back and blue
When I opened the back door to let Zoe Bear out, I noticed that the blue jay didn't fly away from the birdbath (see below) but just sat there. I ran for my camera, slowly stepped outside, and took a series of shots, first from the front, as below, then from behind as I slowly moved closer and closer to get the shot above, which was taken from about two feet away. Tomorrow I'll post a head shot and one of it on the lawn as it dropped down from the birdbath before flying off. I have no idea why it allowed such close contact, as it did not appear ill (except for the slightly less jaunty attitude).
See it large.
Today is latenightowl/Mary Anne's birthday, and I join all her Flickr friends around the world whom she has touched with her kindness to man and beast in wishing her and her creatures health and love. Please go here to see what you can do to help her help Peggy Sue battle the distemper outbreak that is claiming lives at her marshside menagerie.
© All rights reserved. No usage allowed in any form without the written consent of Mim Eisenberg.
back and blue
When I opened the back door to let Zoe Bear out, I noticed that the blue jay didn't fly away from the birdbath (see below) but just sat there. I ran for my camera, slowly stepped outside, and took a series of shots, first from the front, as below, then from behind as I slowly moved closer and closer to get the shot above, which was taken from about two feet away. Tomorrow I'll post a head shot and one of it on the lawn as it dropped down from the birdbath before flying off. I have no idea why it allowed such close contact, as it did not appear ill (except for the slightly less jaunty attitude).
See it large.
Today is latenightowl/Mary Anne's birthday, and I join all her Flickr friends around the world whom she has touched with her kindness to man and beast in wishing her and her creatures health and love. Please go here to see what you can do to help her help Peggy Sue battle the distemper outbreak that is claiming lives at her marshside menagerie.
© All rights reserved. No usage allowed in any form without the written consent of Mim Eisenberg.