General IPDPS Info




IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee
on Computer Architecture

IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee
on Distributed Processing


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IPDPS 2017 Advance Program

The following program is slightly modified from the version posted on March 8, 2017. We apologize for any inconvenience due to changes in the assignment of papers to sessions. Please visit the IPDPS website regularly for updates. Authors who have corrections should send email to[email protected] giving full details.

MONDAY - 29 May 2017


* See each individual
workshop program
for schedule details


Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop



Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop



High Performance Computational Biology



NSF/TCPP W. on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education



Parallel and Distributed Computing for Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics



Parallel / Distributed Computing and Optimization



Graph Algorithms Building Blocks



Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems



High Level Programming Models and Supporting Environments



Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models



High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing



High-Performance Big Data Computing


6:00 PM -7:30 PM
IPDPS - TCPP Welcome Reception

TUESDAY - 30 May 2017


Opening Session
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Opening Session

Keynote Session
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Keynote Speech

Session Chair: Marc Snir

Tandy Warnow
University of Illinois ������

Computational Challenges in Constructing the Tree of Life

Abstract: Estimating the Tree of Life is one of the grand computational challenges in Science, and has applications to many areas of science and biomedical research.� Read more

Morning Break 9:30 AM -10:00 AM

PhD Forum
Starts on Tuesday

PhD Forum Posters
On Display All Day Tuesday and Wednesday

More details to be announced

All Day Industry Exhibits

Parallel Technical
Sessions 1, 2, 3, & 4

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Sesson 1
Graph Algorithms

Session Chair: Joseph Jaja

Monitoring Properties of Large, Distributed, Dynamic Graphs
Gal Yehuda, Daniel Keren and Islam Akaria

Parallel Construction of Suffix Trees and the All-Nearest-Smaller-Values Problem
Patrick Flick and Srinivas Aluru

The Reverse Cuthill-McKee Algorithm in Distributed-Memory
Ariful Azad, Mathias Jacquelin, Aydin Buluc and Esmond Ng

SlimSell: A Vectorizable Graph Representation for Breadth-First Search
Maciej Besta, Florian Marending, Edgar Solomonik and Torsten Hoefler

Session 2
Computational Biology

Session Chair: Cynthia A Phillips

SWhybrid: A Hybrid-Parallel Framework for Large-Scale Protein Sequence

Haidong Lan, Weiguo Liu, Yongchao Liu and Bertil Schmidt

PUNAS: A Parallel Ungapped-Alignment-Featured Seed Verification Algorithm for Next-Generation Sequencing Read Alignment

Yuandong Chan, Kai Xu, Haidong Lan, Weiguo Liu, Yongchao Liu and Bertil Schmidt

Eliminating Irregularities of Protein Sequence Search on Multicore� Architectures
Jing Zhang, Sanchit Misra, Hao Wang and Wu-Chun Feng

Communication Optimization on GPU: A Case Study of Sequence Alignment Algorithms
Jie Wang, Xinfeng Xie and Jason Cong

Session 3

Session Chair: Sanjeev Baskiyar

Elastic-Cache: GPU Cache Architecture for Efficient Fine- and Coarse-Grained Cache-Line Management
Bingchao Li, Jizhou Sun, Murali Annavaram and Nam Sung Kim

Content-Aware Non-Volatile Cache Replacement
Qi Zeng and Jih-Kwon Peir

DEFT-Cache: A Cost-effective and Highly Reliable SSD Cache for RAID Storage
Jiguang Wan, Wei Wu, Ling Zhan, Qing Yang, Xiaoyang Qu and Changsheng Xie

Adaptive Software Caching for Efficient NVRAM Data Persistence
Pengcheng Li, Dhruva R. Chakrabarti, Chen Ding and Liang Yuan

Session 4
Cloud & OS

Session Chair: �mit �ataly�rek

Container-Based Cloud Platform for Mobile Computation Offloading
Song Wu, Chao Niu, Jia Rao, Hai Jin and Xiaohai Dai

Enhancing Datacenter Resource Management through Temporal Logic Constraints
Hao He, Jiang Hu and Dilma Da Silva

High-Performance Virtual Machine Migration Framework for MPI Applications on SR-IOV enabled InfiniBand Clusters
Jie Zhang, Xiaoyi Lu and Dhabaleswar K. (DK) Panda

Argo NodeOS: Toward Unified Resource Management for Exascale

Swann Perarnau, Judicael A. Zounmevo, Matthieu Dreher, Brian C. Van Essen, Roberto Gioiosa, Kamil Iskra, Maya B. Gokhale, Kazutomo Yoshii and Pete Beckman
Parallel Technical Sessions 5, 6, 7, & 8
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Session 5
Distributed Algorithms

Session Chair: Pierre Fraigniaud

Rational Fair Consensus in the GOSSIP Model
Andrea Clementi, Luciano Gual�, Guido Proietti and Giacomo Scornavacca

Leader Election in a Smartphone Peer-to-Peer Network
Calvin Newport

Leader Election in Asymmetric Labeled Unidirectional Rings
Karine Altisen, Ajoy K. Datta, St�phane Devismes, Ana�s Durand and Lawrence L. Larmore

Tight Load Balancing via Randomized Local Search
Petra Berenbrink, Peter Kling, Christopher Liaw and Abbas Mehrabian

Session 6
Numerical Simulation

Session Chair: Alex Pothen

Large Scale Manycore-Aware PIC Simulation with Efficient Particle Binning
Hiroshi Nakashima, Yoshiki Summura, Keisuke Kikura and Yohei Miyake

Optimization and parallelization of B-spline based orbital evaluations in QMC on multi/many-core shared memory processors
Amrita Mathuriya, Ye Luo, Anouar Benali, Luke Shulenburger and Jeongnim Kim

One-Way Wave Equation Migration at Scale on GPUs using Directive-Based Programming
Kshitij Mehta, Maxime Hugues, Oscar Hernandez, Henri Calandra and David E. Bernholdt

Towards highly scalable Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics (AIMD) simulations on the Intel Knights Landing manycore processor
Eric Bylaska, Wibe De Jong and Mathias Jacquelin

Session 7
Novel Architectures

Session Chair: CJ Newburn

General Purpose Task-Dependence Management Hardware for Task-based Dataflow Programming Models
Xubin Tan, Jaume Bosch, Miquel Vidal, Carlos �lvarez, Daniel Jim�nez-Gonz�lez, Eduard Ayguad� and Mateo Valero

Accelerating Graph and Machine Learning Workloads Using a Shared Memory Multicore Architecture with Auxiliary Support for in-Hardware Explicit Messaging
Halit Dogan, Masab Ahmad, Farrukh Hijaz, Brian Kahne, Peter Wilson and Omer Khan

Respin: Rethinking Near-Threshold Multiprocessor Design with Non-Volatile Memory
Xiang Pan, Anys Bacha and Radu Teodorescu

MOCHA: Morphable locality and compression aware architecture for convolutional neural networks
Syed M. A. H. Jafri, Ahmed Hemani, Kolin Paul and Naeem Abbas

Session 8
Performance Modeling and Tuning

Session Chair: Jeffrey Vetter

Autotuning Stencil Computations with Structural Ordinal Regression Learning
Biagio Cosenza, Juan J. Durillo, Stefano Ermon and Ben Juurlink

Capability Models for Manycore Memory Systems: A Case-Study with Xeon Phi KNL
Sabela Ramos and Torsten Hoefler

Apollo: Reusable Models for Fast, Dynamic Tuning of Input-Dependent Code
David Beckingsale, Olga Pearce, Ignacio Laguna and Todd Gamblin

Generating Performance Models for Irregular Applications
Ryan Friese, Nathan R. Tallent, Abhinav Vishnu, Darren J. Kerbyson and Adolfy Hoisie

Afternoon Break 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Parallel Technical
Sessions 9, 10, 11, & 12

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Session 9
Communication & Coordination

Session Chair: Sergio Rajbaum

Bounded Reordering Allows Efficient Reliable Message Transmission
Keishla D Ortiz-Lopez and Jennifer L. Welch

Dynamic Adaptation in Wireless Networks Under Comprehensive Interference Via Carrier Sense
Magnus M. Halld�rsson, Tigran Tonoyan, Yuexuan Wang and Dongxiao Yu

Fault-Tolerant Online Packet Scheduling on Parallel Channels
Paweł Garncarek, Tomasz Jurdziński and Krzysztof Loryś

Corrected Gossip Algorithms for Fast Reliable Broadcast on Unreliable Systems
Torsten Hoefler, Amnon Barak, Amnon Shiloh and Zvi Drezner

Session 10
Tools 1

Session Chair: Murali Annavaram

Dr-BW: Identifying Bandwidth Contention in NUMA Architectures with Supervised Learning
Hao Xu, Shasha Wen, Alfredo Gimenez, Todd Gamblin and Xu Liu

Data Centric Performance Measurement Techniques for Chapel Programs
Hui Zhang and Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth

A Parallel FastTrack Data Race Detector on Multi-core Systems
Young Wn Song and Yann-Hang Lee

Localized Fault Recovery for Nested Fork-Join Programs
Gokcen Kestor, Sriram Krishnamoorthy and Wenjing Ma

Session 11

Session Chair: Matthias Blumrich

Exploring DataVortex Systems for Irregular Applications
Roberto Gioiosa, Antonino Tumeo, Jian Yin, Thomas Warfel, David Haglin and Santiago Betelu

DC2-MTCP: Light-weight Coding for Efficient Multi-path Transmission in Data Center Network
Jiyan Sun, Yan Zhang, Xin Wang, Shihan Xiao, Zhen Xu, Hongjing Wu, Xin Chen and Yanni Han

A Scalable and Resilient Microarchitecture Based on Multiport Binding for High-radix Router Design
Yi Dai, Kefei Wang, Gang Qu, Liquan Xiao, Dezun Dong and Xingyun Qi

Partitioning Low-diameter Networks to Eliminate Inter-job Interference
Nikhil Jain, Abhinav Bhatele, Xiang Ni, Todd Gamblin and Laxmikant V. Kale

Session 12
Libraries & Frameworks

Session Chair: Costin Iancu

Accelerating Spark Datasets by inlining deserialization
Jan Wr�blewski, Kazuaki Ishizaki, Hiroshi Inoue and Moriyoshi Ohara

MRapid: An Efficient Short Job Optimizer on Hadoop
Hong Zhang, Hai Huang and Liqiang Wang

Accommodating Thread-Level Heterogeneity in Coupled Parallel Applications
Samuel K. Guti�rrez, Kei Davis, Dorian C. Arnold, Randal S. Baker, Robert W. Robey, Patrick McCormick, Daniel Holladay, Jon A. Dahl, R. Joe Zerr, Florian Weik and Christoph Junghans

Multi-GPU Graph Analytics
Yuechao Pan, Yangzihao Wang, Yuduo Wu, Carl Yang and John D. Owens


7:00 PM -9:00 PM

NVIDIA Tutorial/Workshop: Deep Learning

Presenter: Julie Bernauer
Senior Solutions Architect for Machine Learning and Deep Learning at NVIDIA Corporation

For details, see here (PDF).

WEDNESDAY - 31 May 2017


Keynote Session
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM

Keynote Speech

Session Chair: Michela Taufer

Mark Seager

A scalable system architecture to addressing the next generation of predictive simulation workflows with coupled compute and data intensive applications

Abstract: Trends in the emerging digital economy are pushing the virtual representation of products and services.�Read more

Morning Break 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

PhD Forum
Starts on Tuesday

PhD Forum Posters

On Display All Day Tuesday and Wednesday

More details to be announced

All Day Industry Exhibits
Parallel Technical Sessions 13, 14, 15, & 16
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 13
Motion Planning & Similarity Search

Session Chair: Allan Sussman

Fault-Tolerant Robot Gathering Problems on Graphs With Arbitrary Appearing Times
Manuel Alc�ntara, Armando Casta�eda, David Flores-Pe�aloza and Sergio Rajsbaum

Distributed Vehicle Routing Approximation

Akhil Krishnan, Mikhail Markov and Borzoo Bonakdarpour

O(log N)-Time Complete Visibility for Asynchronous Robots with Lights
Gokarna Sharma, Ramachandran Vaidyanathan, Jerry L. Trahan, Costas Busch and Suresh Rai

Similarity Search on Automata Processors
Vincent T. Lee, Justin Kotalik, Carlo C. del Mundo, Armin Alaghi, Luis Ceze and Mark Oskin

Session 14

Session Chair: Timothy G Mattson

26 PFLOPS Stencil Computations for Atmospheric Modeling on Sunway TaihuLight
Yulong Ao, Chao Yang, Xinliang Wang, Wei Xue and Haohuan Fu
Yulong Ao, Chao Yang, Xinliang Wang, Wei Xue, Haohuan Fu, Fangfang Liu, Lin Gan, Ping Xu and Wenjing Ma

Image-Domain Gridding on Graphics Processors
Bram Veenboer, Matthias Petschow and John W. Romein

Aces4: A Platform for Computational Chemistry Calculations with Extremely Large Block-Sparse Arrays
Beverly A. Sanders, Jason N. Byrd, Nakul Jindal, Victor F. Lotrich, Dmitry Lyakh, Ajith Perera and Rodney J. Bartlett

PhiOpenSSL: Using Xeon Phi Coprocessor for Efficient Cryptography Calculation
Shun Yao and Dantong Yu

Session 15
Tools 2

Session Chair: Jeff Hollingsworth

Directive-Based Partitioning and Pipelining for Graphics Processing Units
Xuewen Cui, Thomas R. W. Scogland, Bronis R. de Supinski and Wu-chun Feng

ScalaIOExtrap: Elastic I/O Tracing and Extrapolation
Xiaoqing Luo, Frank Mueller, Philip Carns, Jonathan Jenkins, Robert Latham, Robert Ross and Shane Snyder

SimProf: A Sampling Framework for Data Analytic Workloads
Jen-Cheng Huang, Lifeng Nai, Pranith Kumar, Hyojong Kim and Hyesoon Kim

PaPar: A Parallel Data Partitioning Framework for Big Data Applications
Hao Wang, Jing Zhang, Da Zhang, Sarunya Pumma and Wu-Chun Feng

Session 16
Data and Graph Analytics

Session Chair: Aydin Buluc

swDNN: A Library for Accelerating Deep Learning Applications on Sunway TaihuLight
Jiarui Fang, Haohuan Fu, Wenlai Zhao, Bingwei Chen, Weijie Zheng and Guangwen Yang

Community Detection on the GPU
Md. Naim, Fredrik Manne, Mahantesh Halappanavar and Antonino Tumeo

Scalable Graph Traversal on Sunway TaihuLight with Ten Million Cores
Heng Lin, Xiongchao Tang, Bowen Yu, Youwei Zhuo, Wenguang Chen, Jidong Zhai, Wanwang Yin and Weimin Zheng

Partitioning Trillion-edge Graphs in Minutes

George M. Slota, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Kamesh Madduri and Karen Devin

Parallel Technical Sessions 17, 18, 19, & 20
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Session 17
Linear Algebra

Session Chair: Olivier Baumont

Generating Families of Practical Fast Matrix Multiplication Algorithms
Jianyu Huang, Leslie Rice, Devin A. Matthews and Robert A. van de Geijn

Bidiagonalization with Parallel Tiled Algorithms
Mathieu Faverge, Julien Langou, Yves Robert and Jack Dongarra

Communication-Avoiding Parallel Algorithms for Solving Triangular Systems of Linear Equations
Tobias Wicky, Edgar Solomonik and Torsten Hoefler

A work-efficient parallel sparse matrix-sparse vector multiplication algorithm
Ariful Azad and Aydin Bulu�

Session 18
Power Management

Session Chair: Frank Mueller

Power Efficient Sharing-Aware GPU Data Management
Abdulaziz Tabbakh, Murali Annavaram and Xuehai Qian

Fly-Over: A Light-Weight Distributed Power-Gating Mechanism for Energy-Efficient Networks-on-Chip
Rahul Boyapati, Jiayi Huang, Ningyuan Wang, Kyung Hoon Kim, Ki Hwan Yum and Eun Jung Kim

RCube: A Power Efficient and Highly Available Network for Data Centers
Zhenhua Li and Yuanyuan Yang

Cooling-Aware Job Scheduling and Node Allocation for Overprovisioned HPC Systems
Thang Cao, Wei Huang, Yuan He and Masaaki Kondo

Session 19

Session Chair: Emmanuel Jeannot

Algorithms for hierarchical and semi-partitioned parallel scheduling
Vincenzo Bonifaci, Gianlorenzo D'Angelo and Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela

Efficient and Deterministic Scheduling for Parallel State Machine Replication
Odorico M. Mendizabal, Rud� S. T. De Moura, Fernando Lu�s Dotti and Fernando Pedone

Dynamic memory-aware task-tree scheduling
Guillaume Aupy, Cl�ment Brasseur and Loris Marchal

Approximation Proofs of a Fast and Efficient List Scheduling Algorithm for Task-Based Runtime Systems on Multicores and GPUs
Olivier Beaumont, Lionel Eyraud-Dubois and Suraj Kumar

Session 20
Code Optimization

Session Chair: Stephen Olivier

Automatic Collapsing of Non-Rectangular Loops
Philippe Clauss, Ervin Altıntaş and Matthieu Kuhn

HOMP: Automated Distribution of Parallel Loops and Data in Highly Parallel Accelerator-Based Systems
Yonghong Yan, Jiawen Liu, Kirk W. Cameron and Mariam Umar

Multigrain Parallelism: Bridging Coarse-Grain Parallel Programs and Fine-Grain Event-Driven Multithreading
Jaime Arteaga, St�phane Zuckerman and Guang R. Gao

Improving the integration of task nesting and dependencies in OpenMP
Josep M. Perez, Vicen� Beltran, Jesus Labarta and Eduard Ayguade

Afternoon Break�3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

All Conference
Plenary Event

4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Report to IPDPS Community

Updates on the road ahead for IPDPS

PhD Forum
Special Session

5:30 PM – 7:00 PM

Posters on Display

IPDPS Attendees Invited to View Posters and Talk with Student Presenters


6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Details to be announced

Symposium Banquet

After 7:00 PM

Details to be announced

THURSDAY - 1 June 2017


Keynote Session
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Keynote Speech

Session Chair: Viktor Prassana

Mateo Valero
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Runtime Aware Architectures

Abstract: In the last years the traditional ways to keep the increase of hardware performance to the rate predicted by the Moore's Law vanished. When uni-cores were the... Read More

Morning Break 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

PhD Forum

PhD Forum Student Program

�Details to be announced

All Day Industry Exhibits
Best Papers

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Best Papers

Session Chair: Marc Snir

Reducing Pagerank Communication via Propagation Blocking
Scott Beamer, Krste Asanovi� and David Patterson

Clustering Throughput Optimization on the GPU
Michael Gowanlock, Cody M. Rude, David M. Blair, Justin D. Li and Victor Pankratius

FlexVC: Flexible Virtual Channel Management in Low-Diameter Networks
Pablo Fuentes, Enrique Vallejo, Ram�n Beivide, Cyriel Minkenberg and Mateo Valero

Relaxations for High-Performance Message Passing on Massively Parallel SIMT Processors

Benjamin Klenk, Holger Fr�ning, Hans Eberle and Larry Dennison

Parallel Technical Sessions 21, 22, 23 & 24
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Session 21

Session Chair: Mathias Jaquelin

The SEPO Model of Computation to Enable Larger-than-Memory Hash Tables for GPU-accelerated Big Data Analytics
Reza Mokhtari and Michael Stumm

Elastic Consistent Hashing for Distributed Storage Systems
Wei Xie and Yong Chen

An NlogN Parallel Fast Direct Solver for Kernel Metrices

Chenhan D. Yu, William� March and George Biros

A robust parallel preconditioner for indefinite systems using hierarchical matrices and randomized sampling
Pieter Ghysels, Xiaoye Sherry Li, Christopher Gorman and Francois-Henry Rouet

Session 22

Session Chair: Phil Carns

FFQ: A Fast Single-Producer/Multiple-Consumer Concurrent FIFO Queue
Sergei Arnautov, Pascal Felber, Christof Fetzer and Bohdan Trach

Scalable Lock-Free Vector with Combining
Ivan Walulya and Philippas Tsigas

Automatic-Signal Monitors with Multi-Object Synchronization
Wei-Lun Hung and Vijay K. Garg

Optimal Algorithms for a Mesh-Connected Computer with Limited Additional Global Bandwidth
Yujie An and Quentin Stout

Session 23
Power Management 2

Session Chair: Bronis de Supinski

An Adaptive Core-specific Runtime for Energy Efficiency
Sridutt Bhalachandra, Allan Porterfield, Stephen Olivier and Jan Prins

Production Hardware Overprovisioning: Real-world Performance Optimization using an Extensible Power-aware Resource Management Framework
Ryuichi Sakamoto, Thang Cao, Masaaki Kondo, Koji Inoue, Masatsugu Ueda, Tapasya Patki, Daniel Ellsworth, Barry Rountree and Martin Schulz

Co-Run Scheduling with Power Cap on Integrated CPU-GPU Systems
Qi Zhu, Bo Wu, Xipeng Shen, Li Shen and Zhiying Wang

Characterizing and Modeling Power and Energy for Extreme-Scale In-situ Visualization
Vignesh Adhinarayanan, Wu-Chun Feng, David Rogers, James Ahrens and Scott Pakin

Session 24

Session Chair: Beverly Sanders

Application Level Reordering of Remote Direct Memory Access Operations
Costin Iancu and Wim Lavrijsen

Toucan - A Translator for Communication Tolerant MPI Applications
Sergio Martin, Marsha J. Berger and Scott B. Baden

Memory Compression Techniques for Network Address Management in MPI
Yanfei Guo, Charles Archer, Michael Blocksome, Scott Parker, Wesley Bland, Ken Raffenetti and Pavan Balaji

Transparent Caching for RMA Systems
Salvatore Di Girolamo, Flavio Vella and Torsten Hoefler

Application Level Reordering of Remote Direct Memory Access Operations
Costin Iancu and Wim Lavrijsen

Afternoon Break 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Parallel Technical Sessions 25, 26, 27 & 28
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Session 25
ML & Tensors

Session Chair: Torsten Hoefler

When Neurons Fail
El Mahdi El Mhamdi and Rachid Guerraoui

On Optimizing Distributed Tucker Decomposition for Dense Tensors
Venkatesan T. Chakaravarthy, Jee W. Choi, Douglas J. Joseph, Xing Liu, Prakash Murali, Yogish Sabharwal and Dheeraj Sreedhar

Model-Driven Sparse CP Decomposition for High-Order Tensors
Jiajia Li, Jee Choi, Ioakeim Perros, Jimeng Sun and Richard Vuduc

Sparse Tensor Factorization on Many-Core Processors with High-Bandwidth Memory
Shaden Smith, Jongsoo Park and George Karypis

Session 26
Resource Management

Session Chair: Pavan Balaji

Proximity-Aware Balanced Allocations� in Cache Networks
Ali Pourmiri, Mahdi Jafari Siavoshani and Seyed Pooya Shariatpanahi

Addressing Performance Heterogeneity in MapReduce Clusters with Elastic Tasks
Wei Chen, Jia Rao and Xiaobo Zhou

Autonomic Resource Management for Program Orchestration in Large-scale Data Analysis
Masahiro Tanaka, Kenjiro Taura and Kentaro Torisawa

Mimir: Memory-Efficient and Scalable MapReduce for Large Supercomputing Systems
Tao Gao, Yanfei Guo, Boyu Zhang, Pietro Cicotti, Yutong Lu, Pavan Balaji and Michela Taufer

Session 27
Compression & Memoization

Session Chair: Yves Robert

Elastic Data Compression with Improved Performance and Space Efficiency for Flash-based Storage Systems
Bo Mao, Hong Jiang, Suzhen Wu, Yaodong Yang and Zaifa Xi

E�MC: Entropy Encoding based Memory Compression for GPUs
Sohan Lal, Jan Lucas and Ben Juurlink

Significantly Improving Lossy Compression for Scientific Data Sets Based on Multidimensional Prediction and Error-Controlled Quantization
Dingwen Tao, Sheng Di, Zizhong Chen and Franck Cappello

ATM: Approximate Task Memoization in the Runtime System
Iulian Brumar, Marc Casas, Miquel Moret� Planas, Gurindar S. Sohi and Mateo Valero Cort�s

Session 28
Persistent Memory

Session Chair: Swann Perarneau

Design and Implementation of Papyrus: Parallel Aggregate Persistent Storage
Jungwon Kim, Kittisak Sajjapongse, Seyong Lee and Jeffrey Vetter

Language-Based Optimizations for Persistence on Nonvolatile Main Memory Systems
Joel Denny, Seyong Lee and Jeffrey Vetter

MetaKV: A Key-Value Store for Metadata Management of Distributed Burst Buffers
Teng Wang, Adam Moody, Yue Zhu, Kathryn Mohror, Kento Sato, Tanzima Islam and Weikuan Yu

Parallelism and Garbage Collection aware I/O Scheduler with Improved SSD Performance

Jiayang Guo, Yiming Hu and Bo Mao

FRIDAY - 2 June 2017


* See each individual
workshop program
for schedule details


Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop


Large-Scale Parallel Processing: Practices and Experiences (cancelled)



Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing



Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processors Proposal



Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-centric Systems



Emerging Parallel and Distributed Runtime Systems and Middleware



International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tunings



Parallel and Distributed Processing for Computational Social System



Big Data Regional Innovation Hubs and Spokes: Accelerating the Big Data Innovation Ecosystem



Graph Algorithms and Machine Learning



Evolvable Methods for Benchmarking Realism and Community Engagement



Reproducibility in Parallel Computing

IPDPS 2017 Tuesday

Tandy Warnow
University of Illinois ������
Computational Challenges in Constructing the Tree of Life�����������

Abstract: Estimating the Tree of Life is one of the grand computational challenges in Science, and has applications to many areas of science and biomedical research.� Despite intensive research over the last several decades, many problems remain inadequately solved.� Relatively small datasets can take hundreds of CPU years (e.g., the Avian Phylogenomics Project analysis of just 48 bird genomes used more than 200 CPU years to construct its tree), and larger datasets will require much more time. Thus, the estimation of the Tree of Life, which contains millions of species each with a genome containing millions of nucleotides, will depend on both novel algorithmic designs and effective use of high performance and distributed computing platforms. ������������

Bio: Tandy Warnow is the Founder Professor of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where she is a faculty member in Computer Science and in Bioengineering.� Tandy received her PhD in Mathematics at UC Berkeley under the direction of Gene Lawler, and did postdoctoral training with Simon Tavar� and Michael Waterman at USC.� She received the National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award in 1994, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation Award in Science and Engineering in 1996, a Radcliffe Institute Fellowship in 2006, and a Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship for 2011. She was elected a fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) in 2015, and of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) in 2017. Her current research focuses on phylogeny and alignment estimation for very large datasets (10,000 to 1,000,000 sequences), estimating species trees and phylogenetic networks from collections of gene trees, and metagenomics.����

IPDPS 2017 Wednesday

Mark Seager
A scalable system architecture to addressing the next generation of predictive simulation workflows with coupled compute and data intensive applications�������������

Abstract: Trends in the emerging digital economy are pushing the virtual representation of products and services.� Creating these digital twins requires a combination of real time data ingestion, simulation of physical products under real world conditions, service delivery optimization and data analytics as well as ML/DL anomaly detection and decision making.� Quantification of Uncertainty in the simulations will also be a compute and data intensive workflow that will drive the simulation improvement cycle.� Future high-end computing systems designs need to comprehend these types of complex workflows and provide a flexible framework for optimizing the design and operations under dynamic load conditions for them.�

Bio: Mark leads Intel� Scalable System Framework (SSF) strategy for Intel’s Scalable Datacenter Solutions Group and Directs Intel’s contributions to the Open Compute Platforms ( At Intel he is working on an ecosystem approach to develop and build HPC systems with Exascale capabilities.� Before moving to Intel, he was assistant department head for Advanced Computing Technology within the Integrated Computing and Communications department at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He joined LLNL in 1983 and has been working in parallel processing ever since. Mark was instrumental in the development and deployment of the BlueGene/L and Purple systems at LLNL for the Advanced Simulation and Computing program within the USA National Nuclear Security Administration. He was also instrumental in the development and deployment of ASC White and Blue-Pacific systems and numerous world class Linux clusters. He has won numerous awards including the prestigious Edward Teller Award for "major contributions to the state-of-the-art in high performance computing." In 2015 he was promoted to Intel Fellow.� Mark and Jan Seager breed and raise Arabian horses, with one national championship win in 2013. He received a BS degree in mathematics and astrophysics from the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque and a PhD in numerical analysis from the University of Texas at Austin.

IPDPS 2017 Thursday

Mateo Valero
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Runtime Aware Architectures

Abstract: In the last years the traditional ways to keep the increase of hardware performance to the rate predicted by the Moore's Law vanished. When uni-cores were the norm, hardware design was decoupled from the software stack thanks to a well-defined Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). This simple interface allowed developing applications without worrying too much about the underlying hardware, while computer architects proposed techniques to aggressively exploit Instruction-Level Parallelism (ILP) in superscalar processors. Current multi-cores are designed as simple symmetric multiprocessors on a chip. While these designs are able to compensate the clock frequency stagnation, they face multiple problems in terms of power consumption, programmability, resilience or memory. The solution is to give more responsibility to the runtime system and to let it tightly collaborate with the hardware. The runtime has to drive the design of future multi-cores architectures.

In this talk, we introduce an approach towards a Runtime-Aware Architecture (RAA), a massively parallel architecture designed from the runtime's perspective. RAA aims at supporting the activity the parallel runtime system in three ways: First, to enable fine-grain tasking and support the opportunities it offers; second, to improve the performance of the memory subsystem by exposing hybrid hierarchies to the runtime system and, third, to improve performance by using vector units. During the talk, we will give a general overview of the problems RAA aims to solve and provide some examples of hardware components supporting the activity of the runtime system in the context of multi-core chips.

Bio: Mateo Valero is a professor in the Computer Architecture Department at UPC, in Barcelona. His research interests are focused on high performance architectures. He has published approximately 700 papers, has served in the organization of more than 300 International Conferences and has given more than 500 invited talks. He is the director of the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, the National Centre of Supercomputing in Spain. Prof. Valero has been honored with several awards, including the Eckert-Mauchly Award 2007 by the IEEE and ACM; Seymour Cray Award 2015 by IEEE;� Harry Goode Award 2009 by IEEE: ACM Distinguished Service Award 2012; Euro-Par Achievement Award 2015; the Spanish National Julio Rey Pastor award; the Spanish National Award “Leonardo Torres Quevedo”;� the “King Jaime I” given by Generalitat Valenciana; the Research Award by the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation; and the “Arag�n Award” 2008� given by the Government of Arag�n. He has been named Honorary Doctor by the Universities of Chalmers, Belgrade, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Zaragoza, Complutense de Madrid, Cantabria, Granada and by the University of Veracruz� and CINVESTAV (Mexico). He is a "Hall of the Fame" member of the ICT European Program (selected�as one of the 25 most influential European researchers in IT during the period 1983-2008, Lyon, November 2008); Honoured with Creu de Sant Jordi 2016 by Generalitat de Catalunya. It is the highest recognition granted by the Government. In December 1994, Professor Valero became a founding member of the Royal Spanish Academy of Engineering. In 2005 he was elected Correspondant Academic of the Spanish Royal Academy of Science, in 2006 a member of the Royal Spanish Academy of Doctors, in 2008 a member of the Academia Europaea and in 2012 Correspondant Academic of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, Fellow of the ACM and an Intel Distinguished Research Fellow. In 1998 he won a “Favourite Son” Award of his home town, Alfam�n (Zaragoza) and in 2006, his native town of Alfam�n named their Public College after him.

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May 23-27, 2016
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