Sponsorship of DrupalSites.net is available to finest businesses or individuals which provide nice services related to Drupal users or developers. DrupalSites will not accept any unrelated ads.
Short DrupalSites stats:
- All visits: 30,000
- Unique visits: 27,000
- Pageviews: 90,000
- Average time on site: 2:15
Please check more on current readership statistics.
Featured sponsor (top right 300x100px banner + small text link): 100EUR (about US$130)/monthSold out!- Sponsor (top right 125x125px banner + smaller text link): 75EUR (about US$100)/month
- Sponsor (page middle 125x125px banner + smaller text link): 50EUR (about US$65)/month
Ad placement should be payed in advance via PayPal or bank wire to EU, no checks accepted.
Long term sponsorships (over 3 months) will be given some discount.
Please use contact form, PM or @ on Twitter or send an email to i[email protected] if you are interested.
All earnings will go to DrupalSites development, maintenance and moderation. And if budget permits re-sponsoring other Drupal projects or events.