Minifilter File Encryption | Minifilter source code | Transparent File Encryption | APIHook File Encryption | On-the-fly File Encryption

Professional Development Tookit About
Transparent File Encryption
Runtime Application Self Protection
About US


Technical background
We have many years’ experience on developping transparent encrypted file system and we are specialized in developing data security related product by using transparent file encryption engine. The most important component of these products is the transparent file encryption engine. Because of the desktop software environment of the customer is different from one to another, part of computer may be suitable for deploying driver based engine, another part of computer may be suitable for deploying user mode based engine, so we developed our transparent file encryption engine both in kernel mode and user mode. ETEFS_Mini is based on minifilter technology which runs in kernel mode; ETEFS_User is based on API-Hooking technology which runs in user mode. This feature makes the data security related products which use ETEFS_Mini or ETEFS_User as the development base are flexible enough for a range of different environment. ETEFS_Mini and ETEFS_User have been deployed on 100 thousands of computers until now.
Technical support
License of ETEFS_User and ETEFS_Mini include one year of technical support, including questions, bug support, and access to framework maintenance updates. Licensees will also have options to secure major updates (functional enhancements) and OS upgrades as well.
Custom development
Some clients may want to customize core components of ETEFS_User or ETEFS_Mini to meet their product needs. In addition to providing full source license, we can be engaged to provide custom development services to modify ETEFS_User or ETEFS_Mini to client specifications.
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