Energy Risk Commodity Rankings

Energy Risk Commodity Rankings the biggest survey in the global commodity derivatives market to rank dealers, brokers and research providers.

Welcome to the biggest survey in the global commodity derivatives market to rank dealers, brokers and research providers.

The Commodity Rankings is the largest poll of its kind in the commodities world and has been running for over 25 years. Market participants vote for their preferred brokers and dealers across the commodities complex, commenting on the quality of the products and services they receive.

Over the years, the Commodity Rankings has charted the major shifts in commodities markets and the changes in the make-up of participants. It is updated regularly so that it remains as relevant as possible to current market conditions. We welcome feedback and suggestions for updates on our categories.

Nominate your top dealers, brokers, and research providers across the entire commodities complex from North American oil to precious metals and weather to biofuels. 


Stella Farrington

Head of content, Energy Risk, commercial editor

Partnership opportunities
Jacqueline Calcano

Business Development Manager Awards

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