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Real-Deal Aioli



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Peden + Munk

Spend some time making this, and you'll have an easy, fast way to add nuanced flavor.

Recipe information

  • Yield

    Makes about ½ cup



large egg yolk


medium garlic cloves, finely grated


teaspoon kosher salt


cup olive oil


  1. Step 1

    Whisk egg yolk, garlic, and salt in a medium bowl to combine. Mix in 1 tsp. water. Whisking constantly, add oil, drop by drop at first, then â…›-teaspoonful at a time as mixture emulsifies and thickens. (Do not add oil too quickly or aioli will break and oil will separate.) Whisk until oil is incorporated and aioli is stiff enough to hold its shape when spooned.

    Step 2

    Do Ahead: Aioli can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and chill.

Nutrition Per Serving

Per 4 servings (2 Tbsp. each): Calories (kcal) 260 Fat (g) 28 Saturated Fat (g) 4 Cholesterol (mg) 45 Carbohydrates (g) 1 Dietary Fiber (g) 0 Total Sugars (g) 0 Protein (g) 1 Sodium (mg) 240
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