A Living Mars: A Visualization of Mars, Very Much Alive
A visualization of an Earth-like Mars, be it ancient or a future of terraforming. This was produced by rendering a flat model image using the MRO MOLA 128 pix/deg elevation dataset in jDem846 then layering imagery from Blue Marble in GIMP. The layer was then brought back into jDem to produce the final spherical projection and scripted to add the atmosphere and clouds from the NASA Visible Earth catalog. Eye position is about 6,600 kilometers (4100 miles) from the surface of the planet and looking at the southern hemisphere (~20° South) and the 180th meridian.
A Living Mars: A Visualization of Mars, Very Much Alive
A visualization of an Earth-like Mars, be it ancient or a future of terraforming. This was produced by rendering a flat model image using the MRO MOLA 128 pix/deg elevation dataset in jDem846 then layering imagery from Blue Marble in GIMP. The layer was then brought back into jDem to produce the final spherical projection and scripted to add the atmosphere and clouds from the NASA Visible Earth catalog. Eye position is about 6,600 kilometers (4100 miles) from the surface of the planet and looking at the southern hemisphere (~20° South) and the 180th meridian.