Intended for healthcare professionals
After several decades focusing on economic development, China recently broadened its national development agenda and included health as a major priority. This BMJ collection analyses progress in the evolution of Chinese medical research in four important areas—evidence informed policy, guidelines development, real world evidence, and big data. These are issues that demonstrate the vast challenge facing China, but also provide an opportunity for transformative change.
A special BMJ collection analyses China’s rapid progress in medical research.
Xin Sun and colleagues propose strategies to improve the quality and usefulness of real world evidence in Chinese healthcare.
Wei Fu and colleagues discuss the use of research to help develop evidence based health policies in China.
Yaolong Chen and colleagues provide recommendations for the development and implementation of clinical practice guidelines in China.
Luxia Zhang and colleagues discuss the development of big data in Chinese healthcare and the opportunities for its use in medical research.
Readers will begin to see some articles translated into Mandarin.