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Showing posts with label crib. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crib. Show all posts

Vintage Inspired Western Bedroom - The Reveal


It's time.

The long awaited western room reveal is here!!

Before I share, can I just say this...

The room isn't some ground breaking design that is going to win awards for my awesomeness, but it is one thing...

Its us. 

This room reflects how we live and what we love. 
Its cozy and only half serious and it didn't cost a lot , which is essential for a one income family!
Now on to the reveal! (I hope you enjoy it!!)
A room reveal wouldn't be much without a before picture...

Western Bedroom before


Do you like before and afters?

yea, I'm kinda obsessed with them too! 
That's why its amazingly awesome to get featured over at Better After...its all before and afters ALL the time! Who doesn't love that!! Its one of my daily must reads because it features so many different kinds of makeovers! 

Go check it out and read the hilarious post she wrote up featuring my Crib Makeover while your there!

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