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Cybersecurity Training for Government Agencies

Access CSA's cloud security training at special government pricing on the GSA Schedule.
GSA Schedule

The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) recognizes the unique challenges, standards, and security requirements that U.S. government agencies face in today’s evolving digital landscape. To help agencies meet these requirements and ensure CSA’s portfolio of educational tools are accessible, government buyers can find select CSA courses listed on the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedule.

Enhancing Credibility and Streamlining Procurement with the GSA Schedule

CSA's presence on the GSA schedule is pivotal, given the GSA's central role in providing governmental agencies with IT services and cybersecurity initiatives. These listings significantly enhance CSA's credibility, signifying our compliance with rigorous standards and government requirements. This positioning establishes CSA as a reliable choice, aligning with high industry benchmarks for trustworthy and compliant training solutions.

The GSA Schedule plays a crucial role by further streamlining the procurement process. It offers pre-negotiated terms for CSA products, alleviating complexities often associated with governmental procurement.

Elligible Government Agencies

Agencies permitted to buy from the GSA Schedule include U.S. federal agencies, mixed ownership government corporations, District of Columbia, qualified nonprofit agencies, certain state and local governments, and contractors authorized under FAR51. For questions about eligibility or to determine eligibility, visit the GSA Schedule Buyers page.

GSA Logo
Schedule Details
Contract Number:

CSA Resources on the GSA Schedule


Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK)

The CCSK stands as the industry standard for cloud security proficiency, offering a comprehensive and vendor-neutral knowledge base for safeguarding data in cloud environments. It benefits government agencies looking to meet federal mandates, enhance cybersecurity posture, and ensure compliance with security directives.

CCSK products currently listed on the GSA Schedule:
  • CCSK Exam Token
  • CCSK Prep Kit
  • CCSK Foundation and Exam Bundle
  • Instructor Led CCSK Plus
  • Instructor Led CCSK Foundation


Certificate of Competence in Zero Trust (CCZT)

The CCZT is the industry's first, most authoritative, vendor-neutral Zero Trust training and certificate program. The CCZT includes fundamental Zero Trust components released by CISA and NIST, innovative work on the Software Defined Perimeter by CSA Research, and guidance from renwoned Zero Trust experts.

CCZT products currently listed on the GSA Schedule:
  • CCZT Exam Token
  • CCZT Prep Kit
  • CCZT Foundation and Exam Bundle
Additional CSA training is always being developed and will be added incrementally to the GSA Schedule.

Why Choose CSA?

CSA is a global leader committed to establishing and promoting best practices in cloud security. For over 15 years, CSA has provided cutting-edge training, tools, and industry best practices to government agencies of all tiers, enabling them to navigate the evolving landscape of regulations and compliance standards. Our commitment to excellence and innovation has secured CSA's place on the GSA Schedule.

CSA integrates knowledge from authoritative sources, industry experts, and innovative, vendor-neutral research to deliver trusted guidance for tackling today’s critical cloud security challenges.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, need more information, or would like to discuss how CSA can support your specific needs, please contact us.

Email us at [email protected].