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Partner with EWB-USA on sustainable engineering solutions that equip communities to thrive for generations.


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Designing Sustainable Solutions

Engineers Without Borders USA builds a better world through engineering projects that empower communities to meet their basic human needs. Our highly skilled volunteers work with communities to find appropriate solutions for their infrastructure needs.

a person holding a baby on her back


With your support, we can continue to be on the frontlines and share our expertise to innovate, respond, and prepare communities to be resilient.

a person holding a metal pipe


Invest your time where it will have the most impact. By lending your passion and expertise, you help us build strong, sustainable communities around the world!

a group of men standing around a solar panel


We build climate resilience into all of our projects.



Help communities access safe and clean water, from sourcing to distribution.

civil works

Improve essential public infrastructure for communities, like roads drainage systems, dams, and erosion control.


Improve community-wide health outcomes in communities through sustainable waste solutions and handwashing sites.


Help communities thrive though improved farming and production capabilities like irrigation systems and harvest processing.


Power resilience through consistent, sustainable energy for communities like solar power and biofuels.


Connect communities with access to healthcare, economic opportunities, and education by constructing bridges, health clinics, and schools.


Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA) is a nonprofit humanitarian organization established to support community-driven development programs worldwide through partnerships that design and implement sustainable engineering projects, while providing transformative experiences that enrich global perspectives and create responsible leaders.

1100 + Successful Projects

1000 + Community Partnerships

5 Million+ Beneficiaries of Ongoing Projects

10000 + Volunteers

Invest your time where it will have the most impact, by lending your passion and expertise, you help us build strong, sustainable communities around the world!



Sign up for the EWB-USA newsletter to keep up on the latest.

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SEO Report

  • Placeholder issue 1: This is a test issue.
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Check Performance

Performance Report

  • Placeholder issue 1: This is a test issue.
  • Placeholder issue 2: Another test issue.