Improving infrastructure is critical to spurring Africa’s economic transformation, enhancing productivity and attaining the objectives of Agenda 2063
Infrastructure development plays a major role in promoting growth and reducing poverty. Improving infrastructure is critical to spurring Africa’s economic transformation, enhancing productivity and attaining the objectives of Agenda 2063. In Africa, underdeveloped infrastructure continues to be a binding constraint on sustainable development. However, the challenges are country specific. Resource-rich countries are the most lagging behind. Tackling the issue requires strong partnership and capacity enhancement. Donors should put in place sustainable funding, while capacity building institutions such ACBF should conduct an inventory of capacity for infrastructure development, build capacity for strong partnership, including public-private partnership, as well as capacity to design and develop bankable infrastructure proposals that promote buy-in from development partners.
These are the salient points that came out from the panel session on the theme: “Capacity Building for Infrastructure Development” organized by the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), in the framework of the PIDA Week that took place from 21-24 November 2016 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
The panel was facilitated by Prof. Afeikhena Jerome, from the Secretariat of the Nigerian Governors Forum. Key speakers included Prof Bernadette Dia Kamgnia (AfDB), Prof Alban Alphonse Emmanuel Ahouré (CAPEC du CIRES, Côte d’Ivoire); Dr Coffi Noumon (ACBF) and Dr Robert Nantchouang (ACBF).
The audience comprised representatives from various organizations, including AfDB; NEPAD; Think Tanks and Capacity Development Projects in Côte d’Ivoire.