Auto Response
The best way to drive conversation with your target audience on Twitter and start a instant dialogue.

Summary & Measure Twitter Conversations
Blue Robot is able to auto-respond to conversations on Twitter that mention predefined #hashtags and @handles. The auto-response can be a Tweet of any format, and can also take advantage of our image and gif overlay capabilities to deliver a personalized experience. The response is sent by the brand as a null cast Tweet (it doesn’t appear in the brand’s timeline).
Twitter Policy & GDPR Compliance
Although we have the capability to listen to all conversations across Twitter, it’s important to work within Twitter’s Automation Policy. A key guideline to keep in mind is that an auto-response can only be mentioned by (1) a mention of the brand @handle and a #hashtag, (2) A Retweet, (3) a Like. Like-based auto-responders are heavily restricted and require ample motivation and planning.
All Blue Robot experiences offer moderation capabilities – Blue Robot generates the auto response but a human being needs to approve the response before it’s sent. Our AI moderation engine makes this a whole lot easier by catching the obvious inappropriate content. This manages potential brand risk and end user abuse.
Example Launch Tweet
Example Launch Tweet
Example Launch Tweet