Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – psql: Display stats target of extended statistics

On 11st of September 2020, Alvaro Herrera committed patch:

psql: Display stats target of extended statistics
The stats target can be set since commit d06215d03, but wasn't shown by
Author: Justin Pryzby <[email protected]>
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/[email protected]
Reviewed-by: Georgios Kokolatos <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Tatsuro Yamada <[email protected]>

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – psql: Display stats target of extended statistics

Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Support FETCH FIRST WITH TIES

I have no idea how I missed that, but: if it wasn't for Alvaro's blog post I wouldn't know that: on 7th of April 2020, Alvaro Herrera committed patch:

WITH TIES is an option to the FETCH FIRST N ROWS clause (the SQL
standard's spelling of LIMIT), where you additionally get rows that
compare equal to the last of those N rows by the columns in the
mandatory ORDER BY clause.
There was a proposal by Andrew Gierth to implement this functionality in
a more powerful way that would yield more features, but the other patch
had not been finished at this time, so we decided to use this one for
now in the spirit of incremental development.
Author: Surafel Temesgen <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Álvaro Herrera <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Tomas Vondra <[email protected]>
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/CALAY4q9ky7rD_A4vf=FVQvCGngm3LOes-ky0J6euMrg=_Se+ag@mail.gmail.com
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/[email protected]

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Support FETCH FIRST WITH TIES

Changes on explain.depesz.com

Just pushed some new changes to expain.depesz.com and it's underlying parsing library.

The changes are:

  • If you upload plan in JSON/YAML/XML format, and then you'll look at “TEXT" tab, you will see explain in text format, generated using data from JSON. This explain had slight error in number formatting (3 decimal digits for estimated costs, while text formats use only 2 decimals). THis was reported by ysch on irc. Example plan
  • Numbers in node details (for example: Filtered, or Buffers info) are now commified to make it easier to read. Example plan
  • Fixed parsing of Planning time in JSON, YAML, and XML formats of explains from PostgreSQL 13. Example plans:
    JSON, YAML, and XML.

Some stats, for curious ones:

  • site is up for over 11 years and 6 months
  • so far there have been 843,215 plans added
  • within last 30 days, there have been 484 new plans added daily, on average
  • there are 1295 registered users, but only 780 of them ever added any plans

Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Add logical replication support to replicate into partitioned tables

On 6th of April 2020, Peter Eisentraut committed patch:

Add logical replication support to replicate into partitioned tables 
Mainly, this adds support code in logical/worker.c for applying
replicated operations whose target is a partitioned table to its
relevant partitions.
Author: Amit Langote <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Rafia Sabih <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Peter Eisentraut <[email protected]>
Reviewed-by: Petr Jelinek <[email protected]>
Discussion: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/CA+HiwqH=Y85vRK3mOdjEkqFK+E=ST=eQiHdpj43L=_eJMOOznQ@mail.gmail.com

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Add logical replication support to replicate into partitioned tables

Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Allow autovacuum to log WAL usage statistics.

On 6th of April 2020, Amit Kapila committed patch:

Allow autovacuum to log WAL usage statistics. 
This commit allows autovacuum to log WAL usage statistics added by commit
Author: Julien Rouhaud
Reviewed-by: Dilip Kumar and Amit Kapila
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/CAB-hujrP8ZfUkvL5OYETipQwA=e3n7oqHFU=4ZLxWS_Cza3kQQ@mail.gmail.com

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Allow autovacuum to log WAL usage statistics.

Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Add the option to report WAL usage in EXPLAIN and auto_explain.

On 6th of April 2020, Amit Kapila committed patch:

Add the option to report WAL usage in EXPLAIN and auto_explain.
This commit adds a new option WAL similar to existing option BUFFERS in the
EXPLAIN command.  This option allows to include information on WAL record
generation added by commit df3b181499 in EXPLAIN output.
This also allows the WAL usage information to be displayed via
the auto_explain module.  A new parameter auto_explain.log_wal controls
whether WAL usage statistics are printed when an execution plan is logged.
This parameter has no effect unless auto_explain.log_analyze is enabled.
Author: Julien Rouhaud
Reviewed-by: Dilip Kumar and Amit Kapila
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/CAB-hujrP8ZfUkvL5OYETipQwA=e3n7oqHFU=4ZLxWS_Cza3kQQ@mail.gmail.com

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Add the option to report WAL usage in EXPLAIN and auto_explain.

Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Allow pg_stat_statements to track planning statistics.

On 2nd of April 2020, Fujii Masao committed patch:

Allow pg_stat_statements to track planning statistics.
This commit makes pg_stat_statements support new GUC
pg_stat_statements.track_planning. If this option is enabled,
pg_stat_statements tracks the planning statistics of the statements,
e.g., the number of times the statement was planned, the total time
spent planning the statement, etc. This feature is useful to check
the statements that it takes a long time to plan. Previously since
pg_stat_statements tracked only the execution statistics, we could
not use that for the purpose.
The planning and execution statistics are stored at the end of
each phase separately. So there are not always one-to-one relationship
between them. For example, if the statement is successfully planned
but fails in the execution phase, only its planning statistics are stored.
This may cause the users to be able to see different pg_stat_statements
results from the previous version. To avoid this,
pg_stat_statements.track_planning needs to be disabled.
This commit bumps the version of pg_stat_statements to 1.8
since it changes the definition of pg_stat_statements function.
Author: Julien Rouhaud, Pascal Legrand, Thomas Munro, Fujii Masao
Reviewed-by: Sergei Kornilov, Tomas Vondra, Yoshikazu Imai, Haribabu Kommi, Tom Lane
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/CAHGQGwFx_=DO-Gu-MfPW3VQ4qC7TfVdH2zHmvZfrGv6fQ3D-Tw@mail.gmail.com
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/CAEepm=0e59Y_6Q_YXYCTHZkqOc6H2pJ54C_Xe=VFu50Aqqp_sA@mail.gmail.com
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/DB6PR0301MB21352F6210E3B11934B0DCC790B00@DB6PR0301MB2135.eurprd03.prod.outlook.com

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Allow pg_stat_statements to track planning statistics.

Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Enable BEFORE row-level triggers for partitioned tables

On 18th of March 2020, Alvaro Herrera committed patch:

Enable BEFORE row-level triggers for partitioned tables
... with the limitation that the tuple must remain in the same
Reviewed-by: Ashutosh Bapat
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/[email protected]

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Enable BEFORE row-level triggers for partitioned tables

Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Add %x to default PROMPT1 and PROMPT2 in psql

On 12nd of February 2020, Michael Paquier committed patch:

Add %x to default PROMPT1 and PROMPT2 in psql
%d can be used to track if the current connection is in a transaction
block or not, and adding it by default to the prompt has the advantage
to not need a modification of .psqlrc, something not possible depending
on the environment.
This discussion has happened across various sources, and there was a
strong consensus in favor of this change.
Author: Vik Fearing
Reviewed-by: Fabien Coelho
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/[email protected]

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Add %x to default PROMPT1 and PROMPT2 in psql

Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Add leader_pid to pg_stat_activity

On 6th of February 2020, Michael Paquier committed patch:

Add leader_pid to pg_stat_activity
This new field tracks the PID of the group leader used with parallel
query.  For parallel workers and the leader, the value is set to the
PID of the group leader.  So, for the group leader, the value is the
same as its own PID.  Note that this reflects what PGPROC stores in
shared memory, so as leader_pid is NULL if a backend has never been
involved in parallel query.  If the backend is using parallel query or
has used it at least once, the value is set until the backend exits.
Author: Julien Rouhaud
Reviewed-by: Sergei Kornilov, Guillaume Lelarge, Michael Paquier, Tomas
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/CAOBaU_Yy5bt0vTPZ2_LUM6cUcGeqmYNoJ8-Rgto+c2+w3defYA@mail.gmail.com

Continue reading Waiting for PostgreSQL 13 – Add leader_pid to pg_stat_activity