
a round peg in a square hole, that still fits

Brothercake is a professional web-developer based in the UK, specialising in advanced JavaScript programming, and accessible site and application development. This site is a portfolio for my work, and a collection of useful resources such as scripts, games and articles.

There's also some bits of personal stuff, and occasionally I sound-off about something or other (hmm)

Latest news and stuff

Dust-Me Selectors 4.1 for Firefox
Development Tool | Published 6th October 2013

Dust-Me Selectors 4.1 is now available from the add-ons directory.

Version 4.1 fixes the compatibility issues that arose in Firefox 22 (because several key classes were summarily removed, which broke the extension).

Version 4.0 was never released, because of problems with the add-ons review process (bugs in the automated validator that incorrectly rejected the first build, then delays and mistakes in the manual review process that held it up for several weeks, by which time it was broken).

Overall, the latest version is a major upgrade from Version 3, with many requested new features including the widely-requested cleaning function, which can create copies of stylesheets with the unused selectors removed. Automation has been overhauled, adding the ability to restrict it to specific sites, and replacing the existing mutation event with three mutation observers. The core scanning process has also been upgraded, adding support for internal stylesheets (i.e. rules defined in style elements), as well as some new selector filters, that make it possibe to test for things like dynamic states and pseudo-elements, which selector queries can't normally match.

Other notable new features include support for spidering XML indexes and RSS feeds, some built-in help files, a whole bunch of new preferences and options, and many important bug-fixes. Check out the changelog for full details. more →

Quite Times at
General News | 18th March 2013

It's been quiet here at for some time now, but change is in the air, and it won't be like this for long.

I have a brand new site in development which will be ready in the spring. I've had to pause work on that while I focus on a necessary update for Dust-Me Selectors (Version 4.0, which will be ready by the end of March). Once that's done and dusted (if you'll pardon the pun!) I'll be able to re-focus on the new site and get it ready for publication.

The new is a completely overhauled architecture and design, running off a custom-built CMS that I've spent much of the last year working on. I'll be publishing much more regularly, with (at least) weekly posts and articles, and as many scripts and tools as I can find the time and energy to develop.

That's all for now  (smiley)

Bad Kogan!
Opinion | Published 21st June 2012

So has introduced the world's first browser "tax", on customers who use IE7, and apparently they've received a lot of praise for this. Well let me add my voice to those who think this is absolutely appalling. It's a stupid and callous idea, and I can only desperately hope it doesn't set a precedent.

So what's next — a tax on screenreaders perhaps, for the extra time and effort involved in making sites accessible to them? Perhaps a tax on people who don't have Flash installed, because it's such a pain in the arse to sniff for that and design fallback behavior!

The real problem here is not the effort it takes to support IE7. The real problem here is false expectations ... more →

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Recent posts at SitePoint

Lessons from a Failed Experiment in JavaScript Accessibility <mmxv.v.xviii>

When you tick the 'show password' box on a site you expect to be able to see your password. But what happens for users with screenreaders?

Accessible Drag and Drop with Multiple Items <mmxv.iii.ix>

I'd like to show you how to extend the capabilities of HTML5 drag and drop — so it can handle multiple elements, and support keyboard interaction, for sighted and screen reader users.

older posts →


French translation (Translated by Anna Chekovsky)

Brothercake est un d�veloppeur web professionnel bas� au Royaume-Uni, sp�cialis�e dans les avanc�s JavaScript programmation et accessible de site et d�veloppement d'applications.

Our internal search engine is currently offline, undergoing some configuration changes in preparation for a major site overhaul. In the meantime, you can still search this site using Google Custom Search.

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[brothercake] a round peg in a square hole, that still fits