. The NEW Growth Strategy
November 17, 2020
( PDF Format )
I. Sustainable Capitalism
- 1. Background
- 2. Increasing Diversity and Complexity of Demands by Multiple Stakeholders
- (1) Changes in consumers
- (2) Changes in workers
- (3) Changes in local communities
- (4) Changes in the global community
- (5) Changes in awareness of the natural environment
- 3. Achieving Sustainable Capitalism by Realizing Society 5.0
II. Future Vision for 2030
- 1. Value Co-creation with Consumers: New Growth Through DX
- A society that consumers find easy to live in through DX - 2. Value Co-creation with Workers: Changing Work Styles
- A society that offers flexible work style and opportunities for diverse career paths - 3. Value Co-creation with Local Communities: Regional Revitalization
- A society that leverages the regions' strengths to continually create value - 4. Value Co-creation with the Global Community: Rebuilding the International Economic Order
- A society that collaborates globally through Japan's proactive involvement - 5. Value Co-creation with the Earth's Future: Realization of Green Growth
- A society that balances the sustainability of the global environment and an abundant lifestyle
III. Action Toward 2030: Growth Strategy
- 1. New Growth Through DX
- (1) Common foundations that will realize new growth
- (2) New healthcare that will maximize individual well-being
- (3) New learning that will unleash future talent
- (4) New resilient supply chains that will create value
- (5) New public administration that will respond swiftly to diverse needs
- 2. Transformation of Work Styles
- (1) Shift to more flexible work styles that are not confined by time or space
- (2) Human resources mobility to enable diverse careers with multiple paths
- (3) Promotion of active participation in the workforce by diverse people
- (4) Concentrated investment for a society in which it is easy to have and raise children
- 3. Regional Revitalization
- (1) Promotion of human resources mobility through a shift to flexible work styles
- (2) Strengthening competitiveness of regional industries, universities, etc.
- (3) Building of value co-creation ecosystems in regional areas
- (4) Building of resilient and sustainable social infrastructure
- 4. Rebuilding the International Economic Order
- (1) Maintenance, expansion, and deepening of free trade and investment system
- (2) Ensuring proactive and strategic economic security
- (3) Formation of coalitions for solving global issues
- 5. Realization of Green Growth
- (1) Acceleration of innovation aimed at a decarbonized society
- (2) Priority assistance for competitive renewable energies
- (3) Use of nuclear power that balances decarbonization and economic feasibility
- (4) Improvement of electrification rate
- (5) Formation of "the Union of Green Growth Nations"