Canon Fed 50/.95 -- Fastest Fed in the West
If Soviet production claims are to be believed, the Ruskies produced over a million Leica Screw mount copies, Feds and Zorkies.�� Of generally better quality were the Kievs, Soviet Zeiss Contax II and III copies.� The Soviet made Fed 2 was produced from 1955 to 1970 in Leica Screw Mount.�� Shown here is a Fed 2 Type III, distinguishable by the flash sync and self timer.�� It is an interesting camera with a life size 1:1 finder and a long 67mm rangefinder baselength WITH built in diopter adjustment via a lever around the rewind knob.�� Shutter speeds are a bit limited with B, 30, 60, 125, 250, and 500.��� The removable back translates to easy film loading.�� In the US the Fed 2 is not that common,� but that does not make it a rare camera.�� In today's plastic camera beeping everything world, the Fed boasts all metal construction and no stinking built in meter.�� In the memorable words of a 1974 Leica M4 ad, the Fed 2 is a "Think Camera." If you want to mount a meter on it, the small� Voigtlander VCII Meter is one of the better choices.
Being an inventive chap, Lance Dennis decided to Canonize his Fed II by add the lens mount from a Canon 7.� This allows him to mount his bayonet mount Canon 50/.95 (the fastest 35 full frame 50mm lens ever in standard production), while still being able to use the interior screw mount for Leica screw mount lenses.� Hmm.� Did Lance Canonize his Fed, or Federalize his Canon?� hmm.
Photographs on this Page Copyright Lance Dennis 2003, All rights reserved
Revised: March 19, 2007 .� Copyright ��2003� Stephen Gandy. All rights reserved.��� This means you may NOT copy and re-use the text or the pictures in ANY other internet or printed publication of ANY kind.� Information in this document is subject to change without notice.� Other products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders.