Abdominal cramps Abdominal distention Abdominal irritability Abdominal pain Abdominal spasms Abrasions Abscesses Acid indigestion Acidosis Acne Addison's disease Adult-onset diabetes Age-related cognitive decline Aging Agitation AIDS Alcohol intoxication Alcohol sickness Alcohol withdrawal Alcoholism Alcohol-related liver disease Allergic reactions Allergies Altitude sickness Alzheimer's disease Amenorrhea Anemia Anemia during pregnancy Angina Anorexia Anxiety Appetite control Appetite loss Arterioscelrosis Arteriosclerosis Arthritis Arthritis pain Asthma Atherosclerosis Athlete's foot Attention Deficit Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Autism Autoimmune deficiency syndrome Autoimmune diseases Autoimmune disorders Back pain Backache Bacterial infection Bacterial infections Bed-wetting Belching Benign prostate hypertrophy Benign prostatic hyperplasia Beriberi Bile congestion Billiousness Bladder disorders Bladder infection Bladder inflammation Bladder stones Bleeding Bleeding from the lungs Bleeding gums Bleeding lungs Bloated abdomen Bloated stomach Bloating Blood clots Blood deficiency Blood disorders Blood impurity diseases Blood lipid imbalance Blood poisoning Blood stagnation Blood sugar disorders Blood toxicity Blurred vision Blurry vision Boils Bone fractures Bone loss Bowel cancer Bowel irregularity Bowel problems Brain function Breast cancer Breast tumors Broken bones Bronchial ailments Bronchial asthma Bronchial congestion Bronchial constriction Bronchial inflammation Bronchial mucous Bronchial phlegm Bronchitis Bruises Burning eyes Burns Burping Bursitis Cancer Cancerous tumor Cancerous tumors Candida Candida albicans Candida albicans overgrowth Canker sores Cardiovascular disease Carpal tunnel syndrome Cataracts Catarrh Celiac disease Cellulite Cellulitis Cerebral circulation Cervical cancer Cervical dysplasia Chapped lips Chest congestion Chest pain Chest tightness Chicken pox Childbirth Childhood fever Childhood malnutrition Chills Chlamydia Cholecystitis Cholera Chorea Chronic bronchitis Chronic catarrh Chronic constipation Chronic coughing Chronic coughs Chronic diarrhea Chronic dysentery Chronic enteritis Chronic fatigue syndrome Chronic gastritis Chronic hepatitis Chronic illness Chronic infection Chronic low-grade fever Chronic mucus Chronic nasal discharge Chronic nasal mucous Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Chronic pain Chronic respiratory problems Chronic rheumatic conditions Chronic skin disease Cigarette cravings Circulation Circulatory disorders Cirrhosis Cirrhosis of the liver Clogged arteries Cloudy urine Cognitive decline Cognitive function Cold sores Cold symptoms Colds Colic Colitis Colon and spleen disorders Colon and urinary disorders Colon cancer Colon disorders Common cold Congestion Congestive heart failure Conjunctivitis Constipation Consumption Contraception Convulsions Corns Coronary heart disease Coughs Cramps Crohn's disease Cuts Cystitis Cysts Cytomeglovirus Damaged tissues Dandruff Deafness Debility Degenerative diseases Degenerative wasting Dehydration Delayed menstrual flow Delirium Dementia Dental bacteria Depression Dermatitis Detoxification Diabetes Diabetic retinopathy Diaper rash Diarrhea Difficult urination Digestive disorders Digestive spasms Digestive tract cancers Diphtheria Distention Diverticulitis Dizziness DNA damage Dropsy Drug addiction Drug poisoning Drug withdrawal Dry constipation Dry cough Dry coughs Dry eyes Dry lung Dry mouth Dry skin Dry throat Dryness Duodenal ulcers Dysentery Dysmenorrhea Dyspepsia E.coli Ear disorders Ear infections Earaches Eczema Edema Emaciation Emotionalism Emphysema Endometriosis Endurance Eneteritis Enlarged liver Enlarged prostate Enlarged spleen Enteritis Environmental allergies Epilepsy Epstein-barr Erectile dysfunction Estrogen metabolism Excessive body acids Excessive mucous Excessive perspiration Excessive phlegm Excessive thirst Exhaustion Eye cysts Eye disorders Eye inflammation Failing hearing Fat metabolism Fatigue Fatty cysts Female breast abscess Female disorders Female infertility Fever Fibrocystic breast disease Fibroid tumors Fibromyalgia Flatulence Flu Fluid retention Food allergies Food poisoning Food sensitivities Fractures Free radicals Frequent urination Frigidity Frostbite Fungal diseases Fungal infection Gallbladder disorders Gallbladder obstruction Gallstone pain Gallstones Gas Gastric discomfort Gastritis Gastroenteric ulcers Gastroenteritis Gastroesophageal reflux disease Gastrointestinal acidity Gastrointestinal congestion Gastrointestinal disorders Gastrointestinal infection Gastrointestinal inflammation Gastrointestinal problems Gastrointestinal ulcers Giardia Gingivitis Glandular congestion Glandular swelling Glaucoma Glucose intolerance Glucose utilization Gluten intolerance Goiter Gonorrhea Gout Gum disease Gums Gynecological disorders Hair loss Halitosis Hangover Hay fever Headaches Heart and kidney disorders Heart attacks Heart congestion Heart disease Heart disorders Heart pain Heart palpitations Heart rate disorders Heartburn Heat stroke Heatstroke Hemorrhaging Hemorrhoids Hepatitis Hepatitis b Hernia Herpes Hiatal hernia Hiccups High blood cholesterol High blood pressure High blood sugar High cholesterol High fever High LDL cholesterol High triglycerides Hirsutism HIV Hives Hoarseness Hodgkin's disease Hormone regulation Hormone-driven cancers Hot coughs Hot flashes Human immunodeficiency virus Hunger Hyperacidity Hyperactive thyroid Hyperactivity Hypercholesterolemia Hyperglycemia Hyperlipidema Hyperlipidemia Hypersensitivity Hypertension Hypoglycemia Hypotension Hypothyroidism Hysteria IBS Imflamed mucous membranes Immune disorders Immune system deficiency Immunodeficiency disorders Impetigo Impotence In vitro aids Incomnia Incontinence Indigestion Infections Infectious diarrhea Infectious diseases Infertility Inflamed breast tissue Inflamed eyes Inflamed liver Inflamed lungs Inflamed mucus membranes Inflamed skin Inflammation Inflammation of the gums Inflammatory bowel disease Influenza Insect bites Insomnia Insulin control Insulin irregularity Insulin resistance Intermittent claudication Internal bleeding Internal parasites Internal wounds Intestinal blockage Intestinal cramps Intestinal disorders Intestinal gas Intestinal infections Intestinal mucous Intestinal parasites Intestinal problems Intestinal spasms Intestinal ulcers Intractable sores Involuntary seminal emissions Iron deficiency Irregular bowel movements Irregular menses Irregular menstrual cycle Irregular menstruation Irregularity Irritability Irritable bladder Irritable bowel syndrome Irritated gums Itching Jaundice Joint inflammation Joint pain Joint problems Kidney disease Kidney disorders Kidney infections Kidney inflammation Kidney stones Labor pain Lack of appetite Lactation disorders Lactose intolerance Laryngitis Leaky gut syndrome Leg cramps Leg pain Lethargy Leucorrhea Leucorrhoea Leukemia Leukorrhea Liver cancer Liver damage Liver detoxification Liver disease Liver disorders Liver inflammation Lockjaw Loose stools Loss of appetite Low blood sugar Low energy Low pain tolerance Low sperm count Lowered libido Lumbago Lumps Lung cancer Lung disease Lung disorders Lung dryness Lung inflammation Lung weakness Lupus Lymphatic congestion Lymphoma cancer Macular degeneration Malaria Male impotence Male infertility Mastitis Measles Melancholia Memory impairment Memory loss Menopausal heat Menopausal sweat Menopausal symptoms Menopause Menorrhagia Menses Menstrual bleeding Menstrual cramps Menstrual disorders Menstrual pain Menstruation Mental depression Mental fatigue Mental health Mental stress Mercury poisoning Metal detoxification Migraines Miscarriage Mood disorders Mood swings Morning sickness Motion sickness Mouth infections Mouth inflammation Mouth ulcers Mucous Mucous congestion Mucous discharge Mucous in the lungs Mucus congestion Multiple sclerosis Mumps Muscle cramps Muscle pain Muscle strains Muscle tension Muscular cramps Nasal congestion Nausea Nausea during pregnancy Nephritis Nerve stimulation Nervous disorders Nervous exhaustion Nervous spasms Nervous system disorders Nervous tension Nervousness Neuralgia Neurosis Nicotine cravings Nicotine withdrawal Night blindness Nosebleeds Numbness Obesity Opening of the lungs Oral cancer Osteoarthritis Osteomyelitis Osteoporosis Ovarian cysts Painful menstruation Painful urination Pancreatic cancer Pancreatic disease Pancreatic disorders Paralysis Parasites Parkinson's Penile discharge Peptic ulcers Peripheral circulation Peristalsis Ph regulation Phlebitis Phlegm Pink eye Pinkeye Pinworm Pleurisy PMS Pneumonia Pneumonitis Poisoning Poisonous bites Polio Polyps Poor appetite Postmenopausal breast cancer Postpartum bleeding Postpartum contractions Postpartum depression Post-viral disorders Pregnancy Premature ejaculation Premature graying Premenstrual syndrome Prolapsed intestine Prolapsed uterus Prostate cancer Prostate disorders Prostate enlargement Psoriasis Pulmonary abscess Pulmonary embolism Pulmonary phlegm Pulmonary tuberculosis Raynaud's Raynaud's disease Reduced appetite Reproductive disorders Respiratory congestion Respiratory disorders Respiratory tract infections Restenosis Retention Retinopathy Rheumatic arthritis Rheumatoid arthralgia Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid numbness Rickets Scalp problems Scars Sciatica Scurvy Sedative Severe bronchial congestion Severe infections Severe lung congestion Shingles Shock Silicosis Sinusitis Skin cancer Skin diseases Skin disorders Skin eruption Skin infections Skin irritations Skin rashes Skin sores Skin wounds Sleep apnea Sleep disorders Sluggish circulation Smallpox Smoker's cough Snake bites Snoring Sore throat Spasmodic cough Sperm production Spleen disorders Sprains Staphylococcus infections STD Stiff joints Stiff neck Stomach ache Stomach acidity Stomach cancer Stomach disorders Stomach gas Stomach pain Stomach ulcers Stress Stroke Sunburn Sunstroke Suppressed menses Sweating Swelling Swelling of legs and feet Swollen glands Swollen lymph glands Syphilis Teething Tendonitis Tension Tension headaches Thin hair Threatened miscarriage Throat Throat disorders Throat dryness Throat infections Throat inflammation Thrombosis Thrush Thyroid disorders Tinnitus Tinnitus caused by weakness Tonsillitis Toothaches Tuberculosis Tumors Type 2 diabetes Ulcerated throat Ulcerative colitis Upper respiratory tract disorders Upper respiratory tract infections Upper respiratory tract problems Urethritis Urinary dysfunction Urinary incontinence Urinary infections Urinary inflammation Urinary obstruction Urinary retention Urinary tract cystitis Urinary tract disorders Urinary tract infections Urinary tract inflammation Urinary tract problems Urinary tract stones Urinary treat infection Urticaria Uterine bleeding Uterine fibroids Uterine tumors Vaginal bleeding Vaginal discharge Vaginal disorders Vaginal dryness Vaginitis Varicose veins Venereal disease Vertigo Viral infections Vitiligo Vomiting Vomiting of blood Warts Wasting Wasting disease Water retention Weak blood Weak heart Weak lower back Weight gain Weight loss Whooping cough Wounds Yeast infections
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This site is updated as new research is available.
All content on this site is copyright� 2004, 2005, 2006 by Truth Publishing International, Ltd.
Created by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, as a free public service to promote health freedom and
empower consumers with information about the healing power of foods. See NaturalNews.com and TruthPublishing.com to learn more.
Healing foods for asthma* Bell pepper (11)
Apple (8)
Fish (11)
Yam (9)
Jerusalem artichoke (9)
Walnuts (15)
Onion (8,11,12)
Chile peppers (9)
Orange (2,11)
Coffee (11)
Pumpkin (5)
Cabbage (12)
Honey (12)
Kava (9)
Olives (8)
Apricot (9)
Guava (2)
Blackcurrants (2)
Yellow bell pepper (2)
Green bell pepper (2)
Green chili pepper (2)
Strawberries (2)
Brussels sprouts (2,12)
Kiwi (2)
Papaya (2,9)
Snow peas (2)
Baby corn (2)
Red cabbage (2)
Healing herbs for asthma* Hermatitum (15)
Coltsfoot flower (15)
Cat's claw (13)
Wild cherry bark (13)
Nettles (13,15)
Beleric myrobalan (13)
Ma huang (16)
Khella (13)
Ginkgo biloba (14,7,13,15)
Cramp bark (13)
Elecampane (13)
Ephedra (13,13)
Japanese turf lily (13)
Nettle (14)
Emblic myrobalan (13)
Amla (13)
Playcodon (13)
Cordyceps (16)
Ginkgo nut (15)
Ipecacuanha (13)
Grindelia (1)
Juniper berries (4)
Fenugreek (14)
Chamomile (14)
Blue vervain (14)
Lobelia (14,13)
Mullein (14,7)
Anise (9)
Black cohosh (13)
Cinnamon (8)
Horehound (14)
Celandine (13)
Garlic (8,12)
Green tea (1,12)
Licorice root (10,7,9)
Rosemary (12)
Alfalfa (14)
Mint (12)
Thyme (2,14,12)
Horseradish (12)
Comfrey (14)
Milkweed (14)
Caraway (12)
Jinengo (9)
Savory (12)
Black cumin (12)
Coltsfoot (14)
Rosehips (2)
Chickweed (14)
Cayenne pepper (1)
Healing nutrients and phytochemicals for Asthma* Msm (16)
Quercetin (6)
Selenium (6)
Cysteine (6)
Magnesium (4,6)
Alpha-linolenic acid (6)
Potassium (6)
Vitamin B6 (7,10)
Omega-3 fatty acids (6)
Acidophilus (6)
CoQ10 (0)
Vitamin C (7,10,6)
Vitamin B12 (7)
Pyridoxine (0)
Bromelain (7)
See news and articles on Asthma.
Sources cited
- The Doctors Book of Herbal Home Remedies - Cure Yourself With Nature's Most Powerful Healing Agents, by the Editors of Prevention Health Books
- The Food Bible, by Judith Wills
- Breast Cancer, Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way, by Susun S. Weed
- The Complete Guide to Nutritional Supplements - Everything You Need To Make Informed Choices for Optimum Health, by Brenda D. Adderly, N.H.A.
- Healing With Whole Foods - Oriental Traditions and Modern Nutrition, by Paul Pitchford
- University of Maryland Medical Center, Center for Integrative Medicine, Alternative / Complementary Medicine Supplements database, http://www.umm.edu/altmed/ConsLookups/Supplements.html
- The Natural Pharmacy - Complete Home Reference to Natural Medicine, by Schuyler W. Lininger, Jr., Alan R. Gaby, MD, Steve Austin, ND, Donald J. Brown, ND, Jonathan V. Wright, MD, Alice Duncan, DC, CCH
- The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods, by Michael Murray, ND and Joseph Pizzorno, ND, with Lara Pizzorno, N.A., L.M.T.
- The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia - Comprehensive Resource for Healthy Eating, by Rebecca Wood
- Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, by Michael Murray, N.D., and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D.
- Food: Your Miracle Medicine, by Jean Carper
- The Complete Guide To Nutritional Health, by Pierre Jean Cousin and Kirsten Hartvig
- The Way of Herbs, by Michael Tierra L.Ac., O.M.D.
- Prescription for Nutritional Healing, by James F. Balch, M.D. and Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C.
- The Way of Chinese Herbs, by Michael Tierra, L.Ac., O.M.D.
- Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible, by Earl Mindell
* This information is intended only as a general reference for further exploration, and is not a replacement for professional health advice. This page does not provide dosage information, format recommendations, toxicity levels, or possible interactions with prescription drugs. Accordingly, only use this information under the direct supervision of a qualified health practitioner such as a naturopathic physician.

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