Snap with sticky layout

Website layout with vertical scroll-snap and sticky animation.

Scroll-snap with sticky layout

Website page with horizontal scrolling sub pages.

Scroll-snap with sticky layout

Horizontal scrolling left/right stacking layout using mousewheel and swipe.

'flexbox' layout

Layout showing the power of 'flexbox' to producing responsive tempates.

CSS scroll snap points layout

Layout using 'scroll snap points' to scroll the page one screen at a time. This one is a 3 x 3 grid.

CSS scroll snap points layout

Layout using 'scroll snap points' to scroll the page one screen at a time.

Simple CSS ONLY modal windows template

Simple CSS ONLY template for modal windows, fullscreen, slide in and push in. Suitable for all modern browsers.

Experimental layout using viewport

Experimental 3x3 grid layout using css and viewport, for all the latest browsers and OS, except Safari PC.

Experimental layout using viewport

Vxperimental layout using css and viewport, for all the latest browsers and OS, except Safari PC.

Experimental layout using viewport

Vxperimental layout using css and viewport, buggy in Opera, fails in Safari PC

Responsive single page website

Simple css and jQuery responsive single page website with wavy sections and smooth scrolling navigation.

Responsive 'curtains' layout

Basic 'curtains' layout where page sections stop scrolling when viewed and content below overlaps. Suitable for all browsers and OS.

Responsive full screen vertical slideshow

Simple css and jQuery responsive vertical scrolling slideshow for all modern browsers and OS.

Responsive 'horizontal blinds' layout

CSS only responsive horizontal blinds with information panels suitable for all the latest browsers and OS.

Responsive 'vertical blinds' layout

Basic 'curtains' layout this time working in the opposite direction. Suitable for all browsers and OS.

Responsive single page website

Simple css and jQuery responsive single page website with slanted sections and smooth scrolling navigation.


Back in 2005 the main way to layout a page was to use tables, but now tables are a thing of the past and should be used only for tabular information.

I carried out an exercise a while back, converting phpBB from it's original famous tabular format to just divs. It could be done, but it's wasn't easy.

This was the problem back then, all we has was <div> (floating, relative, absolute and fixed) and they didn't perform in the way we would have liked. Look at all the attempts there were to create the perfect header/three column/footer layout with the columns all the same size. would have thought so, a piece of cake for tables, so why not for divs.

Perhaps we were looking at layouts to copy tables, when we should have been looking at layouts to do things that tables couldn't do.

But now we should be getting away from three columns (they all look the same anyway) and should be looking for something more exciting.....and that is what this section is about.

I hope you find these layouts are a bit more adventurous.

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