O vos omnes
General information
The Fifth Responsory and the Antiphon (in shorter form) for Psalm 150 at the Office of Tenebrae on Holy Saturday. Taken from Lamentations 1:12.
Settings by composers
- Blasius Ammon — O vos omnes Latin SAATB,ATTBB
- Anonymous — O vos omnes Latin SATB
- Giovanni Matteo Asola — O vos omnes Latin SSA
- Alberto Barea — Missae de mysterio Santae Crucis Latin SATB
- Alberto Beligni — O vos omnes Latin SATB.SATB
- Michael des Buissons — O vos omnes Latin SSATTB
- Giovanni Paolo Cima — O vos omnes Latin SB
- Loyset Compère — O vos omnes Latin STB
- Henrique Carlos Correa — O vos omnes Latin SATB
- Giovanni Croce — O vos omnes Latin SATB, STTB, AATB, ATTB, ATBB
- Adrian Cuello — O vos omnes Latin SATB
- Sebastián Durón — O vos omnes Latin SSAT
- Mariano Garau — O vos omnes Latin SAB
- Carlo Gesualdo — O vos omnes (1603) Latin SATTB
- Carlo Gesualdo — O vos omnes (1611) Latin SSATTB
- Gregorian chant — O vos omnes Latin Unison
- Julian Gunkel — O vos omnes Latin SATB
- Johann Michael Haydn — O vos omnes Latin SATB
- Alfonso Ferrabosco I — O vos omnes Latin SAATBB
- Michael J. Drake, Jr. — O vos omnes Latin SSA
- Orlando di Lasso — O vos omnes Latin SATB
- Jacquet de Mantua — O vos omnes Latin SATB
- Emerico Lobo de Mesquita — O vos omnes Latin SATB
- Diego de las Muelas — O vos omnes Latin SSAT.SATB
- Hieronymus Praetorius — O vos omnes Latin SATTB
- Juan Javier Miró Pérez — O vos omnes Latin SATB
- Jakob Reiner — O vos omnes Latin SSATBB
- Mason Chadwick Shefa — O vos omnes Latin SATB
- Francisco Valls — O vos omnes Latin SATB
- Orazio Vecchi — O vos omnes a 6 Latin ATTTTB
- Tomás Luis de Victoria — O vos omnes (voci impari) Latin SATB
- Tomás Luis de Victoria — O vos omnes (voci pari) Latin SSAT,SATB,TTBB
- Scott Villard — O vos omnes Latin SATB
- John S. Wilson — O vos omnes Latin SATB
- Jan Dismas Zelenka — O vos omnes, ZWV 55:23 Latin SATB
- Jan Dismas Zelenka — Responsories for Holy Saturday, ZWV 55:19-27 Latin SATB
- Works that currently have no editions available:
- Francisco Martins — O vos omnes
Text and translations
Latin text Antiphona:
Atténdite, univérsi pópuli, et vidéte dolórem meum.
V. Mirad todos, y ved mi dolor todos.
Regardez, peuples de toutes nations, et voyez ma douleur,
만민이여, 주목하고 나의 슬픔을 보아라.
English translation Antiphon:
V. Attend, all ye people, and see my sorrow.
V. Vinde, todas as pessoas, e vede a minha dor.
V. Gebt acht, ihr Völker der Welt, und schaut auf meinen Schmerz:
Antiphon: |