Sponsor DrupalSites

Sponsorship of DrupalSites.net is available to finest businesses or individuals which provide nice services related to Drupal users or developers. DrupalSites will not accept any unrelated ads.

Short DrupalSites stats:

  • All visits: 30,000
  • Unique visits: 27,000
  • Pageviews: 90,000
  • Average time on site: 2:15

Please check more on current readership statistics.


  • Featured sponsor (top right 300x100px banner + small text link): 100EUR (about US$130)/month Sold out!
  • Sponsor (top right 125x125px banner + smaller text link): 75EUR (about US$100)/month
  • Sponsor (page middle 125x125px banner + smaller text link): 50EUR (about US$65)/month

Ad placement should be payed in advance via PayPal or bank wire to EU, no checks accepted.

Long term sponsorships (over 3 months) will be given some discount.

Please use contact form, PM or @ on Twitter or send an email to i[email protected] if you are interested.

All earnings will go to DrupalSites development, maintenance and moderation. And if budget permits re-sponsoring other Drupal projects or events.