Rumor Control
Learn and share FDA facts to help stop the spread of misinformation
The growing spread of rumors, misinformation and disinformation about science, medicine, and the FDA, is putting patients and consumers at risk. We’re here to provide the facts.
Don't be misled by misinformation.
You've probably seen the words "FDA Approved." Here are some facts about products that are, and aren't FDA approved.
Learn the Facts
E-Cigarettes Fact: E-cigarette aerosol can contain harmful chemicals. Learn more. |
COVID-19 Fact: Information about ingredients in COVID-19 vaccines is available on public websites. Learn more. |
Dietary Supplements Fact: Dietary supplements are not FDA-approved to treat or prevent disease. Learn more. |
Health Information For You
Breast Cancer Screening: Thermogram No Substitute for Mammogram |
What the FDA Does For You
Share the Facts
How to Report Misinformation Online
We face the challenge of an overabundance of information related to our public health. Some of this information may be false and potentially harmful.
Inaccurate information spreads widely and at speed, making it more difficult for the public to identify verified facts and advice from trusted sources, such as the FDA.
However, everyone can help to stop the spread. If you see content online that you believe to be false or misleading, you can report it to the applicable platform: