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Policy Proposals  Comprehensive Strategy . The NEW Growth Strategy

. The NEW Growth Strategy
. The NEW Growth Strategy
November 17, 2020


( PDF Format )


( PDF version is here )


I. Sustainable Capitalism

  1. 1. Background
  2. 2. Increasing Diversity and Complexity of Demands by Multiple Stakeholders
    1. (1) Changes in consumers
    2. (2) Changes in workers
    3. (3) Changes in local communities
    4. (4) Changes in the global community
    5. (5) Changes in awareness of the natural environment
  3. 3. Achieving Sustainable Capitalism by Realizing Society 5.0

II. Future Vision for 2030

  1. 1. Value Co-creation with Consumers: New Growth Through DX
    - A society that consumers find easy to live in through DX
  2. 2. Value Co-creation with Workers: Changing Work Styles
    - A society that offers flexible work style and opportunities for diverse career paths
  3. 3. Value Co-creation with Local Communities: Regional Revitalization
    - A society that leverages the regions' strengths to continually create value
  4. 4. Value Co-creation with the Global Community: Rebuilding the International Economic Order
    - A society that collaborates globally through Japan's proactive involvement
  5. 5. Value Co-creation with the Earth's Future: Realization of Green Growth
    - A society that balances the sustainability of the global environment and an abundant lifestyle

III. Action Toward 2030: Growth Strategy

  1. 1. New Growth Through DX
    1. (1) Common foundations that will realize new growth
    2. (2) New healthcare that will maximize individual well-being
    3. (3) New learning that will unleash future talent
    4. (4) New resilient supply chains that will create value
    5. (5) New public administration that will respond swiftly to diverse needs
  2. 2. Transformation of Work Styles
    1. (1) Shift to more flexible work styles that are not confined by time or space
    2. (2) Human resources mobility to enable diverse careers with multiple paths
    3. (3) Promotion of active participation in the workforce by diverse people
    4. (4) Concentrated investment for a society in which it is easy to have and raise children
  3. 3. Regional Revitalization
    1. (1) Promotion of human resources mobility through a shift to flexible work styles
    2. (2) Strengthening competitiveness of regional industries, universities, etc.
    3. (3) Building of value co-creation ecosystems in regional areas
    4. (4) Building of resilient and sustainable social infrastructure
  4. 4. Rebuilding the International Economic Order
    1. (1) Maintenance, expansion, and deepening of free trade and investment system
    2. (2) Ensuring proactive and strategic economic security
    3. (3) Formation of coalitions for solving global issues
  5. 5. Realization of Green Growth
    1. (1) Acceleration of innovation aimed at a decarbonized society
    2. (2) Priority assistance for competitive renewable energies
    3. (3) Use of nuclear power that balances decarbonization and economic feasibility
    4. (4) Improvement of electrification rate
    5. (5) Formation of "the Union of Green Growth Nations"


Comprehensive Strategy