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- Nightwing #118
- Carol Kalish would have turned 70 this past February. She worked as Direct Sales Manager and Vice President of New Product Development at Marvel Comics from 1981 to 1991. She died prematurely in 1991, at the age of 36.
- Bokeem Woodbine teasing his return as The Shocker…
- Marvel’s Spider-Man 2017 was trash,terrible but MJ tho
- Different idea for which story to adapt for the punisher special presentation
- Do I need to grab this? Most of my Punisher experience (and love) comes from Ennis and Aaron; I am woefully under-read when it comes to the classic stuff. I’m between jobs – $25 won’t lose the war (and could help me relax during this time, which, important), but it’s not nothing either. Worth it?
- Batman #678
- The Brave & The Bold #28 (feat. Justice League of America)
- Sinister Sons #1
- Countdown #3
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Nightwing #118 -
Carol Kalish would have turned 70 this past February. She worked as Direct Sales Manager and Vice President of New Product Development at Marvel Comics from 1981 to 1991. She died prematurely in 1991, at the age of 36. -
Bokeem Woodbine teasing his return as The Shocker… -
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2017 was trash,terrible but MJ tho -
Different idea for which story to adapt for the punisher special presentation -
Do I need to grab this? Most of my Punisher experience (and love) comes from Ennis and Aaron; I am woefully under-read when it comes to the classic stuff. I’m between jobs – $25 won’t lose the war (and could help me relax during this time, which, important), but it’s not nothing either. Worth it? -
Batman #678 -
The Brave & The Bold #28 (feat. Justice League of America) -
Sinister Sons #1 -
Countdown #3 -
Daredevil : Woman Without Fear v2 #1 -
Detective Comics #134 -
Justice League : Generation Lost #13 -
The Flash v6 #13 -
Comic Stores increased prices due to tariffs, pre-order cancellations :( -
Who would win? -
Harley Quinn and Tamfoolery -
My tattoo -
I love Deadpool -
My tattoo -
I love Deadpool -
The Loveable Scumbag Eric O’Grady -
Does Ultimate Spider-Man have the best covers of any current series? Man, look at the cover of issue #14! Cover art is by Marco Checchetto. -
The Loveable Scumbag Eric O’Grady -
Does Ultimate Spider-Man have the best covers of any current series? Man, look at the cover of issue #14! Cover art is by Marco Checchetto. -
Just got this in the mail. As a new comic book fan I know next to nothing about the X-Men. What do I need to know before reading this? -
Where to start with Spawn? -
Gotham Girls #5 -
Venom #16 -
which suit are you taking? -
What’s your thoughts on Gwen’s character in universes where she doesn’t die? -
Mj power set -
Harley and Ivy gardening -
Detective Comics #1094 (Cover A Mikel Janin) -
Kevin O’Neill was one of the best artists ever -
This is one of the coolest covers I’ve ever seen… -
The DCU should bring back the yellow Bat Symbol for its Batman’s costume. -
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man-Verse (@mistajonz) -
Absolute Martian Manhunter ( by Javier Rodriguez ) -
As a Batman fan what makes you more interested in Batman’s side of the DC universe then other heroes? -
gotta stay prepared -
Spiderman Symbol Evolution -
Witchblade #2 -
Rawhide Kid v3 #3 -
Flinch #13 -
Ghostdancing #3 -
Justice League : Task Force #2 -
A Peter Parker wonders if he’s the racist Spider-Man [Spider-Verse] -
9 year old me in the theatre: 😲 -
Spiderman Cosplay
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