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VISTAQUEST VQ1005+Macro Lenz



VQ1005+Macro lenz



Saturday Self-Challenge: rust

SOOC: Straight out of camera. I used the VQ1005 keychain camera for this one. I don't know what the dark bottom could be but my finger however I've used this camera enough to know better. I was standing in the middle of the road to avoid power lines; perhaps it was a power line.


The July 5, 2006 date is what the camera puts on all its pictures.

There is even such a group and I just put it in there.

VQ1005 on the head.

What a small camera!!

vq1005 with TiltShiftMaker

VistaQuest VQ1005

Fruit tree @ Rinko Park, MM21(Minato Mirai21), Yokohama




Taken with a VistaQuest VQ1005


See also:

Photo Set : VistaQuest VQ1005

Comparison : Minidigi and VQ1005, VQ1005 and VQ3007, Minidigi and VQ1005 and VQ3007



Photo Set:ビスタクエスト VQ1005

写真比較:ミニデジとVQ1005, VQ1005 と VQ3007, ミニデジ と VQ1005 と VQ3007

写真比較(ブログ):ミニデジ・VQ1005写真比較, ミニデジ・VQ1005・VQ3007写真比較





Pra board use.

The Pra board of 0.5mm thickness is prepared, 10×40 mm is cut out 1piece,

and 10×6.5mm is cut out 3pieces.

And, it bonds.


vq1005 with TiltShiftMaker

Vista Quest VQ1005

◎VQ1005‧Taiwan‧Penghu ‧2008

Rising Sun Rock Festival 2008

to make a tripod mount:

use contact cement to fasten mount to camera bottom (piece of wood with a nut glued in it with the tread size that fits your tripod) place the nut under the lens.

here is a photo of the wood:


Jan 16, 2008 I just ripped off the velcro as it wasn't stable enough, perhaps extra strength would have been and I'm going to use contact cement to glue the wood directly to the bottom of the camera.


Picture used here:

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