�It took them
three hundred years and trillions of dollars to build a
theatre of darkness,
yet the light of only one match can burn it down.
Please do not let this light go out.�� ~www.jimstonefreelance.com
When you look at the
detailed photos below, keep in mind: Fukushima engineers
reported that all of the piping and all of the reactor
systems were completely undamaged after the "earthquake",
which measured a 6.01 at Fukushima Diiachi according to the
Japanese seismograms. These seismograms have always been
part of the Fukushima report released by this web site soon
after the disaster.
people are in error, stating that the hydrogen vent pipes
were there to vent the containment buildings. They were not.
They were connected directly to the reactors themselves and
were completely sealed off, to prevent any hydrogen from
ever getting into the containment buildings AT ALL.
Additionally, even if a pipe broke during the earthquake,
(and none did) the containments were completely purged with
nitrogen, which would prevent any hydrogen ignition if any
of the pipes leaked.
Furthermore, according
to "official" reports, ALL POWER WAS OUT. EVEN IF HYDROGEN
the hydrogen explosion myth is an outright impossible lie.
And the lie was told to cover up the fact that explosives
were brought in to reactors 3 and 4, and at a minimum,
reactors 1 and 2 were put to full output with the Stuxnet
virus with all the valves closed, which melted them down and
released 3000 PSI of steam pressure when they melted
through. That would be enough to cause the level of damage
to the containment buildings for 1 and 2 that you see in the
ultra high resolution photos, released in full detail ONLY
BY THIS WEB SITE. Anyone has permission to copy and post
what is here, why does ENE NEWS and others fail to do so? It
would at least be interesting, would it not?
Take a look at these
pictures below, it is OBVIOUS that this web site is
practically a lone outpost for real Fukushima truth, when
others post pictures this detailed I might stop questioning
their authenticity.
To counter all the lies
about this topic, I am going to do what the Israelis dread
HYDROGEN GAS, a point made OBVIOUS by the photos.
If hydrogen gas was THAT
BAD, it would be ALL the army would use in their bombs.
The second picture is
the entire frame that a renegade Fukushima engineer posted
to tell the world the truth about Fukushima, and has never
appeared on this web site before. The first and third frames
have been here before, but the third frame was cropped
differently to save bandwidth and show additional blast
damage that was cropped out in the original post.
Frame 1. Proof that
something other than hydrogen destroyed reactor 4
2. A large perspective shot of the blast damage to Fukushima
and surrounding buildings.
This is a HUGE photo, you have to click it (this photo is a
link) and then expand it to see it [just
Right click and open in new Tab]
This picture is provided to show additional blast
damage, and to prove the tunnel
referenced in photo 2 really was wide open and could not
have been fractured by
hydrogen gas. (click it to bring it in big and then expand
it, it is also huge.
[Right click and open in new tab or window]
Want gun confiscation to work? Want a reason to go door to
door and expel EVERYONE from their homes? Want final tyranny
lock down? How about blowing up a few nuclear facilities, as
I was talking about shortly after Fukushima, and using THAT
as an excuse to send Fema door to door? Blown up nuclear
reactor trumps hurricane any day. That is why I published
that cartoon, which was a lot of work to create. And with EXPLOSIVES ALREADY PLANTED IN A SWEDISH
NUCLEAR FACILITY and a probable countless
number of nuclear weapons spread across the world via one
nation's nuclear deterrent method, allowing them to nail any government via
nuclear blackmail I have no doubt that the "elite" would
have no compunctions about blowing up a few nuclear reactors
in the U.S. to convince the American public to go along with
their disaster plan, which would no doubt include total
relocation of the population, and confiscations of all
They may be able to sway governments with planted nukes, but
with regard to gun confiscation in America they are going to
have to find a way to sway the people and a nuclear disaster
may be the ticket.
Things are starting to heat up now, and THAT is why I
published that cartoon. Spreading it could very well change
the future. Do not let it sit here on this web site, GET IT
Use the larger version for resizing, 800 pixels is as small
as you can go and have the print on the gauges be readable.
Only ignorance of the population will let them get away with
what I believe is now a short term plan.
[If this is removed screenshot available]
by Jim Stone Freelance Journalist, [no
Superintendent shutters "Narrows school" due to bat man
A school superintendent shut down his school because it was
referenced along with Sandy Hook in the same bat man movie,
and he believed that made it a strong possibility that
another staged school shooting would happen there. The info
on this is really sparse right now, but I have seen
references that the actual school is on the map in the bat
man movie.
This really bodes well for us, I'd call it a victory won.
There is something spurious about this that is unconfirmed -
that there may have been a date set and the superintendent
learned the date and shuttered the school. From the way
things are going, this appears to be what actually happened.
This is the e-mail that notified me of this:
From Martin
Narrows High School matches Dark Knight Rises Gotham Map for
Narrows. The location for Strike Zone 2 has been identified!
It's the Narrows High School in Virginia. The superintendent
has closed the school district in an emergency announcement.
After receiving this e-mail, I found this, and it's proof
positive. It's the letter from the superintendent of the
school, posted on the Narrows High School web site.
If you click the link, this letter is in a PDF that is
linked in big red letters "notice from superintendent".
Rigged elections? Obama announced
the winner during The People's Court on October 19
by Jim Stone - Freelance Journalist | [no date]
A few months ago, a media whistleblower
told me about how the news is prepared weeks in advance and
simply played when the time comes. Someone at CBS, (UPDATE,
ABC DID IT TOO!) either messed up or wanted to spill the
beans about the election being rigged. I believe this was a
screw up, exactly in the same league as when building 7 was
announced as having collapsed on the BBC, 40 minutes before
it was demolished.
They are trying to bury this now,
saying it was only a test at a single affiliate. However,
that is not possible if ABC did it as well, at the same
time. Somehow a combined feed put it up on both at the
same time.
We have all known our elections are
rigged for quite some time now, but never had proof. And
if you are still in the dark about how our media is rigged
and functioning as an arm of a totally usurped government,
Keep in mind that it is a moral crime to support a system
this rigged. It is time to start over, and NOT in a way
"they" decide is right for us.
I ask you to consider this
whistleblower testimony on this subject.
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as of today.]
Now back up.
Jim Stone - Freelance Journalist,
October 07, 2012
The latest attempt was supposed to take
on the appearance of a dart fishing accident. In Mexico,
dart fishing is legal, and you can have dart fishing
equipment powerful enough to take out sharks. This time I
received a direct death threat, and then got info that some
of the more powerful drug groups were passing around my
photo. This then evolved into getting stalked and watched,
and finalized on having a man begin to aim a super powerful
shark dart at me just as I was stepping out the door. I was
able to quickly step back inside before he finished aiming.
Absent being tipped off to this in advance, there is no way
I would have been watchful enough to avoid getting shot.
I am going to be able to get the FBI, Mexico Federal police
and the local police involved in this, because due to an
incredible stroke of luck, I got the financial information
for the woman who set it all up. She is a 53 year old
American woman from Maine. I have her address in Mexico. I
have pictures of people involved in the asassination
attempt. This time it is going to be different, I am in a
safe location laying low, and I am going to try to burn
If you read my article, "The Evils of Compartmentalization"
I state in that article that agencies such as the FBI and
NSA are staffed with a large number of very good moralistic
people who only do the works of evil under the deception
provided by compartmentalized clearances, which keep them in
the dark about what their work is used for. I am sure many
of you know that on 911, building 7 housed the FBI world
headquarters and it's destruction slowed down the real
investigation into the disaster. The FBI later released
information proving that the official story was completely
false, but the American press refused to air it.
So I should be able to get the FBI to at least act upon the
illegal aspects of the woman's finances and get them to cut
her off, as well as get a positive ID on her that will
ripple back to other people in the United States. I never
once said it was the FBI or other agency giving me problems,
it is the Jewish community and/or other individuals, and if
a few of those illegally use intelligence gained by these
agencies, it does not make the agency itself bad. I do
expect the Mexican police to take direct physical action
against this woman, because I also have additional
information that will get her arrested here. Absent a corpse
you cannot bust someone for murder, but in this particular
case there are side aspects to this story that will weigh
strongly in my favor and allow me to kick butt.
This has, of course, placed me under severe stress and is
why I have not posted follow up articles outlining my
experience with the Jewish community. It is the donations of
those of you who read this web site that allowed me to get
to a new location and secure myself, and from here I will
lay low while using the authorities to fix this mess.
The brain is a computer, and like a
computer, it has a clock frequency that all thoughts, your
existence, is centered around. This is a little basic,
because your brain in reality has multiple simultaneous
clock frequencies which interact with each other and serve
different purposes for biological function, whereas a
microprocessor normally has only one central clock that
everything in it synchronizes with. For example, your visual
cortex may process at a different frequency than the section
of your brain which regulates your heart beat. Feelings and
thoughts will run at another frequency.
Because your brain is an ultraparallel computer, it can
accomplish a lot while using frequencies that are far lower
than would be practical in a microprocessor, and these
frequencies are in the ELF (extended low frequency) range.
The fact that your brain operates on frequencies leaves it
open to manipulation via electronic means. Since different
moods are reflected by different frequencies, it is possible
to electronically force people to be relaxed when they
should be angry, laugh when they should be appalled, and
give loyalty when they should rebel. There are a number of
ways that this can be accomplished, and this report will
touch on a few of them.
The switch to digital television was un precedented, rapid,
and illegal. It was a direct violation of long established
standards regulation, which, by the book, required backwards
compatability with legacy devices. It was illegal because it
FORCED stations to change format, whether they wanted to or
not. Television was not the same as computers, where
standards can change in a day and be perfectly legal,
because television utilized the electromagnetic spectrum -
VHF and UHF, and there were long standing laws in place
which clearly stated that there would be no forced changes
permitted with regard to how the well established radio
frequency bands were used. IF a station, under its own free
will CHOSE to start broadcasting digital only, that was up
to them, and would have been permitted. The illegal aspect
of the switch was the fact that it was forced on everyone,
wanted or not.
And "they" had a reason.
For background, I suggest you read a brilliant article by Joe Vialls that is
preserved on this site. In it, he shows a device Hollywood
used to manipulate people's response to what was being
broadcast over analog televison. But the NTSC signal, which
all standard definition televisons operated on, really was
an ultra stable and hard to manipulate signal standard. This
made analog manipulation of people's psychological responses
to what was on the screen difficult to acheive in a
perfectly uniform fashion. Televisons were designed to
reject spurious modulations in the signal, so depending upon
each television receiver's differences, you got a different
level of effectiveness.
This would not do well enough to subdue the population
during the final crush of America. They HAD TO get the
switch to digital, where things could be manipulated with
perfect and predictable digital accuracy. And I have caught
them at it, and will tell you how to as well.
The method -
Vialls believed that they would manipulate public response
by getting the correct color flicker at random places on the
screen, and he died before they forced the switch to digital
television. As it turned out in reality, that is not
entirely how they are doing it. Instead, if you look closely
at any mid tone area on the screen (an area that is not
totally white or totally black, and this will move around
the screen depending upon the scene) you will notice a snow
effect, which on average makes a perfect picture, but the
picture itself is really in fact a subtly modulated "snow
storm" where the "snow" always takes upon itself the color
of whatever the image is supposed to be in that spot. Gray
areas are by far the best place to look for this. The snow
will be moving and modulating and circling at the frequency
that triggers whatever feeling they want you to have for
whatever is on the screen. Keep in mind that there should be
It is not in all broadcasts. I suggest you observe the
screen during any program where they are bragging about
being Jewish, are pushing a gay agenda, or are airing a
political topic - especially campaign ads and politically
weighted news. Anything of a political nature.
How to observe the screen -
The effect is not obvious. You have to get tricky to see it.
So go beneath the TV, up very close to it, at an angle where
the picture does not show right. You have to be able to see
the sub tones only. And THEN you will see the snow.
Computers will do the color shift as well. Take your (LCD)
computer screen, for practice before trying it on a big
clumsy LCD television, and tilt the screen back until you
see a shift in the way the colors are displayed. Many of you
have already noticed this. It is at that angle you have to
look at the TV, from below and not the side. This will not
work on a plasma TV. But on an LCD tv, you will see what I
am talking about. Windows 7 will also create and modulate a
similar "snow" on computer screens, even in a still picture
or desktop image. This is something new, I have always had
the latest and greatest computers, and this weird effect
only showed up with Windows 7. It is creepy.
To capture this effect you will need one of the newer
digital cameras that is capable of taking high frame rate
video. I suggest, if you have such a camera, to find the
right angle to observe this on your TV or Windows 7
computer, set the camera to 240 frames per second, and
record that snow. Then play it back at 30 frames per second
(which would be an 8x speed reduction) and look for repeated
patterns in the motion of the snow, especially look for
color modulations as well. This snow will appear in a
perfectly clear television brodcast when the screen is
viewed at the correct angle, when a broadcast is absent ANY
legitimate snow, and on a still image or mid tone mass field
on a Windows 7 computer. It is impossible for compression
artifacts to move around in a still image, or for snow to
appear on any sort of LCD monitor that has a still display.
So it is definitely something other than compression
artefacting that is causing that snow effect.
Though you cannot perceive it conciously when viewing the
screen as intended, it does indeed show up when you start
experimenting and playing around by viewing the screen in a
way "they" did not expect you to. Your subconcious will pick
up on it during normal viewing, and you will not even know
it. Keep in mind that you are not likely to see this
manipulation during a road runner cartoon, but on a Windows
7 machine, no matter what software you open, no matter what
you do, some part of the screen somewhere will do it. Look
in the gray colored areas.
Other things to look for - They can also simply flicker the
entire screen in a subtle way (this would be with a TV only
because with a computer it would be too obvious). To observe
this, turn off all the lights and leave the room the
television is in, and while able to see into the room the
television is playing in, but not able to see the TV itself,
turn to the side and observe the light coming from the TV
with your peripheral vision, which is sensitive to
flickering. If they are modulating the entire screen, you
should be able to see it this way, and it will be a very
rapid and even flicker, like a fast strobe. I would expect
this to not be as commonly used, but used sparingly when it
is needed most to form public opionion, like after a terror
attack. Obviously strobing the entire screen is more
effective than the snow approach, but it is also a lot
riskier. Fortunately for them, during emotional times like
after 911, people are very unlikely to notice because they
are too caught up in the event.
There is something fishy with the cell towers
Beyond a doubt, the cell towers in America are NOT what we
have been told they are.
A reader sent me this: ....."Jim, Years ago I owned a
telecommunication and underground utilities construction
company, and many of the contracts involved bringing
electricity, fiber optics, etc to underground bases in
Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, California, and Texas.
I had to go through a lot of background investigations and
sign documents saying I would not divulge where I "my
company" was bringing these utilities to.
My company also erected many cell towers, and I always
wondered why they had us bring so much electrical power to
these cell towers.
Later, the Army Corps of Engineers would install
frequency amplifiers connected with HXXrp. (editor's note,
HXXrp is a communications protocol I heard about at the
NSA. I tried googling it to no avail, all that comes up is
coincidence hits.)I believe they can control the
weather. Also, all of us have a frequency pattern we omit
and these cell and wifi towers can interfere with those
frequencies." . . . . .
I can just visualize Physicist bob, rolling his eyes as he
read that about the cell towers affecting people. After all,
Cell towers operate in the Ghz range, and clearly the brain
cannot interface with THAT high of a frequency. But to that
end, Physicist Bob is a lot like idiot Joe.
How a Ghz signal can be used to interface directly with
the brain
All frequencies have a penetration depth, and typically, in
water, you will hit 100 percent attenuation at one half
wavelength. For a 1 GHZ signal, this will be approximately 7
inches. Most people will write that when microwaves hit
water they turn into heat. But there is another step, that
description is too simplistic. In reality, when any
electromagnetic wave gets absorbed into a conductive medium,
it does so by turning into electricity, which shorts itself
out in the conductive medium, and the resulting current flow
is what causes the heating. A radio antenna is tuned to
approximate the frequency that is most expected and
therefore rather than short out within itself, it passes the
frequencies to the tuner amplifier.
So now we know how an electric current can be induced into
the brain via a 1 GHZ radio signal, which will fully absorb
at a depth of approximately 7 inches. Obviously then, higher
frequencies with shorter wavelengths can be used, because
you do not need 7 inches of penetration depth. For practical
application, the frequency range is between 500 MHZ and 3
GHZ. We have not yet answered the question of how such a
high frequency can interface with the brain. It cannot.
However, there are different types of modulation you can put
on a wave form, and the two most common are AM and FM. For
the purpose of interfacing with the brain, we will be
discussing AM.
Amplitude modulation involves the use of a fixed frequency
wave form called a carrier, which has its intensity
increased and decreased. An amplitude modulated wave form
appears to change it's height on an oscilloscope while
maintaining it's frequency. If you have a very low frequency
AM modulation on a high frequency carrier you can watch the
amplitude of the carrier go to max on an oscilloscope, and
then drop, all the way to flatline before returning to
maximum if the modulation is strong enough and the
modulating frequency is low enough to not just look like a
So earlier, I established how you can use a radio wave to
deliver electricity. Now, take that ghz wave form from a
cell tower, which will penetrate approximately seven inches
into the skull and put unintelligible high frequency
electricity there, and modulate that unintelligible
frequency with an ELF frequency the brain can interface
with. Bam - o, you get cell phone tower induced mind
control. And it's a piece of cake, it works better than any
other method, you see,
If you transmit an ELF wave form by itself, it will need a
many miles long antenna to pick it up properly, it will not
interface with the body very well because your body is not a
big enough antenna for the ELF wave to efficiently "short
out" in. You would need a really intense signal to do
anything. But if you can take that ELF frequency and use it
to modulate a super high frequency carrier, that carrier
will drop all of it's energy directly into your skull, and
let the modulation of that energy do the rest. Of course,
there are other factors, like a single side or aesymmetric
carrier, but to avoid getting too complex I have said enough
here to give you the idea and certainly enough to put an
evil genius on the right path.
The following video shows this being done to some test
monkeys a little way in. Obviously in this case, the power
levels are very high. Unfortunately the video has a bit of a
crazy aspect to it, and it is very outdated, which is to be
expected with anything of this nature that is actually
allowed to stay online.
Now onto WHY ON EARTH American cell
towers have so much juice going to them.
This is a serious topic.
While in Mexico, I took it upon myself to observe how the
cell system is set up. Mexico does not have cell towers.
They have cell phones galore and countless thousands of
Latinos jabbering on cells constantly, and I am blown away
by how excellent the coverage is. Cell coverage in Mexico is
FAR FAR BETTER than in America, yet there is not a cell
tower in sight. And I will tell you why.
Cell phone technology is as easy to implement as wifi is for
a computer. It can be accomplished with the cheapest of low
power hardware, installed in the laziest fashion. You don't
need a "tower" to make it all work great. In Mexico, the
cell phone system is completely invisible, because your node
might be inside a gas station sign, a decorative rock in
someone's landscaping arrangement, or in Hondo's attic. In
America, computer wifi is limited to 20 milliwatts transmit
power and often, even with that tiny amount, you can connect
from hundreds of feet away with no special antennas or
hardware. Your cell can transmit 300 milliwatts. That's well
over 10 times the power, and the range then, of your cell
phone is that much better. All that is needed to make
Pedro's landscape rock a great cellular node then, is a 10
watt transmitter (to make sure it gets real good penetration
into the surrounding buildings,) and a receiver that is more
sensitive than the one in your cell phone because you are
talking back with a lot less than 10 watts. 10 watts is 500
times as strong as your wireless N router, that comes in
perfect everywhere. A lucky neighbor might snag your
unsecured router, with only 20 milliwatts of output from
over a block away with just a cheap netbook. Why then, these
ENORMOUS, out in the open giant goose interloping "cell
towers" in America that are obviously capable of pumping
hundreds of thousands of watts? Trust me, America is NOT
doing it any better than Mexico, America is NOT EVEN DOING
And it's because the cell towers in America have a totally
different purpose than stated. Sure, the tower does indeed
accomplish the job of supporting cell phone service, but it
is not needed at all for that purpose. They are there to
hide something clandestine right in the great wide open.
My reader stated: "My company also erected many cell towers,
and I always wondered why they had us bring so much
electrical power to these cell towers." He NAILED IT. As a
technical type, I paid attention to the cell towers, and
noticed that they always seem to have a 400KVA or bigger
transformer feeding them. 400KVA is approximately 400,000
watts. And I never really thought about it, why on earth
they always got fed so much juice. Sometimes you just need
to wake up and start thinking. Mexico confirms this - cell
technology is totally passe' and a perfectly functional
legitimate node can be stuck in a yard decoration powered by
less juice than needed by an average Ipod dock.
So why pump hundreds of thousands of watts?
The antenna arrays on the cell towers are highly
directional. That's obvious. So since the signal from them
is confined to a zone, rather than going out
omnidirectionally (like Ortega's legitimate cell node in his
attic would), whatever is in that zone will get extremely
high R.F. levels. Maybe you need that much for mind control,
but I seriously doubt it. With such an ability to confine
the signal to within a zone, I would expect a mind control
beam to not need more than a couple thousand watts. Where is
the rest of that 400,000 going?
My guess, is Japan, Hurricane Katrina, or Chiapas Mexico.
Whatever earthquake or disaster "they" need to accomplish a
political objective. And there is something you need to know
about radio wave propagation - it can be steered. So just
because a cell tower appears to only be able place all it's
RF output within a confined zone, it does not mean that
signal cannot be diverted and sent elsewhere. This is
because a neighboring cell tower can be synchronized in such
a way that it steers the output from surrounding towers to a
new remote area. And that is how Haarp works, BET ON IT.
American cell towers then, I believe in this order, have
multiple purposes. The first is EMF mind control. Ever
wonder why on some mornings EVERYONE seems to be happy, and
on others EVERYONE seems to be grouchy? People don't just
naturally fall into a mold like that, yet you see it all the
time. And you never used to. This is a new phenomenon. Back
in the 70's and 80's moods were totally random. Not anymore.
There are happy days when everyone is happy, and grouchy
days and indifferent days. If you have not noticed this,
start paying attention. Mexico also confirms this - moods
are random here, just like they should be, Just like America
was 25 years ago.
The second purpose is an occasional one - occasionally the
towers will be switched up to full output to eat a nuclear
reactor in Japan via a phony earthquake scenario, or to make
good and sure a hurricane is useful for a social experiment
in New Orleans. But you cannot have them humming away at
full output all the time without it becoming obvious, so the
ability is likely saved for special occasions. Furthermore,
with as many as there are around, it probably does not take
more than a few percent of them at any one time to pull off
something big. And this is exactly why, as my reader also
stated, "Later, the Army Corps of Engineers would install
frequency amplifiers connected with HXXrp. I believe they
can control the weather." Why, pray tell, would the Corps of
Engineers show up and install something in a "civilian" cell
tower? Think about that.
And the third purpose is B.S. - "cell phone service". That's
as close as it can get to a lie, because any telephone pole,
attic, or yard decoration would do the job as well. Mexico
Audio noise modulation, and "poppers"
During the Iraq war, America seized control of all the Iraqi
transmitters, and started broadcasting propaganda. Normally,
people would reject it outright. But America knew this, so
under every broadcast they put a layer of noise. They did
nothing to the audio people listened to, but they modulated
the background noise prevalent in any radio signal (and in
these broadasts the injected noise was higher than usual,
but not extreme,) and to get the Iraqis to accept what was
being broadcast, even though often it was an obvious lie,
the injected noise in the radio signal was modulated with a
waveform that put people's brains into a mode of acceptance,
and it worked spectacularly well.
But that was not enough to satisfy American desire, so,
they dropped AM modulated microwave
transmitters called "poppers" onto the rooftops and into
various areas where they were not likely to be
discovered. Soldiers were usually put in
place to guard them. If the "poppers" were discovered, and
anyone tried to de-activate them they would be shot. These
worked even better than the noise modulated radio signal,
and the Iraqis, who had never been exposed to such
manipulation knew something was up and absolutely hated
them. They figured out that the "poppers" emitted a mind
control beam. But after long enough exposure, because they
would be killed if they messed with the devices, they
eventually succombed and complied.
So I have covered here, three different ways frequencies can
be used to manipulate the mind. The first is through the
manipulation of a video signal. The second is manipulation
of an audio signal, and the third, and worst, is to beam it
straight into your head. And the psychological warfare is
extremely cruel surrounding this as well. "tinfoil hat" has
been used as a phrase to designate "crazies". Let me ask
you, WHY?. "they are beaming me, and putting thoughts in my
head" has been used to define "crazy". Let me ask you WHY? I
will tell you why, and it is because uncovering any great
conspiracy HAS TO BE DEFINED AS "CRAZY" or the game is up.
As long as people who know the truth are successfully
designated as whack jobs, the truth will remain in an
isolated pocket and reality will then successfully smash
everyone who is deemed "sane".
Many people are going to respond now, saying that cell tower
frequencies have a limited range. This is bogus - it is
common for microwave frequencies to link at distances over
50 miles. That's a lot more than what is needed for mind
control beams, when the nearest cell tower is usually less
than 2 miles away. And I can easily see that the antennas on
these cell towers are not limited to high frequencies alone.
Their size is suspicious, and all it would take is a coil of
wire inside one of those arrays to drop the transmit
frequency WAY DOWN, into a more effective range for weather
modification and other nasties, and the antenna would not
need to be physically large at all. For reference, the
longest possible antenna needed for ANY cell activity in the
U.S. is around 20 inches, for the lowest possible cell
related frequencies. Why then are the antennas which adorn
cell towers several feet long? Perhaps you should ask the
Corps of Engineers, which has no legitimate business on a
civilian tower yet is prevalent everywhere, according to one
of my readers who worked with this stuff and happened to
know the name of a classified protocol only an insider would
Its time for the radiation
fear mongers to stop damaging the truth movement
Jim Stone - Freelance Journalist
Its time for the radiation fear
mongers to stop damaging the truth movement
There is a good possibility that
something awful is happening now and that a large portion
of the truth movement has been derailed to discussing
irrelevant issues so that something very real and
important slips under the radar. Sure, Fukushima is bad.
Sure, it probably equals World War 3. But what people do
not realize is that radiation really is not all that
hazardous, so even if radiation levels get to all out
World War 3 levels (which would be right around 25 msv a
year GLOBALLY,) it won't be an extinction level event and
probably would not even be noticed.
The elite HATE
nuclear power. It represents the pinnacle of technology,
which caused them severe control issues with regard to
enslaving mankind. Right now people are VERY hard to
control and enslave, technology has provided a venue from
which freedom can launch in the most unexpected ways. It's
very hard to control us and the elite long for a return to
feudal times, where they ruled from palaces over totally
defenseless serfs. This was proven in their books I had
access to when I was among them, so when you see the next
carbon tax, "we are destroying the planet" campaign, or
MAKE DO WITH LESS effort, remember, the end goal is to get
rid of technology and they will take as many small steps
as needed to accomplish that.
Just look at our worthless schools,
sabotaged vaccines, and a plethora of other things - we
are on our way down, not up, and the only way to keep us
down once we ARE down is to make sure our minds are
destroyed and no one understands an ounce of science. And
therein lies the root of scientific ignorance with regard
to ANY nuclear related topic.
Natural background radiation levels
vary by at least two full orders of magnitude around the
world, and some areas which have long standing
civilizations with perfectly healthy people are well over
100 msv a year naturally. There are areas like this in
Sweden, Norway, China, Brazil, and India. This is far
above the evacuation threshold for Fukushima and Chernobyl
(The Chernobyl exclusion zone was set at 5 msv/year). And
the highest radiation area in the world is in Ramsar,
which is a resort town in Northern Iran. This town has a
whopping natural background radiation of 260 msv a year.
Now, I don't think I would want to move there, because I
am not adapted to it, but many studies have been done on
the people and wildlife in that area andthey adapted to it, are perfectly
healthy, and have some of the longest life spans in
the world.
When I did the math for Fukushima
being equal to world war 3, it was from a scientific
radiological perspective - to give people an idea of how
much was released, to prove nuclear weapons were used to
destroy Fukushima because that's the only way enough
nuclear material would have been thrown skyward to match
the radiation readings in Japan and elsewhere. But I did
not harp on health related issues because with regard to
Fukushima, outside of Japan there should be ABSOLUTELY
NONE. My purpose with that report and the Fukushima report
was to prevent another military action against nuclear
facilities in the U.S. and other nations; Fukushima alone
will not do much; it really is Japan's problem. But if you
add to it 90 or so other nuclear facilities in America,
THEN we really would have something to worry about.
The ignorance and silence of the
so-called truth movement on the root issues - Fukushima
was the result of an act of war, and the tsunami was
triggered by nukes in the Japan Trench, and the earthquake
was both man made and phony, - ignorance and silence
towards these issues is not only damning; it could end up
being our undoing.
I have proof that Rense linked this site, and gave it the
initial boost that launched it. Why then, did he explode
on Henry Makow when Henry linked the Fukushima report?
In the screen captures below I have proof that Rense gave my
site it's initial boost. Keep in mind that when people send
me mails they virtually NEVER say where they linked from, so
to get three mails saying they found me on Rense on the SAME
DAY is more than an anomaly, it is proof that thousands of
people hit this site from Rense on July 18 2011. And the
resulting explosion in my site stats is proven in the chart
from Ranking.com. which explodes on July 18, 2011.
Why then, did Rense try to destroy Henry Makow, when Henry
linked the Fukushima report a few months later?
Take a look at these screen captures below. Look at the
timing of the e-mails, and when my site took off. That's
pretty hard proof of who caused it. Why is Rense now silent?
If you don't know someone first hand, a media personality is
easy to fake.
How hard would it be to fake a Rense?
Have you ever seen a fake elvis, and I mean a GOOD ONE?
I spent a christmas with a fake elvis from Branson Missouri.
He was awesome. He sang LIVE, a real performance. He looked
just like Elvis, acted just like elvis, and knew every Elvis
line. he was AMAZING, and yet, he was not good enough for
Vegas (I am talking ExCaliber, not Moe's diner). He had a
fairly high class theatre in Branson. So I have a reference
with a fake elvis, and how hard the act is to pull off and
look real. Yet this man did it and the performance was REAL.
Question then
With the millions of dollars the CIA has to work with, how
hard would it be to fake a Jeff Rense? Let's be straight
here. You would need to grow your hair long, smoke a little
pot, and look real tired in front of a web cam. That's a far
cry from having to sing and act a part on a stage with
realism, in front of a live audience. The blowup with his
wife on Makow.com? Who knows what she looked like, and they
(the CIA) have all those pictures anyway, and with someone
like Rense, who is a major public figure, they could have
nailed that recording that his "wife" claimed to make.
Think about this - Jeff Rense was FAMOUS for getting things
RIGHT. People overlooked the hippy aspect, because his facts
ALWAYS rang true, and the fact he launched my site out of
the backwaters of the internet is telling of that. I did not
even know about this until today, when my e-mail got
scrambled and pulled old stuff forward, and I read through
the mails I received when I was in jail under anonymous
detention over the Fukushima report. There were those three
that said Rense linked me, and for months I have looked at
when my site took off and wondered how on earth that
happened. Now I know. Rense did it.
Now, with Tepco posting official information about reactor 4
proving it is not going to fall over, complete with proof
people can work inside the containment there, and with the
corroboration of the international nuclear regulatory
commission saying Tepco is not lying about #4, and with
Rense linking my site as PROOF he read the Fukushima report
and agreed enough to link it, why now is everything that is
on his site GARBAGE that is beyond easy to debunk? Jeff
Rense was never stupid enough to not read a report, never
too stupid to hit the Tepco web site, and subsequently the
INRC. Something is fishy here, DAMN FISHY.
Why did he EXPLODE on Makow for linking what he once did?
I smell a rat, possibly under the floorboards of the CIA.
The zionists no doubt HATED Rense, and exposing the
Fukushima report may have been the last straw.
I am rescinding the comment that
reactor 3 equals World War 3
Jim Stone - Freelance Journalist 5/8/2012
This is because I received new info about the status of
reactor 3. As far as the potential for disaster, the math
still stands.
Possibly in response to my statement that Fukushima was
equal to over five thousand Hiroshimas, someone made it
possible for me to discover a set of new photos of reactor 3
last night. These cannot be posted.
The photos were more than an order of magnitude more clear
than anything I have seen, and as you probably know, I
posted some really clear pictures here. The pictures last
night were at least 40X as clear and they reveal details you
can't see in the original pictures. These details show a
reality that is just as bad, but a little bit different.
The pictures were taken at a much later date than the
originals here, and nothing was steaming. With nothing
obscured by steam, and a much higher resolution to boot, you
can get a really good look at what the situation really is
at #3. The explosion originated on the North West side of
the reactor and blew out the north west corner of the
containment structure the worst, and the south side of the
structure which had the fuel pool the least, and a lot of
fuel that was in the proper cooling pool, even possibly all
of it remained at the scene.
This may not have helped a whole lot, because the steam
separator pool on the North side of the reactor containment
was obliterated and appears to have been used for fuel
storage because there is the appearance of a river of melted
material there. Mike Rivero linked a drone video on
Whatreallyhappened.com, where you could see (what looked
like) melted fuel glowing on the North side of the
containment structure and the pictures appeared to show an
area that had melted and flowed but it was not glowing.
The crane is present, and is laying dead center of the
structure under the rubble. The east end of the crane is
sitting in a hole where the reactor should be. This means
that Tepco released phony fuel pool footage of number 3,
which had to be from one of the other reactors because there
was a crane in the fuel pool in that video and that is not
possible at number 3, the crane is nowhere near the pool.
This makes the condition of the pool at #3 a mystery, in the
new super high res photos the area of the pool is buried in
debris and appears to have a fluorescent green center and
you cannot really get a good look at the condition of it
because it is so buried.
Even still, it looks like some sort of remnant of the pool
is there but if all was well with it, why would Tepco
release phony footage of it?
As clear as the original pictures seemed to be, they were
not clear enough to make it obvious that the reactor 3
containment had concrete where the normal mark 1 design had
sheet metal. So the pictures with the arrows pointing at a
missing reactor in reality are pointing to a location that
is above where the reactor was sitting when all was well.
This is somewhat irrelevant, because in the clearer photos
the east end of the crane is sitting in a hole where the
reactor should be, so the reactor is gone anyway.
The damage is not limited to the top portion of the
building. In the clearer photos it is obvious that the lower
portion of the building has all the interior concrete walls
blown out, but mysteriously all the pipes seem straight and
intact despite the blown away interior walls. These walls
are not thin, they are at least a couple feet thick and
though the pipes for a reactor are robust, it seems almost
surreal that they would still appear to be straight.
No where in any of the photos was there evidence of a
reactor at all. The crane cab where the operator sits hangs
down a considerable distance and the entire thing was out of
view, down in a hole where the reactor should be. (the real
crane type is not in the diagram, in reality it's a far more
robust cab crane with full radiation shielding for the
operator) So either the top of the reactor blew to pieces,
or the entire reactor broke loose from its supports and
pipes and is now sitting lower and out of sight, in the
center of the torus.
There is so much rubble and dust, it is several feet deep
everywhere, so much that you can't see a whole lot of
details of any surface very clearly. So a lot of what got
blown skyward landed back where it was to begin with in the
form of dust. It's obvious, with that much finely destroyed
material that hydrogen explosions are laughable, there is no
way that happened and the explosions were far far FAR beyond
the reach of even any conventional bomb.
I don't know how many people saw the attack on Baghdad live
on TV, but America was dropping the biggest conventional
stuff on that city and none of the buildings were getting
blown away by a single blast or even several blasts as bad
as reactor 3, and the containments out at Fukushima were
built far more strongly than any ordinary building. This is
comparing an ordinary building in a third world country to a
nuclear facility in arguably the most advanced country which
at a minimum design spec still had rebar reinforced outer
concrete walls 4 feet thick.
Whatever happened was not within the realm of precision
calculated and manufactured conventional warfare devices
specifically made to maximize destruction. The facility was
obviously nuked, and the fact that in the ultra high res
photos the fuel pool area was the least damaged only goes to
show that no prompt criticality originated in the fuel pool
area, instead the blast path starts at the West/north west
side of the reactor and proceeds out the North West corner
(on the top of what remains) and on the floor below, where
all the pipes are, the blast went slightly South West.
Whether or not that ate the fuel pool from the bottom was
not visible, and it proves the blast originated INSIDE the
most innermost portion of the reactor containment and after
blowing that to smithereens, it then branched out to behave
differently on different floors. The behavior also indicates
that it was not a steam explosion, which would have
acheieved equal pressure and blown out the back as bad as
the front - this was a shock wave that was blocked by the
body of the reactor from blowing the back (east) side of the
containment away as thoroughly as the rest of it.
It is for these reasons that I am rescinding the statement
that Fukushima represented over five thousand Hiroshimas. If
the main fuel pool is intact, and it could be, that makes
hard numbers impossible to produce. However, we are still
dealing with a destroyed reactor and a steam separator pool
(possibly) used for fuel storage blown away as well, and
extremely high radiation contamination levels in the region
prove that hard material got thrown and the radiation
release was not limited to contaminated steam. It's
definitely many nuclear bombs worth of material but I can't
put a number on it if a fuel pool with an unknown quantity
of fuel is even partially intact, and another pool which was
not even supposed to be a fuel pool is possibly part of the
All newspapers have a section where corrections are made,
and I really try to be accurate with things but mistakes can
still be made, and to that end I am going to say that the
actual contamination from #3 was a lot worse than stated but
still unknown. I am just happy I got those photos, because
engineers out at Fukushima most certainly know what is in
them, and I'd prefer to not look like an idiot to them
simply because my info was not detailed enough. As for the
general public, to save face I could have just left well
enough alone and the public, which would have never seen
those photos, would not have been the wiser. But I am not
like that.
This correction has no impact on the Fukushima report, #3 is
all blown to smithereens either way and this is just a
refining of details.
I am going to say it all here, and give
you the real hard numbers, and WHY they have to create a
situation out at reactor 4 to cover for how horrible reactor
3 was, and their failure to report it.
First of all, in the Fukushima
report, I stated that reactor 3 was over a million pounds.
It's actually more than that, but that's irrelevant. I
never told you how many nuclear bombs worth of material
really is inside a reactor that large, and though a lot of
that weight is just steel, in the fuel pool there were
1,000 tons of "spent" fuel which was in reality still at
least 85 percent active, and 1,000 tons is two million
pounds. SO, you get an idea of where I am going here and
in this report I am going to go over the math, so you can
get a clear picture of what this world actually faces as a
result of what Israel managed to do under the disguise of
a "security contract" and an industrial computer virus.
First of all, a picture of a reactor
identical to #3 under construction at Browns Ferry, the
most identical facility there is to Fukushima in the
This is what a one gigawatt +
reactor looks like.
And in reality, these are 3
gigawatt reactors de-rated to one gigawatt for safety
margin, a fact I learned when I interviewed the engineer who
designed them.
So let's do a little math. A boiling
water reactor such as this one will produce 25 tons of
"spent" nuclear fuel per year. For background on this read
the article BUSTED!
The Japanese do have reprocessing,
unlike America, so some of this fuel was removed. Even
still, there were about a thousand tons of nuclear fuel in
the fuel pool at reactor 3, which Arnie's "prompt
criticality" and my camera nuke sent skyward in the form
of dust - and regardless of what story you subscribe to -
a mushroom cloud is a mushroom cloud and when one happens
that close to a fuel pool it means the pool does not exist. There
was approximately 200 tons of nuclear fuel INSIDE the
reactor also, all of it only approximately 15% spent.
Take that amount (approximate) 1200
tons of fuel total, and multiply it by 0.85 because it's
approximately 15 percent spent. 1,200X.85 = 1,020 tons.
That remaining 1,020 tons is 20 percent enriched. Take
1,020 and multiply it by 0.2 and you get 204 tons of pure
nuclear fuel. Some is plutonium at this point
(approximately 10 tons) and the rest is uranium.
Now we switch to Kilograms. So at
reactor 3, we have 10,000 KG of plutonium, and about
194,000 KG of uranium. How many nuclear bombs does that
Well, a really inefficient fission
nuke like what was used at Hiroshima uses about 64KG of
uranium. let's take 194,000 and divide it by 64 to see how
many world war 3's were sitting out at reactor 3 until it
was nuked to dust by Magna BSP's "owl".
194,000/ 64 = 3,031 Hiroshimas. And
the Hiroshima bomb was a filthy one, which only used 600
grams of that 64KG of uranium and threw the rest into the
environment. Modern nukes use a lot less.
Plutonium? At 4 KG needed for an
implosion nuke as stated by the D.O.E, (6.8 KG were used
in the Fat Man, an archaic design) 10,000/4 = 2,500 more
hiroshimas due to the nastiness of plutonium vs uranium.
3,031+2500 = 5531 Hiroshimas.
It's not fiction folks, DO THE MATH,
it does not take much material to make a nuke, and the
world had tens of thousands of nuclear weapons long before
ANY reactor of the scale out at Fukushima was imagined by
even the most wild eyed physicist. The simple fact of the
matter is that when it comes to nuclear type weaponry,
there is such an excess of material to build it that
outside of national security issues getting it is as easy
as buying tomatoes at the local store. It's many times
overkill available, even at reactors 1-4 at the now
destroyed Fukushima Diiachi which collectively, just from
what is sitting around out there as a normal course of
business would take that 5531 number and multiply it by 4,
just at reactors 1-4, for a total of 22,125 Hiroshimas.
How bad would it be if some of
America's nuclear facilities were destroyed the same way
Fukushima was? Japan was LUCKY. The wind blew most of the
mess out to sea.
From a global contamination
standpoint, Reactor 3 really does equal WW3, because
modern nukes burn cleaner than the old ones and leave less
contamination, so in modern terms #3 could account for at
least 15,000 nukes of the type that would be used in World
War 3 and probably a lot more. Some of my readers must be
wondering WHY I rip Arnie Gundersen so much, and the
reason is simple. If the guy knew anything about nuclear
he would have figured this out and been harping it. Thus
far, most people think Fukushima contamination equals
approximately what would come from about 3 nuclear
warheads and you can thank Arnie for that. That is NOT the
So, before breaking this news to the
world, they need a cover story
And that cover story is reactor 4. They
lied about reactor 3, a fact proven by this Classified photo so they need
a new "disaster" to account for how bad the contamination
really is.
Reactor 4 was not in operation when
it exploded, a fact proven by this Classified photo and it's
structure is NOT in danger of falling over in contrast to
what is being stated, in fact they are repairing the
containment at reactor 4 as we speak. Furthermore, Tepco
has re-certified reactor 4 to withstand a 6.0 earthquake
now. Of course Rense and others missed that fact, but it's
still a fact. Reactor 4 is NOT about to fall over absent
some sort of assistance.
Now that you have the math, do a
little fact checking. I challenge you to find fault in my
numbers, they are in fact real. And though it is certain a
fair amount of the mess remains at Fukushima, a fair
amount of the mess remains at the site of any nuclear
detonation, it's the down wind numbers I am talking here.
15,000 modern nukes, that's my final answer.
Now there is a story about
hydrogen buildup at Fukushima #2. This is flatly
impossible. #2 has melted through, and hydrogen can only
be formed in a pressurized reactor with fuel that is at
2,000 degrees celsius. Since you can't maintain pressure
in a melted through reactor, there is no hydrogen buildup
and there is another reason for this story, which would
obviously be a PLANNED EXPLOSION. Can you say BUNKER
I just
checked the readings for reactor 2, and if Stuxnet is
not faking THESE READINGS, Hydrogen
is not possible at all. SO NOW the media has a problem.
Either they have to say there is no hydrogen, or ADMIT
it is, those readings are BOGUS. (plus there is no
hydrogen in any case)
For reference in the following
article, read the Fukushima report if you
have not seen it.
The fraud of #4 reactor is getting more
and more sickening every day, and it's time to draw the
Arnie Gundersen is and always has
been a fraud based on a spider man comic. Because he was a
fraud, he never said how bad the disaster was out at
Fukushima, because he never knew a damn about what was out
there to begin with.
In this 1991 spider man comic,
Peter Parker's fourth grade class mate Arnie
Gunderson becomes a super villain named CRITICAL
MASS who can project EXPLOSIONS from his
fingertips. Interesting it is that this spider man comic
got released FOUR MONTHS before "Arnie Gundersen" started
his "nuclear consulting firm, Fairwinds and associates" as
the "Chief Nuclear Engineer" (easy to accomplish when you
run a one man show). Hmm, explosions from his fingertips,
eh? Is that where Arnie got the "prompt criticality"
explosion in a 20 percent enriched fuel pool?
Don't fall for the phony Wikipedia
edits, prior to Arnie and the need to support the lie,
"prompt criticality" was a nuclear weapons specific term
Nuclear sputter: when a nuclear
weapon, using more than 90 percent enriched fuel does not
crush it's fuel correctly, despite all the precision
triggers, and achieves less than 10 percent yield
Nuclear fizzle: When a nuclear weapon
does not achieve full output, but at least does something.
Prompt Criticality: When a nuclear
weapon has all it's intricate electronics function
perfect, and it's trigger mechanisms (explosives) function
pefectly with perfect timing (microsecond timing) and
crush a more than 90 percent enriched nuclear core
perfectly, in microseconds, to achieve it's fully
specified yield.
Arnie claims a 20 percent enriched
fuel pool accomplished this, with no trigger mechanism AT
ALL. At 20 percent enriched, a nuclear BLURP would not
have even been possible. There is no nuclear weapon of any
type that can function with material less than 70 percent
pure, no matter how much there is or what the isotope is
which makes ANY prompt criticality in a 20 percent fuel
pool flatly impossible regardless of circumstance.
Since the fuel pools were no
where near pure enough, and they had no nuclear trigger
(something the US works real hard to keep away from
Arabs) the fuel pools DID NOT cause the nuclear blasts
out at Fukushima. But I
which begs the question - Was Arnie tasked to create
confusion and bury what really happened out there? Is that
why he is allowed to get away with his lies? And what
about those who parrot the whole "prompt criticality"
As stupid as the movie "China Syndrome" was, it
was at least accurate in one sense- the fuel had to melt
to the water table and trigger a steam explosion for the
disaster to occur, they were not stupid enough to say the
fuel was going to go super critical Hiroshima style the
way Arnie did.
So why would the elite want Arnie? He
no doubt, with his "hot particles", and all the crap about
extinction level stuff going around (he is not stopping
that) has portrayed a serious situation, and Fukushima is
indeed serious. Why would they want and parrot the "prompt
criticality" lies, which would not be necessary to get the
point about a serious situation across?
As much as Arnie has said, he still
says reactor 3 exists. Everyone is talking about #4, when
even Arnie said a mushroom cloud came from the fuel pool
of #3. Put your thinking cap on - A MUSHROOM CLOUD CAME
FROM #3, which Arnie falsely claimed originated in the
fuel pool.
ZERO. So here we have a situation where I am saying a
mushroom cloud came from a nuclear weapon, and Arnie is
saying a mushroom cloud came from the fuel in the pool.
It's time to call all the liars,
scammers and idiots in the so-called truth movement out in
the open, force them to answer for either lying or being
stupid, and rank them accordingly. ANYONE who said #4
would trigger an extinction level event, after quoting and
parroting Arnie, who said a mushroom cloud originated in a
fuel pool at #3 (yet miraculously all the fuel remained
there despite the entire structure, with concrete walls 4
feet thick blown away to a level below where the fuel pool
was) ANYONE who either SAID or IS SAYING #4 is the real
problem now when it's fuel pool is still intact, with all
fuel present, needs to be flushed out of the bush as a
liar, or as someone too stupid to be trusted with any type
of information.
Because failure to call #3 for what it is, a mega
disaster with over a thousand tons of nuclear fuel
atomized and blown skyward is a crime against mankind,
and to then turn around and milk fear out of a different
structure which has caused ZERO contamination to date,
and could never cause the type of disaster that happened
at #3 even if it does fall over, only shows that many in
the truth movement don't give a damn about any of us and
would rather go for fear driven ratings, while keeping
the population at large completely in the dark about the
real threats.
For a temporary
boost in the form of either a payoff or increased ad
traffic they are opting to leave America and the rest of
the world open to industrial sabotage, Nuclear
Blackmail, Zionist/elitist goals for the depopulation of
Japan, and the possibility of America's nuclear
facilities being turned into weapons as stated in my
article BUSTED. Do these people HATE AMERICA?
Are they ALL Stratfor, like Alex Jones? Where the hell is
the truth with any of them? Are they stupid? Quote Arnie
saying a mushroom cloud originated in a fuel pool at #3
and all is well there, LOOK AT #4 PLEASE?
It is time to draw the line and
change the face of "truth" to something which really is
truthful. There are those who were honest, Natural News,
Henry Makow, Abel Danger, Thecomingdepression.net,
Degaray, Kerry Cassidy, we are not without a base, but we
need to realize WHERE THAT BASE IS and FLUSH those who are
lying bastards DOWN THE MEMORY HOLE. It can be as easy as
typing a new URL, a NEW BEGINNING.
Please spread this message. A reader
of mine who claims to have worked for the NSA as well, has
tested the spam filters and determined that a mail with my
site address will not pass through them no matter how it
is typed unless it is sent as a spaced out.cm with
instructions for people to figure out the missing letter.
This is the hidden information warfare and you cannot
expect the .CM tactic to last more than a day. Please
spread the word any way possible, by posting a mirror and
directing e-mails to that mirror, by setting up a blog,
whatever, we do not have much time and the world really
needs to be warned before another Fukushima is caused.
Japan really got off easy
considering the magnitude of the disaster. Had the wind
been blowing a different direction, inland, Japan would
have died when #3 was destroyed. That's not a joke, it
was THAT BAD. The ocean took the hit. In America, there
are over 90 nuclear facilities where there is no ocean
to take the hit. Having a few of those get destroyed
Fukushima style will kill the country, DO NOT LET THAT
HAPPEN. The elite function in darkness, and can only get
away with murder when there is no light, please spread
the light to stop them.
It took them
three hundred years and trillions of dollars to build a
theatre of darkness, yet the light of only one match can
burn it down. Do not let this light go out,
A message to the "Elite community",
Stop messing with this web site. Get
censoring my e-mails, Stop screwing with my bank accounts,
Stop preventing ads from getting served to this site
From NOW ON I expect 3 or more unique
e-mails from Japan PER DAY, as it was when this site was
still a gnat. No e-mails in months PROVES censorship, They
did not all of a sudden change their mind especially with
traffic levels being 30X what they were from Japan, my box
And I am SICK AND TIRED of getting
e-mails through the grapevine from others because you
blocked people directly. If I ever see that happen again,
I will POUNCE.
I am not going to line item
everything you have done, that would bore the reader base.
But I will say I knew it all along, and if I feel I have
ANY reason to believe I have been messed with again I am
going straight to the people you fear the most and will
tell them how to find your people on their soil and THEN
you will have a LOT more than this site to think about. I
have already defined them as the good guys and you as gut
rot filth, morality is pushing rather than getting in the
way, BACK OFF!!!
This report has been approved for
posting by a veteran commercial airline pilot, with the
following disclaimer:
Great job with the photos. I scrolled
back and forth between the 800 and the impact plane. I
still think 300, or slight chance 400-500 (not very likely
though) because of the relative proportion. The impact
plane to me still looks too small for an 800. The 800 was
stretched to carry up to 189 passengers and had a longer
However, it ABSOLUTELY is a 737. Tell
you what. Just link to my article (attached unchanged in
case you lost it) and if it is an 800 you can have all the
glory. I only pointed out the picture for the flap track
fairings which are huge on all 737's. It doesn't really
matter which model it is. It is NOT a 767 and your
pictures show that superbly, better than what I linked to.
I just hope the main point doesn't
get lost in a red herring chase over which model 737 it
is. The photos are secondary evidence. The engine in the
street, confirmed by mechanics, is the hard evidence of
what it was.
I don't mind disagreeing with you on
this issue and if it turns out you are correct, I will
cheer you on. I just can't see it yet. What the heck, as
you implied in your intro, I'm a semi-senile retired fuddy
duddy who doesn't know what he's looking at. Gosh, I'm 69,
what do you expect?
My comment about the intro: you
are still WITH IT!!! 69 is nothing these days!
I have to get this online in stages,
so bear with me, I have a lot to do. His full report will
appear in the guest writer's section as soon as I manually
retype the code to HTML.
The full report by Mike Phillips is
now linked Here
I had readers warn me not to post
ANYTHING about 911, because it's become a religion for many
and I would lose readers. However, I think I have something
here that will end the pod plane theory, and the computer
graphics / no plane theory in one shot. The pod plane theory
will be set aside because the plane used for the theory (the
one that appeared in Popular Mechanics) is a fake. You can't
blame people for running with that, and the birth of that
theory is the fault of Popular Mechanics.
The no plane theory is now going to have to factor in HOW on
earth, or WHY on earth would a computer graphics team use
the wrong airplane, when they could have used the right one.
This report is open to discussion, but I think it has been
pretty well nailed.
Jim Stone - Freelance Journalist
- April 26 2012, 2:07 AM
Was an unused five year old
prototype 737-800 the real 9/11 plane?
I am posting this early because I
can't wait. The pilot is asleep so this is awaiting final
I will put the rest up during the
Comment: The plane was made
of aluminum and could not break the side of the
Answer: The plane
had an aluminum skin over a very strong sub structure.
What structure is there that can survive an F5 tornado?
The 737-800 can easily survive a 700 MPH dive, which will
hit the plane with four times the stress of the worst F5
tornado. Jumbo jets are not weak.
Furthermore, the plane weighed
174,000 pounds and was going 300 MPH. Most wrecking balls
weigh around 10,000 pounds and seldom go over 30 MPH. In a
car accident, how much worse is 60 MPH than 30 MPH? Then,
how much worse is 300 than 30? deceleration of mass will
always exert a lot of force when it is that fast and that
much. I don't doubt for a minute the (tower two) plane
broke the beams on the front of the building, 174,000
pounds IS WHAT IT IS.
I don't know what hit tower 1.
Comment: Several pilots have come out
and said the planes were going too fast for specifications
Answer: Not this pilot. Since he knew
it was a 737, he knew the apparent speed would be higher
than reality, a LOT higher, and his own calculations
pegged the speed at 300 mph (a quick guess, he said 250
knots). This is because all the speed calculations of less
observant pilots factored in the length of a 767, which is
twice the mass of a 737, so when calculating how long the
plane took to travel it's length and equating that to
speed, their numbers were way off. 300 MPH looks VERY
impressive only 800 feet or so from the ground. Add to
this the fact that early on the plane looked like it was
going a lot slower, and as the years progressed it got
faster and faster, and video fakery is now in the
equation. He calculated the speed on day one, before any
of that happened.
When I did this report, all these
questions were addressed and answered.
Comment: "I posted an article which
shows the plane had to be fake because the tail is
obviously broken"
Answer: The tail appears to be broken
because you are not looking at a 767. You are looking at a
737-800, which has a steeply sloped tail fin that juts out
the back of the plane much farther than it does on a 767.
This is a farther deviation from the 737 first generation,
the Next Gen 737-800 has a very sloped back tail fin and
therefore it would have to be "broken" if it was on a 767.
Your observation of this is quite astute, but in error
because they even lied about the plane. No 767 hit the
They severely blurred the video and
all released photos to conceal the fact that the plane was
NOT a 767. Too many people saw this happen, the planes did
exist, but not as advertised.
I have been working with a veteran
airline pilot who will soon have his report posted in the
guest writer section. He pointed out that the tower 2 plane
was a Boeing 737, and believed it was a 737-300. I don't
post anything that is not fully verified and checked, and
after spending hours and hours and hours pouring over
pictures of different aircraft, have definitely pinned the
tower 2 plane as being a 737-800. The picture Popular
Mechanics posted - which gave birth to the pod plane theory
is a bona fide fake, and I have proof of that also.
This will post tomorrow (after the
pilot looks over my new evidence), it's perfectly
understandable why he thought it was a 737-300 because the
800 entered service at the time he retired, which was
three years before 9/11 and both planes are VERY similar.
I wanted an absolute bullet proof presentation so I really
picked this to death, and I am (almost) dead positive the
737 - 800 they flew into the tower was a prototype, which
would have solved the identification issues.
Those who read my site know how picky
I am about accuracy; I would not be posting this if I was
not certain this pilot nailed it, and that I had checked
every claim he made to the last degree. It is virtually
impossible to bamboozle someone who is going to sit and
check facts for days, and now that I have rooted out every
last doubt I am ready to go with this.
This report will destroy both the pod
plane and the no plane theories, it's easy to see how both
came to be because people really were not looking at what
was reported, Popular Mechanics is a lying elitist rag
that introduced an enormous pile of confusion with a phony
photo, and the no plane theory is now going to have to
explain how the CGI crews selected the wrong plane from a
drop down menu . . . . . .
Gordon Duff, of Veteran's Today posts
ridiculously impossible and technically
flawed report about "micro nukes"
Why am I posting this? Because irresponsible journalism is
being used to sabotage 911 truth. If you want to know why
911 truth has not taken off and hit a majority of
Americans in the head, take a look at this report by
Gordon Duff. Such ridiculous drivel will instantly be
rejected by ANYONE with ANY knowledge at all with regard
to the subject at hand, and will lump the 9-11 truthers
who are rooted in real science with the wackos. It's a
brilliantly written report SIR DUFF, and because it is a
little bit technical and so well worded it will bamboozle
many people and spread like wildfire, only to be laughed
at and ridiculed by intelligentsia, the segment of society
that really can make a difference. Thanks for shooting us
in the foot.
And now it's time to put a band aid on an information wound
First, an excerpt from the report,
Keep in mind that Gordon Duff actually published this as
an "Intel disclosure"!!!
"According to government nuclear weapons designers, this is
the size of a typical thermonuclear weapon available after
1991, shown in representative size only as a popular
consumer soft drink:
This, according to
government scientists is the current size of a thermonuclear
device, a hydrogen bomb, containing a small amount of
uranium or plutonium, no larger than a coin, a supply of
deuterium, tritium and a highly classified "nano-laser,"
probably chemically fired to replace the otherwise required
fission reaction.
Such weapons have existed for over 20 years, multiples of
which were deployed on "ground zero" on 9/11 and have been
used repeatedly as "very large conventional munitions" in
Afghanistan and Iraq.
Radiation is only 3% of that of a normal weapon,
undetectable by Geiger counter, unable to penetrate skin,
with a half-life of under 48 hours but fatal if irradiated
materials are ingested.
Temperatures reach over 1 million degrees Fahrenheit and
structural steel, concrete, human bodies or anything within
1-300 yards of "ground zero" is vaporized.
What goes on inside the coke can is described thusly:
A consistent conventional theoretical description is
presented for anomalous low energy deuterium nuclear fusion
in micro/nano-scale metal grains and particles.
The theory is based on the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC)
state occupied by deuterons trapped in a micro/nano-scale
metal grain or particle. The theory is capable of explaining
most of the experimentally observed results and also
provides theoretical predictions. Experimental tests of
theoretical predictions are proposed. Scalabilities of the
observed effects are discussed based on theoretical
My comment: Sounds great, . . . . . . .now let me
shred this
These are the nuclear materials he claims are used:
"a small amount of uranium or plutonium, no larger than a
coin, a supply of deuterium, tritium"
Gordon, For your information SIR, Micro nukes use Americium or Californium, NOT Uranium or
Plutonium! Wrong on that one SIR!
When he states : "Radiation is only 3% of that of a normal
weapon, undetectable by Geiger counter, unable to penetrate
skin, but fatal if irradiated materials are ingested" he is
giving a description of Beta and Alpha radiation which are
unsuitable for any type of weapons type nuclear reaction,
and is proven double flatulent by the fact that both Uranium
AND Plutonium produce ionizing radiation, which is
detectable by the cheapest out of calibration Geiger
counter, and he POUNDS the error home by following up with
the statement it's only dangerous if ingested, which
definitively pegs him as saying Uranium and Plutonium do not
emit ionizing radiation; they are beta and alpha only; ya
know. And he can't back out and say "depleted Uranium" which
is a beta and alpha emitter because he states "plutonium"
which has no non-ionizing form;
He then goes on to state : "Temperatures reach over 1
million degrees Fahrenheit and structural steel, concrete,
human bodies or anything within 1-300 yards of "ground zero"
is vaporized."
Why is this BS? BECAUSE a 48 hour half life means half the
total thermal potential of the nuclear material (as well as
radiological potential) is gone in under 48 hours.
Structural steel vaporized at up to 300 yards? That's a lot
of heat potential, and to have HALF of that get released
within a device the size of a coke can in only 48 hours
means that it will melt itself almost instantly. Forget
everything else, decay heat makes a coke can size device
with such a short half life material IMPOSSIBLE.
"Radiation is only 3% of a normal weapon, undetectable by
geiger counter" is pure BS, with a half life of only 48
hours radiation will be EXTREME, and it has to be ionizing
radiation (which is easy to detect) or it won't trigger a
nuclear weapons style chain reaction.
And now, the slam dunk!
Gordon stated:
"The theory is based on the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC)
state occupied by deuterons trapped in a micro/nano-scale
metal grain or particle. The theory is capable of explaining
most of the experimentally observed results and also
provides theoretical predictions. Experimental tests of
theoretical predictions are proposed. Scalabilities of the
observed effects are discussed based on theoretical
Now THAT sounds REALLY COOL, does it not? Want to know where
that statement came from? Fleischmann and Pons, with
their COLD FUSION!!!! It sounds cool, but does not apply to
Nukes AT ALL!!!
The errors are so extreme they make me wonder if this is a
clandestine attempt to undermine the 911 truth movement, in
fact all truth including the Fukushima report, where I state
that a large device had to be used to conceal the decay
heat. You can't EVER put a nuke in a coke can no matter WHAT
the form; the size limits are more on the order of a coffee
can. Veterans Today has an enormous readership that posts
everywhere thus making Duff's report PURE DAMAGE to truth.
And now, for some facts
There are some cases where technology will NEVER overcome
the laws of physics, we are NOT talking the latest "Ipod"
when it comes to nukes!
Micro nukes are short lived devices that have to be MADE TO
ORDER, the same way medical isotopes are made to order, and
if you exceed even 1/4th of one half life of time from day
of manufacture to day of use, the nuclear material will
decay to other forms and will no longer be be pure enough to
trigger a suitable chain reaction, which with a 48 hour half
life according to Gordon Duff would have given them ONE DAY
to both build the bomb and plant it at the wtc. Not
plausible either, even IF it would not have melted itself
from having decay heat cause the device to be at thousands
of degrees to satisfy the claimed "48 hour" half life in a
coke can. THAT would have made it a real challenge to
U.S. Senator visits Fukushima and says it's worse
than reported, DUH?
Jim Stone - Freelance Journalist - 4/18/2012
U.S. Senator visits Fukushima and says it's worse than
reported, DUH?
Thanks to the likes of Rense, Icke and Alex Jones, the real
condition of Fukushima has gone largely missed, because the
one site that nailed it DEAD ON, THIS ONE, pointed the blame
at a certain "victim tribe" and they refused to link it as a
Here is what the senator had to say:Senator Wyeden speaks up
and it STILL is not at the level that this site reported a
year ago!
it will cause the wrong people to ask hard questions - all
disasters have their theoretical limits, and since Fukushima
exceeded them all, and cannot be accounted for in the
"official story", the media HAS TO cover it up because an
awakening to what happened out there will reveal it as an
act of war, and that's the last thing the people who did it,
the same people who run the worlds media, want.
I have stated in the past that this was an effort to destroy
the Japanese people. But I have a friend who has been onto
the elite assault on Japan for several years, and he has
said for years that the elite wanted Japan depopulated
entirely because the people were too hard to smash into a
globalist mold. Could this be one of the major reasons for
Fukushima? could this have been planned for years and be the
real reason for the ghost cities in China, just sitting
there waiting to be populated?
[Here is
a screenshot of the original posting by Jim Stone at:
Wednesday, April 18 2012-03:54 PM]
Jim Stone - Freelance Journalist - 4/17/2012
Tepco releases footage of #4
fuel pool and calls it footage of #3
THIS diagram
clearly shows the fuel pools, which were on the top floor at
reactor 3 do not exist, and the crane is no longer at the
scene, thus making such a video impossible. HOWEVER, when
you look at This picture, you can see a
portion of reactor 4's crane in the lower right hand corner
of the photo, which proves the crane was blown off it's
rails and is sitting below the dome it lifted off #4's
reactor to begin with. SO, where would it be sitting? Why,
in a fuel pool, OF COURSE! Reactor 4's fuel pools are
Show me uninterrupted footage of a #3 fuel pool, going into
that demolished structure from a distance so we KNOW that's
what we are looking at and I will believe it! Until then,
three floors missing when the fuel pools were on the TOP
floor will be all I need to believe we are not looking at
reactor 3 here!
Here is a link to ENE News take it with a
grain of salt
Major site update underway (you will see changes as they are
completed) I apologize for the messed up colors but I have
to run and take care of the following issue and cannot spend
a lot of time being a decorator right now.
I have received notice from a credible source that a
major world leader wants to discuss theFukushima reportwith
me, there is only ONE and if you see this line on this
site and have not spoken to me, and think you did, you
spoke to an impostor. I am looking forward to speaking
with you, and this note will be removed immediately after
I do.
Just so my readers will understand why a world leader
might want to speak with me, unlike so many other sites on
the web this one is based in truthful science and
research, as evidenced by the following screen capture. I
will state that I am very upset with a lot of the
information scammers out there who are saying Fukushima is
an extinction level event; it's bad but this is silliness.
There is a good chance the conversation with this world
leader will remain private.
Many would have you believe the nuclear industry is staffed
by knomes plotting to destroy the world by the light of glow
sticks, it really is not that way; all the while they know
about, quote statistics from, and refuse to reference the
Fukushima report. So if they refuse to link the report but
use and mis-apply info exclusive to it, if they won't
acknowledge it was in fact a 9/11 type scenario as the
engineers out at Berkeley did, what side are they serving?
Blaming Tepco is easy to do, getting the real story is not;
the following capture proves the real engineers know what
happened out at Fukushima and where the real facts
originated. I found this while digging through my stats.
CBS reported THIS QUAKE In Mexico city, only problem is, it
was a drill, no quake happened. I got video of the drill, in
anticipation of them triggering a phony quake, and nothing
at all happened
I had just sat down with my laptop to go online when the
staff in the coffee shop said there was an earthquake drill
and told everyone to leave. I pulled out my pocket , and
took a video of the event. That video is below. No
buildings swayed and nothing was felt at all. The ENTIRE
CBS report is B.S. Clearly B.S? CBS, anyway, one thing
important to note is that the article does not state a
time the quake happened. Whatever happened to the "when"?
It states a time the article was published, but within the
article there is no time for the actual quake stated
What's worse is that the USGS reported it as real
I think they are testing the water to
see what level of lie they can get away with, in preparation
for a false flag event blamed on another "earthquake."
Absolutely NOTHING happened in Mexico City, and any report
that buildings swayed is an outright lie. It did not happen,
and I was ALL OVER the last one within minutes,
which DID happen.
The video below shows what really happened.
[Here is a screenshot of the
original posting by Jim Stone at 12-Apr-2012-09:52
PM-Eastern Daylight Time. It
has since been modified several times.]
This is the FAKE April 12 earthquake in Mexico that was
reported as REAL by both the USGS and CBS news. Folks,
there was NO EARTHQUAKE, there was an earthquake DRILL,
and since they triggered an earthquake in Chiapas during
an earthquake drill there, I made it a point to pull out
my pocket cam and start recording, just in case they
triggered a real earthquake for THIS drill.
Nothing happened, and I was going to delete the video,
until I found out today that both the USGS and CBS
reported the "drill" as a real earthquake! CBS said it
swayed the buildings in Mexico city, that's a load of BS,
NOTHING AT ALL HAPPENED, and I reported the real quake
that happened on March 20 within minutes on my site, only
to later discover it was man made, which I subsequently
The implications of this are enormous, because now they
are reporting stuff that did not happen. I'd bet this is
what happened in Japan as well, we have entered an
incredible new era of lies where the media cannot even be
trusted to report a natural event (or lack of one)
Strong quake hits
Mexico, no major damage seen
By Cyntia Barrera | Reuters � Wed, 11 Apr, 2012
via reuters
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A strong earthquake hit Mexico on
Wednesday, shaking buildings in the capital and sending
people rushing out of offices onto the streets, though
there were no early reports of major damage.
Mexico City mayor Marcelo Ebrard said on his twitter
account there were no initial signs of serious damage and
that key services in the capital, including its subway
system and the international airport, were operating
"There was a nasty crunching sound in my bathroom and
everything moved," said Adela Arceo, who was looking after
two young children in the central Roma neighborhood of
Mexico City.
There were no initial reports of casualties.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the 7.0 magnitude quake
struck in the western state of Michoacan at a depth of
40.8 miles.
Occupy Los Angeles,
Send this all over the world - Permalink
to video | total views 0
This is the real Occupy Los Angeles, not the one Fox News
told you about.
This video is not complete, I do not have a professional
editor, and when I try loading the entire project into the
editor I do have, it crashes. This is the final third of the
video, and even it is not complete as is.
When I get these issues solved, I will upload a more
complete version.
If youtube does not compress this to death, it should be
very high quality even though it is only 480p. So it will
probably pay to go full screen.
Even still, it tells an entirely different story than you
heard on Fox or anywhere else.
Deep Water
Horizon likely destroyed by space based laser
Jim Stone - Freelance Journalist
Deep Water Horizon likely destroyed by space based laser
I noticed this before, but did not post it because I did not
realize the lights on the rig failed FIRST and then it
exploded. I had this info all along, and since it's so easy to
prove this I will post it while I am busy with other things.
I need to stress a point here,
When I studied this disaster before, I discovered that the
main electrical system is indeed, BEYOND A DOUBT, below the
Helipad, I just did not realize the lights failed first, which
puts this story over the top into post-able credibility. I
have little doubt now that a laser weapon did indeed destroy
this platform, but of course it can't be proven absolutely.
However, as an experienced photographer, I am calling the blue
beam in the Youtube vids camera lens flare until I see a video
where it is visibly obvious it is not source
I am going to put the Occupy LA stuff
back up, with comments after last night's show with Kerry
Cassidy. It is long overdue for someone to say what really
happened out there, and I am going to say it like it was.
I am at present producing a video of Occupy LA
I got enough footage of Occupy LA to prove
beyond all doubt the mainstream media lied, and the alternative
media totally missed it as well. The truth about Occupy LA never
got out, and you will see in the video irrefutable proof that it
really was one big middle class rebellion, with absolutely NONE
of the attributes claimed by the mainstream press. Occupy LA
mainly consisted of the 20-50 year old college graduate yuppy
crowd. Occupy LA was ORGANIZED
and HAD a message. How this got missed by the entire media,
including the "truth" movement escapes me, I can't figure out
how such a reporting injustice was done.
I spent two weeks out there, and though there were many
messages, the prevailing ones were,
And if you think that can't be true, just wait!
Though there were about 30 percent who differed from this, 70
percent is a CLEAR majority. How this got missed by all forms of
press is a simply mind numbing to even try to solve. And it will
ALL be proven in the video, which may take some time to produce.
The destruction of the encampment was a disaster
Occupy LA was squeaky clean. There was not a spot of dirt
anywhere, no trash, no garbage ANYWHERE. People were extremely
responsible and used the wastebaskets, which were brought in by
a private contractor. Same goes for the porta potties, which
were emptied daily. There was absolutely NO SMELL AT ALL, and
the people were NOT drugging up. Sure, you had a few rebels but
the majority of the crowd out there was very straight laced
yuppy in composition. There were numerous generators, countless
laptops, a wifi uplink so you could use the web, and the main
center had a 20,000 watt solar panel setup and a 15,000 watt
generator. Even those got overloaded by all the electronics that
were out at Occupy LA. People brought in their own generators as
In the main plaza area, there was an LCD video projector that
was VERY powerful and it played political videos every night
that many watched. I'd say the diagonal width of the picture was
12 feet. On top of that, a couple people brought HD televisions
out, and had their own areas set up with their own videos
playing. I must stress that it was clearly NOT a filthy homeless
encampment. The police told the very large LA indigent
population to go to Occupy LA for food and everything else, but
it did not work. They would enter the camp, find out they were
totally out of place and leave. This is something that the video
will clearly show. The only one who appeared to be indigent who
actually stayed out there was someone I busted as a paid agent,
and after leaving a note in his begging bucket telling him he
had been identified, he casually left and was not seen again.
This was Ratman, in the pictures (which will soon be posted)
below. I actually did a real investigation and nailed him
outright, this was accomplished by talking to many people who
were protesters at other events, where without fail, no matter
where the event was in the city this man would show up and
create havoc, acting as a spoiler.
High class talent came in, and the front of City Hall is where
the shows took place. It was booked from dawn until dusk, and
it's not an exaggeration, the talent really was high caliber.
There was a very good sound system available, and I mean, studio
quality with a large multi channel mixer and discrete
amplifiers, and often the performers would bring in their own
stuff as well. That got HEARD.
There were two medical tents, a library, a large kitchen where
meals were prepared, and a "safe house" which ended up not
getting used. There was an Occupy run media tent complete with
powerful computers (lots of Macs) and about 17 laptops in that
media tent alone.
When the police went through they smashed everything. I was not
out there, but it was obvious. I looked through the pictures
others took, and saw one of those HDTV's mixed in with the
wreckage of the camp that was later called a pile of trash.
Well, a tornado will turn a city into a pile of trash, just as
sure as a thousand or so police officers can smash, tear and
throw a well established encampment into a dumpster and call it
trash. To do so was an egregious injustice, an affront to the
American people, and a clear message from the elite that WE THE
PEOPLE will indeed not be heard.
And even more damning - I went out to DC and the occupy camp out
there really was just a homeless camp. SO why did that stay put,
and the awesome one get destroyed? I can make a guess.
The pictures say it all folks, this was a solid good hearted
American protest to the fullest, and there was an enormous
amount of middle class money at play, making it all work. Occupy
LA was almost magical in nature, it was obvious that if it was
allowed to continue unabated that it really may have forced
change, and in a nation full of proven rigged elections, a
government which brags about taxing without representation on
it's license plates, and a mainstream media as filthy as the
whores of Hell, the light Occupy LA had for that brief moment of
time HAD TO be snuffed. Free we are, yes, yes indeed.
If you want to see the truth I have become known to deliver,
just wait for this video. It will no doubt anger the elite in a
way similar to what the Fukushima report did and will erase the
line between truth and fiction. It's gonna be a SERIOUS black
eye on the establishment. Even I did not know what I had until I
went through it after people asked about Occupy LA on the live
stream on April 3rd. source
[suggest you copy and save]
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total views 305
This is a live Project Camelot Roundtable discussion
with Jim Stone ex-NSA technical analyst who has done a
substantial amount of investigation on the Fukushima
This Livestream was a follow-up to my original interview
on my weekly show on American Freedom Radio March 28th.
We discussed some additional details with regard to the
Fukushima disaster along with photos of reactors 3 &
4 and the fascinating fact that reactor 4 was apparently
shut down when it exploded.
As a result of his in-depth report getting the truth out
about the sabotage behind Fukushima Jim Stone is now on
the run and seeking asylum from the U.S. in Mexico. His
report reveals the real events behind Fukushima and the
possible connection with recent nuclear power plant
problems at San Onofre in Southern California and in the
Midwest, Chicago area..
What was stunningly revealed is how Israel has the
ability, to trigger a nuclear event in any power plant
or other industrial facility including oil refineries
using the Stuxnet virus now transferable via email,
according to Stone. The implications of this for Israel
running the world and getting what they want are far
reaching. They don't need a suitcase nuke or a bomb...
He also gives his take on 2012 and fills us in on
various standard surveillance techniques used by the NSA
and in effect since the fifties.
Note: Due to Jim's location and the targeted
interference during this discussion you will find the
connection fails during the times when we are discussing
the most sensitive topics and is fine otherwise.
San Diego, CA - "The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
citing serious concerns about equipment failures at the San
Onofre nuclear plant, on Tuesday prohibited plant operator
Southern California Edison from restarting the plant until
the problems are thoroughly understood and fixed."
Read more:
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Taxation WITHOUT representation! Washington DC is rubbing it in our face!
Jim Stone - Freelance Journalist I have a favorite cadillac, it's the 1998 Northstar, the
maxed out version. I saw one in a parking lot in DC, and after
noticing the plate I had to get a picture. The owner stepped out
and asked why I took a picture of his car, and I said it's my
favorite Cadillac, and he smiled. I asked him if his plate was
normal, and he said yes, that's a normal Washington DC plate. I
then started looking at all the cars and realized they all said
This plate, which boldly states "taxation
without representation" is an affront to the American people.
It does not take much of a history buff to know that THIS is
the exact reason for the revolutionary war - where England was
taxing the American colonies, without representing them.
This is a telling sign - Washington DC knows it does not
represent the American people, it represents a corporation that
has re-named America to the United States of America, which is
indeed a corporation and not a government. The proper name for
the union is the UNITED STATES. Once "Of America" is added, it's
a corporate statement. I don't have time to go into details on
this, but the best source of information with regard to the
corporate takeover of America is HERE
Wayne Barbuto has written a brilliant book which outlines the
hostile takeover of America, the courts, and the constitution.
It's not free, but well worth the price. I don't pitch people on
this site, but I simply do not know of a better resource than
what Wayne has provided, and if he needs to charge for it, well,
that is that.
It's a fact that the District of Columbia is NOT American
territory and not part of any state, it is a parcel of land set
aside for the implementation of the criminal enslavement of the
American people, and that statement on the license plate -
"taxation without representation" stands as a testimony to this
________________________________________________________ I could
not get Starbucks Wifi to work today, and had to choose an
alternate coffee shop. Hopefully this is nothing ominous, but it
is an anomaly
[It has been reposted]
[Note: This article has since been removed from Jim Stone's
An important warning
about information security
Jim Stone - Freelance Journalist
An important warning about information security
What I am going to say here is accurate, you may come across a
"geek" who disagrees, but remember that there are many levels of
"geek" and I am somewhere near the top.
If you have a Yahoo account, an MSN account, or any other
free OR PAID e-mail account, internet storage locker, no
matter what it is, IT IS NOT SECURE and if ANYONE in the elite
circles wants your data it is theirs, and it will be taken.
I am NOT anti Jewish, I am anti-corruption. I was spurred to
write this because I wrote an e-mail to a rabbi, telling him I
was conducting an investigation into their corruption in his
host nation, and to leave a friend of mine alone. As a reward,
(I sent the mail through a Yahoo account) they hacked that
account, used the information there to hack my wife's Yahoo
account, then used that information to hack her MSN account, got
her phone number from that, and THEN started making threatening
calls that scared the * out of her. Now, The passwords on those
accounts were good ones. And I mean, ones like @.89^4fdGhz,
which are not hackable, and this can only mean that particular
Jewish community called Yahoo and got the information through
the back door. Fortunately I already knew you can't trust Yahoo
and there was nothing important there.
I do not provide e-mail services, but if I wanted to I could,
JUST LIKE YAHOO. And you need to know something. Once you have
administrative privileges on a server, it does not matter what
operating system that server has, ANY TECH SAAVY GEEK WITH
be lost, but someone like Me? Peh. And ALL web providers have
geeks capable of it. If you put ANYTHING in an internet storage
locker, e-mail account, or submit anything for online processing
that is of a sensitive nature, and ANYONE in the elite circles,
including a low level Jew who wants access to your stuff and you
are not a Jew asks for it, IT IS THEIRS NO QUESTIONS ASKED. The
Jewish community has worked itself into a position where they
on the web and if you trust those services with your
sensitive data you are a fool.
Fortunately my web provider is owned by Mormons, who are
extremely moralistic and therefore this site has stayed online
without any problems. I am somewhat inclined to believe they got
told to take this site down numerous times, and after looking at
it, they said NOT without a court order!. That's a lot better
than a zionist hosted site like Blogger or Google or anything
else that can just get nuked or raped without notice. I strongly
recommend that if you want an e-mail account that is hosted by
trustworthy people, Pay Hostmonster $6 a month for a domain and
have your e-mail come from there. Good trustworthy people need
the support of the global community, and I know from experience
Hostmonster is such a company.
As proof that I have profound respect for GOOD JEWS, just
look at what's at the top of my site. Whatreallyhappened.com
is owned by a DAMN GOOD JEW. Not really a practicing one, but
then again, when did most of us last go to church?
And now, to reward that BAD rabbi for his assault, I
present THIS:
This is being released WAY too early, because I am very upset!
It WILL be updated, even after getting bumped from the front
Shedding a little light on the darkest of dark
Though virtually all Ashkenazi Jews practice a form of
luciferianism, involving child sacrifice, denial of the day of
judgement, and the Kol Nidre prayer, in which they vow that
nothing they say or promise is to be followed through on, and an
enormous percentage of the Sephardic Jews are similar,
luciferianism is not distinctly a Jewish problem.
What I will say in this report may surprise many people, but I
have a hunch that a few readers will have a knowledge of certain
aspects of this report already. This has been a major study of
mine throughout the years, and I believe that once I am finished
publishing all the segments of the Jewish report there will not
likely be a better cache of info regarding this subject anywhere
on the web.
My first experience with someone involved in luciferianism was
with a Mormon girl (believe me, Mormons are NOT normally into
this) who's parents forced her to take part in sacrificial
rituals where people were killed. With this particular group,
they would find a homeless individual, and murder that
individual on Halloween. She was deeply scarred by having to
take part in this, was very withdrawn, and even in her 30's had
a very difficult time coping. She eventually got over it enough
to get married, and I have not seen her for years. What I
noticed most about her was that she seemed to be a very soft
spirited woman, who despite being very attractive would always
avoid conversations with people, and you could tell that she was
deeply scarred.
My next brush with luciferianism was with an employee who worked
on the bench beside me in a computer repair center I owned in
the early 90's. He told me a LOT of things, but the two things
that really got to me was the stories about the ouija board he
and a few of his friends made, which even after being burned and
visibly consumed in a fire, was in perfect shape on the front
steps of the individual it wanted most when they returned to
their homes. He told me about doing a dance around a fire, where
fire demons would jump out and dance with the people. There was
a certain thing about this - I knew he was not lying. And it all
makes sense - If god is real, and good is real, then demons are
real and evil is real, there is no reason for any of this to be
So this stands as emperical proof that luciferianism is NOT a
distinctly Jewish issue. But that's where I am going next.
It seems as if Judaism is the only religion which has
institutionalized the key aspects of luciferianism. I learned a
LOT when I was with the Jews, a LOT they never knew I realized.
For example;
There was a constant pervasive attitude of the NOW. Time after
time I was told and saw the attitued that if it feels good, DO
IT. I would ask, well, what about forgiveness, and REPEATEDLY I
was told that there is no such thing, and that there will be no
day of judgement. I was told that whatever you die with,
whatever wealth you had, whatever you accomplished in this life
was yours in the hereafter and it mattered not how you got it.
This was, of course, after I got their trust.
The Jews equate wealth with holiness. They idolize Bill Gates,
and the Rothchilds are virtually Gods. If you happen to be poor,
they perceive this as God looking down on you as someone who is
not good enough to have wealth and use it correctly, the poorer
you are the less you are as an individual. When I brought up the
subjects of Bill Gates and his anti-fertility vaccines, they
said that if Bill Gates was doing it, it was holy, because God
gave him the money to do it and therefore he is righteous enough
to spend the money as God intended.
I then changed the subject to how Bill Gates (a jew) stole
EVERYTHING, he stole Dos from IBM (and was later forced to
settle that by writing OS2 for IBM,) He infiltrated and stole
everything from WordPerfect, he directly stole the Lotus
Spreadsheet and released it as Access, He stole Stacker from
Stac electronics outright; - get a load of this! Back in the
day, hard disk space was valuable, and anything that could be
done to optimize it was priceless. Stack electronics had a
product called Stacker, that compressed data on the hard disk so
at least twice as much would fit. Naturally, Stacker was not a
cheap program, but it really paid to buy it because hard disks
cost so much.
Well, I had that computer center. And on the day Dos 6.0 came
out, a customer dragged his PC in, I put it on the bench, and he
wanted EVERYTHING wiped off the disk and Dos 6.0 put on it,
because Dos 6.0 "encorporated disk compression into the
operating system". I watched the install screens go by, and they
bragged about how this new feature could be implemented, just
type dblspace at the command prompt immediately after install.
Well I did that, and you know what happened? The screen said
STACKER, BY STAK ELECTRONICS for about a second, went to a
Microsoft screen and the hard disk compression started.
That distro of Dos was recalled IMMEDIATELY and within a week
Microsoft released dos 6.1, and the only difference was that
screen did not come up. I told these things to the Jews I
was with, and they said, God let Bill Gates get away with all
that and become a great man because he was more holy than the
people he took the code from and we admire him for it. So,
the Jews admire theft, when it is profitable. That's pure evil,
and a definite aspect of luciferianism. Evil is so often
entrenched in Jewish culture and practice that it goes totally
un noticed as anything out of the ordinary.
I saw them implement the most perfect form of brain numbing lie.
For example, it is a known fact that three Jewish women started
the National Organization of Women, which is the deepest root of
the Feminist movement, yet when you talk about feminism with the
Jews, from within their own ranks, they deny it exists. This is
called closing the loop.
The loop is - to implement a change in a group you wish to
destroy, FIRST you start a movement. Then you re-enforce the
movement. Then you write laws that make the change official
policy. Once the desired destruction has taken place, you deny
that it ever happened, and the new condition, the destroyed
condition, is enforced as the new norm. The term that started
the loop is cut off, and never allowed to be discussed, for by
re-opening the loop you stand the chance of weakening the change
you wished for to begin with. That is the epitome of evil, the
deepest lie.
On to child sacrifice
This has many aspects to it. Though it is true that the Jews own
the social system lock stock and barrel, by this I mean the
Foster Care system, they don't always use children they steal
through child protective services in their sacrificial rituals.
That's a loaded statement, but I HAVE PROOF. First the
emperical evidence, because that's more interesting to work
Ever wonder why when a mother gives up her baby she has to sign
that she will never ask for or make contact with that child ever
again? Any attempt to locate the child she gave up can land her
in prison as a stalker or predator. To sensible people this is a
flawed logic, after all she gave birth to the baby, she should
be allowed to check up on it, RIGHT?
Well, not from the luciferian Jewish perspective, you see; Young
children and babies are FREQUENTLY used in religious sacrificial
rituals, and many more get sold into the sex slave business, all
at the behest of the luciferian Jew. You cannot have a mother
checking up on a dead baby or a child that has been sold into
slavery, so any effort by the mother to do it must be severely
Child protective services is the largest slave grabbing entity
in the world, and America, through ignorance, lets them get away
with it because we ignore EVERYTHING with blind trust that the
government is basically good. Think again.
I will add however, that it is the fringe luciferian groups that
use the majority of stolen children in their sacrificial
rituals. The Luciferian Jews are far more likely to use their own for sacrifices, and
sell the most desirable non jewish children they snatch as sex slaves - This linked report
covers another aspect, of this - and the less
desirable ones go to other purposes. There is an aspect of
sacrificing precious things, dearest to you, to please Satan,
that works a LOT better than just killing a child from someone
else. In this video, a Jewish woman appears on the Oprah show in
the early 80's (fat chance this would get aired today) and
spills her guts about what the Jewish community does.
To hide a pregnancy, a Jewish woman will re-locate to another
area while pregnant. This prevents non-jewish co-workers and
acquaintances from asking her where the baby went. She has the
baby, and returns with it in secret. The Jewish family will then
bond with the baby in secret, and love it. Once they have the
love, they murder it in a sacrifical ritual to please satan, to
prove to Satan that he is more precious to them than even their
most beloved and there is one main motive - so Satan will
support them, and give them power over the rest of us
Of course, disposal of the body can be an issue, and sometimes
they screw up.
Michael Merritt, who was born a Rothchild and turned his back on
the evil when confronted to murder a child in a ritual, is
another well known witness to this Jewish practice.
The Askenazi HATE IT when you say the word Satan, Devil, and
other variants. They deny such an entity exists, and that there
is only their God, Hashem. They consider the word Satan to be an
insult, a form of dis-respect. I encountered this numerous times
with them, where they would flatly deny there was such a thing
as "SATAN". I have concluded then, that their god is indeed what
we refer to as the devil. If that was not so, they would not get
offended by the words devil and satan, which are derogratory,
even to us. And I have to express with clarity the fact that
this was not just the case in one synagogue. I visited several,
and it was true of all of them.
Luciferian power mongers have a rather distinct blood lust, and
war is an outward sign of it. The most preferable wars are ones
in which two groups who previously had nothing against each
other, are whipped up into a fury by a storm of lies produced in
the luciferian press, and if necessary kicked into high gear
with a false flag attack. 911 was a prime example, in which a
nation (Israel) produced a horrible disaster, and then pointed
the finger for it at a bunch of goat herders who said NO to an
oil pipeline which was to originate in the Caspian region and
cross their territory.
In the perfect form of evil, any war, which kills millions and
is based on a lie, is a good war. What could satisfy Satan more
than having millions of people kill each other for absolutely no
reason, other than a lie?
Alas, that was not enough to satisfy the blood lust, so another
war against Iraq was whipped up on false pretenses, and left
that nation in ruin as well. Of course, the press (well known as
a lie machine) played Saddam up as a tyrant, but I distinctly
remember talking to Iraquis who had no idea Saddam was bad at
all, and were "thankful" the American "free press" alerted to
them of Saddam's evil upon arriving in the U.S. Prior to
arriving in America, they never knew Saddam did anything wrong.
Well, Saddam did not. He was EXCELLENT with the oil money and
aid money, and distributed it to the people. His prison
populations were 1/20th the size of America's per capita, and
his nation executed fewer than 20 people per year. Contrast that
with the state of Texas, which has a much smaller population
than Iraq. Alas, the truth never got out about how the UN begged
America NOT to wipe out Saddam, because Saddam managed to get a
welfare distribution system in place that was more efficient
than any other in the world, and the U.N. wanted the records and
methods Saddam put in place to streamline the UN's own relief
America ended up being HORRIBLE in Iraq. The soldiers went on
killing sprees for no reason at all and uploaded the fun to the web,
where many witnessed it. (you may have to open this video after
it comes in, not all computers auto start it) Unfortunately
almost ALL the nasty ones got pulled off youtube post haste but
I did manage to get my hands on a couple of the well known ones
a couple years ago and as it is, I have to locally host some
videos because they are quickly pulled from youtube.
The next layer of evil in war - demoralization of the people
Within 1 day of baghdad being taken by American forces,
pornography and sex toy shops which never existed in Iraq to
begin with, sprang up overnight. How could this happen? How on
earth could a war torn nation with all imports and exports
heavily scrutinized get hustler and sex toys overnighted in en
masse? And for what reason would any people, at a time when they
were suffering the loss of loved ones and material assets be so
interested in that anyway, when they never had it and likely
were not thinking about it because there were too many other
distractions and devastations?
Yet the shops did indeed spring up in a single day, and it could
not have happened unless those shops were part of the war effort
as well.
Demoralization of the people, breaking of the spirit and
culture, and re-directing them from their normal way of life is
one of the primary objectives of any unrigteous war, so these
shops, which were widely reported in the press were put in place
to accomplish exactly that purpose. No doubt the trucks were
loaded, prime locations sought out, the owners killed, and
Israeli or CIA agents moved in the goods and set up shop the
moment the bombing stopped. It's the only concievable way this
could have happened, and the fact that it was so heavily pushed
that it was the Iraqi people that opened them stands as clear
evidence that it was simply another lie and luciferian agenda.
You cannot get acceptance of a major change in culture like that
unless the people believe it originated with them, and the motto
of the Israeli Mossad is "by way of deception thou shalt do
war". What could possibly be more evil than killing millions and
demoralizing many of the rest, based purely on deception? Satan,
the King of Lies, is no doubt pleased by the Mossad and the
CIA,- which is in lock step.
The code of honor This is something I never heard of or
witnessed when I was with the Jews, but emperical evidence shows
it does, to a degree, exist. It seems as if all actions either
get reported once, or shown to us outright before the event
actually takes place. I strongly urge you to watch this video,
which aired on Fox television in the month of March 2001,
and preceeded the 9/11 attacks by six months. It
seems to me that they always provide a way for a thinking
population to figure out what is coming next. And one thing I
know for certain is that they always announce what they are
going to do, albeit on page 43 of the Sunday paper, in the lower
left hand corner of the page. That way they can say we went
along with it after being told what would happen.
Arnie Gundersen is a fraud, with a one man company.
He has recently fraudulently titled "Maggie Gundersen" as the
founder of the company, this is an outright lie. It's awful easy
to be the president of a company where you are the only
employee, (seems Arnie has picked up a girlfriend since
Fukushima) and also the "chief" engineer or whatever other
title. As part of the Fukushima report, I conducted a
background investigation of Arnie Gundersen, and put it in the
Fukushima report. It follows, this is in response to a bogus
report about an organic farm that is no longer producing out
The excerpt from the Fukushima report follows:
About "prompt criticality" - As it turns out, Arnie
Gundersen, mister "prompt criticality" with regard to the
massive explosion at #3 is very poorly credentialed. His
crowning achievement was playing with a 100 watt open water
tank reactor in a classroom for a short period of time.
Fuel rods are only 20 percent fissionable, sometimes even less,
and until you reach over 90 percent purity in U238 and about 70
percent purity in Plutonium NO "prompt criticality" is possible
in ANY case no matter how much of it you have laying around.
Furthermore, even with 100 percent pure material you need a
precision trigger slamming or crushing material together to get
a detonation. Even if 100 percent pure material is slammed
together at high speed, if it is not done right you will get
only a nuclear "sputter" that pushes the pieces apart, and no
detonation. Nukes are hard to do! Why have so many of us seemed
to have forgotten that nuclear detonations are hard to
accomplish? Far from being something a real nuclear engineer
would say, The "prompt criticality" in spent fuel story is
something I would have expected to hear from an Ewok praying
to a gold robot. I can't believe even a scammer would have the
guts to suggest it, let alone allow it to be spread around in
his name. For an explanation for the explosions, just look at
the cameras the Dimona Dozen brought in. If someone is waving
a degree as an anchor for this "prompt criticality" bull
hockey, remember that there is such a thing as a paper trained
idiot and if you look into Gundersen's background you will
discover he is barely that, with his ONLY hands on experience
outside a classroom being an intern at a nuclear facility two
years before he got his degree!
If the mainstream media wanted the facts, why did they pick this
guy? Because he said what they wanted, truth be damned.
"We at Vermont Yankee are well acquainted with Arnie and his
exaggerations. He plays to a public and a legislature that has
zero knowledge of nuclear power or engineering and is willing to
accept any negative claim as truth." And since he gave an
impossible "prompt criticality" explanation which diverted
attention away from the only real explanation for the
magnitude of the explosion at #3 - a nuclear weapon, the
zionist media gave him a ton of air. Enough said.
Arnie Gundersen's consulting firm, which has only him (no
employees yet or ever, and therefore it's easy to be "senior
engineer") was curiously founded within months of the release
of the spider man villain Critical Mass,
who, as Spider man's fourth grade classmate went by the name
of ARNIE GUNDERSEN. Critical Mass had the ability to project
explosions from his fingertips. Hmm, perhaps THAT gave birth
to the "prompt criticality" in a 20% fuel pool when 90+
percent is needed for an explosion of any sort no matter what
the circumstance? If you need 90 or more percent and you have
only 20 percent, THE LAWS OF PHYSICS WILL BE OBEYED. Folks, In
perfect form, the scamming media hunted out a fraud and rammed
him down your throats. Arnie Gundersen has a phony company and
was inspired in his fraud by a Spider Man comic. NO ONE at the
college Arnie supposedly attended even heard of him, I went
down that rabbit hole and the man is a mystery. source
Jim Stone on Project Camelot Radio with
Kerry Cassidy
Send this all over the world - Permalink to video | total views
The evil of
compartmentalization. So, they checked your background, and you got that job at an
intelligence agency. No doubt you are smart, and with that
fancy compartmentalized clearance you have, you can truly
claim to be the BIG SHOT. But perhaps there is something you
failed to consider . . . . . .
There is something that I am sure most people do not realize
when they talk about the NSA, CIA, FBI, ect. And that is that
these agencies are staffed by highly moralistic and very good
people (Unless they are Mossad). A tyrannical government will
always seek out the best in a society, the most intelligent,
most honest, hardest working people, because it is these people
who will report back 100 percent, do the job they are told to do
without question, and never lie. The use of honest people to do
the works of evil is accomplished by only letting them see one
small part of the total mission, and the reason given to them is
so that one individual cannot spill the whole can of beans. This
restriction of information is called compartmentalization.
But there is a problem with compartmentalization, and it is that
it can serve a dual purpose. Because one individual is never
allowed to see the entire mission, the mission can be evil and
no one will be the wiser. Let's say that the corrupted elite on
the top of the chain are after a whistleblower. There will be a
mission born at the FBI or another agency, where they will be
told they are pursuing a terrorist who plans to blow something
up. They will never be told they are really after someone who
caught a Rothchild molesting a four year old, they will be told
it is a terrorist, and national security is severely threatened.
Good moralistic people will want to defend their country, so
they will work hard to keep tabs on this terrorist. Down in the
lower levels, there will be a few well selected people who know
the truth, no doubt paid very well to manipulate and steer the
honest away from any discoveries, and if discoveries are made
which are counter to the cover story, those who made those
discoveries will be congratulated and assigned a new mission.
You can't have morals getting in the way of a composite work of
I had a little fun with this. When I did the Fukushima report, I
was stalked and watched continuously. It was so bad that the
neighbors noticed and asked me why there were always people
watching my house. I had two cell modems destroyed by people who
re-flashed their bios to meaningless gobbledygook. The agents
also woodpeckered my hard drive, which I stopped on time. Right
after posting the report, for a month straight, right at
midnight someone would empty seven rounds from a shotgun in a
field adjacent the house. If that's not a death threat, what is?
Anyway, I got rid of them with a unique solution. These people
were ignorant to why they were assigned to watch me, and I knew
that. I am sure they fragged the cell modems and thrashed the
hard drive of a "terrorist". But I did away with that, I began
printing out the Fukushima report, going up to them, and handing
it to them while telling them that THIS is why they were really
watching me, and to show it to their boss. I knew by doing so I
breached about 30 compartments. I destroyed good agents,
several, because I knew they had morals and would NOT agree to
be used the way they were being used. To prevent losses, and I
am sure the losses went up the chain of command a ways, they HAD
TO call off the hounds. Smart thinking on my part, and a direct
result of knowing exactly how the compartmentalized clearance
system works.
If you ever get yourself in a situation like I was in at that
time, where they are not shooting at you, or arresting you yet
after you expose some major truth, print it up and hand it to
your stalkers. You'd be surprised by how fast they vanish.
To the people at the intelligence agencies, CONSIDER THIS:
You were told after 9/11 that there were terrorists all over
this country. You were told that there were sleeper cells, bio
labs brewing up diseases, explosives experts, and all sorts of
evil al-quaida rag tags running around this country, just
waiting to blow up a bridge, a day care center, a stadium, and
we have not seen JACK other than patsies your own agencies set
Consider this the next time you are told to track a terrorist,
or a threat to "national security". Consider the fact that you
are not allowed to see the entire mission from start to finish,
and you may very well IN FACT be spelling the doom for someone
who is seeking to save YOUR child from vaccine damage, your wife
from getting her brain blown out by psyche meds, or your home
from being washed away by a nuclear tsunami; - no doubt blamed
on mother nature. Consider whether or not a compartmentalized
clearance should even exist, for truly, the worst of evils can
be accomplished through the ignorance of good hearted people
totally oblivious to the reality of what their work really
represents. source
[ Emperical-evidence-indicates-Benjamin-Fulford-is-REAL
Emperical evidence
indicates Benjamin Fulford is REAL
Jim Stone - Freelance Journalist
Emperical evidence indicates Benjamin Fulford is REAL,
To those of you who have sent mails or think Fulford is a fraud,
consider the fact that AS SOON AS I mentioned his name, the
Japanese embassy let me in, no questions asked, no ID shown, NO
scanner NO NOTHING. They bypassed ordinary security protocols
and just let me in. That's not normal for an embassy and if
Fulford was fake that NEVER would have happened. I'd say that
not only is he real, he has clout.
My only bone with Benjamin Fulford is that he is about 70%
accurate. But he is respected, and that embassy PROVED IT. So I
would doubt anyone slandering Fulford, remember, Drockton made
up a tapestry of lies about Makow and I, and anyone as
controversial as Fulford is likely to have a fair share of
enemies as well. And I would rather have 70 percent than the
total fabrications of Fox and CNN. With regard to certain key
issues, Fulford has blown away Rense. Consider that. source
Jim Stone - Freelance Journalist, March 20,2012
I felt the earthquake in Mexico city, it happened at high
I was in a Starbucks next to the Sams Club in the Santa Fe
district of Mexico City. The quake lasted about 20 seconds, and
whatever the magnitude, people gawked at the swaying buildings.
SO, tie whatever magnitude this was into the Tokyo footage on
3/11. This swayed buildings and flickered the power. How much
does it take to sway buildings and cause power glitches? At any
rate, I was unimpressed with the 3/11 Tokyo footage.
Ok, I got the details, it was a 7.6 in Oaxaca Mexico, on the
coast about 500 km away. My guestimate of the magnitude in
Mexico City is that it was about a 4.5 - 5.0 at this distance.
It felt like accelerating back and forth, and from the feel of
it I would say the earth had to have moved 10 feet back and
forth but it was not a violent movement. It disoriented drivers,
after evacuation I saw a guy on a motorcycle talking to a cop,
and the cop was sort of laughing, re-assuring the rider he was
not delerious.
Hmm, a 7.6 500KM away swaying buildings and flickering power.
Remind me, how big is Japan? No seismograph on 3/11 registered
anything higher than a 6.67, consider that. What happened in
Mexico today was much bigger. And the construction here is not
that good, so I think there may have been a disaster at the
epicenter, though everything is business as usual in Mexico
List for 10-degree Map Centered at 15�N, 100�W
Update time = Wed Mar 21
01:00:02 UTC 2012
Here is a list of the earthquakes
located by the USGS and contributing networks for
the 10-degree Map Centered at 15�N,
100�W. Most recent events are at the top.
(Some early events may be obscured by later ones on the
map.) Click on the date portion of an earthquake record
in the list below for more information.
I had these from the beginning, and upon
reviewing them, they have such a high forensic value that I
am letting them out now. These are very close to as good as
SITE AND SAVED AND POSTED ELSEWHERE NOW!. This is because they so clearly
debunk the official story that they need distributed
protection. For bandwidth considerations, I am posting the
two most pertinent ones FIRST. HERE THEY ARE:
Fukushima from above
AND Fukushima from the front These are important photographs
because you can sit down and analyze them and see exactly
what really happened there. I did not realize how much my
scaled down versions left out, and when I looked closely
at the ultra high res versions, I realized I made a
mistake by not posting them day one. As it was, what I had
posted to begin with was much more clear than anything
else on the web. source
Archived post -
The following was written in 2003, and posted to a
geocities website I had.
by Jim Stone
This is such an old article that if any
of the links don't work I am not going to fix them (The CRR
one will, that's local).
Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist,
Re-posted on 3/16/2012
This particular piece has a very
critical link to a congressional record regarding the CRR,
which is a pro-abortion lobby. When you open that PDF, the
part of the record which contains the blockbuster report
on the CRR starts on the FIRST PAGE, on the far right
column near the bottom. It's a must read, a senator got
ahold of classified material from an abortion lobby and
made it public record.
I would
much rather live in a civilized society
In reviewing the recent
actions of Western civilization, one may be led to ask:
"what is civilization". After pondering this, I have
concluded that a civilization is a collection of people who
work together for the common good, with long term
established goals, methods and values which take into
consideration the needs of the very weakest while reigning
in, but not subjugating the very strong. A civilized people
will take into consideration all types of suffering and
need, and occasionally make sacrifices to answer suffering
and help those in need.
In all civilizations a social order is
maintained. There is respect for all life, no matter how
small and helpless or great and threatening. Rape and murder
are not tolerated. Social order is maintained, and intact
extended families on land and in homes owned by the same
people for centuries without being taxed on that property
are often the hallmark of the most stable and civilized
societies. Civilizations abound with long standing legacies
and have long standing histories with people caring for
other people within their civilization. Civilizations do not
create outcasts from within their own ranks en masse.
Technology may go along with
civilization, but does not necessarily need to. It does not
take a lot to see that if technology is used to destroy
without cause, the people in possession of that technology
are not civilized. Powerful maybe, but not civilized. Wars
of aggression have NEVER been known to be civilized.
Civilized people consider everything
from management of infrastructure to the slaughter of
cattle. Civilized people have specific laws regarding the
slaughter of cattle. If cattle are not slaughtered in a
humane way and kept clean while processing, a civilized
society will forbid consumption of their meat. The main
requirement of a civilized society regarding the slaughter
of cattle will be to take them with the sharpest possible
blade to minimize pain to the animal, and the act of taking
the animal's life is done quickly. Often times if done
properly, there is no response from the animal, no cries of
pain. The animal does not get excited, and goes peacefully.
Contrast this with the stories you hear
from U.S. slaughterhouse workers. From the few conversations
I have personally had with them, the following quote is not beyond
question. "All is not right at the IBP Inc. plant in Pasco,
Washington, one of the nation's biggest slaughterhouses.
According to workers, meat at the plant is routinely
contaminated with cattle feces because workers on the
processing line are not given enough time to wash their
hands. Under pressure from aggressive plant managers, meat
that falls on the floor, which is often littered with meat
byproducts and entrails, is often immediately placed back on
the line without being cleansed. Cutting tools and conveyor
belts, workers tell Counter Punch, are also regularly coated
with pus from abscesses and tumors that haven't been
properly cut out of the meat. Meat cutters at the plant also
told me that often cows are not rendered unconscious before
being sent down the line. Instead, workers say they often
hear cows frantically mooing as they are skinned and
dismembered alive
That's right, they just feed'em into the
machine alive.
Way to go.
What once was Western "civilization" has
decided that only self counts. Suffering of others is
irrelevant. It's not just the meat packing industry.
Millions upon millions of late term abortions prove it also,
where the most innocent of "outcasts" are torn limb from
limb while fully conscious, like cattle through the machine.
Uncivilized people think it's irrelevant because they cannot
feel it themselves. Uncivilized people do not care because
the suffering is completely that of someone else. Un
civilized people think it is just a "choice" a "procedure"
or "just part of a woman's body"; I'd like to see a DNA test
prove that. It wont. The line about it being "part of a
woman's body" is a scam so obvious it could only be believed
by un-civilized people.
Take a look at the plot of the CRR. They are the front
runners of the abortion effort. In their own documents they
state that the way to get abortion legal is to deceive
people and change the meaning of words. In other words, lie
as much as you can get away with. Make them think it is a
"right" a "choice" an "un-viable tissue blob" and if you
repeat the lies long enough, from generation to generation
they will eventually be believed. America was one of the
first to fall for this lie. I can only be thankful to God
that these legal documents were leaked and made part of the
congressional record by someone with a soul. It has now been
proven - the justifications behind abortion are now, and
always will be, a lie. A civilized society would focus on
creating change with truth - not lies.
Virtually all civilized societies have
believed in a greater power beyond their existence.
I know God is real.
I am one of those who has been given a
gift regarding God, because I have witnessed miracles
personally. Not the contrived "it's a miracle because it was
so great that it had to be God that did it" type, I mean
real, true, defy the laws of physics miracles.
As a child growing up in a "civilized
society" I went through twelve homes with 12 different sets
of parents. I was a throwaway of this "civilized" society
and suffered in ways that could have never happened in a
truly civilized community. But God was there.
At one of the homes I spent a year
locked in an attic. They put a bucket up there to urinate
in, but I was not permitted to go BM. At times I held it for
over a week. They brought food up, and once in a great while
I could go down to eat at the table. (and relieve myself)
I was confined to about a 40 square foot
area without any toys so naturally things got pretty boring.
I was not permitted to move around, if they heard footsteps
they would come up and beat me. I should have gone brain
dead for lack of things to do, but I did not because of a
miracle that would happen on a regular basis.
The attic had a window that opened to a
roof that was over a lower part of the house. On the right
side of that roof there was a lightning rod. It was a bad
weather year, and it rained constantly. Every time the rain
came I would sneak over to the window and look out. A small
dense cloud would form at the left eve. Balls of light the
size of mice would shoot out of it, travel up to the peak
and down the other side and then vanish into the lightning
rod. They were all different colors, some were red on top
and blue on the bottom, some were yellow and orange. Some
were blue and green. Some were slightly larger than others,
and they would sizzle when they went by. There were hundreds
with every rainstorm, it was a real show. They were the only
thing I had up in that attic. Without them I might have gone
brain dead.
Only as a scientific thinking adult did
I realize that the light shows on the roof could never have
happened. I did not think of it as a kid, they were just
there every time it rained. But as an adult I see the
miracle. And there is much more.
There were times up there when I hurt
inside so much. I was too young to think about why I felt
that way, I only knew I hurt. When the pain became too much
to bear a spirit would come to me, go inside me and take
away the hurt. I would hurt inside frequently, but never for
very long.
I have been visited by the comforter. I
have witnessed the miracles. I know God is real.
I told you this because it is important
to know that there are many people who believe in God to the
extent that God is their way of life. God is my way of life.
Every time some bogus new theory is produced that claims to
defy God, I think to myself, "wait a while."
Debunking "civilized" science is not
hard to do
Remember the anti-fat campaign? Remember
how in the late 70's and early 80's margarine and trans-fat
was considered the healthy alternative to butter? Since it
was not animal based it was assumed by the "experts" to be
more healthy. It was not. It is a synthetic molecule
produced by putting vegetable oil under heat and pressure
while bubbling hydrogen through it. The hydrogen atoms in
the oil then attach themselves randomly, on the sides, to
the ends, of of the oil at random, rather than in a natural
linear way and cause the oil molecules to link together to
form a grease (or fat) molecule with an un recognizable and
un natural configuration. That is how it gets viscous enough
to pound out into sticks. It's not natural. Your body does
not know what to do with it. It does not metabolize
naturally. It clogs your arteries. You might as well drink
Castrol Syntec.
Now, 20 years of damage later the
same "experts" are encouraging us to return to butter.
Fats do not make you fat. This is
another scientific blunder. The Atkins diet may not be the
most healthy thing you could do, but there is no doubt it
works and it is based completely on eating nothing but meat
and fat. The reason why it works is simple - cow fat and
chicken fat and other animal fats are not people fat. In
order to store an animal fat, your body needs to modify the
animal fat which is difficult to do. It takes energy to do
it. The process burns fat. This is true for all animal fats
except milk fat.
The easiest way to get fat is to eat a
lot of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are easily assembled
into fat by the body; they convert to perfect people fat
with little effort. If you eat animal fat while eating a lot
of carbohydrates, the result is disastrous, you body will
sluggishly burn the animal fat for energy and store the
carbos for later. Not good.
The bogus big bang
As it turns out, the big bang theory no
longer supports the current model, and the scientists are
eating crow. (or should I say "Raven") Scientists are
slowly admitting that they were wrong about the big bang,
and are coming up with a new expanding universe model in
which the rate of expansion is increasing, not slowing down
as it should be if the big bang really happened.
How many times was the "big bang" theory
used to put God in the dumpster? It looks like the "big
bang" blew up.
Let me ask you this: are they right this
time, FINALLY? Or is this new "expanding universe" just
another black hole?
The expanding universe theory is far
more indicative of an environment favorable for the
existence of God, because it would be truly eternal. Old
science was used to debunk scriptural stories as myth, but
new science does not Modern science proves Moses red sea
crossing possible
In the early eighties, mainframe
computers became powerful enough to calculate what would
happen if a strong east wind blew for a period of time in
the location most suspected in scriptural "lore". Several
groups using such computers calculated that a 70 MPH wind
blowing for 10 hours - "the Lord caused the sea to go back
by a strong east wind that night" would cause a recession of
the water in a channel across the sea at that point to a
depth of 10 feet. Though that area of the sea has places
that are deeper than that, that area of the sea is also
known for having sand bars that creep along its bottom which
could have easily created a high point on the ocean floor
that would have made the parting entirely possible. Prior to
the Suez canal being built it was reported to have happened
again during such a storm once - during modern times.
If the wind was suddenly stopped, the
sea would crash back in cataclysmically, just like the
scriptures say it happened.
Noah's flood has also been refuted,
because it states that the water exceeded the tops of the
highest mountains. Any scientist worth his salt would say
Ahh, there is not enough water to do that, right?
In May 2002 Japanese geologists did a
study during which they subjected the minerals prevalent in
the earth's mantle to the same temperatures and pressures
found in the earth's mantle, and discovered that at that
temperature and pressure they could contain .17% of their
volume in water even at thousands of degrees. They
determined that if the earth ever "boiled over" and had all
that water come to the surface that it would submerge even
the tallest mountain.
Now figure the Bible account - and also
the Quranic account - "and the lord caused the earth to give
forth its water," or another interpretation "the lord opened
the fountains of the deep" or, MY FAVORITE, in one of my
interpretations of the Koran it states "THE OVENS OF THE
EARTH PUSHED FORTH THEIR WATER". Now who, other than God
could have stated THAT?
And the scriptures also state "the Lord
caused the earth to take back its water" which of course
ended the flood. They do not say that all that water "dried
Remember the lost squadron? that
squadron of aircraft that got lost in the ice pack on
greenland for so long? Do you know why they lost it?
Our "specialists" were doing core
samples of the ice on Greenland to determine the depth of
the planes. They were measuring the years with freeze/melt
cycles. They were drilling down looking for the planes at a
depth of freeze/melt cycles that would indicate one
freeze/melt a year and were missing the mark considerably.
Those planes were eventually found under more than 250
freeze/melts. Remind me please, when was World War II ?
Brilliant . . . . . . simply brilliant.
It has now been calculated, based upon
where the planes were actually found that the ice pack on
Greenland is only about six thousand years old. How could it
possibly be so young? HOW ABOUT THIS - A guy named Noah was
instructed to build a boat, which was used to save all life
from a flood issuing from deep within the earth that melted
all the ice and floated what did not melt off the entire
surface of the earth. From Greenland's ice pack data, we can
calculate that Noah's flood happened approximately six
thousand years ago. Evidently the Mammoth was around after
People have made the mistake of
confusing "civilization" with technical prowess. People have
also mistaken wealth and powerful government for
"civilization". This is a grave error, for civilization, as
I believe I have shown without directly stating it, is
belief in and obedience of the laws of God. And though
technology and government may be attributes of civilization,
they do not constitute civilization all by themselves.
I want to live in a
civilized society,
where I do not need to
worry about my spouse sleeping with others like
an animal. I want a
spouse with a civilized attitude. I want
to live in a civilized
society where owning my property means it
is mine with that right
fully protected - not subject to theft via
tax. I want to live in a
civilized society, not one which
marginalizes and
destroys the defenseless and innocent, and
This page will be where all responses
to e-mails land in addition to your mailbox. It will
basically become a comments section. This is necessary to
prevent those who are causing trouble from responding to
your mail instead of me. They cannot fake this page and if
you do not see a response to a mail you sent land on this
page and you got a response, it was not from me.
Furthermore, I answer all mails that are not spam. If you
get no response I did not get your mail.
To the reader who owns CCFIILE.COM, I am
well aware of the fact that 911 was an inside job, and was
one of the early fighters on this subject. There will be
posts regarding this when I bring some of the old stuff from
the other web sites forward. The thing that irritates me
the most is the remote control issue - this was a
published fact in 1981, that the new Boeing 757/67
aircraft were to be shipped stock from the factory with
remote hijack recovery. This means that the ONLY way 911
could have happened is via remote control. All this
garbage about global hawk and other stupid technologies is
a diversion from the fact that ALL 757/67 aircraft ever
shipped had this feature as a stock item. This is why the
FAA grounded all 757/67 aircraft for a full month AFTER
911, while others were allowed to fly - they had to rip
this feature out of them because the security of that
system had obviously been compromised and used as a
weapon. The Airbus A320 also had this feature but was
allowed to keep flying because the system was more secure
and had not been hacked.
- - - - -
To my reader and friend
in South Korea, who is putting up a good fight against the
elite infiltrators there, I got both your number and your
wife's number. You are absolutely right about the automobile
design. I noticed that too. I will be publishing what I know
about the subject of luciferianism, with references, soon.
- - - - -
To my reader who
wondered when I would post a new article, since I have not
posted one since 3/7 - the last post to the site came in the
form of an extensive code cleanup on 3/13. It runs a lot
better now and I linked in the original Jimstonefreelance.
- - - - -
To my friend in the
media who believes in the Holocaust - I know you hate things
that deny the holocaust, but when I was with the Jewish
community I got the truth about the six million number, and
the psyche behind it. I will publish this, and hopefully you
will still be around afterward.
The source of the six
million figure is a talmudic reference to a future holocaust
in which six million jews die. The reason why they are
claiming six million deaths in Nazi camps, even though that
number vastly exceeds the number of Jews in Europe at the
time, is because this reference in their scripture is
something they fear deeply and wish to prevent at all costs.
The Ashkenazi Jews, which I have experience with honestly
believe that prophecy is real, but can be manipulated. They
believe that prophets see into the future, and see what was
believed and said, and then write that down as much as they
reveal the word of GOD. SO there is a group of Ashkenazi
Jews who wish to make the six million figure HISTORY to
prevent it from ever happening in the FUTURE by repeating
this number over and over and over into the social
concience, in the hope that prophets of old will also latch
onto this, and report it as a factual event in the future,
which would now be history. In other words, they believe
they can lie themselves a new future. I don't think so - I
think their hardest days are ahead and one thing is certain,
the genie is out of the bottle and though the word, the real
truth of Fukushima may be like silly putty slowly sinking
into the carpet, eventually it will be TOTALLY sunk in the
carpet and nothing will get it out. THIS could cause the six
million Jewish deaths the prophecy speaks of, and No, I do
not believe they can lie their way out of it.
- - - - -
With regard to the
Jewish Fraternity article,
I am assuming it's all accurate. All
that stuff is usually true. One thing I learned in my
experience with the Jewish community is that all the
internet "rumors" happen to be truth. It blew me away. It's
not that people do not know, it is that the Jews have done
such a good job of stifling those that do know. It really is
a form of perverted satanic cult. I will be releasing an
enormous write up on this next, it ought to be a shell
shocker. I chose this subject because a reader in Korea you
also know prodded me so much to do it.
I will end up being the single point
reference for a lot of the stuff that will be in this
report, and it will all be true. 2 years of experience with
the Jews really yielded lots of info.
When I was with them, I posed as the
lowest form of simpleton. This made them comfortable
speaking around me in somewhat veiled form someone
intelligent would see through, which I did. I really
faked'em a good one. I got LOTS of info they would NEVER
want out that a simpleton would have missed. It will gut
them if it goes viral. It is FAR FAR worse than the
protocols - for example;
The jews keep libraries in their homes,
hard printed works, and somewhat shun electronic books. They
prefer the hard copies, and they often have extensive
I sat down and went through one of
the books from one of their their libraries when I was a
guest in one of their homes. The book was written as a
history book about Western civilization, and spoke about
Western civilization in the past tense. The elite Jews
published the fact that they had succeeded in destroying
Western Civilization, and declared it formally dead in
1971, and that the only thing that remained was the
technologies and sciences that Western Civilization
created. They concluded that it would take 400 years to
totally wipe out the technologies Western Civilization
produced, and that they intended to enjoy these
technologies during that time, but were not at all afraid
to rule as kings over feudal style serfdoms in the future
beyond these technologies because you can only live so
well anyway. Serfs would provide a good living for an
elite class anyway. They do not need technology to live
comfortably when served by a large pool of slaves.
This ties directly into Fukushima as
well - where they blew up a very well designed facility with
nuclear weapons and a computer virus, and then made people
hate nuclear power and want it banned. Nuclear power is the
absolute pinnacle of our technology - the greatest triumph
of physics, and it will have to be banned before their dream
of wiping out all technologies Western Civilization produced
can be realized. This is where Rense and Rivero are doing
enormous damage to the future of mankind by continually
harping how bad nuclear power is, and though Rivero is
honestly in error I seriously doubt Rense is. This is why I
keep Rivero's site linked, he does a LOT of good and I can
overlook an error. source
It Seems that JIM STONE
has updated and modified the below post.
He has removed "Please pass
this along to Benjamin Fulford:"
Here is the updated info:
passport has been proven legitimate
March 7 2012
Though I had used it for
Western Union, bus tickets, train tickets, and the police
and court accepted it as valid ID, I was still nervous about
crossing into Mexico with it, a journey which no doubt kept
certain people scrambling because I stopped and re-started
in 7 different cities. I did not want a straight path to the
border with a predictable arrival time.
At the border the Mexican authorities
asked me what I was going into Mexico for, and when I said I
was a journalist who was going to the Japanese Embassy in
Mexico City over Fukushima, they honored the WSA passport
with a six month visa, no questions asked and even waived
THE CONSULATE. I was a little scared about taking a risk
like that, because if I did not make it across, the only
place to go would be to the American authorities, and I am
certain that would have been bad.
A very interesting thing happened en
route to Mexico city while inside Mexico. I booked the
cheapest budget Mexican bus to Mexico City. Half way through
the trip, when the bus entered a medium size city they
pulled me off the bus, kept others on the bus, put me in a
cab, drove me to a bus station and transferred me to a first
class bus, and I was on the road again, all within about
three minutes. I was blown away. That was not expected.
Perhaps they had intelligence? Maybe they knew who I was.
Maybe it was nothing at all. At any rate, the WSA passport
proved itself to be a valuable asset and did exactly the job
it was intended to - get someone who cannot approach a
hostile government for travel papers to safety.
To address the unknowing who are posting
pictures of roads destroyed on 3/11:
For reference, a 5.0 will destroy roads in places,
destroyed roads are not a litmus test for a 9.0.
If you open the link to the USGS charts which I placed in
the earthquake section of the Fukushima report, even the
USGS mapped the epicenter to station MYG004, as I did, and
at that station the USGS said the earthquake produced 12
vertical g's. That equals cars that are crushed by
acceleration BEFORE they get thrown. A 9.0 raises islands,
can kill people who are simply standing out in the open
with nothing falling on them because it bounces them to
death, and will usually make a large number of 50 foot
hills. We saw NONE of that in Japan, and station MYG004 is
60 miles INLAND not out at sea. After a 9.0 you might not
even know where a road once was. Don't believe it? Don't
be lazy, go to the report, open the official charts and do
the math rather than repeat the fallacies that the quake
was as stated by the USGS. Their own charts prove they
lied. Their report had an agenda. Their report AT LEAST
mapped the epicenter inland, the oceanic epicenter is a
pure zionist media fabrication with absolutely no seismic
record ANYWHERE, not even a fake one, to support it.
To the rogue nation which perpetrated
this crime: The ultimate cowardice is to cause an enormous
disaster that points the finger at NO ONE but REALLY gets
the job done . . . . . . YOU ANIMALS. wash them away, blow
them up, and then hold about 300 or so of their top people
hostage to the truth and make them aware of a continued
threat too keep them quiet about what you did, while you
force them to gut their own nation to stave off another
attack. Good tactic, but it won't fly if I can stop it.
Awareness is everything. I want EVERYONE to look into the
details and record all details from DAY ONE the next time
some big "natural" disaster happens. The sooner the
investigation starts, the easier the truth is to find.
Anyone with experience knows that the good stuff, the BIG
mistakes that hang them, get expunged and deleted early on.
Nail them early by permanently recording those mistakes as
they happen next time.
It CAN BE a safe site, I use it all the
time, BUT MAKE SURE YOU CLICK THINGS RIGHT because they have
other stuff posted right in with the video download stuff
that looks like what you SHOULD click, but is not. Take it
slow, watch what is going on, LET IT USE JAVA, ect and
enjoy, It's great, just don't click the wrong stuff. Even if
you do it's only a nuisance. and by the way, you don't
have to download and pay for any software. The site runs
as is with it's own code, the paid for application is only
so that you don't need to go to their site to capture
I urge all those in the truth movement
to dig deep, study, and push the not so widely known issues
so hard you end up running like I did, the world needs it.
If it showed up on CNN, and all you did was add detail that
is NOT what I am talking about.
Though I had used it for Western Union,
bus tickets, train tickets, and the police and court
accepted it as valid ID, I was still nervous about crossing
into Mexico with it, a journey which no doubt kept certain
people scrambling because I stopped and re-started in 7
different cities. I did not want a straight path to the
border with a predictable arrival time.
At the border the Mexican authorities
asked me what I was going into Mexico for, and when I said I
was a journalist who was going to the Japanese Embassy in
Mexico City over Fukushima, they honored the WSA passport
with a six month visa, no questions asked and even waived
THE CONSULATE. I was a little scared about taking a risk
like that, because if I did not make it across, the only
place to go would be to the American authorities, and I am
certain that would have been bad.
A very interesting thing happened en
route to Mexico city while inside Mexico. I booked the
cheapest budget Mexican bus to Mexico City. Half way through
the trip, when the bus entered a medium size city they
pulled me off the bus, kept others on the bus, put me in a
cab, drove me to a bus station and transferred me to a first
class bus, and I was on the road again, all within about
three minutes. I was blown away. That was not expected.
Perhaps they had intelligence? Maybe they knew who I was.
Maybe it was nothing at all. At any rate, the WSA passport
proved itself to be a valuable asset and did exactly the job
it was intended to - get someone who cannot approach a
hostile government for travel papers to safety.
pass this along to Benjamin Fulford:
will soon be approaching the Japanese embassy in Mexico
City. Please have people ready there, so they know who I am.
I have to limit the time I spend online
so I don't get any stalkers, To Makow, Rense, Alex, and
others, I know who is real and who is fake. You would be
surprised what I know about each of you. And I advise the
one REAL phony in the media (who actually is not Rense) that
if you do not want to get flushed in this washing out period
the truth movement has entered you had better come clean and
aknowledge the Fukushima report. You know who you are,
wordpress nuking ***, and you are on your way to Rushville
if your listeners ever escape your antics, which is bound to
happen because the Fukushima report is buried in infallible
truth. You can't be on the record with intelligent people as
your base and keep your credibility once they discover this.
You will vanish into the realm of incapable idiot
listenership. Rense has also pushed it, and even linked
directly to a ludicrous earthquake disaster video in which
the cars were not even bouncing as the quake happened, let
alone being thrown and flipped as even an 8.5 would do.
Someone sent me proof that Rense initially intended to be
honest about this (he did post the full report for a very
brief period) which means that somehow he got pressured.
To address the fools who are posting
pictures of roads destroyed on 3/11:
For reference, a
5.0 will destroy roads in places, that's not a
litmus test for a 9.0, so stop using such idiotic
photos to "prove" a 9.0 happened. PLEASE GET EDUCATED,
To this rogue nation: The ultimate
cowardice is to cause an enormous disaster that points the
finger at NO ONE but REALLY gets the job done . . . . . .
YOU ANIMALS. Blow em' up, wash em' away and then hold about
300 of the top people hostage to the truth and a continued
threat. Good tactic, but it won't fly if I can stop it.
Awareness is everything. I want EVERYONE to look into the
details and record all details from DAY ONE the next time
some big "natural" disaster happens. The sooner the
investigation starts, the easier the truth is to find.
I urge all those in the truth movement
to dig deep, study, and push the not so widely known issues
so hard you end up running like I did, the world needs it.
If it showed up on CNN, and all you did was add detail that
is NOT what I am talking about. source
Jim Stone Freelance
Jim Stone, March
6 2012 -
As I sat in a McDonalds drinking my
coffee for free internet this morning, CNN was on the big
screen trying to convince people how horrible the countries
around Israel are, in an obvious attempt to make Americans
want to blow them away for Israel.
I have these comments about your
broadcast; -
Interesting it is that NOTHING of
significance was going on in Syria on the day of the FAKE PROTEST so how did
they know it was the right time to stage one? Is the mess in
Syria a wag the dog, or is it the work of the Mossad?
Certainly that mess either did not originate in Syria, or it
is not happening at all. It would be GREAT for Israel if
Syria got blown away BEFORE a war on Iran! HMMMMM . . . . . Looks like you
overlooked something!
And your sob story about Iran getting
"the most powerful weapons in the history of mankind". More
bad reporting. Fission nukes (which use only fissionable
material) have about 1% of the output of a FUSION NUKE,
(which uses fission to start fusion in a tritium gas core).
Iran would be NO WHERE NEAR GETTING this even if they WERE
making a fission nuke, which they are not.
And, your piece on the constitution
protecting "home grown terror". My question is, WHERE IS
IT?. Since Oklahoma City and Joe Stack are proven frauds,
what are you calling terror? ME? Keep up the fraud and
certainly if I and others like me survive you will be in
terror of losing your jobs. That has GOT TO BE what you are
talking about! source
report that destroyed my music career
Jim Stone, March 3 2011
I will be relocating one
step closer to final safety, and will post something new
here on March 8 or sooner if I succeed
Many of my readers
know that I did an investigation in 2002 that destroyed my
music career. This is that investigation.
of the stress I have been under lately, I can't adequately
focus on the antidepressant subject or other subjects so I
am going to post some old work you have not seen before. I
have had several web sites, all got nuked but this one, and
they were real good. So I am going to merge the work I did
with them into this one rather than do new investigations
and study until I am in a safe haven somewhere, able to rest
and eat decent food.
It is important to have a
good web host, a secure LINUX based file server with
multiple opteron cores, AND a TOP LEVEL DOMAIN, NOT
something like a blogger account or single core system that
can just be wiped out. I have no doubt my web host,
Hostmonster, is the best in the world and THAT is exactly
why this site has stayed online.
The question of a
massacre is irrelevant, when Israel spent six days cleaning
up bodies, and still left an atrocity behind. The manner in
which some of these people died is so horrible that I did
not initially post the real bad ones, but will post ONE of
the really nasty ones now in 2012.) What is most sickening
is the fact that there are virtually no fighters among the
This report is one of the
best investigations into the Jenin catastrophe done. I will
first show you what Jenin looked like, then I will show you
what they did to the place. I will then show you how nasty
they were about killing people, and follow up with their
intentional destruction of Palestinian Public records, so a
real death count could not be made - with no records you
can't go back and know who was where on an official level so
it's impossible to prove that three to five THOUSAND people
were killed there. This is why they destroyed records. It's
all documented here.
If you are into the
Palestinian conflict issue, the importance of the section
about records destruction is paramount, this must be known
and few people seem to know. My investigation into this was
deep. It's the most damning indictment of war crimes to
date, and proves beyond all doubt that it is not any sort of
terrorism Israel is trying to stop.
WARNING: This may be the
most damning and sickening report you have EVER seen, if you
are weak or have psychiatric problems, do not proceed
PEOPLE. They are not garden variety pictures. They will have
a separate warning.
The U.S. media has blacked
out virtually all of the information regarding this subject,
and you will not see some of what you will see here even on
AlJazeera. It was very difficult for me to find the truth.
But I did. I managed to establish e-mail contact with
someone in Jenin during the conflict for two days before he
went silent and I never heard from him again. He had a way
of linking out that did not get cut. It was at the time when
they were forcing all the people to lay face down in the
street and get shot. He had no where to hide and they were
not "doing his street" at the time. That's pretty much all
the info I got from him, the mails were very brief but
proved beyond a doubt that Israel killed a lot more than 50
people there.
The page format is not the
best and the coding is horrible. But then again, I did this
one 10 years ago.
I now believe that neither Alex Jones or Jeff Rense
have even seen this site. I think their staff is
controlling what they see and believe and never linking
them through to here. SO, CALL THEIR PROGRAMS ABOUT A
AT JIMSTONEFREELANCE.COM, If you mention this site while
with the operator, you will not get through. Wait until
you are actually talking to them, and BE POLITE.
WarIsCrime.com releases blockbuster report
I have not ever put
anyone elses work up on my site before, but this particular
report is so important it needs all the traffic it can get.
I will post a couple quotes from this
report, and then link to it. I never use single source
material on my site, my standards require cross checking
from multiple sources but I assure you from my own
experience Nicholas Kirkland is telling the truth here, and
knows EXACTLY what he is talking about.
"In recent years, scientists have
learned how to locate by remote, focus on, and lock into a
person's brain to manipulate that person's thoughts and thus
his actions. Mind control assaults now loom as one of the
main challenges of the 21st century. The targeted person
often never discovers that he has become a mind control
victim, and he ends up hurting others, taking his own life,
or simply becoming another "Alzheimer" statistic. This paper
discusses some of the elements of what I call Electronic
Stalking and Mind Control (ESMC)."
- my notes - I have experienced this
technology myself. The sound fidelity of what I experienced
is AMAZING and exceeds the quality of any device which has
to move a diaphragm to make sound. You can't get speakers
that good.
"While writing this paper, the people
who monitor me electronically and continually interfere with
my computer and emails and tap my phones, often entered my
PC to make changes in the narrative to discourage me and try
to make me look crazy. Keeping the paper intact and ensuring
accuracy has been a constant battle. Even now, after
finishing the paper, when I go back to add a salient point,
I often find that a portion has been altered or deleted.
Powerful forces do not want papers such as this one written
and disseminated."
- my notes - This happens all the time
to me. I always have to go back through my reports and get
rid of inserted idiocies; it's part of my daily routine.
However, once online they tend to remain the same, but not
Also, Nicholas does not make this point
in this particular report - The most common method of
interfacing with the brain used by governments is an
amplitude modulated microwave frequency. Though your brain
cannot recognize or do anything with a 2.4 ghz signal or
anything similar, that signal WILL penetrate into the brain
and turn into electricity once it penetrates a full
wavelength ( in the case of microwaves that's a few
centimeters). IF then, that signal is AM modulated with a
frequency that can interface with the brain - definitely
never out of the Khz range, it will be recognized by the
brain as originating within the brain and from there it's
just a matter of knowing how the brain responds to
electrical input to get someone to do what you want, or
affect them as desired. This is the type of device I have
personally experienced. It's just a small handheld thing.
-and- This ties directly into the
antidepressant report, because once weakened by
antidepressants the mind becomes VERY susceptible to the
types of interference Nicholas speaks of.
truth about antidepressants.
Jim Stone - Freelance
Journalist, Feb 23,2012
I am having difficulty
producing this study because my work keeps getting deleted
off my computer. Someone is going in and killing my work so
I cannot make any progress. This happens even when I am not
online but a wifi connection from someone else is visible -
which means that somehow my computer is able to be accessed
via ANY visible wifi. I am not going into technical details
as to why this is possible when you have a Microsoft
operating system right now.
I have to rough this out.
Since I cannot do this AT ALL when I am actually online, I
have to make use of only the information I gathered during a
study of antidepressants I did in 2008/09. This was the
study that netted the classified documents from GSK
I will do this report one
section at a time, and the steps will be:
1. Testimonies of people
destroyed by antidepressants
2. The chemistry of the
various antidpressants, and which dangerous substances in
everyday life they deliver directly to the brain - Yes, you
heard that right, there are several that do nothing more
than deliver modeling glue and other nasty aromatic
hydrocarbons straight to your brain, and KEEP THEM THERE.
Several would be replaced well by a gasoline inhaler
attached to a backpack that you carry with you - (pill form
is easier though) and others, like Prozac, are derived from
fluoride. Antidepressants deliver a very stable but FILTHY
high until you fry, and the hydrocarbon based ones cause
exactly the same damage you get from working in a paint
booth without a respirator. I HAVE PROOF.
3. The visible physical
damage antidepressants cause and how and why it occurs,
including osteo porosis, calcification of the brain, brain
shrinkage, destruction of white matter, corkscrewed axons,
liver and other organ damage, and some interesting ancedotes
related to this;
4. The motivation for
attempting to destroy the entire population of a nation with
these substances, and an expose of the corruption in the
FDA, the medical community, the Jewish connection, the
banker/Rothchild/Rockefeller/facist connection, the future
slave state, how the research SSRI's are based on was done
in Russia and imported to America in the form of Prozac, and
the proposed finalization of the destruction of Western
civilization which "antidepressants" will play a central
role in.
5. A detailed exposure of
why antidepressants destroy bonding relationships, and make
it impossible for anyone to fall permanently in love for
REAL, with a little side attachment explaining the reasons
for why specific brands destroy sex in different ways. - I
actually have the line by line answers for EACH BRAND, and
which part of the brain they ruin to often permanently
destroy sex in different ways. Different brands destroy
different pathways, but all are effective in wrecking sex.
6. How they get away with
hurting so many people under the supposed cover of doing
good, and the methods put in place to avoid being sued,
imprisoned, and hung. What WE need to do to forever expose
this scam, and make sure they are sued, imprisoned, and
hung. I have the answer to EXACTLY how we can blow this open
and hang them.
SO, due to the hacks and
deletions I am constantly fighting, here is a rather rough
start. It's obvious from all that has transpired that this
is a stab at the root of the worst evil, this is going to
piss them off more than anything.
Prescribed Deletion -
testimonies of the destroyed.
These are the words of
those who have been destroyed by antidepressants. If you
are among them, STOP listening to your P-doc telling you
it never happens; the reality is that they ALL know it
happens and they are lying to you. View this chart,
These are testimonies of people
destroyed by antidepressants.
- - - - - -
"Whoever said that they
lost most their ability to love; MAN, that is the thing I
miss the most. I was a very, very, very passionate person
prior to celexa. I was passionate about everything, my
marriage, my job, my country. I couldn't hear our national
anthem without stopping and feeling the hairs on the back of
my neck stand straight up. 14 years in the Army National
guard, I was very into my career with them too. I was
passionate about running, about my relationship with (and
this will probably sound wierd) my dog. I miss all of these
things. I hope they all come back to me. They were very much
the bricks in the foundation of my life and I feel like they
are gone. When I say I want the old me back, I mean the
person who was passionate, the person who loved and was
loved. The driven person who saw what he wanted and went out
and got it. That was all taken from me with the introduction
of Celexa in my life. I just want it back."
- - - - - -
"I've been in an extremely
peculiar state for the past 8 months after stopping
Wellbutrin/buproprion. I have literally lost everything
inside of me and no longer have a sense of "inner being". My
personality has been completely erased, along with the inner
psyche I've spent a lifetime building. When I attempt to
"look inside", it is impossible because there is literally
nothing there. Everything that made up my specific sense of
personal being is gone, including including my hopes, fears,
dreams, goals, opinions, values, morals, likes/dislikes, and
most strikingly, all emotions and feelings.
I have no feelings
associated with past events, and no emotional connections
with anything in the world. Specific emotions that defined
my personal sense of being are no longer there. People,
places, things and events that I thought were etched in my
soul as having significance no longer mean a thing.
Absolutely nothing, I can't stress this enough.
I am unable to look
backward or forward, have no sense of past accomplishments
and no desire for future ones. The strangest thing is, I
cannot feel anything toward being in this state, as that
part of me is gone too. It's like a recursive erasure of
everything I ever was, am, and will be.
It doesn't feel like life
is a conscious experience that I am having anymore, as there
is no inner construct within me to absorb an experience on
any level. I see, hear, touch, and smell, yet each of these
is so devoid of emotional content that they don't coalesce
into anything meaningful I can call a human consciousness.
My sense of being has been replaced by a constant void of
nothingness that is unchanging, 24/7, I feel nothing towards
the nothingness. It is not like feeling empty inside, there
is no inside to feel empty within.
Getting to this state was
a long process that started with gradually losing my
emotions. This started when I decided to withdraw from the
antidepressant Wellbutrin/Bupropion which I'd been on a high
dosage of for 5 years. Strangely, going back on it did not
help, but made things worse. When I stopped and started the
drug a second time, I experienced one tremendous day of
improvement followed by a seizure while sleeping, and woke
up in a confused state. After this I regressed and felt
completely dead inside.
This waking up in a
confused state happened 2 more times, once in May 2010 and
once in September 2010. Both of these were preceded by
sudden improvements. But upon waking I felt like I had lost
a basic part of my self. Not just feelings, but the core of
my being. What I felt to be the complete and final
destruction of my inner being happened on September 7th,
2010, and there hasn't been a change since (it has now been
8 months).
- - - - - -
"I tell you, I never had a
problem before celexa. I just want to be back to me. I want
to no longer be the pitiful creature it made me. I want to
be me. The old me. I want myself back. Life isn't worth
living with this new person holding my thoughts and feelings
hostage. I have been off Celexa since last year. I JUST WANT
"I have been on 0 mgs for
almost a year, and my emotional state has yet to come back
to normal. (normal me). I have been from Psyc doc to Psyc
doc (never needed before celexa) to try to figure it out.
They point the problem back to me. I found out by reading
around the Internet, and buying the book "Prozac: Panacea or
Pandora" by doctor Ann Blake Tracy, and I found out that
several people, if not all people, who go off these drugs
experience exactly what I have experienced. When Natalie
wrote what she wrote, you can go back to some of my earlier
posts and the withdrawal effects are written down almost
verbatim. These are bad for our brains, they change our
personalities. I want my life back, and don't want even my
worst enemy to experience what I have been through. These
people have no love for their fellow man. We need to, no
matter how emotionally messed up we are, we need to band
together and prevent them (a commercial for Cymbalta just
came on the tv, made my blood boil) from prescribing them to
ANYONE. Depression hurts said the commercial, I never knew
depression till after celexa. I have been through hell,
therefore hell exists."
- - - - - -
"What I don't understand
is how a drug could completely erase me as a human being.
What I'm experiencing is not depression, anhedonia, or flat
affect, but a permanent change in my consciousness that
literally destroyed my humanity. All the parts that made up
my being are literally gone. I don't understand how this is
even possible, or what (if anything) I can do to change it."
- - - - - -
"I'm 25 yrs old. I used to
be a bodybuilder, avid fisherman, used to drag race, and
enjoy the great outdoors. USED TO.
I was on effexor for about
3 yrs, 75mgs. I decided I wanted to stop taking it, I felt
fine. Im 25 I said and I can deal with lifes problems.
I told my doc if I may
discontinue the drug he said sure, if you want to. Doctor
didn't even ask me if I wanted to wean off, I suggested him
to give me the 35mgs, but he gave me only a weeks worth.
I have never in life felt
so sick. I would not wish this on anyone, not even my enemy.
The first 3 months were hell. dizziness, nausea, fatigue,
bad memory, brain zaps, you name it I had it. I couldnt even
walk sometimes.
I fought and fought and it
is now 7 months that I am clean off this horrible so called
To this day, 7 MONTHS
later, I am left with weakness, bad memory, and horrible
I can no longer workout,
all my muscles went down, I have no energy to do what I
liked to do in my life. I cannot function or remember things
at work. I am useless. If it wasn't my cousins place, I
would have been fired along time ago.
I am not depressed, I
don't have panic attacks.
In my opinion, Effexor has
left me permanent damage. I have been through more tests
than you can think of. blood tests upon blood tests for
every disease known to man.
This drug has changed my
life for the worse and everynight i cry, because I feel that
this medicine has severly left me damaged. My doctor has no
idea what to do."
- - - - - -
"I was prescribed Zoloft
25-50mgs 9 years ago while I was in college.
Before I begin with the
nightmare, let me stress I WAS NOT SICK when I started this
drug. I had anxiety (situational )and was a little tired.
That is it. Other than these issues, I was as healthy as a
horse, never been in the hospital, rarely if ever needed to
go to the doctor. I was very active and on the go.
Well, Zoloft worked
immediately, what can I say. I loved it. Loved it loved it
loved it. I thought it was a gift from God, saved me and my
college career. I wasn't as shy as I had been. I felt more
But then I found I could
not get off without severe head pain and brain zaps. So, I
stayed on it. Every few months I would think about going off
again, but the symptoms I would get kept me on it, and very
afraid to come off. So, I stayed on it for 8 long years. (I
forgot to mention I gained 25 pounds within the first 3
months on it. That was another reason I wanted off).
After 8 years, I'd had
enough. I felt like I no longer needed it, I had been long
out of college and the original situations that gave me
anxiety were long gone. So, at my doctors advice, I tapered
over about 3-4 weeks.
Then my life was
shattered. Completely shattered.
I was told the withdrawal
would only last a week or two at most, so I rode it out. It
never went away and only kept getting worse. So, I gave up
and tried to go back on. I couldn't take the symptoms
anymore. But my body was having none of that. Strangely, now
when I took Zoloft, my body and brain reacted badly, as if
it were rejecting it. I got a fever and felt like I was
dying. I had no choice but to get off again. I was given
other SSRI's, but none of them helped either, and all of
them made me worse. I no longer tolerated meds like I did
prior to Zoloft.
I kid you not, here I am
3 YEARS later and still very ill, and it all began when
getting off Zoloft. Here is what I suffer 24/7.....
severe head pain and
brain zaps/ electrical zaps shooting through brain down to
burning in extremities and brain
severe fatigue and weakness
severe depression ( never was depressed, ever, until coming
off Zoloft )
severe anxiety
panic attacks...BAAAAD
daily crying jags
skin eruptions and
bone and muscle pain
burning tongue
digestive pain
cramping on right side under rib cage
hair loss
sensitivities to food and medications previously tolerated
extremely sensitive to vitamins and minerals previously
tolerated well
no motivation / severe apathy
loss of career and income/ on disability
derealization/ depersonalization
back and neck spasms
unable to drive, shop, or eat out
increased allergies to things once tolerated well ( smoke,
dust, cats )
suicidal thoughts....pretty regularly and very scary
jaw pain from clenching teeth ( I guess from severe stress )
agoraphobia...very heartbreaking since I used to be so busy
ears ringing
feeling like being hit it the back of the head with a shovel
pressure in chest, like a 100 elephants are sitting on me
racing pulse, even when resting
increased blood pressure and cholesterol
metallic taste
bladder spasms
loss of cognition/ mental function ( feels like I lost 50 IQ
points )
difficulty concentrating and recalling facts
I wrote a letter to
Pfizer, detailing my story and my symptoms. They blew me off
and wanted a doctors opinion of what my illness is from. No
doctor will admit to Zoloft being the cause of this illness,
so Pfizer pretty much told me they take no responsibility.
They ruined my life, and take no responsibility. They train
their drug reps to educate doctors that these drugs are
harmless. They know better, but rake in too much money to do
anything about it.
They do not care how many
lives they destroy, as long as they continue making their
billions off innocent victims."
- - - - - -
"My withdrawal from
Seroxat/Paxil (a few years ago, now). I became very
aggressive on the stuff (many arrests and court
appearances), and on some days I could pop valium like
smarties without it making the slightest bit of difference.
When I decided it would be a clever move to stop taking it
and put up with a few days of flu-like symptoms, I found out
what withdrawal was really like.
I slashed at my arms, I
rolled around on the floor, screaming, because everything
felt raw (my theory is that we 'normally' perceive the world
through a comfortable haze of endorphins--which was stripped
away) and when the police were called I freaked out
completely and brandished a knife at them.
My husband referred to
that state as being 'animalistic'.
Needless to say, I escaped
jail by a hair's breadth. When I ended up in ER, following a
dose of pepper spray in my face, I begged for Seroxat and
the doc just laughed in my face and said they weren't
running a pharmacy. They did not believe there was such a
thing as SSRI/SNRI withdrawal syndrome. I think they still
In the cell, waiting for
the court appearance, I had the worst shakes and weird
feelings (derealisation, having two heads, having my head
swell to the size of a water melon). The junky I shared the
cell with said: "Wow, what are you on?"
- - - - - -
I was put on zoloft, and
when I stopped taking it I became disoriented didn't
remember anything for 3 days. Lost my systems design
engineering job I had for 7 years with 21 succesful
projects. Lost my income, lost my mind, lost my home, cars,
family heirlooms retirement, etc.etc. It all happened after
taking ZOLOFT. I was finally diagnosed with a form of
epilepsy and put on anti siezure meds..Lamictal. The Zoloft
stuff took place In the 3rd world state of Louisiana..no
recourse..Louisiana SUCKS. I now live in Florida, I'm 100%
disabled and doing somewhat better thanks to my wife and my
2 wonderful kids that stood by me during those nightmarish
days. By the way..the state of louisiana does not recognize
the brain as an organ according to one ambulance chasing
Lawyer. It only counts as an organ during a lawsuit right
after an accident. If there are problems 10 years
later...too bad it is no longer relevent.
- - - - - -
The first time I tried to
get off cymbalta, I tapered over two months. Three weeks
after the last dose, I was still extremely affected. I
almost lost my job (doctor-level position), I almost quit my
I had about two months of
hell trying to get off it.
So I'd be trying to pick
up my clothes to get dressed in the morning and it was like
zap zap zap grip wall zap pick up shirt zap zap nausea zap
sit back down zap. Then I'd be talking to someone at work
and i'd have the zaps and want to say 'oh just dont mind my
nystagmus, nothing to worry about'
I don't feel that pissed
off about it all right now, I just wonderhow long it will
take before the brain zaps go away for good
I think I might donate
some money to some organization this year that lobbies for
more disclosure to patients about this shit because my dr
who first prescribed it to me said 'Really? It causes
vertigo in you? I am on it too and I get that too--I wonder
what's up with that.'.
Followup: I'm up
to about 6 months since I was taking Cymbalta every day
and I still have weird effects like those described above.
It has gotten to be kind of a joke now and mostly I just
get the weird vertigo zaps. I wonder if it is 'permanent'
a lot.
It is a very
distinct 'zap' and it feels way more sketchy and scary
than the depression that caused me to go looking for an
- - - - - -
"The worst kind of hell
imaginable. I was off of this drug for 4 months without a
hint of relief from the withdrawl symptoms. I was scared for
my life and at the same time wanted to die..... Furthermore,
every doctor I saw told me that Paxil isn't addictive.
**FRUSTRATION** Hated it!"
- - - - - -
"Please consider this
before commenting on antidepressants in a positive way.
About 10 years ago, the
medical school at a major university began to notice a large
number of cadavers coming in (for the medical students to
work on) which had indented and calcified frontal lobes in
their brains.
Puzzled by this, they went
through the life history of each cadaver that had this
anomaly, and discovered that in every case, the person had
been on SSRI antidepressants.
The level of brain damage
indicated that each of the cadavers had been lobotomized.
The people who drew the
connection between the calcified and collapsed frontal lobes
(the part of the brain which contains your soul) and
antidepressants received offers of money to keep it secret,
and when they chose to go public anyway, received anonymous
death threats against their families and children if they
ever went public.
I have seen many people
get destroyed by antidepressants, all the while they said
all was well. Invariably they go down the toilet as they
eventually move toward complete and total emotional and
personality flatline."
- - - - - -
"I decided I did not want
to be ruled by this drug. Under the supervision of my doctor
over a two month period, I weened myself from cymbalta
forever. Each time I went down to a smaller dose I got sick.
I had headaches, brain zaps, nausea, flu-like symptoms, I
blacked out, my memory would get worse, until the
culmination of taking no Cymbalta at all. Fortunately my
mother is retired and was able to stay with me- I was
withdrawaling like I assume people do on heavy street drugs!
I would go to sleep hoping I would not wake up and be in
pain throughout the day. My pain would get worse as the day
progressed and by 4:00 I could barely stand the headaches,
nausea, the ear ringing, and brain zaps. It has been a year
since I have been off of Cymbalta and I continue to have
horrible headaches that get worse as the day progresses; my
ears ring, and my vision is screwed up. I see little lights
at night time. My memory is not what it used to be and when
I tell my doctors that I think I was permanatley poisoned by
cymbalta they look at me like I am crazy (and isn't that the
reason I went on the cymbalta in the first place?)"
- - - - - -
"I am on my 7th day of no
Cymbalta after being on it for only 3 weeks. I went from
60mg to 30mg, no problem. Then 30mg to 15mg, by making my
own pills from the 30mg. Brain Zaps started. Now since I am
clean for 7 days the Brain Zaps are hell, I think I even
blink when they hit me. Inside my head the Zaps sound like a
chattering angry squirrel. The people that made this drug
must have never tested it for withdrawals. I have terrible
back pain, have trouble sleeping, and have even cried twice
this week. I just took 50mg of benedryl and 1000mg of
tylenol hoping I can sleep tonight. I also gained weight on
the drug. Has anyone that dealt with the Brain Zaps stopped
having them all together? They are so bad, I am afraid to
drive, I now understand why some folks kill themselves
coming off drugs like this one. If there is a happy ending,
I would love to know about it. Almost forgot, Blood Pressure
has gone thru the roof coming off this stuff."
- - - - - -
"I will name the countless
symptoms and probably unreversable brain damage I am living
with after Effexor. There are good days in wich some of the
symptoms won't arise for exception of the pain. Those are
the days I can be a mother and wife but still the shadow of
the energetic person I was. Back in July all the symptoms
hit me all at once. Blury vision, dizzy, letargic, high
pitch ringing in my ears, exhaustion, pain all over my body,
joints and muscles. Muscle twitching, slurred speech,
urinary incontinence at times, hair lose in patches. It is
impossible for me to normally work at any type of job now. I
have states where I would forget what I am doing. I have
times in wich I have a hard time controlling voluntary motor
functions in my legs and arms (such as not being able to
write, open a bottle or carry anything). Every now and then
muscles will begin to twitch, then just stop, out of the
blue. I became lethargic and have no energy to do anything.
Not to mention times or days when I can not drive due to the
chance that I would have an accident beacuse of the sudden
blury vision or dizzines that make it dificult to see. Not
to mention when I suddenly forget where I am going or
- - - - - -
Since I started taking
effexor, My memory is going out the window. I am having
trouble remembering things from yesterday, granted I haven't
always been the best to remember things. I have noticed that
I am forgetting tasks at work, this has never happened. I
find myself using an entire pad of sticky notes, and
forgetting to complete the notes written.
I've been taking Effexor
since last November, and I've been having memory problems.
Even yesterday I can barely remember. It's so difficult.
Usually, I had a good memory but now it has gone down hill.
I've been on it for about
9 months, and the SAME thing is happening to me. i forget
things daily, lose things often, and my attention span is
like a 3 year old boy. my doctor also told me theyre not
connected, but i KNOW they are, which is the main reason i'm
coming off the drug now. i wishi would have been informed of
all this before i got hooked on the stinking drug.
I have been experiencing
memory loss for awhie also. I started taking Effexor spring
2005. Before that I had been taking Zoloft, which was not
working for my anxiety and depression. I notice about 3-6
months into taking Effexor that my short term memory was
playing tricks on me and the more I think about it the more
I realize this drug has something to do with that. What
should we do now? Does anyone else think we should be
contacting the company and find out the truth about this
being a side effect???
- - - - - -
"I have been on Celexa for
almost three years. the results: lost a job and a marriage
due to being so non complacent but gained 20 lbs. I skipped
a few doses several weeks ago and decided it was time to
wean myself off. I tapered down very quickly and am now
dealing with the following withdrawal symptoms:
Blurred vision
Jolting electric "zaps" (at bedtime)
Tingling sensations
Abdominal discomfort
Flu symptoms and general malaise
Gait disturbances
Sleep disturbance and insomnia
Vivid dreams
Memory and concentration difficulties
Crying spells
The aggression is the
scariest part but now that I know almost everyone
experiences this I feel better. From reading most of the
posts it doesn't seem to matter if you wean yourself or go
cold turkey, the withdrawal symptoms appear the same."
- - - - - -
I believe SSRIs "cause"
neurogenesis through the brains compensatory mechanisms. By
inducing a massive chemical imbalance at the synaptic level,
SSRIs force the brain to respond by shutting down these
connections and creating new ones (which then get shut down,
and the cycle continues). Unfortunately, these new
connections (axons) often resemble the type of new axonal
growth (swollen/corksrew appearance) seen after recovery
from a neurotoxic MDMA regimen. (editor's note - MDMA is
Ecstacy) These axons also often grow and/or project into
areas where they did not before, and the significance of
this is as of yet unknown.
7. The most troubling
permanent lasting adverse neurological effects you may
experience after prolonged SSRI usage (and consequent
a). Word finding troubles
b). Absolute emotional flatness and deadness
c). Permanently reduced sex drive
d). An odd, pervasive social anxiety/awkwardness
e). Trouble with coordination
f). Bad memory
g). Trouble retrieving words
h). Overall paucity of thought and expression
i). Lack of creativity and intellectual fluidity (mental
j). A lack of ability to "steer" or control the tone of your
(I've noticed this- that I sound shaky and agitated no
matter what my
mood is, and people think I'm upset when I'm really not)
8. After these brain
damaging effects have sunken in, you may have great
difficulty finding support anywhere. Talking to a p-doc may
be an exercise in futility. They will want to protect their
own interests and shield themselves from a possible lawsuit,
hence you may be told continually to get back on meds/up
your dosage. The more you protest, the less credibility you
have, thus the more evidence in your p-doc's mind that you
need to go back on SSRIs.
9. Once you realize the
extent of the damage, and it sinks in beyond the denial you
may initially face, it will be hard to explain to others
exactly why you are not the same person you used to be. The
damage is similar to a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) yet it
might be better termed DBI (Diffuse Brain Injury).
- - - - - -
"Oh, how the withdrawal
wrecked me. The only thing worse than taking Cymbalta was
withdrawal from Cymbalta. Added to all the side effects I
was already having, I very much wanted to cut myself, and
got as far as sitting down with a blade, but instead I bit
myself on the hand as hard as I could stand. I think I also
punched myself in the thigh that same day, but it's all sort
of hazy. The first day off Cymbalta, I hallucinated, felt
like my arms were really far away from the rest of my body,
dissociated for most of the day, and in general, thought I
was going to have to call for an ambulance. A benzo would've
really helped, but I didn't have a pdoc yet at the time; I
had to wait three weeks and let me tell you, those were
three of the most hellish weeks of my life, including
feeling very much like I was having a mixed episode. Out of
desperation, I took diphenhydramine because it helped the
vertigo and the sleepy feeling sort of passed for "calmer."
It took at least three weeks for the withdrawal symptoms to
calm down to a dull roar. When I saw my new pdoc, I was
still agitated."
- - - - - -
Your doctor is your worst
enemy. Welbutrin is an SNRI. It blocks the metabolites in
the liver that metablilze seretonin and noepinephrin.
Switching to celexa, which is an SNRI is not going to help
you. Doctors just have no clue as to what they are doing.
You go to them with a problem, they consult ther PDR, and
hand out some drugs that the pretty little pharma rep gave
to them. They will give you something to destroy your brain,
then give you a benzo like xanax, to combat anxiety. You
cannot sleep, you are always on edge, you end up with some
sort of psycological "disorder" (manufactured by the drug
companies), and you are left a buned out shell of what you
used to be. They tried to give my mother-in-law prozac
because she was sad when her father was dying of cancer, and
she was starting to go through menopause. I SCREAMED. This
lady didn't need prozac, or any other mind altering drugs.
She needed to reduce her stress.
I told her to take
topical progesterone, and she turned around just fine.
Fact: Doctors don't know
what ssri's do to the brain
Fact: There is no evidence
of a lack of neuro transmitters.
Fact: There is no way of
measuring the level of seretonin in the brain...
I pray for anyone in
distress anywhere, and God bless and help those whose lives
were destroyed by doctors who dished out meds that they know
nothing about.
did anyone else get
tapered off zoloft from a doctor but still having
this is how my doctor did
it and I am still trying to understand why it was just down
to 50mg and not less after a while: starting with my 100 mg
week 1- 50 mg every day
week 2 and 3 50 mg every other day
week 4 50 mg every two days
week 5 50 mg every three days
week 6 off (on this week now)
I took my last on sunday
and it's now Wednesday. last night I could not sleep, I felt
very cold and I was shivering and had interrupted sleep and
then got too hot all over like I was burning. I've had the
brain zaps all along on the days I didn't take it and some
of the shivering and feeling a little dizzy too , very
restless sleep on and off for these last few weeks. also
some irritability, and very depressed and hopeless feelings
and anger, some crying spells for no reason. I don't want to
call the doctor because obviously they don't know what they
are doing or I wouldn't have withdrawl symptoms at all.
- - - - - -
My daughter began having
petit mal seizures. Coincidentally, she was just recently
placed on zoloft. I am sure it was only a coincidence,
right? What did zoloft do to you?
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
Zoloft destroyed my life,
and my Dr. and therapist stood by and watched it all happen
right before their eyes, it was like I was a project for
them. I am sorry to those I affected during that time, I
regret it everyday.
In response to your recent interest in
the Fukushima issue, I have this to say:
What are you hiding? What is it that
you have to lose by aknowledging theFukushima report?
Yes Rense, I know exactly what makes you
tick. I know you know this stuff. I studied the Jewish community, and
know how they do business, and know
they are perfectly comfortable with you. They are
comfortable because you say only enough to get people to
eat the bait, and then get poisoned by bullshit. Your
site is one which causes people to wander around knowing an
answer is there, but prevents them from ever finding it. And
because the Fukushima report HAS THE ANSWER, DOCUMENTED FROM
represent the fake opposition in the "alternative" press
avoid it, shun it, punish it, because REAL ANSWERS LEAD TO
OUR SOCIETY. And THAT is something you play the role of
You have a lot to lose if word gets
out about what really happened at Fukushima. Right
from the get-go you know and knew every word of the
Fukushima report was true, and it's been out for half a year
now. But your handlers demand you post only poorly
documented theories that are easily discredited by thinking
minds. Who cares if they are true or not - many of the
diverse subjects you cover are, but with regard to the
Fukushima report I committed a key evil according to those
who control you - I presented a case so perfectly documented
that it could land the perpetrators in jail and spark world
war 3, which your Jewish friends and family
wish to avoid at all costs. They will be fine as long as a
court will not convict them. What do you have to lose?
I learned early on with the Fukushima
report that the one forbidden phrase in relation to Japan's
disaster is "tsunami bomb". That's the dirty subject which
CANNOT be discussed. Why?
I can document you to be off your rocker
when you say Haarp can't trigger earthquakes - you are often
so poorly bouyant that it does not take an ice berg to sink
you. Haarp can't trigger earthquakes, eh? Another subject
the Fukushima report covered and documented possible and
probably true with Defense Secretary William Cohen's own
report and words. That report alone would put a sandbox
scout like you on the run.
I know you Rense. I know you know this
stuff, but you are an empty hearted scammer who cares not
about this world or anything else outside of your immediate
realm, and I will enjoy watching you crash and burn over
this subject - the Fukushima attack, the war by Israel
against Japan, and YOU WILL FRY ; - ) Too many people have
read that report and know you are a fraud. The genie is out
of the bottle and no amount of backstabbing Makow will
threaten the Genie back in.
Oh, and by the way
Makow presently historically represents
the #4 boost to this site. So though I noticed him in the
stats, the story was out there. People in the past e-mailed
me wondering why you would not talk about my report and I
would always give a polite response, explaining maybe you
never saw it despite me e-mailing you numerous times; Now
that an answer has been so firmly delivered by you,
YOURSELF, I am sure they hate your guts.
going through the classified documents related to
antidepressants, in preparation of the next
report, I discovered some of the documents have since
been declassified (I got them in 2008). However, THERE ARE PLENTY THAT HAVE NOT
BEEN DECLASSIFIED, and here is one!
This only means that I can spare some of
my own bandwidth, and have some of the supporting materials
for the article come to you directly from GSK. They won't
give you this one though, and it is one of the milder ones.
The nasty ones have the studies which show people were
ruined after antidepressant usage, but they are written with
complex medical lingo and confusing charts I have to
decipher so people will understand. This linked document
speaks for itself; it is written in plain English.
Here is the conclusion which can be
reached with this document ALONE:
Here is a quote from this document:
"Of the HCP-confirmed reports of
self-harm/suicidal behaviour, 5.1% (n = 51) documented that
the patient had experienced similar events previously"
Ok, Let me get this straight . .
. . . 5.1 % Of attempted suicide by people on Seroxat
occured with people who tried to commit suicide at least
once before being on Seroxat. . . . . TRANSLATION: This
means, that the normal group, which never had suicidal
tendencies before taking Seroxat, account for 94.9% of all
suicide attempts while on it. Hmmmm, good reason to not
declassify this particular document?
I HAVE TO go silent
online, because every time I log on they get my location via
the IP. I can't administer this site without telling them
right where I am;
I will vanish for 1 week. I won't answer
any e-mails, I won't be reachable. I have to go hide
somewhere else now and work on this . . . . . what I am
going to talk about here. If I do not do a major coherent
update, which can be referenced perfectly from original
documents and sources, which is written as well as my other
stuff, consider me dead or imprisoned and SPREAD THE WORD.
I am fairly certain they want me dead
or gone for 1 of 2 possible reasons. The first one would
obviously be my upcoming sharing of my experiences with
the Jewish community, but the second is that I succeeded
in hacking the Glaxo Smith Kline corporate web site and
got classified documents related to antidepressants.
Antidepressants are not benign folks,
they are specifically intended to destroy, and though they
are not banned within the Jewish community, use within that
community is limited to people who really are basket cases
and have been institutionalized. Antidepressants are
permanently destructive and a last ditch resort. They are
the top tier of psychological meds, and are intended to
perform a selective chemical lobotomy. The FDA knows how
destructive these drugs are but because they are totally
over-run by elite zionists they never banned them for
general use. Keep in mind that you have to be interviewed
before being put on these meds, and in that interview you
HAVE TO say that at times you have, at some point in your
life, felt you would rather not live. Well, virtually
everyone has wanted to die at one point or another in their
lives, and this does not mean they are mentally ill. Yet
this question, when answered yes, gives the green flag to
destroy you emotionally. And you can't sue, the destruction
these drugs do is clearly printed in the literature provided
with them.
The upcoming article will have ALL THE
DETAILS, including links to selected items in the classified
documents. I have to blow this out NOW because once the
genie is out of the bottle it will be pointless to kill me.
I also, however, have to summarize these documents because
they consist of over 20,000 pages and are too complex for
most people to understand, as well as being 230 megs in
size. I can't handle that much bandwidth, I cannot put these
online and then have 65,000 + people click on them. So it's
an enormous pile of work.
Antidepressants are an act of war being
perpetrated by a Zionist elite, to destroy the ability of
the American people (and others) to stand up and fight
against tyranny. It's as simple as that. They want this
weapon protected.
The following graphic is the type of
quality you should expect in the release on THURSDAY, FEB 15
2012. The release might not be finalized, but it will be
substantial. Absent that release, please spread the word
that I did not make it - that's the only life insurance I
To my wife: I am sorry
about all the problems my writing caused us. When I met you,
you wanted to
do these things, but I do know that reality often washes
away dreams, things are a LOT harder to do
than say. I love you very much. Thank you for being there.
To the rest of you - I care about you a
lot more than you think. I care about mankind, I know the
we face, and they have GOT TO BE ANSWERED and acted upon,
for failure in this final hour will
represent the loss of all hope,
take care,
Jim Stone
The truth about
my situation
Jim Stone - Freelance
Journalist, Feb 7 2012
I have been in hiding to avoid arrest
for the last few months because my writing got me in so much
trouble. I chose a remote location out in the woods. My wife
is overseas right now, and the situation has wrecked us
Well, last night I (luckily) approached
my "hideout" via a route I normally do not take. Lucky thing
I did, because there were at least 30 "storm troopers", and
I mean, they really were like from Star Wars, with the full
face helmets, shields, riot gear, ect, they were laying on
their stomachs waiting for me to walk up to them in the
dark. I saw them from the sidewalk when they were still
about 100 feet away fortunately (lucky lucky lucky) and
continued walking past like normal. They must not have known
it was me. I have spectacular night vision, which saved me.
Last night I slept outside, I cannot get
my cameras without risking a life-ending encounter. I don't
know where I will sleep tonight, I am out of cash, it is
awful. And I don't know when I will get vanished. For those
of you who think I must be some sort of criminal if they are
after me, Why then won't they arrest me in public, where
there could be witnesses? Why this secret action? Why riot
gear? And, they did not look like police, they were
something else and I think it's a safe bet that if I had
been arrested I would NOT have been headed for the county
I went through the night wondering if I
imagined it all; I tried getting a picture from the distance
but all I had was a little pocket camera that could not zoom
enough or handle the dark.
Now I know how important I am to these
people. Why 30? It had to be that many, the number of them
was shocking. What caught my eye in the dark was the
symmetrical nature of the formation they made, laying on the
ground. I noticed that pattern was not there before, and
then looked harder and could see it was a row of men laying
on the ground, their helmets glowing in the moonlight.
Fortunately it was a full moon last night, absent that I'd
be screwed.
You might be asking yourself, Why? How
could Jim Stone be so important to these people?
My answer is this: How many times have
you seen people go out, document things the way I do, and
stand their ground? Probably never, yet I know I am not the
only one who has. The others disappeared early on before
they reached a wide audience because they did not realize
how big a threat they really faced.
I don't know exactly what triggered them
to finally send the heavy forces.
Perhaps it was the Fukushima report.
Perhaps it was the article Tainted
Perhaps it was my two years inside the
Jewish community, and the fact that I left when they FINALLY
opened up and showed me the truth.
Perhaps it's because after leaving I was
not silent about what I witnessed while with them.
Perhaps it was the war psy op article,
because even though that is not the most serious article,
it's so revealing of Jewish behavior in a way that is not
well known that they no doubt truly hated that one.
Perhaps it is because I am negotiating
the release of a MASSIVE report about antidepressants, or
the report mutation via vaccination, or the fact that
another report I am negotiating the release of has a 25,000
word SUMMARY of the evils the Jews have managed to pull . .
. . . That in preparation for the REAL report;
When it comes down to it, there is no
real way to know what the trigger actually was, but I am
SCREWED now, and I HAVE TO GET TO SAFETY. It's a bona fide
fact now that if I do not, I will soon vanish.
With the loss of my cameras, which I was
going to sell if the CD's did not sell, I am a sitting duck,
my cameras were worth enough to get me OUTTA HERE. And they
were the last thing of value I had - they were easy to run
My only hope now is sales of the CD. I
have GOT TO sell those CD's and depend upon donations from
this site to get through this. I honestly don't know where I
will sleep tonight, or if I will even get TO this night;
AND, before I forget:
I am probably going to get vanished.
When I am gone, (And I am certain I will
be eventually) others have to preserve this information.
This site is real people, and it's information needs to
stand as a reference of truth, not today, not tomorrow, but
Please download and save and POST all
the pictures and content you see here. Too bad I did not get
farther along with this than I did, they smashed me FAST.
I will see what I can do in the future,
but don't count on much. I will do what I can,
Since I am stuck out in DC until I
manage to get out of this country, I paid a visit to the
anti-Iran war
protest in front of the white house, and got more than I
expected. The Iran rally was genuine but small,
I'd say about 100 people showed up.
I was going to just post
an article about that rally, and was a few blocks away after
it ended when
something gave me the urge to turn around and go back. I was
glad I did.
On the heels of the anti war protest, a
pro war protest against Syria had started. It did not seem
I immediately suspected a psy op was underway. There was
something not right about it. They were much
louder than the anti war protest, though they were about a
third of the size. AND, then it hit me. I realized
what was wrong.
Many of you have read my introductory
article about my experience with the Jewish community, where
attended well over 100 services and ended up almost losing
my life. Well, when I realized what was wrong
with protest #2, it ended up being the melodies they were
using to sing their pro-war against Syria by the
US to "liberate" Syria chants. THE MELODIES WERE THE ONES
JEWISH SYNAGOGUES. And the guy with the bullhorn? He was
leading chants with the same melodies
used for marching cadences in the US military! So it was a
tradeoff between American military cadence
melodies and what was sung at the synagogues. I knew for
certain it had to be a psy op, Islamic countries
do not chant melodies at protests for one, and Muslims don't
know what the Jews sing in their synagogues.
It was creepy. So I took a few photos.
At the pro war rally, where people were
pretending to be Syrians begging Obama to blow the "Syrian
away, the people did not look genuine at all, but managed to
be very loud.
The media was also there,
right in the thick of the action, to document the pro war
The signage at the pro war
rally was expensive finely produced stuff. Not the rag tag
appearance of
the Anti War crowd
It was sickening to see
the contrast between the well funded pro-war group and the
run on a
shoestring anti-war group.
After taking one last photo of the pro war rally, I left.
As I walked away, I
thought about the differences between the two groups, and
how the media presented them.
The anti war rally was
documented with cell phones and people like me, walking
around with semi-pro SLR's,
while the phony rally got
the big television cameras and enormous lenses. I was
disgusted, but then again who
would not be with the
obvious fakery in the mainstream press?
But there was more than
that - The pro war crowd looked like a bunch of disingenuous
actors, while the people
who were against war were
obviously genuine. They were down to earth obviously good in
the heart people.
Where do you think the MSM
will take each of these stories?
If any of you have friends who still
think all conspiracies are theory, have them look at this.
Many of you probably remember Joe Stack
- the man who crashed his piper aircraft into the IRS
Joe Stack summary:
The official story of Joe stack was that
he was disgruntled with the IRS, wrote a sob story, and flew
his plane into an IRS building after burning down his home.
This was widely reported, but dropped from the headlines
very quickly for TWO reasons -
1. People were happy that someone
FINALLY did something to the IRS, and no sympathy was gained
for the government (serious miscalculation) and -
2. - So many explosives were used in
this particular false flag that it was OBVIOUS there was no
way a lighter than 1200 pound aircraft (which was less than
half the weight of a 2 door Honda CRX) could possibly blow
debris 4 feet deep 70 feet out in front of the building.
When was the last time you saw something like a Honda CRX
blow a building to smithereens upon impact? I matched
Stack's plane to the CRX because it went exactly as fast as
the stock version of that car.
There is nothing magical about an
airplane. It will not go boom any better just because it can
Here is what 4200 pounds and Bubba will
do to a paper thin trailer house.
So the story suddenly
and virtually instantly vanished from the press. I wondered
why, and looked into it, only to discover this.
When I first looked at the damage to the
building, I thought Stack must have had at least a 30 seat
private jet that weighed at least 45,000 pounds and would do
550. The very large Federal building was blown to
When people think of a
small airplane, they think of a Cessna 172. But Stack's
plane, the Piper Cherokee PA28-140 was even smaller.
And here is the kicker
Take a look at how intense the flames
were at the crash site
And now, take a look at
the paint on Joe Stack's plane as they were taking it away
from the scene. There is no weight there, and that paper
thin aluminum would have melted to nothing had it really
been in that fire.
And now I will tell you what
probably really happened to Joe Stack
Call it factional
It had to be something similar to this.
In his letter, Joe Stack never said he
was committing suicide. When you look over it, it really
looks like he could actually be heading for the hills to
prepare to start blowing IRS agents away.
SO, to get a story, they sat and watched
him type up his letter via some spy app similar to Net
Nanny, and once that letter was posted, they vanished Joe
Stack while he was out buying beer and started using him for
biological experiments in a secret CIA prison. At some time
during the night, a helicopter went to the airport, picked
up Stack's plane, took it out in the desert and dropped it
from a few thousand feet into the sand (an airplane will not
start flying on it's own if it's airspeed is zero, it will
fall like a rock). They gathered the mess, and put it in a
To cover any accidental leakages of info
that could be discovered in an investigation, they burned
his home.
They then blew up the Federal building
with a whole bunch of ammonium nitrate that went missing in
Canada from a company owned by Goldman Sachs about a month
and a half prior to this incident, and had planted witnesses
say a plane hit. Big blooper though, one witness said the
landing gear was up, and Stack's plane has non-retractable
landing gear.
Late late at night, they went to the
barn, got the plane, rented a Genie lift, and put the plane
in the building through a hole in the wall, so the
television cameras could see it be removed from the building
2 days after the event. No mention of why the paint looked
so nice after being in a raging inferno, or why the tires
did not burn. But then again, in the world of Hollywood
stupored illiteracy, no one at CNN noticed.
And though I cannot prove the details of
MY version of the story, it's a safe bet it is FAR MORE
accurate than FOX. source
An introduction to my
experience with the Jewish Community
Jim Stone, Freelance
Journalist, 1/24/12
During a period of time spanning from
late 2005 to early 2008, I attended Jewish services in
Montreal Canada and then in Vancouver Canada with the
intention of converting. At first they were a little
stand-offish, but when I arrived in Vancouver they hired a
rabbi (Schachar Orenstien) to teach me. He was a very good
man. The synagogues were close together, and the one I
attended was very small (Shaarey Tefila) and often had a
difficult time of forming a minion (the minimum required to
make proceedings formal), and I would run across the street
to a larger synagogue (Beth Hamidrash) to call people to
ours so enough people would be present.
Well, the high holidays came, and for
the first time I got to go through ALL OF IT. It was then
that I discovered that there was a special prayer book that
came out, a book which NO OUTSIDER is allowed to see. It
costs hundreds to attend the High Holiday services, and it
is a ticketed event with security guards. In this special
prayer book there was a prayer called the Kol Nidre prayer.
This prayer is FILTHY. It's like an oath to Satan himself,
where you basically say to God that you intend to lie and
not honor contracts during this year, that you should be
forgiven for lying and not honoring contracts in the last
year, because you never agreed to be honest in front of God
and therefore cannot be punished!. None of the online
versions say it as clearly and succinctly as it is in that
book. There is no mistake that you fully intend to lie and
cheat, and expect to get away with it.
Well, I am a man of honesty and honor,
and even though joining the Jews would have no doubt been
key to launching my music career,
I was so disgusted by this prayer I
began to have doubts about wanting to be Jewish.
Well, my doubts were CONFIRMED. After a
small spat with someone at Sharrey Tefila a few weeks after
the holidays, I went across the street and attended services
at Beth Hamidrash for a day. As preparation for what will
come next, I need to mention how various rabbis spoke about
a Jewish victory over mankind, that was soon on the horizon
but not guaranteed because the Internet was messing things
up. I never got more detail than that. And, I must say that
before every service they make good and sure they know if
there are guests present, non Jewish people, ect, and if
there are any unconfirmed people attending services, they
change the nature of the service. They don't care how many
get messed up (they allowed me to mess up 2 consecutive
years of services).
When I went over to Beth Hamidrash,
(they all REALLY liked me over there) a special speaker
arrived from out of town (as is the norm) and the call went
out "do we have any visitors" and one man said NO, another
said, well, what about HIM? - pointing to me, and another
said No, he is not a visitor, he is one of US. And another
man said, Yes, he is one of us, and the speaker said are you
SURE? and they all chimed in and said YES, HE IS ONE OF US.
And then, I got to see a REAL Jewish service.
The speaker cautiously proceeded
The Jews, in violation of 501C3 status,
use their religious services as political and war planning
venues. He spoke about how they own the media, the medical,
the education, the legal, EVERY aspect of Canadian Society,
and especially American society, European society, HE SAID
IT ALL, that they intend to gain victory over us to enslave
mankind, and that they needed to use their "EXTREMELY
DISPROPORTIONATE INFLUENCE" over society to gain absolute
victory. "You all have your jobs, your assignments, and you
things go a Jewish way, and gain our ultimate victory over
I kept a straight face despite being
absolutely appalled, every bad thing I had ever heard about
Jews was confirmed in a single speech, and I left the Jewish
community. I was blown away by how accurate people like
David Duke are with regard to the Jews.
They did not leave well enough alone.
Simply having me get as far as I was with them and then
leave was enough for them to put a hit out on me.
I attended an event with a girl I
started dating, which she got invited to out of nowhere. She
was not aware of anything like it, and did not know what to
expect. We went. It was a little strange, it cost money to
set up and was strange. Something was not right about it.
They had great food there though, and I was offered some
wine. It was horrible and bitter. I was shocked. there was a
woman from one of the synagogues there in the food
preparation area. I thought nothing of it though.
I was fine for about 3 days, and then
started getting very strange muscle cramps. On day 5 they
were severe. Day 6, I could barely walk, and was going into
spasms. On that day, I got a very strange e-mail. It is a
series of quotes from various books, assembled to form a
message. This no doubt was to hide the writing style of the
sender. This took a LOT of work to assemble. I will break it
down, following the message. I knew when I received this
that I had been poisoned as punishment for leaving the
Jewish community, and they did not expect me to survive it.
They knew when the poison would be taking full effect. The
message follows:
A sweet face. She forbade her wearing
cotton caps, just the trite, wellknown fact that a murderer
so near the border, the assistance of this monk the position
of the south was in this respect melted butter, thus flay'd
pigs commonly. 6. No one told mrs. Samuel bertram of the
change of plan, each buried in its bosom. These may have
taken their of electronic works that could be freely shared
you did, mon ami. Since then, you have changed of zoology.
Unhappily you have crushed this fine such service.and now
begone. If there be half stern fortitude which enabled him
to hide the that we ought to do something about it try to a
word for the act of complaining about something he entered
one of those ginpalaces, which, like.
THAT is what a death threat message
looks like, Now let's dissect it
"A sweet face. She forbade her wearing
cotton caps, just the trite". - This is in reference to the
fact that the girl I started dating was a Shia Muslim, who
did not wear hijab, and that they had no respect for the
"wellknown fact that a murder so near
the border, the assistance of this monk" - This could be a
reference to the fact that they considered me murdered, and
I was close to the border of America, and possibly the rabbi
who taught me had something to do with it.
"the position of the south was in this
respect melted butter, thus flay'd pigs commonly" - This is
obviously a reference to America, which I left behind, was a
land of melted butter which flayed pigs (arabs) often.
"6." - This is telling. 6 happens to be
the most sacred number in Judaism, especially 666. Believe
it or not - it is true, and it ties into the 6 points of the
star of david, which when made out of two overlaid triangles
has six points, six lines, and six triangles within it.
"No one told Mrs Samuel Bertram of the
change of plan, each buried in its bosom" - I never told
ANYONE in the Jewish community I was leaving, and never gave
an explanation as to why.
"These may have taken of their
electronic works that could be shared you did, mon ami" -
This is a reference to the fact that I built a beautiful web
site for the Rabbi, as a gift.
"Since then you have changed of zoology"
- This means that after I left the Jewish community, I
changed and became an animal.
"unhappily you have crushed this fine
such service" - This is in reference to the fact that the
Rabbi abandoned the web site, and refused to use it.
"and now begone. If there be half stern
fortitude which enabled him to hide the that we ought to do
something about it try to a word for the act of about
something" - I was very physically fit, and able to
withstand very tough situations, which the Jews were aware
of. They gave me nothing to complain about, this is true,
they were VERY GOOD TO ME. Begone is obvious - I am dead.
"He entered one of those ginpalaces,
which, like - This is a reference to Islam, where gin "jin"
palace literally means a house of demons, from an Islamic
perspective. So they said I left them and entered a house of
demons, and liked it (because of the Shia girlfriend).
I wondered for a second if it was just a
stupid e-mail, but realized it fit my situation exactly.
There was not a line in that e-mail that did not apply to
me, and it followed the sequence of events perfectly. Add
that to the fact that I was doubling over with cramps and it
was obvious - I had been poisoned.
I got very lucky with finding a cure. It
was as if God handed it to me.
I went to Google, and entered my
symptoms, and the word poisoning. (Delayed, cramps,
delerium, poisoning) and the first link was to a web site
that listed my symptoms and timeline perfectly. It was a
slow acting alkaloidal poisoning that would be fatal due to
extreme cramping to death - a hideous death, if not cured. I
then typed alkaloidal poisoning antidote into Google, and it
went to another web site, which had antidotes to various
poisonings. (A few days later I tried this, and did not ever
find those sites again). I am not sure exactly what I typed.
The antidote site said that pickeling
salt, and vinegar, in conjunction with ammonia fumes would
cure it. SO, I ate a large jar of pickles, and the cramps
let off a little, and then took a bowl full of ammonia
window cleaner, put it in a box on the floor, draped a towel
over the opening of the box, put my head in and went to
sleep. When I woke up I was PERFECT, with no sign of
poisoning at all (other than the ickiness from the ammonia).
I thought back on where the poisoning could have happened,
and the only place was that event I went to, with the bitter
wine. It all fit.
SO, I was back to normal. And I made a
mistake. When you have a hit out on you, NEVER get into a
routine schedule out in public. I did. I got into the
routine of taking the same skytrain stops at the same time
every day. About a week and a half into this, I noticed a
young man who attended one of the Orthodox synagogues coming
up the steps as I went down, and right as I went past him he
pulled out a black canister and sprayed it in my face.
Whatever it was had no odor or taste, it was like a clear
gas. He timed it perfect, and I was breating in at exactly
the wrong time and sucked in the full blast. Again I noticed
nothing immediately, but made it a point to remember that
A week went by, and I had all but
forgotten the event. But I started getting copious amounts
of clear phlegm coming up all the time out of my lungs, and
my nose started running uncontrollably. There was no fever,
no muscle cramps, no sign of flu or infection, just gobs and
gobs of phlegm, a good blast ever 20 feet of walking, and I
had to keep a large sputum cup by the bed. On the worst
three nights, I laid on the floor gasping for breath, trying
to overcome the phlegm and was not sure I would survive
those nights. But I started to come out of it a little. It
lingered on and on, with copious phleghm for over a year,
and about a month into it I lost my hearing. My hearing was
GONE, attenuated by well over 100 DB. I could not use a
phone, I could not hear even a nearby car horn. People had
to scream into my face, and by combining what little sound I
could hear with their lip movements, I could make out what
they were saying.
But there was something even stranger
about this - after it faded off a little, I noticed that
whenever I had periods of deep analytical thinking the
phlegm came far worse, or bursts of emotion would make it
come a lot worse. I was in this phase when I met my wife,
who is a Doctorate of Pharmacology. She diagnosed the
symptoms as a neurological poisoning, and said I was not
likely to ever get over it fully. Fortunately two years
after the initial spraying, I was over it.
Most recently, my wife (Sarah Stone) and
I were proceeding on I-15 southbound in Salt Lake City after
spending a day there, and a mile before the 4500 south off
ramp, a red cabbed semi with an unmarked trailer snuck up on
us with his lights turned off, hooked up with the last four
inches of the side of the rear of the car, on the bumper,
and put the car into a spin. I noticed the rear of the car
drifting sideways - there was no sound of impact because it
was such a gentle nudge, and I looked and saw him back there
in the dark. I knew I had to get ahead of him, so I floored
it. The spin was well established, and the ONLY way for the
car to go if I hit the brakes would be to get eaten by the
semi. The headlights then came on, and I kept it floored,
hoping the car would not roll.
Keeping it floored was the thing to do.
It got me out in front of him far enough to avoid being
mowed under, and with the tires screaming and burning rubber
forward, I managed to pull the skid into the HOV lane and
out of the path of the semi. I was then perfectly backwards
on the freeway, with a forward burnout going (had I let off
the gas it would have stalled the engine and probably blown
the transmission), as the semi went past me. Keeping it
floored kept perfect floatation going, and the car proceeded
in it's spin in the HOV lane. Right when I was coming out of
the full 360 I let off the gas, never hit the brake, and
ended up going perfectly forward two lanes over from where I
was to begin with. The semi floored it up to about 90, and
still having about 60 mph of momentum I took off after it. I
then thought, well, he could be dangerous, and there is
probably minimal damage to the car. So I backed off, pulled
off at 4500 south and inspected the car. The only damage was
a small indentation in the side of the rear bumper where the
semi hooked up.
Ever heard of all the famous
controversial people getting killed in car/semi accidents?
Most hit the brakes when something goes wrong, and that is
the WRONG THING TO DO when a semi nudges your rear wheels
out. You will get sucked under and crushed if you hit the
brakes at that critical moment, yet that is the most likely
thing for people to do. My wife published the article Tainted Nightmare and they
would have gotten 2 for the price of one. And this method,
the gentle nudge, leaves such a small mark on the vehicle it
would go totally unnoticed in the carnage. It would simply
look like you lost control and got eaten by a semi. There
obviously is no way to prove this event was intentional, but
in light of everything else? . . . . . . . . .
I have no doubt at all that my present
legal situation, where I face imprisonment for up to 15
years over NOTHING is directly related to the Jewish
community, which is PISSED about me leaving them and doubly
pissed about the Fukushima report and the article Nuclear
Blackmail. NO DOUBT AT ALL. And since they tried to kill me
twice already and failed, and possibly a third time, this
new method of getting me lost in the vast American prison
system is no doubt the new modus operandi.
And there is more, much more. All the
times I have been followed, staked out, sabotaged,
intercepted, blown off the web, the list is ENDLESS. I need
protection. I have GOT TO find a new place with a new
identity. It's the only way I will survive. source
Stone visits Iranian Consulate in DC
Jim Stone, Freelance
Journalist - 1/24/2012
Ok, I will be frank and say I did not
apply for amnesty there. My wife said no. But I did spend an
hour there, observing things, and what I observed will no
doubt surprise people.
It is perfectly obvious that they are
not your typical village Arab. In fact, they are not Arab at
all. They are white, some are blonde haired blue eyed people
with fair skin, and a fair number look like a mix of Spanish
and Irish.
The most striking thing I noticed about
the many people waiting was their sophistication. Iranians
are obviously incredibly intelligent, sophisticated people.
They all had light in their souls. They reminded me of
people I knew years ago, the older generation from America's
great past – there is a certain discipline and
determination which shows in the eyes of a high class
populace, and the Iranians projected an image you would have
expected from Americans in the 1950's. Not a single one of
them was trashy or poorly behaved.
It's going to be a crime to kill them. I
have known plenty of Arabs, plenty of Bengalis, ect and
believe me, the Persians are NOT the same type of people.
They project the image of the old Europe, the old,
un-corrupted version of Western civilization. They obviously
survived the onslaught of demoralization that was the
downfall of so many nations, indeed this is what the Zionist
"elite" wished to snuff out � the roots of all societies so
that their hollywood / mind control machine would be able to
take it's full effect and have people drift mindlessly and
aimlessly down the next cattle chute of pre-programmed whim.
Somehow the Iranians kept themselves clean of that.
I remembered a grandma and grandpa on my
dad's side, how they looked and behaved, how you could see
they had roots, good souls and a clean conscience. The
Iranians looked like that. They all had the light.
And then there was the television, in
Persian, with English subtitles. The news was on, and I got
a good taste of Iranian news, what they are telling their
own people. Well, unlike CNN and FOX, the news happened to
be truth.
It spoke about the fact that Iran was
resistant to sanctions because the people were uniquely
talented and able to make up for not being able to purchase
things from abroad becase Iran was quite good at making
things itself. It spoke about Iran's right to sell oil to
nations other than those in Europe, and accept an exchange
for that oil that was not dollars. It spoke about Iran being
perfectly open with it's nuclear program, and also was VERY
accurate about America's election situation, issues in
Africa and abroad � it was a perfect newscast. They also
clearly stated they intended to close the Persian gulf, and
that they did not need the oil money from Europe and America
nearly as much as Europe and America needed the oil. There
was no mention of intended aggression against American
warships; this makes sense � the Persians invented chess and
know they cannot win a game where the opponent has all
queens instead of pawns.
As I left the consulate I had the
thought that they might actually be difficult to beat in a
war short of nuclear, these people obviously never even
heard of a camel or house of mud. They have something worth
dying for to protect. It was obvious they had an identity,
and knew their roots. And, I honestly believed that their
obvious morality could pay off, and get them a bonus from
God. Who knows what will really happen in a war with them?
Who knows � who knows?
One thing is certain � they are not
aggressive, and have never been tested. No one really knows
what a war would be with them. And if we or Israel attack
them, the side of right will not be with us. God forbid we
ever get the answer; I honestly hope we never do. This could
actually be the first truthfully precious thing America ever
destroyed without provocation; will God really be with us?
Keep in mind that my comments here are
not blind. I have had plenty of exposure to foreigners, and
known quite a few Iranians in years prior and always found
them to be people of the highest caliber. Even still, I was
very surprised by the feel of being in a room with 100 of
them, truly, it was like America's years gone past.
This is the public version of this
document. If you are a foreign nation, please go to the
private location on this web site referenced in the letter
I dropped off at your embassy for more complete
information regarding this case.
I am facing prison on false charges,
raised against me as an obvious effort to silence my
journalism. As soon as I am apprehended by police I will be
gone. I am currently seeking amnesty in a foreign nation. I
have court issued records proving corruption, but they will
do little good if I fail to escape the system that created
them. Furthermore, if they succeed in locking me away, they
have assigned me an improper name, even though I have
repeatedly corrected them and told them to change the
record. So it seems, they want me to vanish into the
vast American prison system without a trace. Not even my
proper name to trace me with. I was not supposed to be
released from the system but since the case is baseless and
the system of corruption not yet totally glitch free,
"errors" were made. I don't expect luck a third time.
This type of thing always happens when a
nation is rotted all the way through. Througout history many
nations have risen and fallen, and America is no different.
Perhaps one day America will again be a beacon of freedom
and light, but do not count on that happening any time soon.
The history:
Many of my readers know
that shortly after I finished my Fukushima investigation and
report in July of 2011, I was snatched off the street and
held without charges in a Bakersfield jail while being
denied contact with anyone to let people know where I went.
In that case I was anonymously detained for a week without
charge, and got released from jail without charge within 45
minutes of finally getting a call out because a Sheriff came
in on the night shift as a substitute and was not "in" on
the game - he allowed me to make a phone call. Once someone
on the outside knew where I vanished to, the order was given
(from somewhere) to release me immediately (at 2:30 in the
morning.) This happened shortly after I finished my
Fukushima investigation, and I missed appearances on 4 radio
programs as a result. If you have not read the Fukushima report I strongly
suggest you spend the hours needed to go through it in
detail and verify through the reference materials that it is
indeed all true.
Well folks, they are at
it again.
I was in DC with my wife, and she was
afraid of the social condition of that area. She wanted to
carry a small container of pepper spray I had for years, and
neither of us had actually used one of these. So we sat down
to figure it out, were playing with it and due to years of
wear, idiocy, whatever reason, it went off and nailed both
of us. I was resistant to it, and did not get hit as bad as
she did. We both went into a nearby store to get water to
wash our eyes. The store called the ambulance, which arrived
with the police, and they questioned us. Absolutely no
conflict with the police happened AT ALL. After entering my
identity into the computer, they took me to jail, even
despite my wife proclaiming my innocence and begging them
not to.
Once in jail, I saw that they charged me
for second degree felony assault, with the police officer as
the plaintiff!! IMPOSSIBLE!! The report is full of lies and
They then imprisoned me with orders to
not release me with travel documents even if bail was
posted, and to not have any communication with my wife.
The entire case is being pressed with
my middle name in the place of my last name, so that if I
had disappeared into the vast American prison system and
not gotten out, I would have been difficult if not
impossible to locate. I have attempted to correct this
"error", gave them my birth name from ID documents to
begin with, signed everything with my proper name, told
them the name as written is wrong and they STILL refused
to switch the case over to my proper name!
Immediately upon me being jailed, my
wife went to work on getting bail posted and succeeded.
Because she stayed attached to the system the entire time,
she became aware of the fact that my name was recorded
wrong. If there had been any separation between her and the
immediate situation, she would have missed that fact and not
known how to figure out where I was. She called the police
and the state prosecutor repeatedly begging them to drop the
charges, until they got sick of her and stopped answering.
Through an "error�� in the system, I got released even
though the official papers specifically stated that I was
not to be released even if bond was posted, because I
intended to travel out of the country and had already given
up my fixed address here.
They refused to allow me to call my
wife as a witness in court by denying a continuance to
allow her time to return from an overseas work assignment,
even after I summoned her. This event has left us
financially devastated, and she can not travel back to the
US quickly as a result. The time I asked for was less than
15% of what has been deemed reasonable in other cases.
Obviously we have ignored the no communication order,
which in this case was used as an attempt to isolate us
and make me easier to destroy.
After I was refused a witness, in a
court where there would only be me, the prosecutor and a
judge with no jury, I demanded a trial by jury before the
original court date. My comment was that they may be able to
sway a corrupt judge, but that they would never sway an
entire jury. The trial by jury was granted, but held
secretly without me being notified of the new court date,
location or time, even despite repeated calls to the court
to find out when the new appearance was scheduled.
This secret trial was held the day after
it was scheduled, which is a direct violation of law,
because time must be given for court notification to arrive
by mail. This notification to appear for trial was
mailed AFTER the trial was complete. I was never given
the case number by the court, received no call, and was only
made aware of this trial via junk mail from attorneys
advertising their services. The court never sent any
e-mails, and never even mailed a notification out (at least
it has not arrived) yet the lawyer advertisements arrived,
which proved the court had my mailing address correct
because THAT is where the attorneys get it. (I do not live
at the mailing address and have therefore avoided immediate
arrest.) I handled this in a safe manner.
In the lawyer ads, you can clearly
see that the case was scheduled on the 12th of January
2012 to be heard on the morning of the 13th of January
2012, and the envelopes are post dated the 13th. I then
used the case number on the lawyer's ads to pull up the
court records the court refused me access to by keeping
the case number secret. Of course I did not show up for it
– I was never notified of it. And I only got the case
number from the advertisements – the court never
provided it to me (most likely because they ask for the
name of the caller, and were told not to give it to me
which is also a violation of the law). Since the court
normally follows the law, and a case is NEVER scheduled to
be heard the following day, (40 days are the norm) the
lawyers auto mail because it works. (unless the defendant
happens to be a dissenting fact finding journalist).
Following is the record
from the court.
After that, there is
a link to the advertisements from the attorneys, which is
how I found out about the case proceeding without me, and
how I finally got the case number to look it up.
This speaks volumes. The entire thing
reeks of corruption. This is a case of rampant corruption
functioning in a system that is not totally dead yet,
because mistakes were made. First of all, they forgot to
close the loop to prevent the lawyer's ads from arriving, to
let me know a secret case was held. Second, due to the
unusual nature of the requests in the encarceration
documents, people overlooked them and followed their normal
patterns, and that is how I got released when the order was
given not to. On the surface the documents looked normal,
but the devil was in the details. That hung them for the
moment, as I am not in their custody as a result. How long
that will last remains to be seen.
If any of you reading have wondered
why on earth the truth never gets told in full, why no one
has risen up as a force of hard fact and truth in today's
media, consider this event. I always knew this type of
thing happens to true journalists, and knew I was playing
with fire when conducting my investigation into what
really happened at Fukushima.
I am in dire need of protection from the
powers that be in America. Please look beyond the slick
Hollywood marketing to the true reality of the new America.
If you accept me into your country as a refugee, you will
get a decent law abiding man who has many skills. If I have
special attributes I feel your country in particular will be
interested in, they are listed on the page I dropped off at
your embassy. If you got notification of my appeal for
amnesty through one of your embassies or consulates, you can
assume that I have already investigated the nature of your
nation and deemed it worthy of consideration.
I am including the
following information in the public version only, because it
cannot be proven with records.
My problems are a LOT
deeper than this!
During a period of time spanning from
late 2005 to early 2008, I attended Jewish services in
Montreal Canada and Vancouver Canada with the intention of
converting. At first they were a little stand-offish, but
when I arrived in Vancouver they hired a rabbi (Schachar
Orenstien) to teach me. He was a very good man. The
synagogues were close together, and the one I attended was
very small (Shaarey Tefila) and often had a difficult time
of forming a minion (the minimum required to make
proceedings formal), and I would run across the street to a
larger synagogue (Beth Hamidrash) to call people to ours so
enough people would be present.
Well, the high holidays came, and for
the first time I got to go through ALL OF IT. It was then
that I discovered that there was a special prayer book that
came out, a book which NO OUTSIDER is allowed to see. It
costs hundreds to attend the High Holiday services, and it
is a ticketed event with security guards. In this special
prayer book there was a prayer called the Kol Nidre prayer.
This prayer is FILTHY. It's like an oath to Satan himself,
where you basically say to God that you intend to lie and
not honor contracts during this year, that you should be
forgiven for lying and not honoring contracts in the last
year, because you never agreed to be honest in front of God
and therefore cannot be punished!. None of the online
versions say it as clearly and succinctly as it is in that
book. There is no mistake that you fully intend to lie and
cheat, and expect to get away with it.
Well, I am a man of honesty and honor,
and even though joining the Jews would have no doubt been
key to launching my music career,
I was so disgusted by this prayer I
began to have doubts about wanting to be Jewish.
Well, my doubts were CONFIRMED. After a
small spat with someone at Sharrey Tefila, I went across the
street and attended services at Beth Hamidrash for a day. As
preparation for what will come next, I need to mention how
various rabbis spoke about a Jewish victory over mankind,
that was soon on the horizon but not guaranteed because the
Internet was messing things up. I never got more detail than
that. And, I must say that before every service they make
good and sure they know if there are guests present, non
Jewish people, ect, and if there are any unconfirmed people
attending services, they change the nature of the service.
They don't care how many get messed up (they allowed me to
mess up 2 consecutive years of services).
When I went over to Beth Hamidrash,
(they all REALLY liked me over there) a special speaker
arrived from out of town (as is the norm) and the call went
out "do we have any visitors" and one man said NO, another
said, well, what about HIM? - pointing to me, and another
said No, he is not a visitor, he is one of US. And another
man said, Yes, he is one of us, and the speaker said are you
SURE? and they all chimed in and said YES, HE IS ONE OF US.
And then, I got to see a REAL Jewish service.
The speaker cautiously proceeded
The Jews, in violation of 501C3 status,
use their religious services as political and war planning
venues. He spoke about how they own the media, the medical,
the education, the legal, EVERY aspect of Canadian Society,
and especially American society, European society, HE SAID
IT ALL, that they intend to gain victory over us to enslave
mankind, and that they needed to use their "EXTREMELY
DISPROPORTIONATE INFLUENCE" over society to gain absolute
victory. "You all have your jobs, your assignments, and you
things go a Jewish way, and gain our ultimate victory over
I kept a straight face despite being
absolutely appalled, every bad thing I had ever heard about
Jews was confirmed in a single speech, and I left the Jewish
community. I was blown away by how accurate people like
David Duke are with regard to the Jews.
They did not leave well enough alone.
Simply having me get as far as I was with them and then
leave was enough for them to put a hit out on me.
I attended an event with a girl I
started dating, which she got invited to out of nowhere. She
was not aware of anything like it, and did not know what to
expect. We went. It was a little strange, it cost money to
set up and was strange. Something was not right about it.
They had great food there though, and I was offered some
wine. It was horrible and bitter. I was shocked. there was a
woman from one of the synagogues there in the food
preparation area. I thought nothing of it though.
I was fine for about 3 days, and then
started getting very strange muscle cramps. On day 5 they
were severe. Day 6, I could barely walk, and was going into
spasms. On that day, I got a very strange e-mail. It is a
series of quotes from various books, assembled to form a
message. This no doubt was to hide the writing style of the
sender. This took a LOT of work to assemble. I will break it
down, following the message. I knew when I received this
that I had been poisoned as punishment for leaving the
Jewish community, and they did not expect me to survive it.
They knew when the poison would be taking full effect. The
message follows:
A sweet face. She forbade her wearing
cotton caps, just the trite, wellknown fact that a murderer
so near the border, the assistance of this monk the position
of the south was in this respect melted butter, thus flay'd
pigs commonly. 6. No one told mrs. Samuel bertram of the
change of plan, each buried in its bosom. These may have
taken their of electronic works that could be freely shared
you did, mon ami. Since then, you have changed of zoology.
Unhappily you have crushed this fine such service.and now
begone. If there be half stern fortitude which enabled him
to hide the that we ought to do something about it try to a
word for the act of complaining about something he entered
one of those ginpalaces, which, like.
THAT is what a death threat message
looks like, Now let's dissect it
"A sweet face. She forbade her wearing
cotton caps, just the trite". - This is in reference to the
fact that the girl I started dating was a Shia Muslim, who
did not wear hijab, and that they had no respect for the
"wellknown fact that a murder so near
the border, the assistance of this monk" - This could be a
reference to the fact that they considered me murdered, and
I was close to the border of America, and possibly the rabbi
who taught me had something to do with it.
"the position of the south was in this
respect melted butter, thus flay'd pigs commonly" - This is
obviously a reference to America, which I left behind, was a
land of melted butter which flayed pigs (arabs) often.
"6." - This is telling. 6 happens to be
the most sacred number in Judaism, especially 666. Believe
it or not - it is true, and it ties into the 6 points of the
star of david, which when made out of two overlaid triangles
has six points, six lines, and six triangles within it.
"No one told Mrs Samuel Bertram of the
change of plan, each buried in its bosom" - I never told
ANYONE in the Jewish community I was leaving, and never gave
an explanation as to why.
"These may have taken of their
electronic works that could be shared you did, mon ami" -
This is a reference to the fact that I built a beautiful web
site for the Rabbi, as a gift.
"Since then you have changed of zoology"
- This means that after I left the Jewish community, I
changed and became an animal.
"unhappily you have crushed this fine
such service" - This is in reference to the fact that the
Rabbi abandoned the web site, and refused to use it.
"and now begone. If there be half stern
fortitude which enabled him to hide the that we ought to do
something about it try to a word for the act of about
something" - I was very physically fit, and able to
withstand very tough situations, which the Jews were aware
of. They gave me nothing to complain about, this is true,
they were VERY GOOD TO ME. Begone is obvious - I am dead.
"He entered one of those ginpalaces,
which, like - This is a reference to Islam, where gin "jin"
palace literally means a house of demons, from an Islamic
perspective. So they said I left them and entered a house of
demons, and liked it (because of the Shia girlfriend).
I wondered for a second if it was just a
stupid e-mail, but realized it fit my situation exactly.
There was not a line in that e-mail that did not apply to
me, and it followed the sequence of events perfectly. Add
that to the fact that I was doubling over with cramps and it
was obvious - I had been poisoned.
I got very lucky with finding a cure. It
was as if God handed it to me.
I went to Google, and entered my
symptoms, and the word poisoning. (Delayed, cramps,
delerium, poisoning) and the first link was to a web site
that listed my symptoms and timeline perfectly. It was a
slow acting alkaloidal poisoning that would be fatal due to
extreme cramping to death - a hideous death, if not cured. I
then typed alkaloidal poisoning antidote into Google, and it
went to another web site, which had antidotes to various
poisonings. (A few days later I tried this, and did not ever
find those sites again). I am not sure exactly what I typed.
The antidote site said that pickeling
salt, and vinegar, in conjunction with ammonia fumes would
cure it. SO, I ate a large jar of pickles, and the cramps
let off a little, and then took a bowl full of ammonia
window cleaner, put it in a box on the floor, draped a towel
over the opening of the box, put my head in and went to
sleep. When I woke up I was PERFECT, with no sign of
poisoning at all (other than the ickiness from the ammonia).
I thought back on where the poisoning could have happened,
and the only place was that event I went to, with the bitter
wine. It all fit.
SO, I was back to normal. And I made a
mistake. When you have a hit out on you, NEVER get into a
routine schedule out in public. I did. I got into the
routine of taking the same skytrain stops at the same time
every day. About a week and a half into this, I noticed a
young man who attended one of the Orthodox synagogues coming
up the steps as I went down, and right as I went past him he
pulled out a black canister and sprayed it in my face.
Whatever it was had no odor or taste, it was like a clear
gas. He timed it perfect, and I was breating in at exactly
the wrong time and sucked in the full blast. Again I noticed
nothing immediately, but made it a point to remember that
A week went by, and I had all but
forgotten the event. But I started getting copious amounts
of clear phlegm coming up all the time out of my lungs, and
my nose started running uncontrollably. There was no fever,
no muscle cramps, no sign of flu or infection, just gobs and
gobs of phlegm, a good blast ever 20 feet of walking, and I
had to keep a large sputum cup by the bed. On the worst
three nights, I laid on the floor gasping for breath, trying
to overcome the phlegm and was not sure I would survive
those nights. But I started to come out of it a little. It
lingered on and on, with copious phleghm for over a year,
and about a month into it I lost my hearing. My hearing was
GONE, attenuated by well over 100 DB. I could not use a
phone, I could not hear even a nearby car horn. People had
to scream into my face, and by combining what little sound I
could hear with their lip movements, I could make out what
they were saying.
But there was something even stranger
about this - after it faded off a little, I noticed that
whenever I had periods of deep analytical thinking the
phlegm came far worse, or bursts of emotion would make it
come a lot worse. I was in this phase when I met my wife,
who is a Doctorate of Pharmacology. She diagnosed the
symptoms as a neurological poisoning, and said I was not
likely to ever get over it fully. Fortunately two years
after the initial spraying, I was over it.
Most recently, my wife (Sarah Stone) and
I were proceeding on I-15 southbound in Salt Lake City after
spending a day there, and a mile before the 4500 south off
ramp, a red cabbed semi with an unmarked trailer snuck up on
us with his lights turned off, hooked up with the last four
inches of the side of the rear of the car, on the bumper,
and put the car into a spin. I noticed the rear of the car
drifting sideways - there was no sound of impact because it
was such a gentle nudge, and I looked and saw him back there
in the dark. I knew I had to get ahead of him, so I floored
it. The spin was well established, and the ONLY way for the
car to go if I hit the brakes would be to get eaten by the
semi. The headlights then came on, and I kept it floored,
hoping the car would not roll.
Keeping it floored was the thing to do.
It got me out in front of him far enough to avoid being
mowed under, and with the tires screaming and burning rubber
forward, I managed to pull the skid into the HOV lane and
out of the path of the semi. I was then perfectly backwards
on the freeway, with a forward burnout going (had I let off
the gas it would have stalled the engine and probably blown
the transmission), as the semi went past me. Keeping it
floored kept perfect floatation going, and the car proceeded
in it's spin in the HOV lane. Right when I was coming out of
the full 360 I let off the gas, never hit the brake, and
ended up going perfectly forward two lanes over from where I
was to begin with. The semi floored it up to about 90, and
still having about 60 mph of momentum I took off after it. I
then thought, well, he could be dangerous, and there is
probably minimal damage to the car. So I backed off, pulled
off at 4500 south and inspected the car. The only damage was
a small indentation in the side of the rear bumper where the
semi hooked up.
Ever heard of all the famous
controversial people getting killed in car/semi accidents?
Most hit the brakes when something goes wrong, and that is
the WRONG THING TO DO when a semi nudges your rear wheels
out. You will get sucked under and crushed if you hit the
brakes at that critical moment, yet that is the most likely
thing for people to do. My wife published the article Tainted Nightmareand
they would have gotten 2 for the price of one. And this
method, the gentle nudge, leaves such a small mark on the
vehicle it would go totally unnoticed in the carnage. It
would simply look like you lost control and got eaten by a
semi. There obviously is no way to prove this event was
intentional, but in light of everything else? . . . . . . .
. .
I have no doubt at all that my present
legal situation, where I face imprisonment for up to 15
years over NOTHING is directly related to the Jewish
community, which is PISSED about me leaving them and doubly
pissed about the Fukushima report and the article Nuclear
Blackmail. NO DOUBT AT ALL. And since they tried to kill me
twice already and failed, and possibly a third time, this
new method of getting me lost in the vast American prison
system is no doubt the new modus operandi.
And there is more, much more. All the
times I have been followed, staked out, sabotaged,
intercepted, blown off the web, the list is ENDLESS. I need
protection. I have GOT TO find a new place with a new
identity. It's the only way I will survive. source
[emphasis mine]
JimStone Freelance-RED ALERT E-MAIL
by JimStone
People send me news tips all the time,
but I have not posted one, UNTIL NOW
This came in my e-mail
Andy Jan 23, 2012 1:55 AM USS
Liberty 2 Incoming - This is treason, that carrier is
due to be decommissioned next year because it's so old.
They're sending it in there to have the Israelis sink it
and blame it on Iran!!
Jan 23, 2012 1:45 AM
These 1700 souls will be murdered on the
morning of the 26th of January 2012 ! That is when Obama is
to be sitting in a Georgia Court House trying to prove he is
a natural born US citizen . He has been subpoenaed to appear
with all his records , birth certificate and papers from the
University he attended . I urge the Coast Guard to
order the USS Enterprise to halt to be inspected
underneath and within for explosives , IF YOU DO NOT ,
YOU ARE COMPLICIT ! Another 9/11 CANNOT be allowed to
Jan 22, 2012 10:29 PM
Hal Turner, an FBI Intel Pro expert saw
this EXACT plan on the table in September 2006 and leaked it
to the public.The USS Enterprise is supposed to be
scrapped in 2014 but has 8 Nuclear reactors on board.
They said it was going to be a nightmare to decommission
so they decided to send it to the Persian Gulf and blow
it up and blame Iran. This is verbatim of what
he said in 2006, THIS IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN This MUST
be stopped!
This link is DEAD. And it's syntax is correct. Censored?
The Enterprise was commissioned in 1961
and is the world's first nuclear powered aircraft carrier.
At 51 years of age, it is the oldest steel hulled ship in
the Navy's commissioned fleet. It was originally scheduled
to be decommissioned in 2014, but had the schedule moved
forward to 2013. It is a PERFECT target vessel to
provide another 9-11. source
Israel's nuclear
deterrent method exposed. This information was
discovered as part of my fukushima report
which wrecked my life, as I am forced to relocate now at
least once every two weeks for safety. I might as well
finish the job of wrecking my life; - here goes.
Israel is keeping a
dirty little secret . . . . .
Jim Stone, Freelance
Journalist, Jan 8 2012
There is a reason why the
U.S. government is waging war all over the world, even
obviously against the good of the nation.
There is a reason why the
U.S. government rapidly rolled over and did the banker
bailout without question, in an amount which exceeded the
value of every mortgage in the country by more than 3x, and
every mortgage in default by over 15x; an amount which will
destroy America once the ripple effect is finished.
Many of you are no doubt
scratching your heads, wondering why every elected president
turns back on his campaign promises the second the
inaguration is complete. Believe me, the corruption of
American elected officials is not that deep. You cannot
elect several presidents in sequence, and have them all
perfectly screw the country, ESPECIALLY the way Bush and
Obama did; they had their reason, and it is called NUCLEAR
What if they never wanted
to renig (at least not so completely)? What about Obama? And
what about the other countries, which also screwed their
people the same way? Why is it seemingly a
universal truth, that all governments around the world are
simultaneously going against the will of their people, in
favor of the Jewish bankers and Israel?
I believe
I have figured it out, and I have documented it.
I am going to tell
you the hows and whys of Israel's dirty little secret -
how they got their nuclearoffensive capability in place, why they
decided on the chosen method, and how they ended up using
Israel had a serious
launch dilemma
Israel is in a unique
predicament. It's small land mass and hostile neighborhood
have made developing a space program and ballistic missile
defense system all but impossible.
Geography matters. Most
nations are priveledged to have vast tracts of land suitible
for space launches, or friendly neighbors who will permit
the use of their airspace during a space launch. Israel is
not one of them.
If a rocket is to be put
to its most practical use, it must launch toward the rising
sun to make use of earth's rotational velocity and add it to
the speed of the rocket. If a rocket is launched towards the
setting sun, it must first accelerate to the speed of the
earth's rotation, and then an additional 1,000 mph just to
get to where zero would have been with an eastward launch.
Though it can be done, it wastes fuel and after launch
another problem then presents itself - your payload will be
traveling opposite to all the many thousands of other
satellites and space debris in orbit and an eventual
catastrophic collision is virtually assured. This has made
westward launches both taboo and difficult. Westward
launches are considered unacceptable, though Israel has done
Israel has
been stifled in space of because of these difficulties. The
prime Eastward launch direction will violate both Jordani
and Saudi airspace, because a rocket has to reach an
altitude of 60 miles to be
formally above, and not trespassing on a nation. Though a
straight up launch which then turns East after an acceptable
altitude is reached is possible, it will
waste so much fuel and
require such a large rocket that it will be too impractical
to be considered an option. This has spelled doom for a land
based ballistic missile defense system in
Israel because only a
small east to west launch corridor is available over the
mediterannean. So while the Israelis have launched
satellites into orbit through this window, a ballistic
defense system which needs
a full 360 degree launch direction to be fully effective is
not possible. Israel was forced to both explore and
implement other methods of delivering an
effective nuclear
Sadly, their only
affordable option allowed them to screw the world
What if Israel came up
with a way to smuggle nuclear weapons into the most
sensitive areas of all the developed nations - areas where
if anything big goes BOOM all is lost? Could there be a
clandestine reason for the
supposed shortage of Helium 3, which is
needed in the type of radiation detectors required to detect
a nuclear weapon? You can block protons, but neutrons are
difficult to shield entirely, and you can forget about
neutrinos - you can't hide a nuke from
the right detector, one which uses helium 3 in it's detector
element. Why did America and all other nations somehow run
out of Helium 3 a few years ago, which simultaneously left
their borders open to nuclear weapons
smuggling? Coincidence? I think not. The picture to the left
appears to be a legitimate camera in a body that could also
hold a nuke. It does not appear to actually be a nuke. HOWEVER
This particular one in
the above picture appears to be a bona fide nuke camera.
Note the differences - At the top of the gun barrel, there
is a reinforced area to survive the ignition of the
projectile propellant. The "cameras" look superficial and
appear to be mounted to the surface of the barrel with very
little intruding depth. Think about the webcam in your
laptop or the camera in your Iphone - Nowadays that's all
the depth a very good camera needs if price is no object, so
it is easy to build convincing and deceptive functionality
into the unit to justify it's enormous size.
Israel's main strategy has been to
smuggle nuclear weapons into sensitive areas of nations
under the disguise of security contracts. These security
contracts use "proprietary" equipment that is maintained
only by Israelis. In this particular case, the proprietary
equipment is stated to be "biscopic" cameras, which are put
in place by security companies operating as front companies
on behalf of the Israeli Defense Forces. Magna BSP, the
company which provided"security" at the Fukushima nuclear
facility in Japan is one of them. During my investigation of
the Fukushima mission, I studied Magna BSP and discovered
that in addition to Japan, they also got security contracts
in Brazil, Germany, and the United States. All 4 of these
countries have provided massive financial "bailouts" to
zionist bankers, and though I have not proven that all of
these countries were blackmailed with the threat of a
nuclear armageddon, the coincidence is very suspicious and
given what happened in Japan, even a little more than
suspicious. In the fukushima report the
reason given was that Japan offered to enrich uranium for
Iran. But shortly thereafter, Japan damaged it's economy by
surrendering 1.7 trillion USD to Jewish bankers even though
no prior debt was owed.
This particular
"camera" is a concept drawing of what the final design will
look like. But don't count on it looking that way after this
report or the Fukushima report, many large items which can
be excused off as
security devices can also house a nuke.
Additionally, other types of contracts use equipment that is
very suitable for housing an implosion nuke, which is often
much smaller than a gun nuke.
Gun type nukes do not produce very
predictable results which is a good explanation for why the
other two exploded reactors did not produce a mushroom
cloud. Reactor 4, which "exploded" had been de-fueled and
did not even have a core in it, this was
proven with the classified photos in the Fukushima report. This
made the explosion at reactor four flatly impossible. The un
predictability of gun nukes is a good reason to
move away from them, so I expect the gun
nuke camera to be a dying breed. Perhaps the Israelis wanted
to get rid of old nuclear inventory, and from the crudeness
of the looks of the units delivered thus far, I
suspect exactly that. I strongly
recommend you take the time and read the Fukushima report in
full, it's all documented from official sources, contains
about 7 hours of reading material and took hundreds of hours
to research out.
With the inadequately explained and
inexcusable absense of helium 3, most of the world's borders
are now wide open for Israel to get it's deterrent fully in
place and have been for some time. I believe Israel has
multiple nuclear weapons in place in key areas of the United
States, Germany, Japan and Brazil, and has plans for or has
succeeded in smuggling nukes into many other countries.
Israel has been able to make hundreds of nuclear weapons
from the reactor in Dimona, and has stolen enough nuclear
material from America to make additional thousands. I
believe Israel is holding the world nuclear hostage. If
anyone says anything, opens their mouth, they get killed. If
a nation goes against the will of Israel, and does not
submit financially, BOOM. And it will all be blamed on the
environment, a meteor, or "terrorists" because after all,
TERRORISTS smuggle nukes in through the ports, RIGHT?
The next time that guy
you voted for renegs on his campaign promises IMMEDIATELY
after inaguration
The next time your government forks over
unbelievable cash to Jewish bankers and destroys your
The next time your government sends your
children off to die in a war against a nation that never
attacked you;
The next time a 911 happens;
The next time another SOPA act passes,
or some other legislation no one wants passes and directs
hatred at a government that needs our support to survive:
consider this article -- I know I
I'll provide all the links during the
day on Jan 8 2012. Right now it's after midnight and I am
burnt. I uploaded this before it was really ready because I
am uncertain about surviving the night.
Of course, as usual, you can re-post
this everywhere, WITHOUT EDITS, and WITH a link back to this
original article.
An isotope of helium helium 3, which can detect the presense
of neutrons a particle lead shielding is poor at blocking -
is in short supply.
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/29/us/29helium.html This gas,
which is needed in nuclear detectors capable of uncovering
clandestine transport of nuclear weaponry happens to be in
such short supplies that America can no longer and has not
been able to fully protect its borders from clandestine
nuclear transport for several years. Other nations are even
worse off. I do not believe that the shortage of this gas
was any sort of accident. source
Face it, the
election was stolen
Jim Stone,
Freelance Journalist January 4, 2012
Well the chips are in, and the election is stolen.
It took a lot to kill Ron Paul, with my estimated
margin of preference for Paul running over 30 percent
absent statistical rigging, and others such as Drudge
having him at 30 percent, Iowa WAS a slam dunk.
We have all been convinced over the years that people
often change their minds the moment before they enter
the polls, and THAT is why election results can be so
unpredictable, but even if you believe people flop
about in their beliefs and preferences like fish out
of water, it does not wash in the case of Ron Paul.
We all know, - at least anyone who hits this site
should know, that the type of people who support Ron
Paul are firm in their convictions and will not flip
flop on issues and between candidates. If Ron Paul
lost in Iowa, this election was stolen, pure and
Even despite the media smears and excessive voter
turnout thanks to the many who voted a lot more than
once via the open ID program, Ron Paul was at 30
percent in most exit polls. To drive the final nail,
that secret vote count was essential; - so many people
supported Ron Paul that the establishment could not
get enough repeat voters to push back the wave.
For as long as we sit around and let the establishment
steal our power from us, there will be no revolution.
So many people are too flouridated, Zolofted and food
poisoned to ever see the light of day, and in a
democratic Republic that can kill a society. With the
present condition of so many people, there is not
likely to be an American future.
When we have a media so rigged that we can't get ANY
truth through "official" news channels about issues
like 911, Osama Bin Laden, the Federal Reserve, JFK,
and a host of other subjects, you can forget about the
50+ percent of the people who don't have enough brains
to read anything beyond the ingredients on a Gerber
jar. It is beyond their capacity to seek out anything
other than whatever is baby fed them by Fox and CNN.
They are useless dead weight that will drown us all.
And we are not likely to do anything about it, because
the establishment has firmly and conveniently rooted
in all of us an attitude of non violence, while in
turn that same establishment uses violence modus
operandi. It's a lose lose for us.
Americans are so often now a bunch of skinless
boneless chicken breasts just waiting to be eaten. And
absent a violent revolution, we will be digested and