Misclassification indemnification
We offer misclassification indemnification as part of our classification tool, meaning we underwrite the associated costs* if any of our cases are challenged as misclassified.
This means we take on a limited liability for misclassifying workers if they have been classified using our tool*.
Reduce your risk
Global misclassification indemnification
A single compliance partner
*Subject to Terms & Conditions.
Background checks that tick all the boxes
Worksome handles global background screening for all your workers including:
Proof of Identification
Education Verification
Right to Work check
Criminal Background Screen
Visa and Legal Age
Credit Check
Employment Verification
Additional custom checks if required

Alexandra Bennett
Background check done
Classification done
Contract signed
Inside The Contract Hub
Contracting within Worksome's integrated platform includes:
Worker Classification
Tax & legal compliance
Automated contracts
Digital Signatures
Customs file creation
Document library maintenance

Explore our features
Global hiring made simple—manage contracts and compliance with ease.