Health and Wellness
DCYF’s mission is to partner with families and communities to raise safe and healthy children and youth in a caring environment. Vital to this mission is making sure kids are healthy. The following information can be used as a guide to help children, youth and families make safe choices about their physical and mental health, and their wellness.
Nutrition and Exercise
Aspectos básicos de la higiene
Healthy Relationships
How Can I Find a Girlfriend or Boyfriend When I'm Older?
¿Cómo podré encontrar pareja cuando sea mayor?
How Do I Tell Somebody I Only Like Them as a Friend?
¿Cómo le digo a alguien que solo me gusta como amigo?
Why Doesn't Anyone Like Me as a Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
Sexual Development and Growing Up
Substance Abuse and Smoking
Qué dicen los niños sobre: El tabaco
What You Need to Know About Drugs
Nutrition and Exercise
Aspectos básicos de la higiene
Safe and Healthy Relationships
Sexual Development
Family Planning and Pregnancy Options, Pregnancy, Pre-natal Care and Effective Parenting
Expecting and Parenting in Foster Care: Tips for Youth
Prevention of STDs
Enfermedades de transmisión sexual y otras infecciones
HIV/ADIS Prevention
Substance Abuse and Smoking