanren
Policy Proposals
Executives' Comments
日本語 (Japanese)
Keidanren USA
Policy Proposals
Industrial Policy
Policy Proposals
Industrial Policy
October 16, 2018
Logistics in the Age of Society 5.0
-- Hi-Tech-Driven Innovations and Advances in Globalization --
September 18, 2018
Agriculture: Its Future as a Leading-Edge Growth Industry
-- Policies for the Realization of Society 5.0 --
February 14, 2017
Establishing e-Government with the Aim of Realizing Society 5.0
December 13, 2016
Request for Cooperation in Promoting Flexible Working Styles on "Premium Friday"
December 13, 2016
Keidanren FY2016 Regulatory Reform Requests
October 31, 2016
Recent Trends Relating to Content Policy
September 20, 2016
Accelerating Exports and Overseas Expansion
-- Proposal for Strengthening the International Competitiveness of Japan's Agriculture --
June 21, 2016
Results of 2015 Survey on Japan's International Competitiveness
February 16, 2016
Keidanren FY2015 Requests for Regulatory Reform
December 15, 2015
Creating and Nurturing Startups That Can Contribute to the Development of New Key Industries
Toward the establishment of a "venture eco-system" in Japan
September 15, 2015
Change of our life and society in 2025 by utilizing consumer goods and service
- Proposal from consumer goods and service industries that supports "comfort, convenience, sense of security and safety" -
April 15, 2014
Proposals for enhancing Japanese companies' competitiveness
March 19, 2013
Request for Establishment of a New Industrial Policy System
-- The Road to the World's Best Business Environment --
March 21, 2012
Reform of ports, import/export systems for improved global competitiveness
October 18, 2011
Proposal to Take Stronger Measures to Control Piracy
April 28, 2011
Deregulations to overcome the difficulties caused by the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake
March 20, 2007
Second Set of Recommendations on Accepting Non-Japanese Workers (Summary)
April 14, 2004
Recommendations on Accepting Non-Japanese Workers
November 14, 2003
Interim Recommendations on Accepting Non-Japanese Workers
- Bring Dynamism of Diversity into Japan by Opening Doors to Transnational Human Resources -
October 17, 2000
Keidanren demands resolute promotion of Regulatory Reforms and the Establishment of a New System for the 21st Century
March 28, 2000
First Phase Proposal Regarding the Reform of Special-Purpose Corporations and Other Such Entities
March 28, 2000
Request for Realization of Early Entry of the Private Sector into the Postal Services Market
February 8, 2000
Policy Recommendations and Priority Requests to the Japanese Government on the Promotion of Regulatory Reform
October 19, 1999
Keidanren Urges the Government to Resolutely Carry out Sweeping Regulatory Reforms
May 20, 1999
Keidanren's Position on a Draft of Guidelines under Article 4 of LawConcerning the Measures by Large Scale Retail Stores for Preservations of Living Environment
October 20, 1998
For the promotion of deregulation aimed at economic revival and the establishment of a transparent system of governmental management
September 18, 1997
Proposals for Creating New Machinery for Promoting Deregulation to Prepare for the 21st Century
Deregulation in the field of telecommunications
January 1997
Request for Deregulation
October 12, 1995
Proposals for the Annual Revision of the Regulatory Reform Action Program
September 19, 1995
Creating A Consumer-Oriented Distribution System
July 31, 1995
Calling for Siting of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Project in Japan
May 16, 1995
Outline of "How Airports Should Be Improved - A Demand for Drafting an Improvement Plan with Emphasis on Large Scale Airport"
March 28, 1995
Proposals for the Revitalization of Industry Following the Kobe (Hanshin/Awaji Region) Earthquake
November 17, 1994
A Call for Formulation of the Effective Deregulation Promotion Plan toward the Post-Regulated Society
November 15, 1994
The Positive Economic Effects of Deregulation, and Strategies Needed To Increase Employment
September 19, 1994
Address to the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan (FCCJ)
by Mr.Isao Nakauchi, Vice Chairman
Policy Proposals
Policy Proposals
Comprehensive Strategy
Economic Policy, Social Security
Business Law
Industrial Policy
Urban and Local Development
Industrial Technology
Environment and Energy
CSR, Education, DEI
Labor Policy
Trade, Investment, EPA/FTA
International Cooperation
Regional Affairs