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13 October , 2015

“We Are The Masters,” Says Israeli Mayor, As 3 More Palestinians Are Killed
By Charlotte Silver

On Monday, Israeli forces shot dead three Palestinian youths, bringing the total number of Palestinians killed since heightened violence erupted on 1 October across the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip and inside present-day Israel to 27

11 October , 2015

Israel Kills Toddler And Pregnant Mother In Gaza
By Ali Abunimah

This video shows Yahya Hassan embracing and bidding farewell to his baby daughter Rahaf in Gaza on Sunday. “Wake up, my daughter,” the inconsolable father says, and asks relatives to “leave her with me.” The toddler died along with her pregnant mother Nour Rasmi Hassan in an Israeli air strike

16 September , 2015

33 Years After The Sabra-Shatila Massacre Takfiri
Calls For “Intifada!” Waft From Lebanon’s Camps

By Franklin Lamb

There is not a lot of hope in Lebanon’s Palestinian camps this week as foreigners arrive in solidarity, as many do annually; and pay tribute to the more than 3000 victims of the September 1982 Israeli facilitated Sabra-Shatila Massacre

18 April , 2015

Seeds Of Hope For A Hopeless Wasteland
By Vincent Di Stefano

Despite the apparent abandonment and near-universal silence regarding the situation in both Gaza and the West Bank, there are some voices who continue to call for justice and humanity to be exercised in the moral wasteland that Israel/Palestine has become

08 April , 2015

Video Message From Gaza: We Are Still Under The Rubble
By Ali Abunimah

Last week, UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestine refugees, tweeted this shocking fact: More than 7 months after the ceasefire announcement in #Gaza, not a single totally destroyed home has been rebuilt. This is a point powerfully made in this video posted by the Popular Committee Against the Siege

23 March, 2015

For Hamza: Arms Sanctions Against Israel’s Everyday Terrorism
By Vacy Vlazna

Meet little Hamza Mus'ab Almadani of Khan Younis, Gaza. Look carefully, look tenderly, don’t turn away. Please don’t turn away as all the nations of the world have, for decades, turned away from Palestine. Hamza is Palestine. Look carefully at Israel’s savage violation to his once perfect little body when on the 25th July 2014, Israel’s soldiers loaded and fired pale blue artillery shells that discharged white incendiary rain on Gaza in hundreds of phosphorous-impregnated felt wedges as Hamza and his family slept. Imagine the agony Hamza suffered from the moment the white phosphorous struck and burrowed through his soft three year old skin. Phosphorous burns are only contained by blocking off oxygen but the extreme pain and, as you can see, the horrific tissue damage endures

08 September, 2013

One Democratic State In Entire Historic Palestine – A Socialist Viewpoint
By Tikva Honig-Parnass

The very struggle for a one-state solution constitutes a challenge against the imperialist order in Middle East of which the Zionist colonial state is its cornerstone. Hence as socialists, we cannot stay neutral to the issue of the resolution of the conflict. Joining the movement for one secular democratic state in Historic Palestine should be perceived as part and parcel of our struggle against US imperialism and the Zionist settler state of Israel and for socialism in the Middle East

18 September, 2012

Israeli War Against Palestinian Children
By Dr. Elias Akleh

These policies, that seem to be part and parcel of the racist expansionist ideology of the state of Israel and of its army, aim primarily at driving Palestinian families out of the country for the sake of their children's future, and secondary to traumatize and terrorize Palestinian children while very young so that they would not dare grow up into revolting young men

24 May, 2012

"Art Is A Hammer To Shape Reality": PalFest Breaks The Siege Of Gaza
By Ayah Bashir

PalFest came to Gaza this year and PalFest’s organizers made their support for the BDS movement crystal clear

01 April, 2012

Confined Cruelty: Israeli Treatment of
Palestinian Minors

By Graham Peebles

In the 11 years since the year 2000, Israeli forces have killed 1,471 children in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the bulk of whom were aged between 13 and 17 years. The children of Gaza have been and continue to be at greatest risk, with almost a thousand murdered in the last 12 years

31 March, 2012

Death And Mayhem On Land Day
By Mazin Qumsiyeh

Over 150 people injured today by the Israeli occupation forces. Demonstrations were held in dozens of locations in Palestine and the border areas of Palestine. Mohamed Zakout, 20 year old was shot and kileld by Israeli forces in Gaza as he participated in a demonstration near the Erez checkpoint. In Jerusalem, Israeli occupation forces used horses to trample on people and arrested 36 individuals

Organizers Say Jerusalem March Achieved Goals
By Ma'an News Agency

Organizers of the Global March to Jerusalem commemorating Land Day say the march on Friday made big strides as most of its goals were realized

Happy Palestine Land Day: Israel Earmarks 10% of West Bank For Settlements
By Ben White

It has just come out that the Israeli military has earmarked ten percent of the land in the Occupied West bank for Israeli settlements. In addition, the Israeli government is moving forward with an outrageous plan that will mean the expulsion of tens of thousands of Bedouin citizens in the Negev desert

Why Land Day Still Matters
By Sam Bahour and Fida Jiryis

We view Land Day as an ongoing wake-up call to Israeli Jews and Jewry worldwide to understand that land, freedom and equality are an inseparable package − the only one that can deliver a lasting peace to all involved

Palestinian Land Day – 90% Of Palestine Ethnically Cleansed By US-Backed Apartheid Israel
By Dr Gideon Polya

March 30 is Palestinian Land Day (Yawm al Ard) on which Palestinians and all decent folk around the world mark the ethnic cleansing of 90% of Palestine by racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel

Marwan Barghouti: Palestine's Mandela
By Uri Avnery

Uri Avnery views imprisoned Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti’s message to the people of Palestine, which he has sent from his prison cell, in which he calls for an end to the “peace process” smokescreen for continued Israeli land thefts and a total boycott of Israel

19 March, 2012

Resistance To The Zionist Massacre In Gaza
By Sukant Chandan

How this battle relates the regional liberation struggle

12 March, 2012

Massacre Continues In Gaza
By Ma'an News Agency

Israeli airstrikes killed five more people on Monday, bringing the death toll since Friday to 23. The dead included a father and daughter and a 15 year old school boy

"Mowing The Lawn": On Israel’s Latest Massacre In Gaza And The Lies Behind It
By Ali Abunimah

Whenever you hear Israel’s tired hasbara refrain about rockets, rockets, rockets, remember to ask the question Yousef Munayyer recently asked: Why don’t Israel’s spokespeople ever tell us how many rockets, missiles and bullets Israel has fired on Gaza? In one 18-month period between September 2005 and May 2007 in which Palestinian armed groups fired 2,700 rockets toward Israel killing four people, Israel fired 14,617 heavy artillery shells into Gaza killing 59 people, including at least 17 children and 12 women. That report dates from 2007, but in the years before and since, thousands more Palestinian civilians were killed and injured in Israeli attacks, by what must be tens of thousands of Israeli munitions. This included the 2008-2009 assault called “Operation Cast Lead”

11 March, 2012

Gaza Under Attack: 18 Killed, Including Children
By Activist Groups

Over the last 48 hours, Gaza has been bombed by Apache helicopters and F16 and V58 fighter planes. 18 civlians have been killed in Gaza City, Jabalya, Rafah, and Shejaaiya. In the latest attack on Jablya, 12-year old Aamer Asaleyah, was killed as a result of an Israeli air strike which targeted a group of children on their way to school

Israel’s Bogus Case For Bombing Gaza Obscures Political Motives
By Max Blumenthal

Almost as soon as he limped back to Jerusalem in frustration, Netanyahu gathered with his generals to gin up a case for pounding Gaza. The Gaza Strip, with its warehoused population of stateless refugees, would serve as their punching bag and pressure release valve. They could not have their war on Iran — not yet, at least — but they could assault Palestinians in Gaza without fear of repercussions from Washington

01 March, 2012

Hamas Aligns Itself With US Imperialism
Against Syria, Iran

By Sahand Avedis

Hamas leader Ismail Haniya delivered a speech last Friday at Al-Azhar mosque in Cairo endorsing the Western-backed opposition in Syria and thereby confirming speculation in recent months that the Palestinian Islamist movement has found new patrons among the most reactionary regimes of the Middle East. These apparently include the military junta in Egypt, the Arab monarchies of the Persian Gulf and Turkey

Between Politics And Principles:
Hamas’ Perilous Maneuvers

By Ramzy Baroud

Despite all of Hamas’ assurances to the contrary, a defining struggle is taking place within the Palestinian Islamic movement. The outcome of this struggle – which is still confined to polite political disagreements and occasional intellectual tussle – is likely to change Hamas’ outlook, if not fundamentally alter its position within a quickly changing Arab political landscape

28 February , 2012

A Vision Of Harmony In Palestine
By Gilad Atzmon

Gilad Atzmon outlines a vision of Palestinian-Jewish reconciliation in Palestine where Jews, freed of their Zionist state and its ideology of oppression, exclusiveness, exceptionalism, and racial supremacy and segregation, live side by side with Palestinians as citizens of one state with equal rights and responsibilities

29 January , 2012

Demanding Justice For Yousef, A Quiet Boy
Killed By Israeli Settlers

By Bekah Wolf

The murder of Yousef Ikhlayl, the impunity with which the settlers acted and the military’s behavior at the funeral are common occurrences in the occupied West Bank. The death of a Palestinian, even a child, is rarely noted and quickly forgotten in much of the world

05 January , 2012

Anwar And Haneen: Two Beautiful Girls
Murdered By Israel

By Sarah Ali

I am living in a world whose concepts are no longer clear to me. A world where the criminal walks free and the victim is called a terrorist. A world where killing a five-year-old kid is permissible. A world that has left me baffled about what is right and what is wrong. I have always thought that we could figure out who the terrorist was simply by looking at who died on whose side. I was wrong. Israel has the ability to kill Palestinians at night and call them terrorists the next morning

Hamas And The Brotherhood:
Reanimating History

By Ramzy Baroud

By venturing out of Gaza, Haniyeh is hoping to expand the diameters of the Palestinian Islamic movement into Egypt and beyond – thus reclaiming what Hamas once considered ‘the strategic depth’ of the Palestinian cause. While such a push failed to attain its objectives in 2006, 2012 is a brand new year

30 December, 2011

Israel Killed 180 Palestinians,
Including 21 Children, in 2011

By Middle East Monitor

The State of Israel killed 180 Palestinians in 2011, including 21 children. These shocking figures were given in a report issued by the Palestinian Liberation Organisation entitled, "A People under Occupation". The year also saw 3,300 Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem detained by the Israeli occupation authorities

A Nightmare That Lasted Three Weeks;
Memories Of Gaza Massacre

By Rafat Abushaban

Until today, a number of families that were left homeless by the massacre have not yet managed to find permanent housing. The infrastructure is still damaged and the reconstruction process is moving inefficiently and very slowly due to the banning of construction materials. In the meantime, the Israeli siege remains in place

22 December, 2011

Christ Under Occupation:
Christmas In The Holy Land

By Eileen Fleming

This weekend millions of cultural Christians throughout the world will flock into churches and sing “O Little Town of Bethlehem” and hear stories of Nazareth and Jerusalem. Too few know the 21st century realities about the land where Jesus/AKA The Prince of Peace promised that the Peacemakers are the children of God. The indigenous Christian population in the Holy Land has shrunk from 20% in 1948 to less than 2% in Israel and the West Bank today

Palestine Celebrates Hope
By Dr Salim Nazzal

The Palestinian child watches the tanks go around Bethlehem, as all Palestinians do on a daily basis, but today we need to remind the world yet again on this Christmas eve when millions of humans chant for peace on earth, there is still no peace in Palestine. The apartheid state of Israel is still terrorizing a whole nation and is still escaping international punishment

17 December, 2011

Mornings In Palestine
By Eva Bartlett

A chronicle of daily life in Palestine

16 December, 2011

The Daily Ordeal of Getting To School In Hebron
By Ben Lorber

The Qurduba School in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron is once again a target for harassment by Israeli occupation forces, as new restrictions on freedom of movement bring a wave of settler attacks and soldier violence

03 December, 2011

Corporations Found Guilty At Russell Tribunal
Second Session

By Adri Nieuwhof

On 22 November a jury of international experts announced their verdict that compelling evidence shows corporate complicity in Israeli violations of international law. The verdict followed two full days of presentations in London at the second international session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine from 20 to 21 November

08 September, 2010

Goldstone Report Dramatized
By Goldstonefacts.org

Goldstonefacts.org has dramatized several chapters of the Goldstone Report on Israel's attack on Gaza resulting in the death over 1400 Palestinians

12 August , 2010

FAQ On Boycott, Divestment, And Sanctions

What is BDS? What are the goals of BDS? Who is calling for BDS? What are some examples of how BDS was used during Apartheid in South Africa?

Palestinian Prisoners: A Symbol Of
Resistance, Steadfastness And Pride

By Reham Alhelsi

According to latest reports on Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails there are over 7200 Palestinian prisoners, including 291 children, 36 women and 203 administrative detainees. Among the over 7200 Palestinians prisoners currently in Israeli jails three have spent over 30 years in jail

14 June , 2010

Abbas NOT Calling For Unconditional
Lifting Of Gaza Blockade

By Ali Abunimah

In a speech at the Brookings Institution in Washington on 10 June, Abbas made it clear his position has not changed. He believes the Gaza siege should effectively remain in place until his US-trained and Israeli-approved collaborator militias return to Gaza in the context of "reconciliation" with Hamas, it being clear that "reconciliation" means Hamas' capitulation to Abbas' control and authority

UN Recognition Of Israel Is Fatally Flawed
By Christopher King

Christopher King argues that beneath Israel’s litany of crimes against the Palestinians, and most recently its murder of humanitarian workers aboard the Gaza-bound international aid flotilla, lies the fact of its own illegality

Hope And Anxiety At Rafah Crossing
By Rami Almeghari

After three years of siege, a great deal is at stake with the opening of the Rafah crossing for the average Palestinian from Gaza. While diplomatic efforts to end or at least ease the siege continue behind closed doors, travelers like Jamila Hammouda wait with uncertainty in the hot dusty air of Rafah's terminal

07 June , 2010

Video: Children Of Gaza
By Jezza Neumann

A Must Watch Documentary

28 May, 2010

Israel Is Alone
By Angela Corrias

In this very moment eight ships are making their way from Europe's main ports to the Gaza Strip, under siege by the Zionist regime since December 2007. European activists are bringing medicaments and all sorts of humanitarian aids to the population that is increasingly suffering from this illegal blockade

Why Is Israel Afraid Of A Few Boats?
By Yousef Munayyer

Headlines and stories covering this confrontation at sea will shift the focus back to Gaza, even if only for a few hours. For Israel, Gaza is the tortured and famished step-child it locks in the basement when visitors arrive, and the activists on these boats seek to expose what Israel is doing in the strip: imposing a draconian siege to collectively punish civilians for political aims

Humanitarian Flotilla Vs Evil Navy
By Gilad Atzmon

The Israeli Government and the Israeli people better start to come to terms with the fact that the game is soon to be over. The Zionist project and the Israeli state is in a state of moral bankruptcy. From that perspective the flotilla is not just a humanitarian mission, it is actually a reminder for all of us of the true meaning of humanism

The Gaza World Cup 2010
By Flora Nicoletta

Celebration of human spirit and the Gaza World Cup 2010

Education In Occupied Palestine
By Stephen Lendman

The plight of the educational system in the occupied Palestine

27 May, 2010

Zionists Can't Stop Freedom Flotilla
By Ismail Patel

Friends of Al Aqsa, UK, is determined to participate in an expedition that aims to reach Gaza by sea despite Israeli threats

Break The Israeli Siege Of Gaza or Attack At sea,
Detention Camps And Deportation

By Ann Wright

Wish us luck as we challenge the Israeli, Egyptian, European Union and United State's unlawful siege and collective punishment of 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza! What will you do to help break the siege of Gaza?

Move To Gaza, Where The Living Is Easy
By Lisa Goldman

According to the Israeli government, life in Gaza is pretty luxurious. On the same morning that the air force bombed Gaza, wounding 22 people (who were probably all Hamas voters, which means they totally deserved whatever happened to them), the army, the Government Press Office (GPO) and the Foreign Ministry launched a three-pronged propaganda attack, all on the same day

Ameer Makhoul's Arrest Is An Assault
On All Palestinians In Israel

By Janan Abdu & Issam Makhoul

The fact is that Ameer Makhoul does not belong to any specific political party. Rather, he reserves for himself an independent position, which is a clear indication that the main target of this attack is the Arab Palestinian public and their leadership, their rights and freedoms

26 May, 2010

Hamas' Turn To Demolish Palestinian Homes
By Mel Frykberg

On Sunday approximately 150 Palestinians from 20 families were driven out of their homes in Rafah, in the southern Gaza strip, by heavily armed police and soldiers who menaced them with clubs. The difference this time was that it was not the Israeli Defence Forces carrying out evictions and demolitions but Hamas security forces, including policewomen with their faces veiled

Long-Separated Family Reunites In Gaza
Through tunnel

By Rami Almeghari

Naima Akkawi, a 40-year-old Moroccan native, is finally back home in Gaza with her husband Mahmoud Jouda and her two young children, Riwan (5) and Rimas (3) after an enforced absence of 10 years

Interview: Ethnic Cleansing Inside The Green Line
By Nora Barrows-Friedman & Rawia Abu Rabia

3,000 Palestinian Bedouins could be displaced if an injunction filed by Israeli civil rights nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) doesn't succeed in the high court

Why Is Israel Torturing The Palestinian Residents
Of Sheikh Sa'ad?

By Avi Issacharoff

Residents of the isolated village of Sheikh Sa'ad are unable to leave the town in their cars, and are continually subjected to poor treatment by IDF border guards

Rajasthan Heading Towards Water Famine
By Devinder Sharma

Rajasthan is faced with an unprecedented water crisis. For over several years now, Rajasthan was drying up. With successive chief ministers busy inviting investments – to open up malls, hotels, water parks, real estate projects, special economic zones, golf courses -- the semi-arid lands of the Thar deserts have been sucked dry

25 May, 2010

Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Not Just Another
Middle East Crisis

By Ron Forthofer

The Turkish ship will be flying the Turkish flag; and Turkey is a member of NATO. What might happen if Israel were to attack a Turkish flagged vessel carrying humanitarian aid in international waters? The precedent has been established that an attack on one NATO member state will be viewed as an attack on NATO. How would NATO respond to an Israeli attack on a Turkish flagged vessel?

Even Picnics In Israel Are Political
By Neve Gordon

Our farewell picnic to Ezra Nawi before his prison term for peaceful protest carried a new message to most Israeli picnics

Shimon Peres Has No Clothes And CNN Is Exposed
By Eileen Fleming

The times are always a' changing, and with the revelations of Sasha Polakow-Suransky, another left to the liver of Peres has been dealt as well as exposing his connection to Niccolo Machiavelli

The PA's Disingenuous Boycott Campaign
By Ali Abunimah

In recent weeks, the US- and Israeli-backed Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority (PA) has made a show of calling on Palestinians to boycott goods manufactured in Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Despite the rhetoric of defiance and resistance, and exaggerated screams of anguish from Israeli settler groups, the PA effort actually appears designed to co-opt, undermine and abort the much broader Palestinian civil society campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS), and to reassure Israel of the continued docility and collaboration of its puppet regime in Ramallah

The Simplicity Of The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
By Jeremy R. Hammond

Contrary to popular myth, Israel was not created by the U.N. Israel was born on May 14, 1948, when the Zionist leadership unilaterally declared its existence

24 May, 2010

Annual Nakba Commemoration Dinner Speech
By Alan Hart

Alan Hart's address to the Annual Nakba Commemoration Dinner

A Strategy Of Liberation Requires Emancipation
By nahida the Exiled Palestinian

After a century of terror, theft and crimes, had the Zionist shown any signs of remorse, respect or willingness to be decent guests, had they embraced with open arms the hospitable people of Palestine rather than destroying them with fire-arms; they might have had a chance to be accepted and forgiven. Not any more, as far as I am concerned. They have lost that opportunity. I repeat; the strategy of liberation requires emancipation

23 May, 2010

Unending Nakbas
By Eva Bartlett

This is the month for Palestinians to remember their Nakba, or “catastrophe”, in which more than 700,000 women, men and children were pushed off their land and rendered homeless refugees by the Zionist attacks before, during and after the founding of Israel in 1948

14 May, 2010

Israeli Soldiers Continue To Use Children
As Human Shields

By Palestine Monitor

Child organisation DCI-Palestine has documented two new cases of children used as human shields by Israeli soldiers during military operations

The Nakba Continues
By Saeb Erekat

The catastrophe continues. As the 62nd anniversary of the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes looms, rights continue to be violated and a solution is more urgent than ever

Israel: The Not-So-New Fascism – Palestinians,
The Not-So-New Unter-Menschen

By William Bowles

The parallels are obvious to see, unless of course you don’t want to see the ‘victims’ turn into the victimizers. Such is the case with Israel, which quite properly should be described as a white racist, settler colonial state. But this is a description that is ‘beyond the Pale’ for the ‘civilized’ nations to accept

Shin Bet Arrests Leader Of Boycott Movement
By Jonathan Cook

The recent arrest of two respected public figures from Israel’s Palestinian Arab minority in night-time raids on their homes by the Shin Bet secret police -- brought to light this week when a gag order was partially lifted -- has sent shock waves through the community

Israeli Persecution Of Human Rights Activists
By Stephen Lendman

True face of Israeli democracy revealed

12 May, 2010

Israel Imposing Occupation Tactics
On Its Palestinian Citizens

By Ben White

Several examples, including the arrests of Ameer Makhoul and Omar Said, now point to an uncomfortable reality for the self-proclaimed "only democracy in the Middle East": practices that have long been routine in the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza are being used in Israel to suppress dissent and limit civil liberties. The green line is increasingly blurry. Ben White comments

A Day In Jerusalem
By Yasmeen El Khoudary

Jerusalem is only an hour and a half drive away from where I live in Gaza City. I grew up contemplating the moment I would see Jerusalem, but that day wouldn't come until I graduated from the American University in Cairo and was promised by my parents that they might be able to make the necessary arrangements (an Israeli-issued permit) for me to visit the holy city. Yasmeen El Khoudary writes from the occupied Gaza Strip

Israeli Settlers Attack Palestinian Mosques
By Mel Frykberg

Israeli settlers carried out an arson attack Lubban al-Sharqiya's local mosque a few weeks ago. This attack is just the latest in a string of attacks on Palestinians and their property, including mosques, as Israeli settlers up their "price-tag policy."

Salem-News Under Attack For Israel Stories
By Tim King

Salem-News.com has been under attack in recent days in every imaginable public setting, because we tell the truth about Israel's military tactics, and oppression of the Palestinians

About Anti Semitism
By Nahida Izzat

Talking about anti-Semitism, and the accusation of anti-Semitism, is to many people a very sensitive issue. Nevertheless, I feel the need to highlight some points: As a Palestinian and as a Muslim, with first hand experience of racism, whether here in UK or in occupied Palestine

Israel Negotiates Only To Extort Concessions
By Hasan Afif El-Hasan

There is a possibility that Abbas negotiating team may capitulate to the Israelis intransigence and the US pressure. In an interview with Akiva Elder of Haaretz, the Palestinian Authority Prime Minister, Salam Fayyad suggested that the refugees may be settled in the future State of Palestine. The Palestinians should put Abbas on notice that many issues including the refugees’ right of return are not negotiable

11 May, 2010

The Tragedy That is Gaza Today
And The Role Of The EU

By European Campaign To End The Siege Of Gaza

In mid January 2010, the European Campaign to End the Siege of Gaza (ECESG) organized a 50-person delegation of MPs, politicians and former ministers into Gaza to witness firsthand the conditions on the ground one year after the 22-day Israeli invasion that laid waste to the Gaza Strip. Here is the report the delegation prepared (PDF)

07 May, 2010

General 'Tried To Cover Up Truth About
Death Of Rachel Corrie'

By Ben Lynfield

Seven years after the American activist Rachel Corrie was killed by an Israeli army bulldozer in Gaza, evidence has emerged which appears to implicate Israel's Gaza commander at the time, in an attempt to obstruct the official investigation into her death

Israel's Repression Of Its Palestinian Citizens
Unites Us In Struggle

By Ameer Makhoul

Ameer Makhoul, director of Ittijah and chairman of the Popular Committee for the Defense of the Political Freedoms, was arrested by Israeli forces today during a raid of his home, two weeks after a travel ban was imposed on him by the Israeli Ministry of the Interior. Police have also raided the offices of Ittijah and confiscated equipment and documents. Makhoul, a Palestinian with Israeli citizenship, submitted the following op-ed to The Electronic Intifada prior to his arrest

06 May, 2010

On Goldstone's Bar Mitzvah And Finkelstein's Book
By Ramzy Baroud

“The times they are a-changing,” wrote Finkelstein. True, and that is a most impressive achievement that was made possible by the likes of Jimmy Carter, John Mearsheimer, Stephen Walt, Richard Goldstone, Richard Falk, John Dugard, Finkelstein himself, and the innumerable authors, journalists and bloggers who tirelessly worked to document the truth

Palestinian Refugees And
Internally Displaced Persons

By Stephen Lendman

Of a global 9.8 million Palestinians, about seven million are refugees and another 450,000 internally displaced

04 May, 2010

Submissive Abbas To Resume Futile Talks
With Arrogant Israel

By Khalid Amayreh

East Jerusalem: Weak, desperate and vulnerable to Israeli and western pressure, Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas has decided to resume what seems to be another futile round of so-called "peace talks" with Israel

South Africa Must End Relations
With Apartheid Israel

By Iqbal Jassat

It should be impossible for South Africa to justify relations with apartheid Israel

Israel’s Stasi Watch Over Imams
By Jonathan Cook

Job interviews for the position of imam at mosques in Israel are conducted not by senior clerics but by the Shin Bet, Israel’s secret police, a labour tribunal has revealed

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