Support DSpace
Open source programs like DSpace are only as strong as the communities that support them. Your contributions are an invaluable part of ensuring that DSpace continues to serve as the world’s leading choice for repository software. The worldwide DSpace community is continuously working hard to find added ways to improve the functionality, ease-of-use, and applicability of DSpace. Listed below are the main ways to support DSpace.
Join Organizations Around the World
Why Contribute to DSpace
Maintain Open Access Software
DSpace is one of the most used open source repository softwares in the world. With over 3000 institutional users across the globe, DSpace enables easy and open access to all types of digital content including text, images, moving images, and data sets.
Help to Grow DSpace
While it is free to use, the DSpace leadership group dedicates funds to ensure ongoing development of the software and to coordinate activities to promote and further the interests of DSpace, such as conference presentations, virtual and in-person workshops and more.
Give Back to the DSpace Community
Getting involved is easy! Supporting DSpace can take many forms and facets. The community gives back to DSpace by contributing and reviewing code, becoming a DSpace member institution, contributing to the DSpace development fund, and more.