Europhysics News is the magazine of the European physics community. It is owned by the European Physical Society and produced in cooperation with EDP Sciences. It is distributed to all our Individual Members and many institutional subscribers. Most European national societies receive EPN for further distribution. The total readership is currently about 54000 per issue.
Most cited articles
- Recent articles (published in the past 4 years)
- Breakthrough at the NIF paves the way to inertial fusion energy
- A subnanometric material reveals new quantum-chemical insights into surface polarons
- The Einstein Elevator - Space Experiments at the new Hannover Center for Microgravity Research
- Plasma medicine: The great prospects when physics meets medicine
- Challenges and developments in technology-based assessment: possibilities in science education
In the spotlights
- Nobel Prize 2024: Neural networks
- Merging two journals dedicated to the history of physics
- f(R) gravity with spacetime torsion
- Gravitational wave observatories
- Assessing the place of citizen science in modern research
- A novel 2D all-carbon Dirac node-line semimetal
- Describing growing tissues in the language of thermodynamics
- Colloidal active matter
- A century in physics: Herwig Schopper, EPS President from 1995 to 1997, recently celebrated his 100th birthday
- Past, present and future of the Enrico Fermi museum
- Access to burgeoning quantum technology field could be widened by open master educational model
- Modeling traffic flow thanks to real time communication between vehicles
- A year of celebration of 70 years of CERN
- An exciting era for ultrafast science in France
- The Nobel Prize in Physics 2023
- The Einstein Elevator - Space Experiments at the new Hannover Center for Microgravity Research
Features from the latest issue
- Collaboratively probing the universe
- The exploration of the gamma-ray sky with the CTAO
- Euclid’s first year in space
- Galaxy formation and evolution in the early universe: new results from JWST
- JWST and lensing galaxy clusters: reaching for galaxies in the early universe
- Vera rubin observatory and LSST
- Peering into the cosmic depths with high-energy neutrinos
- The hot universe revealed by eROSITA