The Office of Research Support works with CANR-appointed faculty to provide pre-award services in support of extramural grant proposal submissions.

Pre-Award Information Waivers Funding Opportunities

The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Office of Research Support (ORS) works with CANR-appointed faculty to provide pre-award services in support of extramural grant proposal submissions. To request ORS services, a Proposal Request Form must be completed and submitted by the faculty member serving as the lead Principal Investigator (PI).

ORS prioritizes its services to assist with domestic and international proposals for federal grants, large funding requests, multidisciplinary proposals and proposals involving multiple institutions. At this time, ORS will only be able to assist with proposals that are requesting $100,000 or more. It will also prioritize support to new assistant professors (defined as their first three years at MSU). 

At this time, ORS is unable to provide support for internal proposals, commodity proposals, after-the-fact proposals, incremental funding, and to graduate students and postdoctoral students seeking fellowship support. These proposals should be addressed at the department level.

The CANR Travel Fund for Strategic Partnerships and Development Form can be filled out to apply for funds that support faculty and academic staff in exploring international opportunities.

Justin S. Morrill Hall of Agriculture
MSU AgBioResearch
446 W. Circle Dr - Rm 108
East Lansing, MI 48824-1039

Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Phone: 517-355-0123
Fax: 517-353-5406
Email: [email protected]