CHAM, as of this month, has been acquired by ZWSOFT, a reliable provider of all-in-one CAx solutions. CHAM has operated successfully, since 1974, under leadership of Professor D Brian Spalding - founding father of the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The combining of the PHOENICS CFD engine and ZWSOFT's CAD expertise and capabilities should bring PHOENICS back to the forefront of the CFD market and extend and expand the industrial areas which have used the software since it was introduced, in 1981.This change in status will secure a prosperous and successful future for CHAM, its staff and the team of Agents who work with the Company, for PHOENICS and all of its loyal users.

Group Photo of CHAM team Including CHAM former Directer Colleen Spalding (4th from right in front line) and ZWSOFT CEO Truman Du (4th from left in front line)

Colleen Spalding and Truman Du

Colleen Spalding and Dr. Wenjun TAN, Director of CFD Software at ZWSOFT