Welcome to Geograph Channel Islands
The Geograph Channel Islands project aims to collect geographically
representative photographs and information for every square kilometre of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, Herm &
Jethou, and you can be part of it.
What is Geographing?
� It's a game - how many grid squares will you contribute? �� It's a geography project for the people �
� It's a national photography project �
� It's a good excuse to get out more! �
� It's a free and open online community project for all �
41 users have contributed 2,502 images covering 279 grid squares, or 77.50% of the total.
Recently completed hectads: WV74, more...
102 photographed squares with fewer than 4 photos, add yours now!
Recently completed hectads: WV74, more...
102 photographed squares with fewer than 4 photos, add yours now!
Familiar with Channel Island mapping? - please see our feedback form

Quick Links...
- browse images on a map
- upload your own pictures
- search images taken by other members
- discuss the site on our forums
Exploring in more depth...
Registration is free so come and join us and see how many grid squares you submit! Read the FAQ, then get submitting - we hope you'll enjoy being a part of this great project
View Images elsewhere...
KML (for Google Earth and Maps)RSS (more RSS feeds of images)
GPX (more GPX options)
or in Memory Map
and even more ways to view images