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17 Things Kids Will Never Experience in School Today

Good luck finding anyone under the age of 30 who knows how to square dance.

By Jill Becker
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The education system is ever-changing—we've come a long way from the old one-room schoolhouse—making the classroom experience different from generation to generation. Those of you past a certain age will no doubt remember things like protractors, dissecting frogs, Home Ec. class, learning to square dance in PE, mucilage (look it up!), Thermoses, and having to write "I will not chew gum in class" 100 times on the chalkboard, all of which, for the most part, have gone by the wayside.

"Depending on the state, district, school, and even specific teacher, you'll see massive variations on things that have disappeared," says Dianna Gahlsdorf Terrell, a former high school teacher and now professor at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire. "The ones that are consistently and across-the-board gone are largely technological, like slide projectors, VCRs, record players, and tapes." We've compiled a list of classic classroom items and experiences that will take many of you back to the days when the only password you had to remember was your locker combination.

Related: The Collector's Guide to Vintage School Supplies


Grocery Bag Book Covers

stack of text books
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When I was in school, students spent hours carefully crafting book covers out of paper grocery bags. I had the technique down to a science. The purpose of the cover was two-fold—it protected the textbook, of course, but also provided the perfect space for doodling and customizing the book.



school books on desk, education concept
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The reason students no longer need book covers? They no longer have books! Many schools have done away with textbooks altogether and all of the reading and learning is done electronically.



open locker in high school
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Finding your locker and learning your code used to be a (stressful!) rite of passage. Now, many schools have done away with the once-staple of the hallways and found other uses for the space. Lockers fell out of popularity as students have fewer items to carry and they got used to not using them during times of social distancing.

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Computer Labs

language lab with many machines and monitors
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Once thought to be a sign of advanced technology, many schools have done away with computer labs. The reason? Students bring their own devices (or are provided devices by their schools) and use them in every class, so no special space is needed.


P.E. Uniforms

japanese children practising basketball in the school gymnasium
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Many schools have changed their rules on "dressing out" for gym, thanks to social distancing rules and the potential for locker room anxiety. While some schools still mandate uniforms, many have gone to a more relaxed dress code for P.E.


Lunch Money

female high school student pays cashier in cafeteria
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Did you grow up having to remember to take cash for school lunch? In most cases, those days are over. Instead, schools have app-based systems to pay for lunch, and parents can load their accounts in advance using a credit card.

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little girl writing difficult mathematics equations
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Chalkboards (and erasers!) are largely a thing of the past. Instead, schools have easier-to-clean whiteboards and Smart Boards at the front of the classrooms.


Pull-Down Maps

vintage classroom map and school desk
Brian Woodcock, styling by Page Mullins

Pull-down maps were once a staple in a classroom, but, because they become dated quickly, they are not commonly used these days.


Pencil Sharpeners

antique hand crank pencil sharpener on white background
Jitalia17//Getty Images

It's not common to see wall-mounted pencil sharpeners in classrooms anymore. They've been replaced by electric versions, and, in some cases, mechanical pencils, which require no sharpening.

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The Slide Rule

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Anyone who took trigonometry, chemistry, or other form of higher math back in the day will recall this nifty little tool that was used for multiplication, division, and other complex computations, but which was later edged out by the handheld calculator.


The Library Catalog Card

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Remember having to sift through drawer after drawer of alphabetized index cards to find potential sources when you had a research paper due? Today, all kids need is Google.



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Now considered too violent by many parents and educators, this classic playground sport was a mainstay at recess and in PE class. That is until the tide turned and various scholarly sources began referring to it using terms like "litigation waiting to happen."

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Overhead Projectors

Rectangle, Office equipment, Office supplies, Mattress,
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Who doesn't remember watching the teacher standing at the front of the class fiddling to get their transparencies in focus on these old-fashioned contraptions? Julie Young, a behavior specialist for a public school district in Boston, recalls a recent incident when one of her sons, who's in the first grade, came home and said, "We did this awesome thing at school today. We drew a map of Mexico and used this machine from the olden days called an overhead projector. I think it was used back when they just made electricity."


The Old "My Dog Ate My Homework" Excuse

dog breed, dog, vertebrate, carnivore, beagle, snout, tail, companion dog, liver, beige,
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These days, more and more kids turn their homework in via programs like Google Docs, or make their presentations in PowerPoint versus on poster board, so the family pooch can't be blamed for destroying anyone's hard work—unless Rover can somehow manage to jump up on the computer and hit the "Delete" key.


The Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem

pledge of allegiance
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Controversial now on both religious and political grounds, the Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem are no longer rituals of school-day mornings. "I discovered at a recent Red Sox game that my children had no idea how to sing the National Anthem or say the Pledge of Allegiance," says Julie Young, the public school administrator from Boston. "So I've taken it upon myself to review both over breakfast and then perform them on the Fourth of July for our family cookout."

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Passing Notes in Class

arm, hand, comfort, collaboration, sitting, wrist, job, service, learning, employment,
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There was an art to both the writing of the notes ("Do you like Steve? Check here.") and the passing of them, and a hint of danger if the teacher caught you handing them off under your desk. Today, kids just whip out their phones and text each other ("LOL").


Ditto Machines

product, property, technology, office equipment, output device, machine, plastic, household appliance accessory, paper, science,

The precursor to modern photocopiers, the ditto (often confused with the mimeograph) was a loud, cumbersome machine that was cranked by hand to create copies one page at a time. The print was a distinctive purple hue and anyone who grew up with them will remember the scent of fresh ink they gave off. "There were also carbon copies," recalls Dianna Gahlsdorf Terrell. "Today, students are like 'What does "cc" mean?'"

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