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Do people still care about this group?
Do people care about this group? Does anyone look at it? Is it just a grav...
earthdog81 months ago2 replies
Flickr Alternatives, post here.
I hate that I'm going have to use a Yahoo ID to use this site. So I've been sear...
• Deeva •82 months ago29 replies
they did it again. FLICK OFF ! www.flickr.com/groups/new-flickr-layout-suc...
txmx 2ages ago1 replies
I am speechless at the moment.
alert designages ago0 replies
Where else can we take our photo business?
Any suggestions? I don't want to join with Yahoo, if I'd have known this was go...
James Sharpeages ago75 replies
Flickr Body Count
I'll wait till the last minute to merge, but most of people will quit in 15th ma...
light governorages ago47 replies
antanibrickages ago19 replies
And now the creators have left...
Stuart and Catherine have left or are leaving - what next for Flickr?
i wanted to let you know that i would love to continue submitting art to your gr...
madly ringsages ago0 replies
Microsoft to buy Yahoo
I read the news today, oh boy, Microsoft have bid big bucks for Yahoo. networ...
alert designages ago2 replies
Good NEWS!~social networking with ethics
About Kaioo
ScrewDriverages ago0 replies
For Those Decided To Stay
For those decided to stay on with flickr. Please help me to joint & grow the ...
CharlieBrown8989 aka Charlie C Tanages ago3 replies
Who's still here?
Headcount, please!
♥ shhexy corin ♥ages ago25 replies
this is goin to be great!!
read this!! and let share what u think of it. register tooo!
empTVages ago1 replies
Bye bye Paypal?
I had a feeling this would happen... www.flickr.com/help/forum/42499/ from...
dominocatages ago2 replies
Awaiting the Yahoo Photos Refugees
Today, Yahoo annouced the closure of Yahoo photos and rumourrs started of A Micr...
new countdown
So is there going to be a new countdown to some other day of protest? Note th...
teh resaages ago2 replies
I'm... I'm... still logged in!
edit: nevermind, i'm stupid. everyone ignore this topic.
el frijoleages ago4 replies
Let's Make a Ruckus
I'm sorry, can you describe the ruckus? digg.com/tech_news/Flickr_s_Screwing_...
vrogyages ago2 replies
At least they gave fair warning
I'll leave flickr too when the time comes, now that I've managed to download all...
devilish scarecrowages ago3 replies
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