
Why name National Ski Jumping Center 'Snow Ruyi'

2021-10-28 Editor : Chen Tianhao ECNS App Download
Special: 2022 Winter Olympics

(ECNS) -- The National Ski Jumping Center located in Zhangjiakou, North China's Hebei Province, is named “Snow Ruyi” due to its design inspired by the traditional Chinese ornament Ruyi.

In Chinese culture, Ruyi, usually made of jade or gold, represents auspiciousness.

Designed by a Tsinghua University team, Snow Ruyi has combined Chinese traditions with international sports culture, explained Wang Hao, a designer. “We finalized the Ruyi shape out of more than 200 blueprints,” added Wang.

The National Ski Jumping Center, named "Snow Ruyi", in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province. (Photo: China News Service/Zhai Yujia)

The top of Snow Ruyi, supported by two giant columns, is more than 130 meters above the ground and can accommodate 500 people. The S-shaped track looks like the main body of a Ruyi hanging in the air, while the bottom consists of a soccer field and audience area, according to Wang Jingxian, an official of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic Winter Games.

With 100 days to the start of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, Snow Ruyi, saturated with Chinese culture, will become a landmark stadium.


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