Here is an unordered list of online mathematics books, textbooks, monographs, lecture notes, and other mathematics related documents freely available on the web.
I tried to select only the works in book formats, "real" books that are mainly in PDF format, so many well-known html-based mathematics web pages and online tutorials are left out.
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Special Set Linear Algebra and Special Set Fuzzy Linear Algebra
W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral | CuArt, Published in 2009, 469 pages
Probability Theory: The Logic of Science
E. T. Jaynes | Cambridge University Press, Published in 2002, 758 pages
Introduction to Differential Topology
Uwe Kaiser | Boise State University, Published in 2006, 110 pages
Manifolds of Differentiable Mappings
Peter W. Michor | Birkhauser, Published in 1980, 165 pages
Geometry Formulas and Facts
Silvio Levy | CRC Press, Published in 1995
Geometry with an Introduction to Cosmic Topology
Mike Hitchman | , Published in 2017, 177 pages
Linear Partial Differential Equations and Fourier Theory
Marcus Pivato | Cambridge University Press, Published in 2005, 619 pages
Prerequisites in Algebraic Topology
Bjorn Ian Dundas | NTNU, Published in 2005, 55 pages
Topics in Geometry
John O'Connor | University of St Andrews, Published in 2003
Euclid and His Twentieth Century Rivals
Nathaniel Miller | , Published in 2007, 124 pages
The Fourth Dimension
Charles Howard Hinton | S. Sonnenschein & Co., Published in 1906, 288 pages
Lecture Notes on the Theory of Distributions
Guenther Hoermann, Roland Steinbauer | Universitaet Wien, Published in 2009, 160 pages
Fourier Series and Systems of Differential Equations and Eigenvalue Problems
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon, Published in 2007, 125 pages
Calculus II
Paul Dawkins | Lamar University, Published in 2011, 380 pages
Inside Out: Inverse Problems and Applications
Gunther Uhlmann | Cambridge University Press, Published in 2003, 400 pages
Introduction To Finite Mathematics
J. G. Kemeny, J. L. Snell, G. L. Thompson | Prentice-Hall, Published in 1974
Numerical Analysis for Engineering
Douglas W. Harder, Richard Khoury | University of Waterloo, Published in 2010
Elementary Number Theory
W W L Chen | Macquarie University, Published in 2003, 98 pages
Riemann Surfaces, Dynamics and Geometry
Curtis McMullen | Harvard University, Published in 2020, 203 pages
Theory of the Integral
Stanislaw Saks | Polish Mathematical Society, Published in 1937, 347 pages
Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra: Vectors, Matrices and Least Squares
Stephen Boyd, Lieven Vandenberghe | Cambridge University Press, Published in 2018, 473 pages
Medians and Means in Riemannian Geometry: Existence, Uniqueness and Computation
M. Arnaudon, F. Barbaresco, L. Yang | arXiv, Published in 2011, 48 pages
Random Matrix Models and Their Applications
Pavel Bleher, Alexander Its | Cambridge University Press, Published in 2001, 438 pages
Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems: A Primer
Claudius Gros | arXiv, Published in 2008, 276 pages
The Calculus Integral
Brian S. Thomson |, Published in 2010, 303 pages
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
Edwin A. Abbot | Seeley and Co., Published in 1884, 120 pages
Vector Math for 3D Computer Graphics
Bradley Kjell | Central Connecticut State University, Published in 2003
An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
Per Kristen Jakobsen |, Published in 2019, 226 pages
Lectures on Calabi-Yau and Special Lagrangian Geometry
Dominic Joyce | arXiv, Published in 2002, 58 pages
Boundless Algebra
| Lumen Learning, Published in 2018, 439 pages
Riemannian Geometry
Ilkka Holopainen, Tuomas Sahlsten | , Published in 2013, 102 pages
The Construction and Study of Certain Important Algebras
Claude Chevalley | The Mathematical Society Of Japan, Published in 1955, 80 pages
Basic Concepts of Enriched Category Theory
Max Kelly | Cambridge University Press, Published in 2005, 143 pages
Elementary Differential Equations
William F. Trench | Brooks Cole, Published in 2001, 663 pages
Basic Data Analysis and More: A Guided Tour Using Python
O. Melchert | arXiv, Published in 2012, 62 pages
Basic Probability Theory
Robert B. Ash | Dover Publications, Published in 2008, 352 pages
A Spiral Workbook for Discrete Mathematics
Harris Kwong | Open SUNY Textbooks, Published in 2015, 307 pages
Linear Algebra, Infinite Dimensions, and Maple
James V. Herod | Georgia Tech, Published in 1997
Fundamentals of Analysis
W W L Chen | Macquarie University, Published in 2008, 152 pages
Algebraic Geometry
Andreas Gathmann | University of Kaiserslautern, Published in 2014, 133 pages
Manifolds and Differential Forms
Reyer Sjamaar | Cornell University, Published in 2017, 171 pages
Basic Arithmetic Student Workbook
Donna Gaudet, Amy Volpe, Jenifer Bohart | Scottsdale Community College, Published in 2013, 244 pages
Lectures on Topics In Finite Element Solution of Elliptic Problems
Bertrand Mercier | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Published in 1979, 177 pages
Topics in Logic and Foundations
Stephen G. Simpson | The Pennsylvania State University, Published in 2005, 89 pages
Orbital Integrals on Reductive Lie Groups and Their Algebras
Francisco Bulnes | InTech, Published in 2013, 181 pages
Algorithmic Algebra
Bhubaneswar Mishra | Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Published in 1993, 425 pages
Distribution Theory (Generalized Functions)
Ivan F Wilde | , Published in 2005, 66 pages
Cook-Book Of Mathematics
Viatcheslav Vinogradov | CERGE-EI, Published in 1999, 116 pages
Linear Algebra C-4: Quadratic equations in two or three variables
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon, Published in 2009, 74 pages
Mathematical Biology
Jeffrey R. Chasnov | The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Published in 2010, 115 pages
Differential Forms and Cohomology: Course
Peter Saveliev | Intelligent Perception, Published in 2013, 300 pages
A Century of Mathematics in America
Peter Duren, Richard A. Askey | American Mathematical Society, Published in 1988
Noncommutative Rings
Michael Artin | , Published in 1999, 103 pages
Foundations of Infinitesimal Calculus
K.D. Stroyan | Academic Press, Inc., Published in 1997, 182 pages
Random Graphs and Complex Networks
Remco van der Hofstad | Eindhoven University of Technology, Published in 2010, 363 pages
Logic for Computer Scientists
Uli Furbach | Wikibooks, Published in 2010
Theory and Applications of Lattice Point Methods for Binomial Ideals
Ezra Miller | arXiv, Published in 2010, 57 pages
Introductory Statistics: Concepts, Models, and Applications
David W. Stockburger | Missouri State University, Published in 1996, 487 pages
CK-12 Trigonometry
Mara Landers, Brenda Meery | CK-12 Foundation, Published in 2009, 629 pages
Computable Integrability
Alexey Shabat, Elena Kartashova | arXiv, Published in 2011, 174 pages
Finite Group Schemes
Richard Pink | ETH Zurich, Published in 2005, 78 pages
Calculus I
Paul Dawkins | Lamar University, Published in 2011, 586 pages
Geometric Wave Equations
Stefan Waldmann | arXiv, Published in 2012, 279 pages
Algebraic General Topology
Victor Porton |, Published in 2015, 349 pages
Lectures on Symplectic Geometry
Ana Cannas da Silva | Springer, Published in 2006, 225 pages
Mathematical Foundations of Probability Theory
Gane Samb Lo |, Published in 2018, 378 pages
Quick Tour of the Topology of R
StevenHurder, DaveMarker | University of Illinois at Chicago, Published in 2003, 48 pages
Elements of Algebra
Arthur Schultze | The Macmillan Company, Published in 1917, 377 pages
Complex Integration and Cauchy's Theorem
G. N. Watson | Cambridge University Press, Published in 1914, 100 pages
Lectures On Galois Cohomology of Classical Groups
M. Kneser | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Published in 1969, 212 pages
Lectures on Geodesics in Riemannian Geometry
M. Berger | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Published in 1965, 317 pages
Foundations of Combinatorics with Applications
Edward A. Bender, S. Gill Williamson | Dover Publications, Published in 2006, 480 pages
Finite Group Representations for the Pure Mathematician
Peter Webb | University of Minnesota, Published in 2007, 183 pages
The Elements of Analytic Geometry
Percey F. Smith, A. S. Gale | Ginn & company, Published in 1904, 450 pages
Modeling, Functions, and Graphs: Algebra for College Students
Katherine Yoshiwara | Los Angeles Pierce College, Published in 2017, 344 pages
An Elementary Illustrated Introduction to Simplicial Sets
Greg Friedman |, Published in 2016, 58 pages
Graphical Calculus
Arthur Henry Barker | Longmans, Green, and Co., Published in 1896, 188 pages
Introduction to Categories and Categorical Logic
Samson Abramsky, Nikos Tzevelekos | arXiv, Published in 2011, 101 pages
Symplectic Reflection Algebras
Gwyn Bellamy | arXiv, Published in 2012, 64 pages
Multivariable Calculus: Applications and Theory
Kenneth Kuttler | Brigham Young University, Published in 2011, 466 pages
An Introductory Single Variable Real Analysis
Marcel B. Finan | Arkansas Tech University, Published in 2009, 179 pages
Lectures on Sieve Methods
H.E. Richert | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Published in 1976, 216 pages
Real Analysis for Graduate Students: Measure and Integration Theory
Richard F. Bass | CreateSpace, Published in 2011, 206 pages
Mathematical Physics II
Boris Dubrovin | SISSA, Published in 2008, 78 pages
Probability Theory
S. R. S. Varadhan | New York University, Published in 2000, 300 pages
Stability, Riemann Surfaces, Conformal Mappings: Complex Functions Theory a-3
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon, Published in 2010, 115 pages
Statistics for Health, Life and Social Sciences
Denis Anthony | BookBoon, Published in 2011, 292 pages
E 'Infinite' Ring Spaces and E 'Infinite' Ring Spectra
J. P. May | Springer, Published in 1977, 280 pages
A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic
Wolfgang Rautenberg | Springer, Published in 2009, 131 pages
Business Mathematics: A Textbook
Edward I. Edgerton, Wallace E. Bartholomew | The Ronald Press Co., Published in 1921, 331 pages
Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable
Heinrich Burkhardt | D. C. Heath, Published in 1913, 456 pages
Symbolic Logic: A First Course
Gary Hardegree | Mcgraw-Hill College, Published in 1999, 468 pages
Lectures on Discrete and Polyhedral Geometry
Igor Pak | UCLA, Published in 2008, 428 pages
Introduction to Differential Topology, de Rham Theory and Morse Theory
Michael Muger | Radboud University, Published in 2005, 80 pages
Modular Functions and Modular Forms
J. S. Milne | , Published in 2009, 129 pages
Singularities of Transition Processes in Dynamical Systems
Alexander N. Gorban | American Mathematical Society, Published in 2004, 55 pages
Spectral Theory of Partial Differential Equations
Richard S. Laugesen | arXiv, Published in 2012, 120 pages
Sets, Groups and Knots
Curtis T. McMullen | Harvard University, Published in 2008, 56 pages
Parallel Spectral Numerical Methods
Gong Chen, et al. | Wikibooks, Published in 2013
Lectures on Linear Algebra and Matrices
G. Donald Allen | Texas A&M University, Published in 2003, 238 pages
Radically Elementary Probability Theory
Edward Nelson | Princeton University Press, Published in 1987, 111 pages
Hyperbolic Functions
James McMahon | John Wiley & Sons, Published in 1906, 106 pages
Markov Chains and Stochastic Stability
S.P. Meyn, R.L. Tweedie | Springer, Published in 2005, 567 pages
Practical Plane and Solid Geometry for Advanced Students
J. Harrison, G.A. Baxandall | Macmillan, Published in 1899, 584 pages
On Lie Algebras Of Prime Characteristic
George B. Seligman | American Mathematical Society, Published in 1956, 93 pages
An Invitation to Mathematics
Arnold Dresden | H. Holt and Company, Published in 1936, 453 pages
Statistics, Probability, and Game Theory: papers in honor of David Blackwell
David Blackwell, at al. | IMS, Published in 1996, 407 pages
Blast Into Math!
Julie Rowlett | BookBoon, Published in 2013, 215 pages
Short introduction to Nonstandard Analysis
E. E. Rosinger | arXiv, Published in 2004, 197 pages
Lectures on Differential Geometry
John Douglas Moore | University of California, Published in 2009, 263 pages
Combinatorial Theory
Gian-Carlo Rota | , Published in 1998, 414 pages
Abstract Set Theory
Thoralf A. Skolem | University of Notre Dame, Published in 1962, 70 pages
Handbook of Mathematical Functions
M. Abramowitz, I. A. Stegun | GPO, Published in 1964, 1046 pages
The Calculus for Engineers and Physicists
Robert H. Smith | Griffin, Published in 1908, 268 pages
Knot Invariants and Higher Representation Theory
Ben Webster | arXiv, Published in 2013, 87 pages
Introductory Maths for Chemists
J. E. Parker | Bookboon, Published in 2013, 136 pages
Virtual Polyhedra: The Encyclopedia of Polyhedra
George W. Hart | , Published in 2000
Lectures on Representation Theory and Invariant Theory
William Crawley-Boevey | University of Leeds, Published in 1990, 77 pages
Differential and Integral Calculus
C. E. Love, E. D. Rainville | The MacMillan Company, Published in 1916, 369 pages
Notes on Harmonic Analysis
George Benthien | , Published in 2006, 74 pages
Gilbert Strang | Wellsley Cambridge Press, Published in 1991, 671 pages
Calculus Made Easy
Silvanus P. Thompson | The MacMillan Company, Published in 1914, 315 pages
A History of the Progress of the Calculus of Variations during the Nineteenth Century
Isaac Todhunter | Adamant Media Corporation, Published in 2005, 549 pages
A Concise Geometry
Clement V. Durell | G. Bell And Sons Limited., Published in 1921, 333 pages
Fundamentals of Model Theory
William Weiss, Cherie D'Mello | University of Toronto, Published in 1997, 64 pages
Complex Variables
R. B. Ash, W. P. Novinger | , Published in 2004, 220 pages
Introduction to Homological Geometry
Martin A. Guest | arXiv, Published in 2001
Shadows of the Truth: Metamathematics of Elementary Mathematics
Alexandre Borovik | American Mathematical Society, Published in 2010, 293 pages
Mathematics For Engineering Students
Samuel Keller | D. Van Nostrand Company, Published in 1908, 376 pages
The CRing Project: a collaborative open source textbook on commutative algebra
Shishir Agrawal, et al. | CRing Project, Published in 2011, 493 pages
Basic Analysis: Introduction to Real Analysis
Jiri Lebl |, Published in 2009, 161 pages
Notes on Differential Geometry and Lie Groups
Jean Gallier | University of Pennsylvania, Published in 2010
Real Variables: With Basic Metric Space Topology
Robert B. Ash | Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Published in 2007, 213 pages
Hack, Hack, Who's There? A Gentle Introduction to Model Theory
David Reid | Smashwords, Published in 2016, 273 pages
Numbers and Symbols: From Counting to Abstract Algebras
Roy McWeeny | Learning Development Institute, Published in 2007, 53 pages
Advanced Algebra
Arthur Schultze | The Macmillan Company, Published in 1906, 588 pages
Ordinary Differential Equations
Stephen Wiggins | University of Bristol, Published in 2017, 146 pages
Elliptic Functions
Arthur Latham Baker | John Wiley & Sons, Published in 1890, 147 pages
Topics in Real and Functional Analysis
Gerald Teschl | Universitaet Wien, Published in 2016, 486 pages
The Nature of Mathematics
Philip E. B. Jourdain | T. C. & E. C. Jack, Published in 1919, 136 pages
Elementary Symbolic Dynamics and Chaos in Dissipative Systems
Bai-Lin Hao | World Scientific, Published in 1989, 475 pages
An Introduction to Mathematical Logic
Wolfram Pohlers, Thomas Glass | , Published in 1992, 229 pages
Special Fuzzy Matrices for Social Scientists
W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral | InfoLearnQuest, Published in 2007, 302 pages
Linear Algebra
Jim Hefferon | Saint Michael's College, Published in 2017, 507 pages
Probability and Statistics
| UCLA, Published in 2012
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry
Sudhir R. Ghorpade | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Published in 2007, 20 pages
Fundamentals of Mathematics
Denny Burzynski, Wade Ellis | OpenStax CNX, Published in 2023, 910 pages
Notes on Measure and Integration
John Franks | arXiv, Published in 2009, 118 pages
Notes on the Combinatorial Fundamentals of Algebra
Darij Grinberg |, Published in 2021, 1359 pages
Elementary Theory of Numbers
Waclaw Sierpinski | ICM, Published in 1964, 516 pages
Determinants and Matrices
R. Kochendörfer | Teubner, Published in 1961
A Semester Course in Trigonometry
Marcel B. Finan | Arkansas Tech University, Published in 2003, 264 pages
Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus
William Anthony Granville | Ginn, Published in 1911, 493 pages
A Practical Guide to Robust Optimization
Bram L. Gorissen, Ihsan Yanıkoğlu, Dick den Hertog | arXiv, Published in 2015, 29 pages
Notes on Diffy Qs: Differential Equations for Engineers
Jiří Lebl |, Published in 2017, 371 pages
Collaborative Statistics
Barbara Illowsky, Susan Dean | Illowsky Publising, Published in 2012, 728 pages
Lectures On Irregularities Of Distribution
Wolfgang M. Schmidt | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Published in 1977, 137 pages
Computing of the Complex Variable Functions
Solomon I. Khmelnik, Inna S. Doubson | MiC, Published in 2011, 46 pages
Set Theoretic Real Analysis
Krzysztof Ciesielski | Heldermann Verlag, Published in 1997, 48 pages
Elements of the Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable
G.E. Fisher, I.J. Schwatt | Philadelphia G.E. Fisher, Published in 1896, 312 pages
Elementary Mathematics
W W L Chen, X T Duong | Macquarie University, Published in 1999, 308 pages
Difference Equations to Differential Equations - An introduction to calculus
Dan Sloughter | , Published in 2000, 599 pages
An Introduction to Stochastic PDEs
Martin Hairer | arXiv, Published in 2009, 78 pages
Categorical Geometry
Zhaohua Luo | , Published in 1998
Course of Analytical Geometry
Ruslan Sharipov | UFA, Published in 2011, 226 pages
Numerical Methods with Applications
Autar K Kaw, Egwu Eric Kalu |, Published in 2008, 728 pages
Synchronization and Linearity: An Algebra for Discrete Event Systems
F. Baccelli, G. Cohen, G. J. Olsder, J. Quadrat | John Wiley & Sons, Published in 1993, 501 pages
How We Got From There to Here: A Story of Real Analysis
Robert Rogers, Eugene Boman | Open SUNY Textbooks, Published in 2013, 210 pages
Mathematics for the Practical Man
George Howe | Van Nostrand, Published in 1918, 221 pages
Floer Homology, Gauge Theory, and Low Dimensional Topology
David Ellwood, at al. | American Mathematical Society, Published in 2006, 314 pages
Supplementary Algebra
Robert L. Short | D.C. Heath & Co., Published in 1905, 60 pages
An Introduction to Tensors for Students of Physics and Engineering
Joseph C. Kolecki | Glenn Research Center, Published in 2002, 29 pages
The Essential Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
Jon Blakely |, Published in 2016, 314 pages
Lists, Decisions, and Graphs
Edward A. Bender, S. Gill Williamson | University of California, San Diego, Published in 2010, 261 pages
Lectures on Siegel Modular Forms and Representation by Quadratic Forms
Y. Kitaoka | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Published in 1986, 197 pages
Scientific Computing
Jeffrey R. Chasnov | Harvey Mudd College, Published in 2013, 152 pages
Notes on Optimization
Pravin Varaiya | Van Nostrand, Published in 1972, 140 pages
Men of Mathematics
E.T. Bell |, Published in 1937
Chaos: Classical and Quantum
Predrag Cvitanovic |, Published in 2008, 813 pages
An Episodic History of Mathematics
Steven G. Krantz | Mathematical Association of America, Published in 2006, 483 pages
Numerical Analysis: Theory and Application
Jan Awrejcewicz | InTech, Published in 2011, 626 pages
Analytic Geometry
L. P. Siceloff, G. Wentworth, D. E. Smith | Ginn and Company, Published in 1922, 296 pages
Smarandache Rings
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy | American Research Press, Published in 2002, 222 pages
A Course in Combinatorial Optimization
Alexander Schrijver | University of Amsterdam, Published in 2012, 221 pages
Linear Algebra Examples C-1: Linear equations, matrices and determinants
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon, Published in 2009, 113 pages
General Topology
Jesper M. Moller | , Published in 2010, 75 pages
The Calculus
William V. Smith | Brigham Young University, Published in 2001, 144 pages
The Geometry of Iterated Loop Spaces
J. P. May | Springer, Published in 1972, 175 pages
Lecture Notes on Embedded Contact Homology
Michael Hutchings | arXiv, Published in 2013, 88 pages
Category Theory for Scientists
David I. Spivak | arXiv, Published in 2013, 261 pages
A Short Introduction to Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems
O. Babelon | , Published in 2007, 145 pages
The Theory of Numbers
R. D. Carmichael | John Wiley & Sons, Published in 1914, 85 pages
Functions Modeling Change: A Precalculus Course
Marcel B. Finan | Arkansas Tech University, Published in 2003, 239 pages
Topics in Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Waves
Per Kristen Jakobsen |, Published in 2019, 321 pages
An introduction to Noncommutative Projective Geometry
D. Rogalski | arXiv, Published in 2014, 55 pages
Iterative Methods for Optimization
C.T. Kelley | Society for Industrial Mathematics, Published in 1987, 188 pages
A Course In Algebraic Number Theory
Robert B. Ash | University of Illinois, Published in 2003, 108 pages
Seminar on Triples and Categorical Homology Theory
B. Eckmann | Springer, Published in 1969, 304 pages
The Calculus for Engineers
John Perry | E. Arnold, Published in 1897, 408 pages
Analytic Geometry and Principles of Algebra
A. Ziwet, L.A. Hopkins, E.R. Hedrick | The Macmillan Company, Published in 1913, 398 pages
Topology Lecture Notes
Thomas Ward | UEA, Published in 2001, 88 pages
Abstract and Concrete Categories: The Joy of Cats
Jiri Adamek, Horst Herrlich, George Strecker | John Wiley & Sons, Published in 1990, 496 pages
Quadratic Forms and Their Applications
Andrew Ranicki, et al. | American Mathematical Society, Published in 2000, 314 pages
Discrepancy Theory
William Chen | Macquarie University, Published in 2012, 99 pages
Surgery on Compact Manifolds
C.T.C. Wall, A. A. Ranicki | American Mathematical Society, Published in 1999, 314 pages
The Handbook of Essential Mathematics
John C. Sparks | Air Force Publication, Published in 2006, 205 pages
Technical Mathematics
Morgan Chase | Pressbooks, Published in 2024, 302 pages
Complex Variables with Applications
Jeremy Orloff | LibreTexts, Published in 2021, 289 pages
Advanced Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization
Alexander Schrijver | , Published in 2012, 64 pages
Geometry Unbound
Kiran S. Kedlaya | , Published in 2006, 142 pages
Higher Elementary Geometry
Venugopal | , Published in 1958, 135 pages
Dynamical Systems
Jose A. Tenreiro Machado (ed.) | MDPI AG, Published in 2014, 553 pages
The Principles Of Mathematics
Bertrand Russell | W. W. Norton & Company, , 579 pages
High-dimensional Knot Theory
Andrew Ranicki | Springer, Published in 1998, 693 pages
Introduction to Mathematical Analysis
B. Lafferriere, G. Lafferriere, N. Mau Nam | Portland State University Library, Published in 2015, 141 pages
The Philosophy of Mathematics
Auguste Comte | Harper & brothers, Published in 1851, 276 pages
A Practical Arithmetic
Frank Lincoln Stevens | C. Scribner's sons, Published in 1910, 404 pages
Lectures On The General Theory Of Integral Functions
Georges Valiron | Chelsea Pub. Co., Published in 1949, 234 pages
Lectures on Holomorphic Functions of Several Complex Variables
Piotr Jakobczak, Marek Jarnicki | Jagiellonian University, Published in 2001, 149 pages
The Essence of Mathematics Through Elementary Problems
Alexandre Borovik, Tony Gardiner | Open Book Publishers, Published in 2019, 400 pages
Neutral and Non-Euclidean Geometries
David C. Royster | UNC Charlotte, Published in 2000, 145 pages
Tensor Analysis
Edward Nelson | Princeton Univ Pr, Published in 1974, 138 pages
Combinatorial Knot Theory
Louis H. Kauffman | University of Illinois at Chicago, Published in 2009, 159 pages
An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry
Sigmundur Gudmundsson | Lund University, Published in 2010, 106 pages
Strings and Geometry
M. Douglas, J. Gauntlett, M. Gross | American Mathematical Society, Published in 2004, 384 pages
Symbolic Tensor Calculus on Manifolds: a SageMath Implementation
Eric Gourgoulhon, Marco Mancini |, Published in 2018, 72 pages
Stochastic Integration and Stochastic Differential Equations
Klaus Bichteler | University of Texas, Published in 2002, 643 pages
Topics in Algebraic Combinatorics
Richard P. Stanley | MIT, Published in 2013, 127 pages
Problems in Mathematical Analysis
B. P. Demidovich | MIR Publishers, , 511 pages
Elliptic Integrals
Harris Hancock | J. Wiley, Published in 1917, 118 pages
Isometrica: A Geometrical Introduction to Planar Crystallographic Groups
George Baloglou | , Published in 2007, 473 pages
Linear Algebra
David Cherney, Tom Denton, Andrew Waldron | UC Davis, Published in 2013, 410 pages
Lectures on Analytic Differential Equations
Yulij Ilyashenko, Sergei Yakovenko | American Mathematical Society, Published in 2007, 599 pages
Functional Analysis
Alexander C. R. Belton | Lancaster University, Published in 2006, 127 pages
Notes on Galois Theory
Mark Reeder | Boston College, Published in 2012, 66 pages
Inverse Problems and Applications: Inside Out II
Gunther Uhlmann (ed.) | Cambridge University Press, Published in 2013, 580 pages
Discrete Mathematics
W W L Chen | Macquarie University, Published in 2008, 125 pages
Stochastic Calculus
Alan Bain | , Published in 2008, 99 pages
An Introduction to Semialgebraic Geometry
Michel Coste | Universite de Rennes, Published in 2002, 78 pages
Relationships, Change and Mathematical Analysis
Roy McWeeny | Learning Development Institute, Published in 2011, 94 pages
Geometric Complexity Theory: An Introduction for Geometers
J.M. Landsberg | arXiv, Published in 2013, 38 pages
Groups as Graphs
W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache | CuArt, Published in 2009, 170 pages
Ordinary Differential Equations: A Systems Approach
Bruce P. Conrad | , Published in 2010, 1125 pages
CK-12 Single Variable Calculus
R. Almukkahal, V. Cifarelli, C. Fan, L. Jarvis | CK-12 Foundation, Published in 2009, 457 pages
Real Functions in One Variable: Examples of Integrals
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon, Published in 2007, 154 pages
Progress in Commutative Algebra 2: Closures, Finiteness and Factorization
Christopher Francisco, et al. | De Gruyter Open, Published in 2012, 315 pages
Complex Analysis on Riemann Surfaces
Curtis McMullen | Harvard University, Published in 2005, 89 pages
Combinatorial Geometry with Application to Field Theory
Linfan Mao | InfoQuest, Published in 2009, 499 pages
Higher Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists
Ivan S. Sokolnikoff | McGraw Hill, Published in 1941, 537 pages
Lectures on Topics in Stochastic Differential Equations
Daniel W. Stroock | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Published in 1982, 93 pages
Sets, Relations, Functions
Ivo Düntsch, Günther Gediga | Methodos Publishers (UK), Published in 2000, 55 pages
Reversibility and Stochastic Networks
F.P. Kelly | John Wiley and Sons Ltd, Published in 1979, 233 pages
Homeomorphisms in Analysis
Casper Goffman, at al. | American Mathematical Society, Published in 1997, 216 pages
Quantitative Analysis: Algebra with a Business Perspective
Donna M. Wacha | Bookboon, Published in 2013, 303 pages
Interactive Real Analysis
Bert G. Wachsmuth | Seton Hall University, Published in 2007
Lectures on Integrable Probability
Alexei Borodin, Vadim Gorin | arXiv, Published in 2012, 63 pages
Substitutions in Dynamics, Arithmetics, and Combinatorics
Pierre Arnoux, et al. | Springer, Published in 2002, 419 pages
An Introduction to Geometry
Wong Yan Loi | National University of Singapore, Published in 2021, 145 pages
Introduction to Representations of Real Semisimple Lie Groups
Matvei Libine | arXiv, Published in 2012, 132 pages
Bayesian Methods for Statistical Analysis
Borek Puza | ANU Press, Published in 2015, 697 pages
Proofs and Concepts: the fundamentals of abstract mathematics
Dave Witte Morris, Joy Morris | University of Lethbridge, Published in 2009, 220 pages
Mathematical Philosophy: A Study of Fate and Freedom
Cassius Jackson Keyser | E.P. Dutton & company, Published in 1922, 490 pages
H2 Mathematics Textbook
Yan Min Choo | , Published in 2016, 1384 pages
A Probability Course for the Actuaries
Marcel B. Finan | Arkansas Tech University, Published in 2011, 517 pages
Lectures on Measure Theory and Probability
H.R. Pitt | Tata institute of Fundamental Research, Published in 1958, 126 pages
Statistics Done Wrong
Alex Reinhart |, Published in 2013, 437 pages
An Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory
F. Oggier | Nanyang Technological University, Published in 2010, 95 pages
Decision Making and Productivity Measurement
Dariush Khezrimotlagh | arXiv, Published in 2016, 214 pages
Applied Linear Algebra in Action
Vasilios N. Katsikis | InTech, Published in 2016, 172 pages
Complex Multiplication
J. S. Milne | , Published in 2006, 113 pages
Special Functions and Their Symmetries: Postgraduate Course in Applied Analysis
Vadim Kuznetsov, Vladimir Kisil | University of Leeds, Published in 2003
Lectures on Commutative Algebra
Sudhir R. Ghorpade | Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Published in 2006, 64 pages
Manifold Theory
Peter Petersen | UCLA, Published in 2010, 77 pages
Computer Algebra, Algorithms, Systems and Applications
Richard Liska, at al. | Czech Technical University, Published in 1996
Lectures on Polyhedral Topology
John R. Stallings | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Published in 1967, 214 pages
Logics of Time and Computation
Robert Goldblatt | Center for the Study of Language, Published in 1992, 200 pages
Computer Age Statistical Inference: Algorithms, Evidence, and Data Science
Bradley Efron, Trevor Hastie | Stanford University, Published in 2016, 493 pages
Applied Combinatorics
Mitchel T. Keller, William T. Trotter | Georgia Institute of Technology, Published in 2013, 345 pages
Pluckings from the tree of Smarandache: Sequences and functions
Charles Ashbacher | American Research Press, Published in 1998, 80 pages
Lectures on Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups
G.D. Mostow | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Published in 1969, 86 pages
Notes on Symmetric Spaces
Jonathan Holland, Bogdan Ion | arXiv, Published in 2012, 109 pages
Lower K- and L-theory
Andrew Ranicki | Cambridge University Press, Published in 2001, 177 pages
Nonstandard Analysis
J. Ponstein | , Published in 2002, 147 pages
Lecture Notes on Graph Theory
Tero Harju | University of Turku, Published in 2011, 100 pages
Lectures on Curves on Rational and Unirational Surfaces
Masayoshi Miyanishi | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Published in 1978, 267 pages
Proof in Mathematics: An Introduction
James Franklin, Albert Daoud | Kew Books, Published in 2011, 104 pages
Introduction to Numerical Methods
Jeffrey R. Chasnov | The Hong Kong University, Published in 2012, 63 pages
Residuals and Influence in Regression
R. Dennis Cook, Sanford Weisberg | Chapman & Hall, Published in 1982, 240 pages
Lectures on Statistics
Robert B. Ash | University of Illinois, Published in 2007
The Adams-Novikov Spectral Sequence and the Homotopy Groups of Spheres
Paul Goerss | Northwestern University, Published in 2007, 47 pages
Tabletop: Analog Game Design
Greg Costikyan, Drew Davidson | , Published in 2011, 206 pages
Algebraic Methods
F. Oggier | Nanyang Technological University, Published in 2011, 199 pages
Shmuel Friedland | University of Illinois at Chicago, Published in 2010, 437 pages
Exotic Homology Manifolds
Frank Quinn, Andrew Ranicki | , Published in 2006, 158 pages
The Life of Pi: From Archimedes to Eniac and Beyond
Jonathan M. Borwein | DocServer, Published in 2010, 30 pages
Spectral Theory
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon, Published in 2009, 80 pages
Brief Calculus
Benjamin Crowell | , Published in 2015, 207 pages
A Friendly Introduction to Differential Equations
Mohammed K A Kaabar | , Published in 2015, 164 pages
Elementary Abstract Algebra: Examples and Applications
Justin Hill, Chris Thron | Texas A&M University, Published in 2017, 785 pages
Graph Theory
Reinhard Diestel | Springer, Published in 2005, 422 pages
Introduction to Stochastic Processes
Gordan Žitković | The University of Texas at Austin, Published in 2010, 107 pages
The Axiomatic Method
L. Henkin, P. Suppes, A. Tarski | North Holland Publishing Company, Published in 1959, 508 pages
Fundamentals of Linear Algebra
Marcel B. Finan | Arkansas Tech University, Published in 2001, 196 pages
Homological Conjectures
Tom Marley, Laura Lynch | University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Published in 2010, 56 pages
The Geometry of Vector Calculus
Tevian Dray, Corinne A. Manogue | Oregon State University, Published in 2012, 325 pages
Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics
Ola Bratteli, Derek W. Robinson | Springer, Published in 2003, 505 pages
Analytic geometry for colleges, universities, and technical schools
E.W. Nichols | Leach, Shewell & Sanborn, Published in 1892, 304 pages
Notes on the Theory of Algebraic Numbers
Steve Wright | arXiv, Published in 2015, 127 pages
Several Complex Variables
Michael Schneider, Yum-Tong Siu | Cambridge University Press, Published in 1999, 564 pages
Some Fundamental Theorems in Mathematics
Oliver Knill |, Published in 2018, 133 pages
The Algebraic Theory of Modular Systems
Francis Sowerby Macaulay | Cambridge University Press, Published in 1916, 140 pages
Topology of Stratified Spaces
Greg Friedman, et al. | Cambridge University Press, Published in 2011, 477 pages
CK-12 Algebra I
Andrew Gloag, Anne Gloag | CK-12 Basic Algebra Concepts, Published in 2010, 825 pages
First Steps in Numerical Analysis
R. Hosking, S. Joe, D. Joyce, and J. Turner | , Published in 1998, 338 pages
Finite Difference Computing with PDEs
Hans Petter Langtangen, Svein Linge | Springer, Published in 2017, 507 pages
Natural Operations in Differential Geometry
Ivan Kolar, Peter W. Michor, Jan Slovak | Springer, Published in 1993, 437 pages
Modern Algebraic Topology
D. G. Bourgin | Macmillan, Published in 1963, 544 pages
Optimization Models For Decision Making
Katta G. Murty | Springer, Published in 2010, 482 pages
Counting Rocks! An Introduction to Combinatorics
Henry Adams, et al. |, Published in 2021, 220 pages
Bayesian Networks: Advances and Novel Applications
Douglas McNair (ed.) | IntechOpen, Published in 2019, 256 pages
Frobenius Splitting in Commutative Algebra
Karen E. Smith, Wenliang Zhang | arXiv, Published in 2014, 53 pages
Graph Theory With Applications
J.A. Bondy and U.S.R. Murty | Elsevier Science Ltd, Published in 1976, 270 pages
Vector Analysis
J. Willard Gibbs | Yale University Press, Published in 1929, 432 pages
Intermediate Maths for Chemists
J. E. Parker | Bookboon, Published in 2013, 106 pages
An Introductory Course in Elementary Number Theory
Wissam Raji | The Saylor Foundation, Published in 2013, 171 pages
A Handbook of Statistics
Darius Singpurwalla | Bookboon, Published in 2013, 79 pages
Contact Topology
George Torres, Robert Gompf | University of Texas at Austin, Published in 2017, 51 pages
Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory
William Stein | University of Washington, Published in 2005, 140 pages
Mathematics and Group Theory in Music
Athanase Papadopoulos | arXiv, Published in 2014, 33 pages
Yet Another Calculus Text
Dan Sloughter | , Published in 2007, 147 pages
Lecture Notes on Differentiable Manifolds
Jie Wu | National University of Singapore, Published in 2004, 78 pages
Applied Analysis
J. Hunter, B. Nachtergaele | World Scientific Publishing Company, Published in 2005, 439 pages
Origami and Geometric Constructions
Robert J. Lang | , Published in 2003, 55 pages
Engineering Mathematics
Charles Proteus Steinmetz | McGraw-Hill, Published in 1911, 326 pages
The Homology of Iterated Loop Spaces
F. R. Cohen, T. J. Lada, P. J. May | Springer, Published in 2009, 490 pages
Algorithmic Graph Theory
David Joyner, Minh Van Nguyen, Nathann Cohen | Google Code, Published in 2010, 105 pages
Lectures on Numerical Methods for Non-Linear Variational Problems
R. Glowinski | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Published in 1980, 265 pages
On Some of Smarandache's Problems
Krassimir Atanassov | Erhus Univ Pr, Published in 1999, 89 pages
Geometrical Theory of Dynamical Systems
Nils Berglund | arXiv, Published in 2001, 85 pages
Lectures on Differential Topology
Riccardo Benedetti |, Published in 2019, 416 pages
A First Course in Linear Algebra: Study Guide for the Undergraduate Linear Algebra Course
Mohammed Kaabar |, Published in 2015, 132 pages
Differential Geometrical Theory of Statistics
Frederic Barbaresco, Frank Nielsen (eds) | MDPI AG, Published in 2017, 474 pages
An Introduction to Higher Mathematics
Patrick Keef, David Guichard, Russ Gordon | Whitman College, Published in 2010, 144 pages
Spherical Trigonometry
I. Todhunter | Macmillan and co, Published in 1886, 189 pages
Smarandache Loops
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy | American Research Press, Published in 2002, 129 pages
Introduction to Bimatrices
W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral | arXiv, Published in 2005, 181 pages
Wave Propagation Analysis with Boundary Element Method
Chiara Guardasoni | Ledizioni LediPublishing, Published in 2010, 130 pages
Quantum Physics, Relativity, and Complex Spacetime
Gerald Kaiser | University of Massachusetts at Lowell, Published in 2003, 252 pages
Commutator Theory for Congruence Modular Varieties
Ralph Freese, Ralph McKenzie | Cambridge University Press, Published in 1987, 174 pages
Implementing Mathematics with The Nuprl Proof Development System
R. L. Constable, at al. | Prentice Hall, Published in 1986
Iterative Methods in Combinatorial Optimization
Lap Chi Lau, R. Ravi, M. Singh | Cambridge University Press, Published in 2011, 229 pages
Linear Algebra Review and Reference
Zico Kolter | Stanford University, Published in 2015, 26 pages
Galois Theory
Miles Reid | University of Warwick, Published in 2004, 89 pages
A Second Course in Logic
Christopher Gauker | University of Cincinnati, Published in 2013, 172 pages
Model Categories and Simplicial Methods
Paul Goerss, Kristen Schemmerhorn | Northwestern University, Published in 2004, 46 pages
Math Made a Bit Easier: Basic Math Explained in Plain English
Larry Zafran | CreateSpace, Published in 2009, 280 pages
Introductory Finite Difference Methods for PDEs
D. M. Causon, C. G. Mingham | BookBoon, Published in 2010, 144 pages
Introduction to Projective Varieties
Enrique Arrondo | Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Published in 2007, 142 pages
Elementary Trigonometry
W. E. Paterson | Clarendon Press, Published in 1911, 213 pages
Gauge Theory for Fiber Bundles
Peter W. Michor | Universitaet Wien, Published in 1991, 106 pages
Alun Wyn-jones | , Published in 2008, 149 pages
Topics in Differential Geometry
Peter W. Michor | American Mathematical Society, Published in 2008, 429 pages
Introduction to Complex Analysis
W W L Chen | Macquarie University, Published in 2003, 194 pages
On Riemann's Theory of Algebraic Functions and their Integrals
Felix Klein | Macmillan and Bowes, Published in 1893, 128 pages
Hopf Algebras, Quantum Groups and Yang-Baxter Equations
Florin Felix Nichita (ed.) | MDPI AG, Published in 2019, 240 pages
Algorithmic Mathematics
Leonard Soicher, Franco Vivaldi | Queen Mary University of London, Published in 2004, 94 pages
The Convenient Setting of Global Analysis
Andreas Kriegl, Peter W. Michor | American Mathematical Society, Published in 1997, 624 pages
Intermediate Algebra
Katherine Yoshiwara | Bruce Yoshiwara, Published in 2020, 893 pages
Real Functions in One Variable: Calculus 1a
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon, Published in 2006, 146 pages
Elementary College Geometry
Henry Africk | CUNY Academic Works, Published in 2013, 376 pages
Mathematical Principles of Dynamic Systems and the Foundations of Quantum Physics
Eric Tesse | arXiv, Published in 2012, 88 pages
Sam Loyd's Cyclopedia of 5000 Puzzles tricks and Conundrums
Sam Loyd | The Lamb Publishing Company, Published in 1914, 194 pages
Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
David A. Kenny | Little, Brown, Published in 1987, 407 pages
An Introduction to Noncommutative Spaces and their Geometry
Giovanni Landi | arXiv, Published in 1997, 186 pages
Introduction to Randomness and Statistics
Alexander K. Hartmann | arXiv, Published in 2009, 95 pages
An Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization Theory
Marius Durea, Radu Strugariu | De Gruyter Open, Published in 2014, 328 pages
An Introduction to Microlocal Analysis
Richard B. Melrose, Gunther Uhlmann | MIT, Published in 2008, 182 pages
Introduction to Functional Analysis
Vladimir V. Kisil | University of Leeds, Published in 2021, 166 pages
What is Mathematics: Gödel's Theorem and Around
Karlis Podnieks | University of Latvia, Published in 2013, 239 pages
Encyclopedia of Mathematics
| Kluwer Academic Publishers, Published in 2002, 1202 pages
The Calculus for Beginners
John William Mercer | Cambridge University Press, Published in 1914, 470 pages
Elementary Statistical Methods
Christian Akrong Hesse | ResearchGate GmbH, Published in 2011, 83 pages
An Elementary Treatise on Conic Sections
Charles Smith | The Macmillan Company, Published in 1905, 378 pages
Introduction to Characteritic Classes and Index Theory
Jean-Pierre Schneiders | Universidade de Lisboa, Published in 2000, 236 pages
Strange Attractors: Creating Patterns in Chaos
Julien C. Sprott | M & T Books, Published in 2000, 591 pages
Linear Algebra
Benjamin McKay | University College Cork, Published in 2008, 263 pages
Lectures on Noise Sensitivity and Percolation
Christophe Garban, Jeffrey E. Steif | arXiv, Published in 2011, 150 pages
Abstract Algebra I
Marcel B. Finan | Arkansas Tech University, Published in 2004
Calculus for Beginners and Artists
Daniel Kleitman | MIT, Published in 2009
Aesthetics for the Working Mathematician
Jonathan M. Borwein | DocServer, Published in 2001, 22 pages
Real Harmonic Analysis
Pascal Auscher, Lashi Bandara | ANU eView, Published in 2012, 113 pages
Smarandache Semigroups
W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy | American Research Press, Published in 2002, 95 pages
Current Topics in Complex Algebraic Geometry
Herbert Clemens, János Kollár | Cambridge University Press, Published in 1996, 172 pages
Geometry, Topology and Physics
Maximilian Kreuzer | Technische Universitat Wien, Published in 2010, 69 pages
Linear Programming
Jim Burke | University of Washington, Published in 2012
Introduction to Proof Theory
Gilles Dowek | ESSLLI, Published in 2001, 82 pages
Correlation and Causality
David A. Kenny | John Wiley & Sons Inc, Published in 1979, 353 pages
An Introduction to Set Theory
William A. R. Weiss | University of Toronto, Published in 2008, 119 pages
Introductory Map Theory
Yanpei Liu | Kapa & Omega, Published in 2010, 503 pages
Manifolds: Current Research Areas
Paul Bracken (ed.) | InTech, Published in 2017, 158 pages
Lectures on Random Polymers
F. Caravenna, F. den Hollander, N. Petrelis | arXiv, Published in 2011, 74 pages
Introduction to Probability
C. M. Grinstead, J. L. Snell | American Mathematical Society, Published in 1997, 518 pages
Introduction to Lebesgue Integration
W W L Chen | Macquarie University, Published in 1996, 75 pages
Elementary Algebra and Calculus
Larissa Fradkin | Bookboon, Published in 2013, 261 pages
Encyclopedia of Mathematics
Michiel Hazewinkel | Kluwer Academic Publishers, Published in 2002, 1422 pages
Euclid's Parallel Postulate: Its Nature, Validity and Place in Geometrical Systems
John William Withers | Open Court Publishing Co., Published in 1904, 214 pages
Extremes and Recurrence in Dynamical Systems
Valerio Lucarini, et al. | arXiv, Published in 2016, 305 pages
Just the Maths
A. J. Hobson | , Published in 2002, 1296 pages
Lectures on Lipschitz Analysis
Juha Heinonen | , Published in 2005, 77 pages
Multivariable Calculus
George Cain, James Herod | , Published in 1997
Pictures of Julia and Mandelbrot Sets
| Wikibooks, Published in 2010
Matrix Algebra
Marco Taboga | StatLect, Published in 2021, 320 pages
Introductory Statistics
T. H. Wonnacott, R. J. Wonnacott | Wiley, Published in 1969, 416 pages
An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry with Applications to Mechanics and Relativity
Leonor Godinho, Jose Natario | , Published in 2004, 272 pages
Discrete Mathematics: An Open Introduction
Oscar Levin | University of Northern Colorado, Published in 2017, 345 pages
Extracting Information from Random Data
Pawel J. Szablowski | arXiv, Published in 2016, 167 pages
Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems
Yousef Saad | PWS, Published in 1996
Everything Maths: Grade 10 Mathematics
Neels van der Westhuizen, et al. | Siyavula, Published in 2012, 469 pages
A Primer of Commutative Algebra
J.S. Milne | , Published in 2011, 75 pages
A Gentle Introduction to Tensors
Boaz Porat | Technion, Published in 2010, 87 pages
Calculus I, II, and III
Jerrold E. Marsden, Alan Weinstein | Springer, Published in 1986, 1023 pages
Category Theory for the Sciences
David I. Spivak | The MIT Press, Published in 2014, 496 pages
Nonstandard Analysis in Topology
Sergio Salbany, Todor Todorov | arXiv, Published in 2011, 48 pages
Super Special Codes using Super Matrices
W.B.V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K.Ilanthenral | arXiv, Published in 2010, 161 pages
Diffeomorphisms of Elliptic 3-Manifolds
S. Hong, J. Kalliongis, D. McCullough, J. H. Rubinstein | arXiv, Published in 2011, 185 pages
Lectures on Moduli of Curves
D. Gieseker | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Published in 1982, 88 pages
Exterior Differential Systems
Robert L. Bryant, et al. | MSRI, Published in 1991, 406 pages
Vedic Mathematics
W. B. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache | Automaton, Published in 2006, 220 pages
Surveys in Noncommutative Geometry
Nigel Higson, John Roe | American Mathematical Society, Published in 2006, 208 pages
Introduction to Topological Groups
Dikran Dikranjan | UCM, Published in 2007, 69 pages
Plane and Solid Analytic Geometry
W. F. Osgood, W. C. Graustein | Macmillan and co., Published in 1921, 651 pages
Calculus Refresher
Paul Garrett | , Published in 2008, 78 pages
Elementary Abstract Algebra
W. Edwin Clark | University of South Florida, Published in 2001, 105 pages
Non-Euclidean Geometry
Henry Manning | Ginn and Company, Published in 1901, 93 pages
First Year Mathematics
George W. Evans, John A. Marsh | Charles E. Merrill company, Published in 1916, 268 pages
Probability for Finance
Patrick Roger | BookBoon, Published in 2010, 115 pages
Class Field Theory
J. S. Milne | , Published in 2008, 287 pages
Universal Algebra for Computer Science
Eric G. Wagner | Wagner Mathematics, Published in 2006
Elements of Applied Mathematics
Cobb Herbert E. | Ginn and Company, Published in 1911, 292 pages
Bayesian Field Theory
J. C. Lemm |, Published in 2000, 200 pages
Commutative Algebra
Keerthi Madapusi | Harvard University, Published in 2007, 177 pages
Super Linear Algebra
W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache | InfoQuest, Published in 2008, 293 pages
Statistical Inference for Everyone
Brian S Blais | Save The Broccoli Publishing, Published in 2014, 200 pages
Applied Nonparametric Regression
Wolfgang Härdle | Cambridge University Press, Published in 1992, 433 pages
Category Theory for Computing Science
Michael Barr, Charles Wells | Prentice Hall, Published in 1998, 544 pages
Representations of Reductive p-adic Groups
Fiona Murnaghan | University of Toronto, Published in 2009, 128 pages
Online Statistics Education
David Lane | Rice University, Published in 2017, 692 pages
An Introduction to Quantum Chaos
Mason A. Porter | arXiv, Published in 2001, 57 pages
An Algorithm for Constructing Lyapunov Functions
Sigurdur Freyr Hafstein | , Published in 2007, 100 pages
Nonlinear Analysis and Differential Equations
Klaus Schmitt, Russell C. Thompson | University of Utah, Published in 2004, 158 pages
One Variable Advanced Calculus
Kenneth Kuttler | Brigham Young University, Published in 2020, 394 pages
The Algebra of Invariants
J.H. Grace, A. Young | Cambridge, University Press, Published in 1903, 404 pages
Lectures on Representations of Complex Semi-Simple Lie Groups
Thomas J. Enright | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Published in 1981, 94 pages
A Basic Course in Applied Mathematics
J. Bystrom, L. Persson, F. Stromberg | Lulea University of Technology, Published in 2010
Introduction to Statistical Thought
Michael Lavine | , Published in 2008, 434 pages
Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistics for Linguistics
Marcus Kracht | UCLA, Published in 2005, 137 pages
The Philosophy of Mathematics
Albert Taylor Bledsoe | J.B. Lippincott & Co, Published in 1868, 248 pages
Notes on Numerical Linear Algebra
George Benthien | , Published in 2006, 72 pages
Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable
Andrew Russell Forsyth | Cambridge University Press, Published in 1918, 892 pages
Lectures on Analytic Number Theory
H. Rademacher | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Published in 1955, 283 pages
Basic Concepts of Mathematics
Elias Zakon | The Trillia Group, Published in 2007, 208 pages
Introduction to Lie Groups, Adjoint Action and Some Generalizations
Marcos M. Alexandrino, Renato G. Bettiol | arXiv, Published in 2010, 129 pages
Modern Geometry
Robert Sharpley | University of South Carolina, Published in 2008, 230 pages
Hilbert Spaces and Operators on Hilbert Spaces
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon, Published in 2009, 109 pages
History of Modern Mathematics
David Eugene Smith | Columbia University, Published in 1906, 75 pages
Sequences and Power Series: Guidelines for Solutions of Problems
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon, Published in 2007, 104 pages
Elementary Calculus
Frederick S Woods, Frederick H Bailey | Ginn and Company, Published in 1922, 323 pages
Elementary Algebra
John Redden | The Saylor Foundation, Published in 2011, 1334 pages
Linear Algebra Examples C-3: The Eigenvalue Problem and Euclidean Vector Space
Leif Mejlbro | BookBoon, Published in 2009, 136 pages
A History of Greek Mathematics
Thomas Little Heath | Clarendon Press, Published in 1921, 1084 pages
Symplectic Geometry of Quantum Noise
Leonid Polterovich | arXiv, Published in 2012, 57 pages
Projective Differential Geometry Of Curves And Surfaces
Ernest Preston Lane | The University Of Chicago Press, Published in 1932, 344 pages
Lectures On Levi Convexity Of Complex Manifolds And Cohomology Vanishing Theorems
E. Vesentini | Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research, Published in 1967, 114 pages
Why the Boundary of a Round Drop Becomes a Curve of Order Four
A. N. Varchenko, P. I. Etingof | American Mathematical Society, Published in 1992, 72 pages
Problems with and Without ... Problems!
Florentin Smarandache | viXra, Published in 2011, 136 pages
Probability and Statistics for Geophysical Processes
D. Koutsoyiannis | National Technical University of Athens, Published in 2008, 161 pages
Homological Methods in Noncommutative Geometry
D. Kaledin | , Published in 2008, 77 pages
Modular Forms, Hecke Operators, and Modular Abelian Varieties
Kenneth A. Ribet, William A. Stein | University of Washington, Published in 2003, 154 pages
Conic Sections Treated Geometrically
W. H. Besant | George Bell and Sons, Published in 1895, 367 pages
Categorical Homotopy Theory
Emily Riehl | Cambridge University Press, Published in 2014, 292 pages
Notes on Discrete Mathematics
Miguel A. Lerma | , Published in 2005, 154 pages
A First Course on Time Series Analysis with SAS
Michael Falk at al. | University of Wuerzburg, Published in 2011, 364 pages
Lectures on The Riemann Zeta-Function
K. Chandrasekharan | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Published in 1953, 154 pages
Linear Systems Theory and Introductory Algebraic Geometry
Robert Hermann | Math Sci Press, Published in 1974, 282 pages
Heegner Points and Rankin L-Series
Henri Darmon, Shou-Wu Zhang | Cambridge University Press, Published in 2004, 382 pages
Combinatorial Optimization: Exact and Approximate Algorithms
Luca Trevisan | Stanford University, Published in 2011, 139 pages
Probability Course
Gian-Carlo Rota | David Ellerman, Published in 1998, 544 pages
| Wikibooks, Published in 2013
An Elementary Introduction to Groups and Representations
Brian C. Hall | arXiv, Published in 2000, 128 pages
Topology and Physics: A Historical Essay
C. Nash | arXiv, Published in 1997, 60 pages
Matrix Analysis
Steven J Cox | Rice University, Published in 2012, 98 pages
Discrete Oscillation Theory
Ravi P. Agarwal, at al. | Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Published in 2005, 961 pages
A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities
Pierre Simon Laplace | Chapman & Hall, Published in 1902, 234 pages
Lectures on the History of Mathematics
G. Donald Allen | Texas A&M University, Published in 2003
Comparison Geometry
Karsten Grove, Peter Petersen | Cambridge University Press, Published in 1997, 262 pages
Lectures on Stratification of Complex Analytic Sets
M.-H. Schwartz | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Published in 1966, 67 pages
Handbook of Modal Logic
Patrick Blackburn, Johan van Benthem, Frank Wolter | , Published in 2006, 1260 pages
Lie Groups in Physics
G. 't Hooft, M. J. G. Veltman | Utrecht University, Published in 2007, 75 pages
Introductory Statistics Notes
Jamie DeCoster | University of Alabama, Published in 1998, 48 pages
A Gentle Introduction to Category Theory: the calculational approach
Maarten M. Fokkinga | University of Twente, Published in 1994, 80 pages