ACDSleeve 2025
After 7 years ACDSleeve is coming back.
Initially set up in 2010 and running until 2018, as ACDSleeve I worked on over 900 bespoke orders, creating packaging options people couldn’t get anywhere else in the world in the numbers they needed them.
Since shutting ACDSleeve down I’ve learned a lot about structural packaging design, print and manufacturing, I’m taking what I’ve learned to massively improve what I can offer, both in music packaging and packaging in general.
There’s a lot to figure out behind the scenes, design, development, working on new product ranges, new packaging options, new capabilities, new machinery and generally improving everything across the board. It could take months before I take on orders, but hopefully not years.
Sign up to the mailing list below to keep on top of goings on, you won’t be bombarded with emails but with socials being much harder to get through to people than first time around in 2010 this is probably the best way for me to get the word out of what I’m doing here to people who are interested.
Tom Leggett